1.默认构造,输出Constructor called
2.copy构造,输出Copy constructor called
3.参数构造,输出Constructor called
4.两个参数构造,输出Constructor called
Constructor called
5.参数构造divide1,输出Constructor called
6.copy d1 和d2,输出Copy constructor called
Copy constructor called,
参数构造result,输出Constructor called
copy构造divide2,输出Copy constructor called

#include  <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Fraction {//数据成员,访问控制属性默认是私有int  m_numerator = 0; // 分子默认为0; C++11int  m_denominator = 1; //分母默认为1;
public://公有成员函数int   getdenominator()const { return m_denominator; }//(2.3)(获取分母分子)int   getnumerator()const { return m_numerator; }Fraction(int above = 0, int below = 1) :m_numerator(above), m_denominator(below) {cout << "Constructor called" << endl;}Fraction(const Fraction& rhs) : m_numerator(rhs.m_numerator), \m_denominator(rhs.m_denominator) {cout << "Copy constructor called" << endl;}~Fraction() {cout << "Destructor of Fraction" << endl;//(1)(显示析构函数)}Fraction yuefen() {int yueshu = qiuyueshu(m_numerator, m_denominator);m_numerator /= yueshu;m_denominator /= yueshu;Fraction result(m_numerator, m_denominator);return result;//(4)约分}int qiuyueshu(int x,int y) {if (x == y) return x;if (x % y == 0) {return y;}else {int e = x % y;x = y;y = e;return qiuyueshu(x, y);}}Fraction tongfen(const Fraction& a, const Fraction& b) {//(5) 通分Fraction buzou1(a.getnumerator() * b.getnumerator(), a.getdenominator() * b.getdenominator());Fraction result(buzou1.getnumerator()/qiuyueshu(buzou1.getnumerator(), buzou1.getdenominator()),buzou1.getnumerator()/ qiuyueshu(buzou1.getdenominator(), buzou1.getnumerator()));return result;}
};Fraction operator/(const Fraction&left,const Fraction&right) {// (6)重载/Fraction result(left.getnumerator() * right.getdenominator() / left.getdenominator() * right.getnumerator());return result;
Fraction divide1(const Fraction& divident, const Fraction& divisor) {return Fraction(divident.getnumerator() * divisor.getdenominator(), \divident.getdenominator() * divisor.getnumerator());
Fraction divide2(Fraction divident, Fraction divisor) {Fraction result(divident.getnumerator() * divisor.getdenominator(), \divident.getdenominator() * divisor.getnumerator());return result;
int main() {Fraction a;
Fraction b(a);
Fraction c = Fraction(3, 2);
Fraction d1(2, 3), d2(4, 5);
Fraction e1 = divide1(d1, d2);
Fraction e2 = divide2(d1, d2);


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int a[5] = { 19,67,24,11,17 }, b[5] = { 2,3,9,17,59 };
int main() {int find=17;for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {if (a[i] == find) {cout << "a." << i + 1 << endl;//顺序查找}}int small = 0, big = 4;for (int i = 0; 1;i++) {int m = (small + big) / 2;//折中查找if (b[m] == 17) {cout <<"b."<< m+1<<endl; break;}if (b[m] > 17) {big = m;}if (b[m] < 17) {small = m+1;}}vector <int>c1;for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {//将a、b中的素数合并到c1中int x = a[i],c=0,d=0;for (int b=2;b<x;b++) {if (x % b == 0) {c = c + 1;break; }}if (c == 0) {c1.push_back(a[i]);}for ( int e = 2; e < x; e++) {if (x % e == 0) {d = d + 1;break;}}if (d == 0) {c1.push_back(b[i]);}}for (int i = 0; i < c1.size(); i++) {//查重并删去cout << c1[i] << " ";}cout << endl;for (int i = 0; i < c1.size();i++) {int a = c1[i]; for (int c=i+1; c < c1.size(); c++) {int b = c1[c];if(b==a){c1.erase(c1.begin()+i);}}}       for (int i = 0; i < c1.size(); i++) {cout << c1[i] << " ";}cout << endl;for (int i = 0; i < c1.size(); i++) {//冒泡排序for (int j = 0; j < c1.size()-1; j++) {if (c1[j] > c1[j + 1]){int x;x = c1[j + 1];c1[j+1] = c1[j];c1[j] = x;}}}for (int i = 0; i < c1.size(); i++) {cout << c1[i] << " ";}return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;class Point {double m_x = 0, m_y = 0;
public:double getx() { return m_x; }//获取坐标double gety() { return m_y; }Point(double x = 0, double y = 0) : m_x(x), m_y(y) {cout << "Constructor of Point" << endl;}Point(const Point& p) :m_x(p.m_x), m_y(p.m_y) {cout << "Copy constructor of Point" << endl;}~Point() {cout << "Destructor of Point" << endl;}friend double length(const Point& a, const Point& b);
double length(Point& a, Point& b) {//求点到点距离double l = sqrt((a.getx() - b.getx()) * (a.getx() - b.getx()) + (a.gety() - b.gety()) * (a.gety() - b.gety()));return 0;
class Circle {Point m_center; double m_radius = 1.0;
public:Circle(double r = 1, const Point& p = Point()) :m_center(p), m_radius(r) {cout << "Constructor of Circle" << endl;}~Circle() {cout << "Destructor of Circle" << endl;}double mianji() {//求面积double s = 3.14 * m_radius * m_radius;return s;}double zhouchang() {//求周长double c = 2 * 3.14 * m_radius;return c;}
int main(){Circle a(2, Point(1, 1));Point x(1, 1);cout << "end" << endl;cout << x.getx() <<" " << x.gety() << endl <<a.mianji()<<endl<< a.zhouchang();return 0;



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