

(1) choice

In the following equipment, the input device is (b)

A. b. b. c. c. c. d. d.

In Windows 98, the combination of CTRL + Alt + Del is (c)

A. cold start b. heat start c. interrupt d. switch users

The DOS system can perform at most simultaneous (d) tasks

A. 256 b. 64 c. 8 D1

Usually people say "586" microcomputers, of which 586 means (b)

A) the memory capacity is B.C PU class c. hard disk capacity d. monitor level

In the DOS command, listing all the file split displays in the current directory is (c)

A.. Dir/s/p B.d/w/p C.d/a/p D.d/p d.d.

32 in "32-bit machines" means (a)

A. machine word b. computer model c. memory capacity d. storage unit

The computer suddenly turned off the electricity, and the number of (c) was still there.


The following is (a) that are not part of the CPU extension instruction set (a)


The result of the logic and operation of binary numberandis (d)


The following equation holds (c)

A. 1KB = 1000g B. 1MB = 1024KB c. 1KB = 1024B d. 1GB = 1024KB

The hard drive surface refers to (b)

A group of sectors B. A group of magnetic track C. A group of magnetic surface D. Specific magnetic surfaces

The largest of the following is (a)


The range of addresses for the 8 data lines is (d)

A. B

The function of DOS command sys is (b)

A. change the operating system version b. transfer startup file c. format d. internal command

Structurally, it's not the main board (a).

A.P C99 b aby AT C.m

When a computer can go online, it must have installed (d).

A.A TM B.N ovell c.x.25 D.T CP/IP

The function of the ACDSee software is (a)

A. browse pictures b. compress and decompress c. play VCD d. play DVD

The unhelpful technique for hyperfrequency is (d)

A. voltage adjustable b. four frequency c. linear d. graphics

The file (b) that was deleted after the recycle bin was cleared.



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