
Whether you’re using an iPad Pro as your laptop replacement or you’re a road warrior who lives on your iPhone, being able to navigate through text and select if needed is important. It’s also easier than you might think.

无论您是使用iPad Pro作为笔记本电脑的替代品,还是居住在iPhone上的道路勇士,能够在文本中导航并根据需要进行选择非常重要。 它也比您想象的要容易。

It’s clear at this point that Apple has done a particularly poor job of making text navigation and selection on iOS devices something that is naturally discoverable. If you delve deep enough into Apple’s online knowledgebase, you might come across some of the techniques that so-called power users have been taking advantage of for years. But if you don’t have the time nor inclination for that, we have you covered. Below, you’ll find some of the best and easiest ways to move through (and select) text on both an iPhone and an iPad.

显然,在这一点上,苹果在使iOS设备上的文本导航和选择变得自然可见的方面做得特别差。 如果您深入研究Apple的在线知识库,则可能会遇到所谓的高级用户已利用多年的某些技术。 但是,如果您没有时间或意愿,我们可以满足您的要求。 在下面,您将找到在iPhone和iPad上浏览(和选择)文本的最佳和最简便的方法。

Unfortunately, Apple doesn’t give the iPhone and iPad feature parity when it comes to handling text, which not only helps confuse matters but means people need to remember multiple ways of doing the same thing. Since both the iPhone and iPad run iOS, that’s particularly annoying.

不幸的是,在处理文本时,Apple没有给予iPhone和iPad功能同等的功能,这不仅使事情变得混乱,而且意味着人们需要记住做同一件事的多种方式。 由于iPhone和iPad均运行iOS,因此特别烦人。

Putting the oddities of Apple’s design decisions to one side, here’s how you go about wrangling text on iPhones and iPads.


如何在iPhone或iPad上使用触控板模式 (How to Use Trackpad Mode on an iPhone or iPad)

No matter how much we ask for it, Apple is unlikely to give the iPhone, or more specifically the iPad, support for trackpads anytime soon. Thankfully, there’s a way to get a software-based trackpad of sorts right out of the box. This method requires that you use the virtual keyboard, but assuming you are, tap and hold on the space bar to enable a movable pointer. Swipe your finger across the keyboard to moves that pointer wherever you want.

无论我们要多少钱,苹果都不太可能在短期内为iPhone(或更具体地说是iPad)提供对触控板的支持。 值得庆幸的是,有一种方法可以直接使用基于软件的触控板。 此方法要求您使用虚拟键盘,但假设您使用的是虚拟键盘,请按住空格键以启用可移动指针。 在键盘上滑动手指即可将指针移动到所需位置。

If you’re using an iPad with a physical keyboard, you can tap and hold anywhere on the screen to move the cursor, and swiping across the screen will move it.


If you’re using an iPhone with 3D Touch, you have a second option; press firmly anywhere on the keyboard to achieve the same result.

如果您将iPhone与3D Touch结合使用,则还有第二种选择。 用力按键盘上的任意位置以达到相同的效果。

如何在iPad上选择文本 (How to Select Text on an iPad)

This is a feature that a lot of people who use iPads full-time may not know about, but it can be a game changer if you write or edit a lot of text.


With the cursor flashing, tap with two fingers once to select a word. Double tap with two fingers to select a sentence, or triple tap with two fingers to select a paragraph. This alone may be one of Apple’s best kept secrets.

随着光标闪烁,用两根手指点击一次以选择一个单词。 用两根手指点按两次以选择一个句子,或用两根手指点按三次以选择一个段落。 仅此一项就可能是苹果公司保存最好的秘密之一。

如何在iPhone上选择文本 (How to Select Text on an iPhone)

Unfortunately, the two-finger approach doesn’t work on the iPhone and the way taps interact with text is different, too. On an iPhone, and with cursor flashing, double tap a word to select it. If you want to select multiple words or sentences, your only solution is to drag the grab handles at the beginning and end of your selection.

不幸的是,两指方法在iPhone上不起作用,并且水龙头与文本交互的方式也不同。 在iPhone上,并且光标闪烁,双击一个单词将其选中。 如果要选择多个单词或句子,唯一的解决方案是在选择的开始和结尾处拖动抓柄。

If you are using an iPhone with 3D Touch, press firmly anywhere on the keyboard to enter trackpad mode and then press firmer yet to extend the text selection as required.

如果您将iPhone与3D Touch配合使用,请用力按键盘上的任意位置以进入触控板模式,然后再按不动以根据需要扩展文本选择。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/396577/how-to-use-trackpad-mode-on-iphone-and-ipad-to-select-text/



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