
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Between updates from your bank and group chats, the Messages app on your iPhone or iPad can be a mess. Use the pinned conversations feature introduced in iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 to access your favorite conversations at the top of the Messages app.

在您的银行聊天更新和群聊之间,iPhone或iPad上的“消息”应用可能一团糟。 使用iOS 14和iPadOS 14中引入的固定对话功能可在“消息”应用程序顶部访问您喜欢的对话。

The new Messages app (on iOS 14, iPadOS 14, and above) lets you pin up to nine conversations to the top of the conversations view. There are a couple of ways to do this.

新的消息应用程序(在iOS 14,iPadOS 14及更高版本上)可让您将多达9个会话固定到会话视图的顶部。 有两种方法可以做到这一点。

The easiest way to pin a message is to open the “Messages” app and then swipe right on a conversation to reveal the “Pin” button. Tap the “Pin” icon to instantly pin the conversation to the top of the screen.

固定消息的最简单方法是打开“消息”应用程序,然后在对话上向右滑动以显示“固定”按钮。 点按“固定”图标可立即将对话固定在屏幕顶部。

You can also tap and hold on a conversation from the Messages app home page to preview it and see more options. From here, select the “Pin (Contact Name)” option to pin the conversation.

您也可以在“消息”应用程序主页上点击并按住对话,以预览并查看更多选项。 在此处,选择“固定(联系人姓名)”选项以固定对话。

To quickly unpin a conversation, tap and hold the display picture to reveal options.


From here, choose the “Unpin (Contact Name)” option.


You can also pin and unpin multiple conversations at the same time. To do this, tap the “Edit” button from the top toolbar.

您还可以同时固定和取消固定多个对话。 为此,请点击顶部工具栏中的“编辑”按钮。

Here, choose the “Edit Pins” option.


Now, tap the “Pin” icon next to a conversation to pin it.


And when you’re done seeing the chat at the top of the Messages app, tap the “-” minus icon next to a conversation to unpin it.


And that’s how easy it is to pin and unpin conversations in the Messages app.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/681801/how-to-pin-conversations-in-messages-app-on-iphone-and-ipad/


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