Google Translate lets you translate words or phrases from one language to another, but did you know that there’s a formula you can use to translate a batch of words directly in Google Sheets? Here’s how to do it.

Google翻译可让您将单词或短语从一种语言翻译成另一种语言,但是您是否知道可以使用一种公式直接在Google表格中翻译一批单词? 这是操作方法。

翻译Google表格中的文本 (Translating Text in Google Sheets)

Integrating Google Translate with Google Sheets was a good call. Now you no longer have to switch back and forth between tabs to translate text. Translating text in Sheets is as simple as inputting a formula. Here’s the structure of the formula:

将Google Translate与Google Sheets集成是一个不错的选择。 现在,您不再需要在选项卡之间来回切换即可翻译文本。 在表格中翻译文本就像输入公式一样简单。 这是公式的结构:

=GOOGLETRANSLATE(“text”, “source language”, “target language”)

When entering the text to be translated, you can either type the actual word in the formula itself, or you can input a cell containing the word to be translated.


In this example, we want to translate the English words in column A (which we’ve named “English”) into their Chinese equivalents in column B (which we’ve named “Chinese”). Since we have the words already in the sheet, we can just call the cells that contain them. Here, we’re calling cell A2, which contains the word “Cake.”

在此示例中,我们希望将A列(我们称为“英语”)中的英语单词翻译成B列(我们称为“中文”)中的英语等效词。 由于工作表中已经有单词,因此我们可以调用包含它们的单元格。 在这里,我们调用单元格A2,其中包含单词“ Cake”。

Note: If you input the text directly in the formula, you must include quotation marks around the word. If you enter the cell in which the word is residing, you must leave off the quotation marks.

注意:如果直接在公式中输入文本,则必须在单词周围加上引号。 如果您输入单词所在的单元格,则必须省略引号。

Next in our formula comes the source language. When entering the source language, you need to enter the two-letter language code. If you’re unsure of what the source language is, you can enter in “auto” and Google will auto-detect the language. We know “cake” is an English word, so we’ll use “en” here. Note that you must include the quotation marks around the two-letter language code.

我们公式中的下一个是源语言。 输入源语言时,需要输入两个字母的语言代码。 如果不确定源语言是什么,可以输入“自动”,Google会自动检测该语言。 我们知道“ cake”是一个英文单词,因此我们在此处使用“ en”。 请注意,您必须在两个字母的语言代码两边加上引号。

Finally, we need to input our target language in the same way. Here, we’re using “zh”—the two-letter code for Chinese.

最后,我们需要以相同的方式输入目标语言。 在这里,我们使用“ zh”(中文的两个字母的代码)。

Once you’re finished, press Enter and watch the magic happen.


If you have a list of words in column A that you’d like to translate, all you need to do is select the cell that contains the formula we just entered, click and grab the bottom-right corner, and drag to the desired row.


As with any translation software out there, this is not always 100% accurate. For less complicated vocabulary though, this should be a reasonably reliable solution.

与现有的任何翻译软件一样,这并不总是100%准确。 但是,对于不太复杂的词汇表,这应该是一个合理可靠的解决方案。



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