
Finally Microsoft includes the ability to burn ISO images to Disk in Windows 7.  I have used this feature a few times and it works incredibly well and is easy to use.

最终,Microsoft具备将ISO映像刻录到Windows 7中的Disk的功能。我已经使用了几次此功能,并且运行良好,并且易于使用。

For this example I am burning the Office 2007 ISO image to DVD.  Right click on the image and choose Burn disc image.

对于此示例,我将Office 2007 ISO映像刻录到DVD。 右键单击该映像,然后选择“ 刻录光盘映像”

This will open up the Windows Disc Image Burner dialog box where you choose the CD or DVD drive and I also check Verify disc after burning the click Burn.

这将打开“ Windows光盘映像刻录机”对话框,您可以在其中选择CD或DVD驱动器,并且在刻录后单击“刻录”,然后选中“验证光盘”。

While the disc is being created there is a progress bar indicating how long until it is finished.


That’s it!  A successful burn.  They could not have made this feature any easier.  Although I hope for the final release they allow the option to control the burning speed.

而已! 成功烧伤。 他们不可能使此功能变得更容易。 尽管我希望最终版本能够允许他们控制刻录速度。

Here is a quick how-to video that shows how easy it is to burn an ISO image to disk.  The quality is not the best but you get the idea.

这是一个快速的入门视频,显示了将ISO映像刻录到磁盘有多么容易。 质量不是最好的,但您会明白的。

For everyone who does not have Windows 7 beta as your primary operating system, you can still get easy ISO burning in XP and Vista by using ISO Recorder.

对于没有将Windows 7 beta作为主要操作系统的每个人,您仍然可以使用ISO Recorder在XP和Vista中轻松进行ISO刻录。



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