Android libphonenumber Demo 手机号码归属地

libphonenumber 是google 开源的库,提供手机号码格式化,来电归属地,运营商等多种功能十分强大,现在做个简单的demo

1、首先下载 libphonumber 相关的库 here,  下载 carrier-1.9.jar、geocoder-2.32.jar、libphonenumber-7.2.2.jar、/prefixmapper-2.32.jar 这4个库。放在源码目录 lib 文件夹下(本人用的是 AS), 右键--> add as library 。

2、接下来就是怎样使用 其中的api了,下面是geo 工具类

  1. public class GeoUtil {

  2. private static PhoneNumberUtil mPhoneNumberUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance();

  3. private static PhoneNumberToCarrierMapper carrierMapper = PhoneNumberToCarrierMapper.getInstance();

  4.     // 获取国家码 “CN”

  5. public static String getCurrentCountryIso(Context context) {

  6. // The {@link CountryDetector} should never return null so this is safe to return as-is.

  7. return CountryDetector.getInstance(context).getCurrentCountryIso();

  8. }

  9.     //获取归属地信息

  10. public static String getGeocodedLocationFor(Context context,String phoneNumber) {

  11. final PhoneNumberOfflineGeocoder geocoder = PhoneNumberOfflineGeocoder.getInstance();

  12. Phonenumber.PhoneNumber structuredNumber = getStructedNumber(context,phoneNumber);

  13. Locale locale = context.getResources().getConfiguration().locale;

  14. return geocoder.getDescriptionForNumber(structuredNumber,locale);

  15. }

  16.    //检查是否为 有效号码

  17. public static boolean checkPhoneNumber(Context context,String phoneNumber) {

  18. return mPhoneNumberUtil.isValidNumber(getStructedNumber(context,phoneNumber));

  19. }

  20. public static Phonenumber.PhoneNumber getStructedNumber(Context context,String phoneNumber) {

  21. try {

  22. final Phonenumber.PhoneNumber structuredNumber =

  23. mPhoneNumberUtil.parse(phoneNumber,getCurrentCountryIso(context));

  24. return structuredNumber;

  25. } catch (NumberParseException e) {

  26. return null;

  27. }

  28. }

  29.     //获取运营商信息

  30. public static String getCarrier(Context context,String phoneNumber) {

  31. Phonenumber.PhoneNumber structedNumber = getStructedNumber(context,phoneNumber);

  32. Locale locale = context.getResources().getConfiguration().locale;

  33. return carrierMapper.getNameForNumber(structedNumber,Locale.US);

  34. }

  35. }


  1. public class CountryDetector {

  2. private static final String TAG = CountryDetector.class.getSimpleName();

  3. private static CountryDetector sInstance;

  4. private final Context mContext;

  5. private final TelephonyManager mTelephonyManager;

  6. private final LocationManager mLocationManager;

  7. private final LocaleProvider mLocaleProvider;

  8. private final String DEFAULT_COUNTRY_ISO = "CN";

  9. public static class LocaleProvider {

  10. public Locale getDefaultLocale() {

  11. return Locale.getDefault();

  12. }

  13. }

  14. private CountryDetector(Context context) {

  15. this(context,(TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE),

  16. (LocationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE),

  17. new LocaleProvider());

  18. }

  19. private CountryDetector(Context context, TelephonyManager telephonyManager,

  20. LocationManager locationManager, LocaleProvider localeProvider) {

  21. mTelephonyManager = telephonyManager;

  22. mLocationManager = locationManager;

  23. mLocaleProvider = localeProvider;

  24. mContext = context;

  25. }

  26. public static CountryDetector getInstance(Context context) {

  27. if(sInstance == null) {

  28. sInstance = new CountryDetector(context);

  29. }

  30. return sInstance;

  31. }

  32. public String getCurrentCountryIso() {

  33. String result = null;

  34. if (isNetworkCountryCodeAvailable()) {

  35. result = getNetworkBasedCountryIso();

  36. Log.d(TAG," getNetworkBasedCountryIso");

  37. }

  38. if (TextUtils.isEmpty(result)) {

  39. result = getSimBasedCountryIso();

  40. Log.d(TAG,"getSimBasedCountryIso");

  41. }

  42. if (TextUtils.isEmpty(result)) {

  43. result = getLocaleBasedCountryIso();

  44. Log.d(TAG,"getLocaleBasedCountryIso");

  45. }

  46. if (TextUtils.isEmpty(result)) {

  47. result = DEFAULT_COUNTRY_ISO;


  49. }

  50. Log.d(TAG," result == " + result);

  51. return result.toUpperCase(Locale.US);

  52. }

  53. /**

  54. * @return the country code of the current telephony network the user is connected to.

  55. */

  56. private String getNetworkBasedCountryIso() {

  57. return mTelephonyManager.getNetworkCountryIso();

  58. }

  59. /**

  60. * @return the country code of the SIM card currently inserted in the device.

  61. */

  62. private String getSimBasedCountryIso() {

  63. return mTelephonyManager.getSimCountryIso();

  64. }

  65. /**

  66. * @return the country code of the user's currently selected locale.

  67. */

  68. private String getLocaleBasedCountryIso() {

  69. Locale defaultLocale = mLocaleProvider.getDefaultLocale();

  70. if (defaultLocale != null) {

  71. return defaultLocale.getCountry();

  72. }

  73. return null;

  74. }

  75. private boolean isNetworkCountryCodeAvailable() {

  76. // On CDMA TelephonyManager.getNetworkCountryIso() just returns the SIM's country code.

  77. // In this case, we want to ignore the value returned and fallback to location instead.

  78. return mTelephonyManager.getPhoneType() == TelephonyManager.PHONE_TYPE_GSM;

  79. }

  80. }


  1. protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

  2. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);

  3. setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);

  4. Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;

  5. setSupportActionBar(toolbar);

  6. FloatingActionButton fab = (FloatingActionButton) findViewById(;

  7. fab.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

  8. @Override

  9. public void onClick(View view) {

  10. Snackbar.make(view, "Replace with your own action", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)

  11. .setAction("Action", null).show();

  12. }

  13. });

  14. mEditNumber = (EditText) findViewById(;

  15. geocoder = PhoneNumberOfflineGeocoder.getInstance();

  16. phoneNumberUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance();

  17. }

  18. public void submit(View v) {

  19. phoneNumber = mEditNumber.getText().toString().trim();

  20. boolean isValidnumber = GeoUtil.checkPhoneNumber(this,phoneNumber);

  21. String carrier = GeoUtil.getCarrier(this,phoneNumber);

  22. location = GeoUtil.getGeocodedLocationFor(this, phoneNumber);

  23. Intent intent = new Intent(this,SecondActivity.class);

  24. Bundle bundle = new Bundle();

  25. bundle.putBoolean("ifValidNumber",isValidnumber);

  26. bundle.putString("location", location);

  27. bundle.putString("carrier",carrier);

  28. intent.putExtras(bundle);

  29. startActivity(intent);

  30. }



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