
govendor只是用来管理项目的依赖包,如果GOPATH中本身没有项目的依赖包,则需要通过go get先下载到GOPATH中,再通过govendor add +external拷贝到vendor目录中。


安装govendor:go get -u github.com/kardianos/govendor
govendor init
govendor fetch 依赖包路径
govendor add 依赖包路径



根据vendor.json下载依赖:govendor sync


cd path/to/project
govendor init
govendor fetch project_url_with_out_http
cat vendor/vendor.json


  • 增加包,搜add,会得到add和fetch这2个命令。
  • 更新包,搜update,会得到update和fetch这2个命令。
  • 删除包,搜remove,得到remove这个命令。
  • 查看已经依赖的包,搜list,得到list、status、license命令,而符合你的是list,并且知道了status能列出过期的包。
➜  project_name git:(develop) govendor --help
govendor (v1.0.9): record dependencies and copy into vendor folder-govendor-licenses    Show govendor's licenses.-version              Show govendor version-cpuprofile 'file'    Writes a CPU profile to 'file' for debugging.-memprofile 'file'    Writes a heap profile to 'file' for debugging.Sub-Commandsinit     Create the "vendor" folder and the "vendor.json" file.list     List and filter existing dependencies and packages.add      Add packages from $GOPATH.update   Update packages from $GOPATH.remove   Remove packages from the vendor folder.status   Lists any packages missing, out-of-date, or modified locally.fetch    Add new or update vendor folder packages from remote repository.sync     Pull packages into vendor folder from remote repository with revisionsfrom vendor.json file.migrate  Move packages from a legacy tool to the vendor folder with metadata.get      Like "go get" but copies dependencies into a "vendor" folder.license  List discovered licenses for the given status or import paths.shell    Run a "shell" to make multiple sub-commands more efficient for largeprojects.go tool commands that are wrapped:"+status" package selection may be used with themfmt, build, install, clean, test, vet, generate, toolStatus Types+local    (l) packages in your project+external (e) referenced packages in GOPATH but not in current project+vendor   (v) packages in the vendor folder+std      (s) packages in the standard library+excluded (x) external packages explicitly excluded from vendoring+unused   (u) packages in the vendor folder, but unused+missing  (m) referenced packages but not found+program  (p) package is a main package+outside  +external +missing+all      +all packagesStatus can be referenced by their initial letters.Package specifier<path>[::<origin>][{/...|/^}][@[<version-spec>]]Ignoring files with build tags, or excluding packages from being vendored:The "vendor.json" file contains a string field named "ignore".It may contain a space separated list of build tags to ignore whenlisting and copying files.This list may also contain package prefixes (containing a "/", possiblyas last character) to exclude when copying files in the vendor folder.If "foo/" appears in this field, then package "foo" and all its sub-packages("foo/bar", …) will be excluded (but package "bar/foo" will not).By default the init command adds the "test" tag to the ignore list.If using go1.5, ensure GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 is set.
命令 功能
init 初始化 vendor 目录
list 列出所有的依赖包
add 添加包到 vendor 目录,如 govendor add +external 添加所有外部包
add PKG_PATH 添加指定的依赖包到 vendor 目录
update $GOPATH 更新依赖包到 vendor 目录
remove 从 vendor 管理中删除依赖
status 列出所有缺失、过期和修改过的包
fetch 添加或更新包到本地 vendor 目录
sync 本地存在 vendor.json 时候拉去依赖包,匹配所记录的版本
get 类似 go get 目录,拉取依赖包到 vendor 目录



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