kindle安卓 文件

Every week we take a moment to dip into the reader mailbag and pull out some tasty tips. This week we’re taking a look at Kindle shortcuts, snappy ways to search in Explorer folders, and easy Android ringtone organization.

每周我们都会花一点时间浸入阅读器的邮袋,并抽出一些美味的小贴士。 本周,我们将介绍Kindle快捷方式,在Explorer文件夹中进行快速搜索的方式以及便捷的Android铃声组织。

大小任务的Kindle快捷方式 (Kindle Shortcuts for Tasks Big and Small)

How-To Geek Reader Wendy writes in with the following Kindle-centered tip:

How-To Geek Reader Wendy撰写了以下以Kindle为中心的技巧:

I loved the Kindle screensaver guide and the Kindle comic book guides! At the bottom of the Kindle comic book guide you shared a few shortcuts that help when reading comic books, but did you know there is a huge list of other shortcuts? You mentioned how sometimes the comic pages ghost the screen, right? Just click ALT+G to refresh the e-ink panel and get rid of the ghosting! You see all the Kindle shortcuts in the Kindle section at the MobileRead wiki.

我喜欢Kindle屏幕保护程序指南和Kindle漫画书指南 ! 在Kindle漫画书指南的底部,您共享了一些在阅读漫画书时有帮助的快捷方式,但是您知道其他很多快捷方式吗? 您提到有时漫画页面会在屏幕上出现阴影,对吗? 只需单击ALT + G即可刷新电子墨水面板并摆脱重影! 您可以在MobileRead Wiki的Kindle部分中看到所有Kindle快捷方式。

Thanks for writing in Wendy! We learned a few shortcuts after browsing the list. Surely we weren’t alone in not realizing that there was a Minesweeper Easter Egg (ALT+SHIFT+M).

感谢您在Wendy中撰写文章! 浏览列表后,我们了解了一些快捷方式。 当然,并非只有我们一个人没有意识到有一个扫雷复活节彩蛋(ALT + SHIFT + M)。

Windows资源管理器中的简单文件夹搜索 (Simple Folder Search in Windows Explorer)

John writes in with a simple but often overlooked trick:


This might be old news (and for some it probably is!) but I just figured this out the other day. If you start typing the name of a file that is located in the current folder, Windows jumps you right down to the file. The trick is you have to type fast. If you’re looking for superman.txt you have to pound out s-u-p-e-r really quickly or it will start jumping between the S files and the U files. It’s so handy when you already know the file name but an overcrowded folder has made it difficult to spot.

这可能是个旧消息(也许有些是!),但前几天我才想通了。 如果您开始键入当前文件夹中文件的名称,Windows会将您直接跳至该文件。 诀窍是您必须快速键入。 如果您正在寻找superman.txt,则必须非常快地敲出super,否则它将开始在S文件和U文件之间跳转。 当您已经知道文件名但文件夹太拥挤而难以发现时,它非常方便。

This is one of those “I can’t believe I didn’t know about it” timesavers. Once you learn it, it comes in handy over and over again.

这是“我不敢相信自己不知道”的节拍器之一。 一旦学习了它,它就会一遍又一遍地派上用场。

轻松选择Android声音 (Easy Android Sound Selection)

Corrine writes in with an easy way to dump sounds onto your Android device:


I hate browsing for files and, thanks to a trick my roommate showed me, now I don’t have to. If you make three folders in the root of your Android’s SD card alarms, notifications, and ringtones, Android will automatically look there (for alarms, notifications, and ringtones, respectively). It’s so great, just dump MP3 files in there and whenever you go to change your ringtone or alarm sounds, the files are right there waiting.

我讨厌浏览文件,而且由于我的室友向我展示了一个技巧,现在我不必这样做了。 如果您在Android的SD卡警报,通知和铃声的根目录中创建三个文件夹,则Android会自动在此处查找(分别针对警报,通知和铃声)。 太好了,只要在其中转储MP3文件,每当您更改铃声或警报声音时,文件就在那里等待。

Very clever. The next time we go on a sound-customization bender we’re keeping this trick in mind.

非常聪明。 下次我们使用声音自定义弯曲器时,请牢记这一技巧。

Have a clever tip for next week’s roundup? Shoot us an email at!

对下周的综述有个聪明的建议吗? 向我们发送电子邮件, 网址是 !


kindle安卓 文件

kindle安卓 文件_从提示框:Kindle快捷方式,Explorer文件搜索和Easy Android铃声相关推荐

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