
Once a week we round up some great tips from the HTG tip box and share them with you; this week we’re looking at location based to-do reminders for Android phones, how to make your own floppy drive symphony, and an easy way to enjoy anywhere access to your manuals and product documentation.

每周一次,我们从HTG提示框中收集一些重要提示,并与您分享; 本周,我们将研究针对Android手机的基于位置的待办事项提醒,如何制作自己的软驱交响乐,以及在任何地方都可以轻松访问手册和产品文档的简便方法。

位置警报问题基于位置的待办事项提醒 (Location Alert Issues Location-based To-Do Reminders)

Usi writes in with the following reminder tip:


I’ve recently been enjoying a new task-reminder tool called Location Alert. I plug in both the task I need a reminder for and the place I need to be reminded (e.g. when I’m on the same block as the Dry Cleaner I want to be reminded to pick up the dry cleaning). It’s not a perfect app (I’d like it if it would time the reminders based on the time of day so I wouldn’t get reminded to pick up the dry cleaning while walking down the street on my lunch break) but for the most part it works exactly as promised: easy reminders for the tasks you need to do when you’re in the right place to do them.

我最近一直在使用一个名为Location Alert的新任务提醒工具。 我同时插入需要提醒的任务和需要提醒的地方(例如,当我与干洗店在同一街区时,我想提醒我去干洗)。 它不是一个完美的应用程序(我希望它能根据一天中的时间对提醒进行计时,这样我午休时在街上行走时不会被提醒去干洗)。它的工作原理完全符合承诺:在适当的位置轻松提醒您需要执行的任务。

Sounds like a workable solution, Usi, thanks for sharing. We’d love to hear from readers on other platforms (like Android and BlackBerry phones) who have experience with location-based reminders.

Usi,这听起来像是一个可行的解决方案,感谢您的分享。 我们很乐意听到其他平台(例如Android和BlackBerry手机)的读者在基于位置的提醒方面的经验。

DIY软驱音乐 (DIY Floppy Drive Music)

Paul writes in with a fun DIY project:


Noticed the fun videos you guys have posted over the last few weeks/months of floppy-drive created music… if any readers are up for a geeky DIY challenge, I found a set of instructions for building your own floppy-drive “speakers”. I have no idea if this is the way the guys in the videos you’ve shared are doing it but it’s certainly pretty neat.

注意到你们在过去几周/几个月内通过软盘驱动器创建的音乐发布的有趣视频……如果有任何读者愿意进行令人讨厌的DIY挑战,我发现了一组说明,以供您构建自己的软盘驱动器“扬声器” 。 我不知道这是否是您分享的视频中的家伙正在这样做的方式,但这当然很整洁。

Neat indeed… if we could rig up some dot-matrix printers and old hard drives we’d be well on our way to creating a symphony.


轻松访问产品手册 (Easy Access to Product Manuals)

Bill writes in with the following organization trick:


Manuals are pretty annoying: they take up room, they’re usually filed away or lost when you need them, and you can’t search hard copies. I solved all those problems by putting all my product and game manuals in my Dropbox account. Now whenever I need a manual I can look at it on my iPad, smartphone, or any computer that has access to my Dropbox account and a PDF reader. And the best part is, of course, that I can search every manual for exactly the thing I’m looking for!

手册非常烦人:它们占用空间,通常在需要时会被归档或丢失,并且您无法搜索纸质版。 通过将所有产品和游戏手册放入我的Dropbox帐户,我解决了所有这些问题。 现在,每当需要手册时,都可以在iPad,智能手机或任何可以访问我的Dropbox帐户和PDF阅读器的计算机上查看它。 最好的部分是,当然,我可以在每本手册中搜索所需的东西!

We’re with you 100%, Bill. We like putting our board game manuals in the whole Dropbox-to-iPad workflow so whenever we need to reference an obscure rule we’re one Find query away from the answers we need.

比尔,我们100%与您同在。 我们喜欢将棋盘游戏手册放在整个Dropbox-to-iPad工作流程中,因此,每当我们需要引用晦涩的规则时,我们都可以通过Find查询查询所需的答案。

Have a tip or trick to share? Shoot us an email at tips@howtogeek.com and look for you tip on the front page.

有提示或技巧可以分享吗? 向我们发送电子邮件, 网址为tips@howtogeek.com,并在首页上找到您的提示。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/123749/from-the-tips-box-location-based-to-do-reminders-diy-floppy-drive-music-and-easy-access-to-product-manuals/



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