


hard 题,普通解法不难,有几个小坑:

  • key : key : value 的存储选型
  • double 作为 key 时的精度问题(改为用 String 存储 7位精度)
  • double 的正负 0 问题
  • double 的正负 Infinite 问题
  • 统计个数 sum 与排列组合 C 的转换
class Solution {public int maxPoints(int[][] points) {Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> kMap = new HashMap<>(); // y=kx+b,map存k:b:countint max = 0;for (int i = 0; i < points.length - 1; i++) {for (int j = i + 1; j < points.length; j++) {Double deltaY = (double) points[j][1] - points[i][1];Double deltaX = (double) points[j][0] - points[i][0];Double k = deltaY / deltaX;Double b = points[i][1] - k * points[i][0];if (k == 0) k = 0.0; // +0.0 -0.0 统一if (points[i][0] == points[j][0]) { // +Infinity -Infinity 统一k = null;b = (double) points[i][0];}String sk = String.format("%.7f", k); // string kif (!kMap.containsKey(sk)) {kMap.put(sk, new HashMap<>());}String sb = String.format("%.7f", b); // string bMap<String, Integer> bMap = kMap.get(sk);if (!bMap.containsKey(sb)) {bMap.put(sb, 0);}int nb = bMap.get(sb) + 1; // new bbMap.put(sb, nb);max = Math.max(max, nb);}}return (int) ((1 + Math.sqrt(1 + 8 * max)) / 2);}

leetcode 149. Max Points on a Line |149. 直线上最多的点数(Java)相关推荐

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  5. 【leetcode】Max Points on a Line(hard)☆

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  6. Leetcode刷题149. 直线上最多的点数

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  7. 直线上最多的点数 | leetcode 149

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  8. leetcode 149. 直线上最多的点数

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  9. 149. 直线上最多的点数

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