


using namespace std;string s;
string allType;
string va,ty;
string Analyze(string v) {int t = 0;while ((v[t] >= 'A' && v[t] <= 'Z') || (v[t] >= 'a' && v[t] <= 'z'))t++;va.assign(v.begin(), v.begin() + t);ty.assign(v.begin() + t, v.end());reverse(ty.begin(), ty.end());return ty + " " + va + ";";
}string a;int main() {ifstream cin("isharp.in");ofstream cout("isharp.out");cin.sync_with_stdio(false);getline(cin, s);int tmp = 0;while (s[tmp] != ' ')tmp++;allType.assign(s.begin(), s.begin() + tmp);tmp++;while (true) {int t = tmp;while (s[t] != ',' && s[t] != ';')t++;a.assign(s.begin() + tmp, s.begin() + t);a = allType + Analyze(a);int c = 0;for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) {if (a[i] == '[' || a[i] == ']') {c++;if (c % 2)cout << '[';else cout << ']';}else cout << a[i];}cout << endl;if (s[t] == ';')break;tmp = t + 2;}return 0;


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