
  • 最速下降法(The steepest descent method)
    • 最速下降法的原理
    • Python实现最速下降法实例
      • `sympy`包中用到的函数
        • 构建符号变量和符号函数
        • 对符号函数求导
        • 求函数值
        • 求解方程的零点
      • Python实现最速下降法求解上述算例的完整代码


最速下降法(The steepest descent method)


在无约束非线性函数的最优化中,最速下降法(The steepest descent method)是一个著名的基础算法。本文就来用一个实例来学习最速下降法。


假设有一个多元非线性函数 f ( x 1 , x 2 , ⋯ , x n ) f(x_1, x_2, \cdots, x_n) f(x1​,x2​,⋯,xn​),其定义域为 x ∈ R n x \in \mathbb{R}^n x∈Rn, 那么如何求该函数的最大值或者最小值呢?









f ( x 1 , x 2 ) = 2 x 1 x 2 + 2 x 2 − x 1 2 − 2 x 2 2 , x 1 , x 2 ∈ R 1 \begin{aligned} f(x_1,x_2)=&2x_1x_2 +2x_2-x_1^2-2x_2^2 , \\ &x_1, x_2 \in \mathbb{R^1} \end{aligned} f(x1​,x2​)=​2x1​x2​+2x2​−x12​−2x22​,x1​,x2​∈R1​

给定初始点 ( 0.5 , 0.5 ) (0.5, 0.5) (0.5,0.5),用最速下降法找到该函数的最大值。


首先,我们来介绍我们将要用到的sympy包中的几个函数。结合jupyter notebook来给大家做个展示。ps.这个包还是挺好用的,结合jupyter notebook之后,可视化非常不错,所见即所得。



from sympy import *
x_1 = symbols('x_1')
x_2 = symbols('x_2') fun = 2 * x_1 * x_2 + 2 * x_2 - x_1**2 - 2 * x_2**2

这个是用来构造两个符号变量 x 1 , x 2 x_1, x_2 x1​,x2​,就像代数中用字母代替变量一样。然后可以定义出我们的函数
f ( x 1 , x 2 ) = 2 x 1 x 2 + 2 x 2 − x 1 2 − 2 x 2 2 , \begin{aligned} f(x_1,x_2)=&2x_1x_2 +2x_2-x_1^2-2x_2^2 , \end{aligned} f(x1​,x2​)=​2x1​x2​+2x2​−x12​−2x22​,​

jupyter notebook中的显示效果是这样的

可以看到jupyter notebook中直接就显示出了数学公式格式的形式,这是因为jupyter notebook中内嵌了LaTeX相关支持包的缘故。总之这样可视化就非常不错。


下面我们来计算 f ( x 1 , x 2 ) f(x_1,x_2) f(x1​,x2​)的偏导数, ∂ f ∂ x 1 \frac{\partial f}{\partial x_1} ∂x1​∂f​,代码很简单,用函数diff(函数, 变量)

grad_1 = diff(fun, x_1)



有了符号函数,我们怎么知道自变量 x 1 , x 2 x_1, x_2 x1​,x2​取具体值得时候,符号函数的取值呢?我们用函数函数.subs({变量1:变量1的取值, ....}).evalf(),具体代码为

fun_value = fun.subs({x_1:4, x_2: 2}).evalf()


fun_value = fun.subs({x_1:4, x_2: 2}).evalf()




g ( x ) = 4 x + 5 \begin{aligned} g(x) = 4x + 5 \end{aligned} g(x)=4x+5​
g ( x ) = 4 x + 5 = 0 \begin{aligned} g(x) = 4x + 5 = 0 \end{aligned} g(x)=4x+5=0​



import math
from sympy import *# define symbol variable
x_1 = symbols('x_1')
x_2 = symbols('x_2')# define objective function
fun = 2 * x_1 * x_2 + 2 * x_2 - x_1 ** 2 - 2 * x_2 ** 2
fun# take derivative of x_1 and x_2
grad_1 = diff(fun, x_1)
grad_2 = diff(fun, x_2)# define parameters
MaxIter = 100
epsilon = 0.0001# define initial point
x_1_value = 0.5
x_2_value = 0.5iter_cnt = 0
current_step_size = 10000 grad_1_value = (float)(grad_1.subs({x_1:x_1_value, x_2: x_2_value}).evalf())
grad_2_value = (float)(grad_2.subs({x_1:x_1_value, x_2: x_2_value}).evalf()) current_obj = fun.subs({x_1: x_1_value, x_2: x_2_value}).evalf()print('itCnt: %2d  cur_point (%3.2f, %3.2f)   cur_Obj: %5.4f     grad_1: %5.4f     grad_2 : %5.4f     step_size : %5.4f' % (iter_cnt, x_1_value, x_2_value, current_obj, grad_1_value, grad_2_value, current_step_size)) # while (iter_cnt <= MaxIter and abs(grad_1_value) + abs(grad_2_value) >= epsilon):
while(abs(grad_1_value) + abs(grad_2_value) >= epsilon):  iter_cnt += 1# find the step sizet = symbols('t')x_1_updated = x_1_value + grad_1_value * tx_2_updated = x_2_value + grad_2_value * tFun_updated = fun.subs({x_1: x_1_updated, x_2: x_2_updated})grad_t = diff(Fun_updated, t)t_value = solve(grad_t, t)[0]  # solve grad_t == 0# update x_1_value and x_2_valuegrad_1_value = (float)(grad_1.subs({x_1: x_1_value, x_2: x_2_value}).evalf()) grad_2_value = (float)(grad_2.subs({x_1: x_1_value, x_2: x_2_value}).evalf()) x_1_value = (float)(x_1_value + t_value * grad_1_value)x_2_value = (float)(x_2_value + t_value * grad_2_value) current_obj = fun.subs({x_1: x_1_value, x_2: x_2_value}).evalf()current_step_size = t_valueprint('itCnt: %2d  cur_point (%3.2f, %3.2f)   cur_Obj: %5.4f     grad_1: %5.4f     grad_2 : %5.4f     step_size : %5.4f' % (iter_cnt, x_1_value, x_2_value, current_obj, grad_1_value, grad_2_value, current_step_size))


itCnt:  0  cur_point (0.50, 0.50)   cur_Obj: 0.7500     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 1.0000     step_size : 10000.0000
itCnt:  1  cur_point (0.50, 0.75)   cur_Obj: 0.8750     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 1.0000     step_size : 0.2500
itCnt:  2  cur_point (0.50, 0.75)   cur_Obj: 0.8750     grad_1: 0.5000     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt:  3  cur_point (0.75, 0.75)   cur_Obj: 0.9375     grad_1: 0.5000     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.5000
itCnt:  4  cur_point (0.75, 0.75)   cur_Obj: 0.9375     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.5000     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt:  5  cur_point (0.75, 0.88)   cur_Obj: 0.9688     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.5000     step_size : 0.2500
itCnt:  6  cur_point (0.75, 0.88)   cur_Obj: 0.9688     grad_1: 0.2500     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt:  7  cur_point (0.88, 0.88)   cur_Obj: 0.9844     grad_1: 0.2500     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.5000
itCnt:  8  cur_point (0.88, 0.88)   cur_Obj: 0.9844     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.2500     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt:  9  cur_point (0.88, 0.94)   cur_Obj: 0.9922     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.2500     step_size : 0.2500
itCnt: 10  cur_point (0.88, 0.94)   cur_Obj: 0.9922     grad_1: 0.1250     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 11  cur_point (0.94, 0.94)   cur_Obj: 0.9961     grad_1: 0.1250     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.5000
itCnt: 12  cur_point (0.94, 0.94)   cur_Obj: 0.9961     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.1250     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 13  cur_point (0.94, 0.97)   cur_Obj: 0.9980     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.1250     step_size : 0.2500
itCnt: 14  cur_point (0.94, 0.97)   cur_Obj: 0.9980     grad_1: 0.0625     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 15  cur_point (0.97, 0.97)   cur_Obj: 0.9990     grad_1: 0.0625     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.5000
itCnt: 16  cur_point (0.97, 0.97)   cur_Obj: 0.9990     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.0625     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 17  cur_point (0.97, 0.98)   cur_Obj: 0.9995     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.0625     step_size : 0.2500
itCnt: 18  cur_point (0.97, 0.98)   cur_Obj: 0.9995     grad_1: 0.0312     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 19  cur_point (0.98, 0.98)   cur_Obj: 0.9998     grad_1: 0.0312     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.5000
itCnt: 20  cur_point (0.98, 0.98)   cur_Obj: 0.9998     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.0312     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 21  cur_point (0.98, 0.99)   cur_Obj: 0.9999     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.0312     step_size : 0.2500
itCnt: 22  cur_point (0.98, 0.99)   cur_Obj: 0.9999     grad_1: 0.0156     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 23  cur_point (0.99, 0.99)   cur_Obj: 0.9999     grad_1: 0.0156     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.5000
itCnt: 24  cur_point (0.99, 0.99)   cur_Obj: 0.9999     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.0156     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 25  cur_point (0.99, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.0156     step_size : 0.2500
itCnt: 26  cur_point (0.99, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0078     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 27  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0078     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.5000
itCnt: 28  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.0078     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 29  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.0078     step_size : 0.2500
itCnt: 30  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0039     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 31  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0039     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.5000
itCnt: 32  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.0039     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 33  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.0039     step_size : 0.2500
itCnt: 34  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0020     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 35  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0020     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.5000
itCnt: 36  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.0020     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 37  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.0020     step_size : 0.2500
itCnt: 38  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0010     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 39  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0010     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.5000
itCnt: 40  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.0010     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 41  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.0010     step_size : 0.2500
itCnt: 42  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0005     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 43  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0005     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.5000
itCnt: 44  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.0005     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 45  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.0005     step_size : 0.2500
itCnt: 46  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0002     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 47  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0002     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.5000
itCnt: 48  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.0002     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 49  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.0002     step_size : 0.2500
itCnt: 50  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0001     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 51  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0001     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.5000
itCnt: 52  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.0001     step_size : 0.0000
itCnt: 53  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0000     grad_2 : 0.0001     step_size : 0.2500
itCnt: 54  cur_point (1.00, 1.00)   cur_Obj: 1.0000     grad_1: 0.0001     grad_2 : 0.0000     step_size : 0.0000



作者:刘兴禄,清华大学,清华伯克利深圳学院 (博士在读)

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