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  • thole *v.* [THOHL]
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thole podcast

thole v. [THOHL]

v. 忍耐;n. (同形异义词 — thole) 桨架,浆栓


chiefly dialectal: endure
主要用于方言: 忍耐

Did You Know?

Thole has a long history in the English language. It existed in Middle English in its current form, and in Old English in the form tholian, but in these modern times, it tholes only in a few of England’s northern dialects. It has, however, a linguistic cousin far more familiar to most English speakers: the word tolerate traces back to Latin tolerare, meaning “to endure, put up with,” and tolerare and tholian share a kinship with the Greek verb tlēnai, meaning “to bear.” Unrelated to our featured word thole, there is another (also very old) thole, which can be used as a synonym of peg or pin, or can refer to either of a pair of pins set in the gunwale of a boat to hold an oar in place.

词根词源演化:tlēnai (Greek, “to bear”) —> tholian (Old English) —> thole (since Middle English)

Thole在英语语言中已经有很长的历史了。自从中古英语thole就是现在这个样子,但是在古英语中,它拼写作tholian。到了现代,它只存在与英格兰北部的一些方言中。不过thole有一个远亲更为英语世界所熟知:tolerate可以追溯至拉丁动词 tolerare,意思是“忍耐”。toleraretholian有一个共同的希腊动词亲戚 tlēnai,意思是“承受”。 与我们今天讲述的thole,英语中还有另一个同形异义词thole,同样也非常古老,是peg或pin的同义词,用于指代船舷上缘桨架上的钉子,用于固定浆。

注:peg: 钉,支柱;pin:钉;gunwale:船舷的上缘;oar:浆


  • “There was now temptation to resist, as well as pain to thole.”
    Robert Louis Stevenson, Kidnapped, 1886



  • "They view bad weather — whether it be a temperature of minus 14 or the northerly wind that comes howling down the loch — as a pleasurable challenge rather than something to be tholed.
    Peter Ross, The Scotsman, 1 Oct. 2012

    他们把坏天气 — 无论是零下14度的寒冷或是咆哮着刮过海湾的北风 — 都当作是宜人的挑战,而不是要忍耐的坏事。


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