
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Do you have documents to sign? You don’t need to worry about printing, scanning, or even downloading a third-party app. You can sign PDFs right on your iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

你有文件要签名吗? 您无需担心打印,扫描甚至下载第三方应用程序。 您可以直接在iPhone,iPad和Mac上签署PDF。

如何在iPhone和iPad上签名PDF (How to Sign PDFs on iPhone and iPad)

iOS and iPadOS come with a built-in Markup feature that is available across the operating system. You’ll find it when you open a PDF in the Mail app, when you’re previewing a document in the Files app, and when you’re editing an image in the Photos app. You can even access it when you’re editing a screenshot.

iOS和iPadOS带有内置的标记功能,可在整个操作系统中使用。 在“邮件”应用程序中打开PDF,在“文件”应用程序中预览文档以及在“照片”应用程序中编辑图像时,都可以找到它。 您甚至可以在编辑屏幕截图时访问它。

The Markup icon shows up as a little pen-tip icon, usually in the top-right corner. One of the features in Markup is called Signature. This feature lets you draw and reuse signatures on your iPhone and iPad.

标记图标通常在右上角显示为笔尖小图标。 标记中的功能之一称为签名。 此功能使您可以在iPhone和iPad上绘制和重复使用签名。

To get started, either open a PDF document in the Files app or the Mail app.


From there, tap the Markup icon from the top-right corner.


You’ll now see drawing and annotation tools in the bottom of the screen. Here, tap the “+” button, and choose the “Signature” option.

现在,您将在屏幕底部看到绘图和注释工具。 在这里,点击“ +”按钮,然后选择“签名”选项。

If this is the first time you’re using this feature, you’ll be asked to draw and create a signature. You can switch to landscape mode if you want more room. Here, simply draw the signature using your finger, or if you have an iPad, you can use the Apple Pencil as well.

如果这是您第一次使用此功能,则会要求您绘制并创建签名。 如果需要更多空间,可以切换到风景模式。 在这里,只需用手指绘制签名,或者如果您有iPad,也可以使用Apple Pencil 。

Once you’re done, tap the “Done” button.


You’ll now find the signature in the document. Tap the signature box to select it. You can move it around the document and you can make it bigger or smaller as well.

现在,您将在文档中找到签名。 点击签名框将其选中。 您可以在文档中移动它,也可以使其更大或更小。

Once you’re satisfied with the signature placement, tap the “Done” button from the top-left corner.


The signature will be added to the PDF and you can now send it along.


You can come back to the Signature menu and select your signature to add it to a PDF. (There’s no need to sign again.)

您可以返回“签名”菜单并选择您的签名以将其添加到PDF。 (无需再次签名。)

如何在Mac上签名PDF (How to Sign PDFs on Mac)

On your Mac, you can simply use the built-in Preview app to sign PDFs.


First, locate the PDF file that you wish to sign using the Finder (file explorer) and double-click to open the document in the Preview app. If it’s not the default app for PDFs, right-click the file, and choose the “Preview” option from the “Open With” menu.

首先,使用Finder(文件浏览器)找到要签名的PDF文件,然后双击以在“预览”应用程序中打开文档。 如果它不是PDF的默认应用程序,请右键单击该文件,然后从“打开方式”菜单中选择“预览”选项。

Now, click the “Markup” button from the top toolbar.


This will reveal all of the editing options. Here, choose the “Signature” option. From the dropdown, you’ll be able to create and add signatures. You can create a signature using your Mac’s trackpad or your iPhone or iPad (that’s connected to the same network).

这将显示所有编辑选项。 在这里,选择“签名”选项。 从下拉列表中,您将能够创建和添加签名。 您可以使用Mac的触控板或iPhone或iPad(连接到同一网络)创建签名。

If you want to sign using the trackpad, click the “Click Here To Begin” button.


Now, with your cursor on the center of the trackpad, start to create your signature. When you’re done, press any key on your keyboard.

现在,将光标放在触控板的中央,开始创建您的签名。 完成后,按键盘上的任意键。

The signature will be instantly added to the Signature menu. You can now click the signature to insert it into the document.

签名将立即添加到“签名”菜单。 现在,您可以单击签名以将其插入文档中。

You can click to select the signature, and you can move it around. You can make it bigger or smaller as well.

您可以单击以选择签名,然后可以四处移动。 您也可以使其更大或更小。

Signing using the Mac trackpad has one major flaw. You have to sign in one continuous line. You can mitigate this using your iPhone or iPad as a canvas. This is especially a good option for iPad users who have the Apple Pencil.

使用Mac触控板签名有一个主要缺陷。 您必须登录一个连续的行。 您可以使用iPhone或iPad作为画布来缓解这种情况。 对于拥有Apple Pencil的iPad用户来说,这是一个很好的选择。

When you’re in the Signature menu, click the iPhone or iPad button from the top. Now your iPhone or iPad will show the familiar signature screen. Just draw your signature and tap the “Done” button.

在“签名”菜单中时,单击顶部的iPhone或iPad按钮。 现在,您的iPhone或iPad将显示熟悉的签名屏幕。 只需签名,然后点击“完成”按钮即可。

The signature will now show up on your Mac. Tap “Done” to save it.

签名现在将显示在Mac上。 点击“完成”将其保存。

Once a signature is added, you can reuse it as many times as you want.


Did you know, you can edit photos and PDFs on the Mac without even opening them? And that includes adding signatures! Here’s how to use the Quick Look feature on your Mac.

您知道吗,您甚至可以不打开Mac就在Mac上编辑照片和PDF? 包括添加签名! 这是在Mac上使用“快速查找”功能的方法。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/683267/how-to-sign-pdfs-on-iphone-ipad-and-mac/



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