
When you’re working with large amounts of data in a Google Sheets spreadsheet, it isn’t always convenient to drop a chart into the mix. To help you, you can create one-cell charts using the SPARKLINE function instead.

当您使用Google表格电子表格中的大量数据时,将图表放入组合中并不总是很方便。 为了帮助您,您可以改用SPARKLINE函数创建一个单元格图表。

A sparkline chart is a very small line chart that allows you to quickly visualize your data. It’s useful if you want to quickly see if share price data in a spreadsheet was going up or down, for instance.

迷你图是一种非常小的折线图,可让您快速可视化数据。 例如,如果您想快速查看电子表格中的股价数据是上涨还是下跌,这很有用。

The SPARKLINE function in Google Sheets allows you to insert these types of charts into a single cell on your spreadsheet. While a sparkline is typically a line chart, the SPARKLINE function enables you to create alternatives, including single-cell bar and column charts.

Google表格中的SPARKLINE函数可让您将这些类型的图表插入电子表格中的单个单元格中。 迷你图通常是折线图,而SPARKLINE函数使您可以创建替代方案,包括单格条形图和柱形图。

将基本迷你图插入Google表格 (Inserting Basic Sparklines into Google Sheets)

The SPARKLINE function can be used simply, with no additional formatting or options applied. All you need is a set of data in a single row or column that can be used to create a sparkline chart, such as a range of figures that go up or down.

SPARKLINE函数可以简单使用,而无需应用其他格式或选项。 您只需要在一行或一列中包含一组数据即可用于创建迷你图,例如一系列向上或向下的数字。

The typical format for creating a very basic sparkline, with no additional formatting or options, is =SPARKLINE(data). Replace “data” with the cell range that contains your data.

在没有其他格式或选项的情况下,创建非常基本的=SPARKLINE(data)的典型格式为=SPARKLINE(data) 。 将“数据”替换为包含数据的单元格区域。

In the example below, cells A3 to D3 contain a set of numbers from 1 to 100. A sparkline inserted into cell A5 using the SPARKLINE function has created a visual representation of this data.


The visualization shows the variation in the numbers, with a line that goes up (12 to 44) and then down (44 to 8) before rising sharply (8 to 98) to complete the chart. The sparkline fills the entire cell.

可视化显示数字的变化,一条线先上升(12至44),然后下降(44至8),然后急剧上升(8至98)以完成图表。 迷你图填充整个单元格。

创建不同类型的迷你图 (Creating Different Types of Sparklines)

While a basic sparkline requires no additional options, the SPARKLINE function does allow for other types of single-cell charts to be created.


Using SPARKLINE, you can create a bar, column, or win/loss chart, along with the typical line chart shown above.


To do that, you need to add options to your SPARKLINE formula. The format for adding additional options, including selecting the type of chart to generate, is =SPARKLINE(data, {option, choice}) where “option” is a SPARKLINE option, and “choice” is the matching choice for that option.

为此,您需要在SPARKLINE公式中添加选项。 用于添加其他选项(包括选择要生成的图表类型)的格式为=SPARKLINE(data, {option, choice}) ,其中“ option”是SPARKLINE选项,“ choice”是该选项的匹配选项。

Switching to different types of sparklines requires you to use the “charttype” option. You don’t need to set this for standard line charts, but for other types of sparklines, use =SPARKLINE(data,{"charttype","bar / column / winloss"}).

切换到不同类型的迷你图需要您使用“图表类型”选项。 您无需为标准折线图设置此设置,但对于其他类型的=SPARKLINE(data,{"charttype","bar / column / winloss"}) ,请使用=SPARKLINE(data,{"charttype","bar / column / winloss"})

Delete the types of charts you don’t want to use as appropriate.


格式化Google表格迷你图 (Formatting Google Sheets Sparklines)

The “options” section of a SPARKLINE formula is an array, allowing you to use multiple criteria to format your sparkline.


更改线条迷你图颜色 (Changing Line Sparkline Colors)

For the four types of sparkline charts that the SPARKLINE function can create, various “color” options exist to allow you to alter the color of the line or bars it creates.


As line sparklines consist of a single line, there is only a single “color” option.


To change this, type =SPARKLINE(data, {"color","red"}) and replace the color with either a name or a color hex code.

要更改此设置,请键入=SPARKLINE(data, {"color","red"})然后用名称或十六进制颜色代码替换颜色。

更改列和胜/负迷你图颜色 (Changing Column and Win/Loss Sparkline Colors)

Column and win/loss sparklines have multiple color options.


These include “lowcolor” to set the color for the column with the lowest value, “highcolor” for the column with the highest value, “firstcolor” for the first column, “lastcolor” for the last column, “axiscolor” to set the color of any axis lines, and “negcolor” for any negative value columns.

其中包括“ lowcolor”为最低值的列设置颜色,“ highcolor”为最高值的列设置,第一列为“ firstcolor”,最后一列为“ lastcolor”,“ axiscolor”为设置值。任何轴线的颜色,任何负值列的颜色为“ negcolor”。

Like the standard line sparkline, you can also set “color” to set a general color for all column values.


For column sparklines, type=SPARKLINE(data, {"charttype","column"; "color","red"}). For win/loss sparklines, type =SPARKLINE(data, {"charttype","winloss"; "color","red"}).

对于列=SPARKLINE(data, {"charttype","column"; "color","red"}) ,键入=SPARKLINE(data, {"charttype","column"; "color","red"}) 。 对于获胜/亏损=SPARKLINE(data, {"charttype","winloss"; "color","red"}) ,键入=SPARKLINE(data, {"charttype","winloss"; "color","red"})

Add the various “color” options as appropriate, separating them each with a semi-colon.


While it isn’t a requirement, you can use an additional option for win/loss charts (“axis” set to “true”) to show the dividing line between the “win” and “loss” options.

虽然不是必需的,但您可以使用其他选项来处理赢/输图表(“轴”设置为“ true”),以显示“赢”和“输”选项之间的分界线。

更改条形迷你图的颜色 (Changing Bar Sparkline Colors)

Bar sparklines, by default, display two bars. The “color1” and “color2” options allow you to set the color for each bar.

条形图迷你图默认情况下显示两个条形图。 “ color1”和“ color2”选项可让您设置每个条形的颜色。

To do this, type =SPARKLINE(data, {"charttype","bar"; "color1","red"; "color2","blue"}), replacing the colors with your own choice.

为此,键入=SPARKLINE(data, {"charttype","bar"; "color1","red"; "color2","blue"}) ,用您自己选择的颜色替换。

使用文本颜色设置迷你图的格式 (Formatting Sparklines Using Text Color)

You can also edit the color of line, bar, and win/loss sparklines quickly by clicking on the cell and changing the applied text color. This will work only if you haven’t applied “color” options within your SPARKLINE formula because these will take priority over any direct cell formatting you apply.

您还可以通过单击单元格并更改所应用的文本颜色来快速编辑线条,条形和赢/亏迷你图的颜色。 仅当您未在SPARKLINE公式中应用“颜色”选项时,此方法才有效,因为这些选项将优先于您应用的任何直接单元格格式。

To do this, click on your cell, and then select your color from the “Text Color” drop-down menu in the formatting toolbar.


其他迷你图选项 (Additional Sparkline Options)

Additional options you can apply to a SPARKLINE formula allow you to change how your sparkline is generated.


The “rtl” option (with “true” or “false” values) will shift a sparkline from right to left and works for all SPARKLINE formula chart types.

“ rtl”选项(具有“ true”或“ false”值)将迷你图从右移到左,并适用于所有SPARKLINE公式图类型。

You can use “max” (using “true” or “false”) to set the maximum value for the entire chart. In the example above, the values of A3 and B3 would need to add up to 100 for the entire cell to be filled. This option is only applicable to bar sparkline charts.

您可以使用“ max”(使用“ true”或“ false”)来设置整个图表的最大值。 在上面的示例中,对于要填充的整个单元格,A3和B3的值总共需要相加100。 此选项仅适用于条形迷你图。

To increase the width of a line sparkline chart, use the “linewidth” option, using a numerical value to set the width. The higher the number, the thicker the line.

要增加折线图的宽度,请使用“ linewidth”选项,并使用数值来设置宽度。 数字越高,线越粗。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/450155/how-to-use-sparklines-in-google-sheets/



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