Rather than manually inserting times and dates into a Google Sheets spreadsheet, you can use the NOW and TODAY functions. These functions show the current time or date, updating as your spreadsheet changes or on a regular basis.

您可以使用NOW和TODAY功能,而不是手动将时间和日期插入Google表格电子表格。 这些功能显示当前时间或日期,随着电子表格的更改或定期更新。

While the NOW and TODAY functions regularly update, you can quickly insert a non-updating time or date stamp using keyboard shortcuts.


使用NOW添加当前时间和日期 (Adding the Current Time and Date Using NOW)

Adding the current time and date in a Google Sheets spreadsheet using the NOW function is almost too simple. The NOW function requires no extra arguments, but you’ll need to format any cells using NOW only to show the time.

使用NOW功能在Google表格电子表格中添加当前时间和日期几乎太简单了。 NOW函数不需要额外的参数,但是您只需要使用NOW格式化任何单元格即可显示时间。

To start, open your Google Sheets spreadsheet or create a new one, click on an empty cell, and type =NOW().


Once inserted, your Google Sheets spreadsheet should default to using standard formatting for NOW formulae that displays a timestamp with both the current time and date.


Google Sheets will also default to using the date and time formatting appropriate for your locale, which you can change in your Google Sheets settings by clicking File > Spreadsheet Settings. The above example uses UK date formatting (DD/MM/YY).

Google表格还会默认使用适合您的语言环境的日期和时间格式,您可以通过单击文件>电子表格设置在Google表格设置中进行更改。 上面的示例使用英国日期格式(DD / MM / YY)。

Usually, the timestamp generated by a formula using the NOW function will update only when your spreadsheet changes. You can change your spreadsheet settings to update every minute or every hour additionally.

通常,仅当电子表格更改时,使用NOW函数由公式生成的时间戳才会更新。 您可以更改电子表格设置,使其每分钟或每小时额外更新一次。

To do this, enter your Google Sheets settings (File > Spreadsheet Settings), click on the “Calculation” tab, and then select the update frequency from the “Recalculation” drop-down menu.


使用TODAY函数查找日期 (Finding the Date Using the TODAY Function)

If you want to display the current date only, you can use the TODAY function as an alternative to NOW. Formulae using the TODAY function typically display dates in the DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YY format, depending on your locale.

如果只想显示当前日期,则可以使用TODAY函数代替NOW。 使用TODAY函数的公式通常以DD / MM / YY或MM / DD / YY格式显示日期,具体取决于您的语言环境。

Like NOW, the TODAY function has no arguments. Click on an empty cell and type =TODAY()to insert the current date.

与NOW一样,TODAY函数也没有参数。 单击一个空单元格,然后键入=TODAY()以插入当前日期。

Cells with a TODAY formula will update each day. You can change the formatting to use text or numbers if you’d prefer.

具有TODAY公式的单元格每天都会更新。 如果愿意,可以更改格式以使用文本或数字。

格式化您现在或今天的公式 (Formatting Your NOW or TODAY Formula)

As we’ve shown, the NOW function usually defaults to showing a timestamp that displays both the time and date.


If you wanted to change this, you’d need to change the formatting for any cells using the NOW function. You can also change the format of any formula using the TODAY function in the same way.

如果要更改此设置,则需要使用NOW函数更改任何单元格的格式。 您也可以使用TODAY函数以相同的方式更改任何公式的格式。

To display the current date only, select your cell (or cells) and click Format > Number > Date. To display the current time without the date, click Format > Number > Time instead.

要仅显示当前日期,请选择一个或多个单元格,然后单击格式>数字>日期。 要显示不带日期的当前时间,请改为单击格式>数字>时间。

You can customize your date or time formatting further by clicking Format > Number > More Formats > More Date and Time Formats.


From here, you can customize the date and time formatting to use text, number, or additional characters like a forward slash.


This can be applied to both NOW and TODAY formulae.


With custom formatting applied, formulae using the NOW function can be used to display the current time or date in your Google Sheets spreadsheet in various formats.


在Google表格中插入静态时间或日期 (Inserting Static Times or Dates into Google Sheets)

If you want to add the current time or date into your Google Sheets spreadsheet, but you don’t want it to update, you can’t use NOW or TODAY. You’ll have to use a keyboard shortcut instead.

如果要将当前时间或日期添加到Google表格电子表格中,但又不想更新,则不能使用NOW或TODAY。 您必须改用键盘快捷键。

To insert the current date, click on your empty cell, and then click the Ctrl+; (semi-colon) keys on your keyboard.

要插入当前日期,请单击您的空白单元格,然后单击Ctrl +; (分号)键。

To insert the current time, click Ctrl+Shift+: (colon) on your keyboard instead.

要插入当前时间,请改用键盘上的Ctrl + Shift + :(冒号)。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/448444/how-to-add-the-current-date-and-time-in-google-sheets/


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