kindle fire1代

The Amazon Kindle Fire is a great tablet, but it’s a little sparse when you first take the device out of the box and power it on. There are no books to read, no music and not very many apps. Prepare yourself before leaving the house with your new toy. Here are some things you’ll want to do the first time you fire up your Kindle Fire.

亚马逊Kindle Fire是一款出色的平板电脑,但是当您首次将设备从包装盒中取出并打开电源时,它有点稀疏。 没有要读书的书,没有音乐,也没有太多的应用程序。 在离开家之前,准备好您的新玩具。 首次启动Kindle Fire时,您需要执行以下操作。

This is a guest post by Mitch from Technipages, where he writes about technology.


1.获取USB电缆 (1. Get a USB cable)

Chances are that at some point you’ll want to transfer files from your computer to your Kindle Fire. You’ll want to purchase a micro-USB to standard USB cable since it doesn’t come with one. If you have a cable from an existing smartphone or other device, it will work with your Kindle Fire.

在某些时候,您可能希望将文件从计算机传输到Kindle Fire。 您将需要购买Micro-USB到标准USB电缆,因为它没有随附。 如果您使用现有智能手机或其他设备上的电缆,则可与Kindle Fire配合使用。

2.储存免费电子书 (2. Stock up on free ebooks)

Don’t have enough money to build an impressive ebook library on your Kindle Fire? That’s OK. Many classic public-domain books are available for free on Amazon. If that doesn’t satisfy your need to read, there are many third-party sites that have free books available in PDF format such as PlaneteBook, Google Books and ManyBooks.

没有足够的资金在Kindle Fire上构建令人印象深刻的电子书库吗? 没关系。 许多经典的公共领域图书可在Amazon上免费获得 。 如果这不能满足您的阅读需求,那么有许多第三方站点提供了PDF格式的免费书籍,例如PlaneteBook , Google图书和ManyBooks 。

3.发送文件 (3. Send Documents)

Learn about the system the Kindle Fire uses for documents. You can transfer PDF, TXT and PRC formatted documents to the device using a USB cable, or send them to the email address listed within the ‘Docs’ app and they’ll instantly be available to read on the device.

了解Kindle Fire用于文档的系统。 您可以使用USB电缆将PDF,TXT和PRC格式的文档传输到设备,或将其发送到“文档”应用中列出的电子邮件地址,这些文档将立即可在设备上阅读。

4.下载文件管理器 (4. Download a file manager)

At some point, you’re probably going to want to view individual files that are saved on your Kindle Fire. Download ES File Explorer or AndroXplorer from the Amazon Appstore and you can view any file on the device as well as install Android APK app files.

在某个时候,您可能想要查看保存在Kindle Fire上的单个文件。 从Amazon Appstore下载ES File Explorer或AndroXplorer ,您可以查看设备上的任何文件以及安装Android APK应用程序文件。

5.熟悉Amazon.com上的“管理您的Kindle”部分 (5. Get familiar with the “Manage your Kindle” section on

Many of the functions of the Kindle Fire are based in “The Cloud”. You’ll have to use the Manage your Kindle section of Amazon’s website to do things like change the device name, manage archiving, videos and music.

Kindle Fire的许多功能都基于“云”。 您必须使用亚马逊网站的“ 管理您的Kindle”部分来执行诸如更改设备名称,管理存档,视频和音乐之类的操作。

6.在浏览器中更改用户代理 (6. Change the User Agent in the Browser)

By default, the Kindle Fire is setup to optimize for each web site, which often means the mobile versions of web pages. Such pages are limited in the features they include. The device is fully capable of displaying full versions of web pages just fine though. Go into the Browser and select “Menu” > “Settings”  and change the “Desktop or mobile view” setting to “Desktop”.

默认情况下,Kindle Fire被设置为针对每个网站进行优化,这通常意味着网页的移动版本。 此类页面的功能受到限制。 该设备完全可以显示完整版本的网页。 进入浏览器,然后选择“菜单”>“设置”,然后将“桌面或移动视图”设置更改为“桌面”。

7.将音乐上传到亚马逊 (7. Upload your music to Amazon)

Upload your music files to Amazon Cloud Player and stream your entire music library right to your Kindle Fire without taking up any precious memory.

将您的音乐文件上传到Amazon Cloud Play er,然后将整个音乐库直接流到Kindle Fire,而不会占用任何宝贵的内存。

8.访问更多应用 (8. Get access to more apps)

The Amazon Appstore is nice, but it doesn’t have a lot of popular Android apps. Go to the settings gear > “Device” and turn “Allow Installation of Applications” to “On”. Then visit in the Kindle Fire web browser and you’ll have access to a plethora of Android apps.   Now you’re properly prepared to enjoy the Kindle Fire and all it has to offer. Happy reading!

亚马逊Appstore很不错,但是没有很多流行的Android应用。 转到设置齿轮>“设备”,然后将“允许安装应用程序”设置为“开启”。 然后在Kindle Fire网络浏览器中访问 ,您将可以访问大量的Android应用程序。 现在,您已经准备好享受Kindle Fire及其所提供的一切。 祝您阅读愉快!


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