
Once a week we crack open the tips box and share the great tips you’ve sent in. This week we’re looking at how to easily set up multiple wallpapers in Windows 7, zip through iBook, and track falling app prices.

每周一次,我们打开提示框并分享您发送的重要提示。本周,我们正在研究如何轻松地在Windows 7中设置多个壁纸,通过iBook进行浏览,以及跟踪价格下降的情况。

在Windows 7中加载多个墙纸图像 (Load Multiple Wallpaper Images in Windows 7)

Rather than use a third party application to rotate your wallpaper, HTG reader Abhijeet sent us a link to his tutorial on setting up the most dead simple wallpaper rotation system you can imagine. If you select any group of images and then right click on them you can choose “Set as desktop background’. If you have more than one image it automatically sets them to rotate once a day (for a faster rotation go to the Slideshow settings in the Desktop Background menu). Quite a clever and under utilized way to rotate your background images without the extra overhead of a 3rd party tool. Thanks for sharing Abhijeet!

HTG阅读器Abhijeet并未使用第三方应用程序来旋转壁纸,而是向我们发送了指向他的教程的链接, 该教程介绍了如何设置您可以想象的最简单的墙纸旋转系统。 如果选择任何一组图像,然后右键单击它们,则可以选择“设置为桌面背景”。 如果您有一张以上的图像,它将自动将它们设置为每天旋转一次(要获得更快的旋转速度,请转到“桌面背景”菜单中的“幻灯片放映”设置)。 巧妙而利用不足的方式来旋转背景图像,而没有第三方工具的额外开销。 感谢您分享Abhijeet!

通过手指轻扫实现快速iBook导航 (Quick iBook Navigation via Finger Swipe)

Anthony writes in with a tip for using Apple’s iBook software:


I’ve gotten pretty comfortable reading books on my iPad (it’s no e-ink screen but it gets the job done). One thing that I’ve always been annoyed by with ebooks is that you can’t easily “flip” from one part of the book to the other. It turns out I was just overlooking a feature in iBook. If you tap the screen to bring up the navigation controls a dotted line appears across the bottom of the screen. Swipe that line and you can “flip” through the book at lightening speed to any page you want.

我在iPad上读书非常舒服(它不是电子墨水屏,但可以完成工作)。 电子书一直困扰着我一件事,那就是您不能轻易地从书的一个部分“翻转”到另一部分。 事实证明,我只是忽略了iBook中的功能。 如果点击屏幕以显示导航控件,则屏幕底部会出现一条虚线。 滑动该行,您可以以闪电般的速度将书“翻转”到所需的任何页面。

It seems like that would be a rather easy thing to overlook. You’re right that the e-ink screens (like that of the Kindle) are nice but it’s not easy on the Kindle to just swipe from one portion of the book to another. Thanks for sharing, Anthony!

似乎这是一件相当容易忽略的事情。 没错,电子墨水屏幕(如Kindle的屏幕)很不错,但是在Kindle上仅从书的一部分滑到另一部分并不容易。 感谢您的分享,安东尼!

跟踪iOS应用价格 (Tracking iOS App Prices)

Greg shares his technique for scoring free and cheap apps:


Earlier this year I discovered a service called AppShopper. Prior to AppShopper I felt like I was always just missing great deals on iPhone and iPad apps (like a $5 app I’d had my eye on was on sale for $0.99 but I missed the sale by a day). AppShopper let’s you make wish lists of applications you’d like to buy and then alerts you when the app drops in price. You can even get an actual app for your phone that pushes notifications so you never miss the updates. Since I got the app and started my wishlist on AppShopper I’ve scored piles of apps for free or $0.99 (when the original price was $5+ or more).

今年早些时候,我发现了一个名为AppShopper的服务。 在使用AppShopper之前,我觉得我一直都在错过iPhone和iPad应用程序上的超值优惠(例如,我曾看过的5美元的应用程序以0.99美元的价格出售,但我一天都错过了销售)。 AppShopper让您列出想要购买的应用程序清单,然后在应用程序价格下降时提醒您。 您甚至可以为您的手机获得一个实际的应用程序来推送通知,这样您就不会错过任何更新。 自从我有了该应用程序并在AppShopper上启动了我的愿望清单以来,我已经免费或0.99美元(当原始价格为5美元或更高)获得了成堆的应用程序。

I haven’t been able to find a similar service for Android so if you know of one I’d love to hear about it!


AppShopper is a great resource and the application that keeps you updated is an extra bonus. As for a site that tracks Android prices we’d love to find one just like AppShopper for iOS apps. For now it looks like the best thing going is the new price change section at AppBrain. Anyone else have a good Android-centric resource?

AppShopper是一个很好的资源,可以让您保持更新的应用程序是一个额外的好处。 对于跟踪Android价格的网站,我们很乐意找到一个与iOS应用的AppShopper类似的网站。 目前看来,最好的办法是AppBrain上的新价格更改部分 。 其他人有一个很好的以Android为中心的资源吗?

Have a tip to share? Send us an email at tips@howtogeek.com and it might just end up on the front page.

有小费分享吗? 给我们发送电子邮件至tips@howtogeek.com ,它可能只显示在首页上。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/67618/from-the-tips-box-selecting-multiple-wallpapers-quick-ibook-navigation-and-tracking-app-prices/



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