商空间(Quotient space)

In linear algebra, the quotient space of a vector space VVV by a subspace NNN is a vector spapce obtained by “collapsing” NNN to zero. The space obtained is called a quotient space and is denoted V/NV/NV/N (read “V mod N” or “V by N”).


令VVV是数域F\mathbb FF上的矢量空间(vector space),NNN是VVV的子空间,即N⊆VN \subseteq VN⊆V。我们定义矢量空间VVV上的等价相关(equivalence relation ∼\sim∼),写为:x∼yx \sim yx∼y if x−y∈Nx-y \in Nx−y∈N(That is xxx is related to yyy if one can be obtained from the other by adding an element of NNN)。根据该定义,我们可以推断出:any element of NNN is related to 0\boldsymbol 00。更确切地说,NNN中的所有向量都映射到零向量的等价类(equivalent class)中。

The equivalence class (or in this case, the coset) of xxx is often denoted:
[x]=x+N[x] = x + N [x]=x+N

[x]={x+n:n∈N}[x] = \{x+n: n \in N\} [x]={x+n:n∈N}

The quotient space V/NV/NV/N is then defined as V/∼V/ \simV/∼, the set of all equivalence classes induced by ∼\sim∼ on VVV.

Scalar multiplication and addition are defined on the equivalence classes by:
α[x]=[αx]∀α∈F[x]+[y]=[x+y]\begin{aligned} \alpha [x] &= [\alpha x] \ \ \forall \alpha \in \mathbb F \\ [x] + [y] &= [x + y] \end{aligned} α[x][x]+[y]​=[αx]  ∀α∈F=[x+y]​

α[x]⇔α[x]={α(x+n):n∈N}⇔{αx+n:n∈N}⇔[αx]\alpha [x] \Leftrightarrow \alpha[x] = \{\alpha(x+n): n \in N\} \Leftrightarrow \{\alpha x+n: n \in N\} \Leftrightarrow [\alpha x] α[x]⇔α[x]={α(x+n):n∈N}⇔{αx+n:n∈N}⇔[αx]

[x]+[y]⇔{(x+n1)+(y+n2):n1,n2∈N}⇔{x+y+n:n1,n2∈N}⇔[x+y][x] + [y] \Leftrightarrow \{(x+n_1) + (y+n_2): n_1,n_2 \in N\} \Leftrightarrow \{x+y+n: n_1,n_2 \in N\} \Leftrightarrow [x+y] [x]+[y]⇔{(x+n1​)+(y+n2​):n1​,n2​∈N}⇔{x+y+n:n1​,n2​∈N}⇔[x+y]

这些线性操作使商空间V/NV/NV/N变成了数域F\mathbb FF上的一个矢量空间,只是我们需要注意该矢量空间的元素不是一个向量,而是一个等价类。并且我们不难得到,子空间NNN为”0类“(zero class),即
N=[0]N = [0] N=[0]

The mapping that associates to v∈Vv \in Vv∈V the equivalence calss [v][v][v] is known as quotient map (商映射)
商映射即定义为v∈Vv \in Vv∈V与等价类[v][v][v]的映射。


!!商空间首先是一个集合,这个集合里边有很多元素,里边的每个元素是一个等价类。如果在商空间上定义函数,那么函数的定义域就是一个等价类,即商空间中的一个元素。另外,可以把商空间V/NV/NV/N理解为数域F\mathbb FF上的一个矢量空间,只是我们需要注意该矢量空间的元素不是一个向量,而是一个等价类



令X=R2X=\mathbb R^2X=R2来表示标准笛卡尔平面(Cartesian plane),令YYY为XXX中穿过原点的一条直线,那么商空间X/YX/YX/Y就是XXX中所有与YYY平行的线(This is to say that, the elements of the set X/YX/YX/Y are lines in XXX in parallel to YYY)。Note that the points along any one such line will satisfy the equivalence relation because their difference vectors belong to YYY. (<= this gives a way to visualize quotient spaces geometrically.)



我们考虑矢量空间Rn\mathbb R^{n}Rn与其中一个子空间(例如:m standard basis vectors)的商空间。我们将矢量空间与子空间描述为:

  • The space Rn\mathbb R^{n}Rn consists of all n-tuples of real numbers (x1,⋯,xn)(x_1, \cdots, x_n)(x1​,⋯,xn​)
  • The subspace, identified with Rm\mathbb R^mRm, consists of all n−n-n−tuples such that the last n−mn-mn−m entries are zero: (x1,⋯,xm,0,⋯,0)(x_1, \cdots, x_m, 0, \cdots, 0)(x1​,⋯,xm​,0,⋯,0)

x∼y(x,y∈Rn)⇔they are identical in the last n−mcoordinates\boldsymbol x \sim \boldsymbol y (\boldsymbol x , \boldsymbol y \in \mathbb R^n) \Leftrightarrow \text{ they are identical in the last } n-m \text{ coordinates} x∼y(x,y∈Rn)⇔ they are identical in the last n−m coordinates

另外,商空间Rn/Rm\mathbb R^{n}/\mathbb R^{m}Rn/Rm与矢量空间Rn−m\mathbb R^{n-m}Rn−m同构(因为商空间Rn/Rm\mathbb R^{n}/\mathbb R^{m}Rn/Rm中的每一个元素/等价类内部的所有向量,最后的n−mn-mn−m个元素都相同,那么商空间Rn/Rm\mathbb R^{n}/\mathbb R^{m}Rn/Rm中的每个元素与矢量空间Rn−m\mathbb R^{n-m}Rn−m中的每个向量都一一对应(单射),并且对应到整个(n−m)(n-m)(n−m)维矢量空间,从而满足满射,所以两个空间的映射关系为双射,因此两个空间同构)。


dim(V/U)=dim(V)−dim(U)dim(V/U) = dim(V) - dim(U) dim(V/U)=dim(V)−dim(U)



[1] CSDN上关于商空间的其他介绍
[2] 维基百科

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