00. 目录


  • 00. 目录
  • 01. 概述
  • 02. 签名
  • 03. 描述
  • 04. 注意
  • 05. 参数
  • 06. 结果
  • 07. 附录

01. 概述

dev_set_preferences - 在程序中设置HDevelop的preferences。

02. 签名

dev_set_preferences( : : PreferenceNames, PreferenceValues : )

03. 描述

dev_set_preferences可以在程序中设置HDevelop的特定的preferences 。 此算子支持以下preferences :


控制右键图形窗口是否打开context menu。 默认情况下,context menu已启用。 如果鼠标右键用于控制图形窗口中的某种navigation,例如移动或缩放3D对象,则禁用context menu可能是合理的。

Possible values: ‘false’, ‘true’.

Default value: ‘true’.


控制是否可以使用鼠标滚轮放大图形窗口的内容。 默认情况下,鼠标滚轮已启用。 如果图形窗口显示3D对象objects ,并且如果在3D display 算子的帮助下交互地实现对象的缩放,禁用鼠标滚轮是合理的。

Possible values: ‘false’, ‘true’.

Default value: ‘true’.


控制在图形窗口上按下Ctrl键是否在鼠标光标下显示当前像素位置和灰度值的 tool tip。 默认情况下, tool tip已启用。 如果程序基于用户交互(例如,用于操纵3D对象上的视图)而判断Ctrl键的状态,则禁用工具提示可能是合理的。

Possible values: ‘false’, ‘true’.

Default value: ‘true’.


控制是否应该抑制错误对话框,该对话框默认是开启的。在程序运行期间某一程序行发生错误并且由try-catch块封闭,有此可以由异常处理程序处理,对话框也会默认打开。 该选项永久存储在HDevelop.ini文件中,也可以通过Preferences dialog / General Options / Experienced Users进行配置。 如果一个没有被try-catch块包围的程序行引发异常,总则是打开一个错误消息对话框。

Possible values: ‘false’, ‘true’.

Default value: ‘false’ (Any changes are persistently saved).


dev_set_preferences allows to set selected preferences of HDevelop within a program. The following preferences are supported:

Controls whether a right click into the graphics window opens a context menu or not. By default the context menu is enabled. Disabling the context menu may be sensible if the right mouse button is used for controlling some kind of navigation in the graphics window, e.g., for moving or zooming 3D objects.

Possible values: ‘false’, ‘true’.

Default value: ‘true’.

Controls whether a the mouse wheel can be used to zoom the contents of the graphics window or not. By default the mouse wheel is enabled. Disabling the mouse wheel may be sensible if 3D objects are displayed and if the zooming into the objects is realized interactively with the help of 3D display operators.

Possible values: ‘false’, ‘true’.

Default value: ‘true’.

Controls whether pressing the Ctrl-key over the graphics window shows a tool tip with the current pixel position and the gray values under the mouse cursor or not. By default the tool tip is enabled. Disabling the tool tip may be sensible if the state of the Ctrl-key shall be evaluated for program based user interactions, e.g., for manipulating the view on 3D objects.

Possible values: ‘false’, ‘true’.

Default value: ‘true’.

Controls whether the error dialog should be suppressed that is by default opened for exceptions that are thrown during program execution and that are enclosed by a try-catch block and can therefore be handled by an exception handler. This option is persistently stored into the HDevelop.ini file and can also be configured via the Preferences dialog / General Options / Experienced Users. If an exception is thrown by a program line that is not enclosed by a try-catch block, an error message dialog is always opened.

Possible values: ‘false’, ‘true’.

Default value: ‘false’ (Any changes are persistently saved).

04. 注意


05. 参数

PreferenceNames (input_control) attribute.name-array → (string)
  Selection of the preferences.
  Default value: ‘graphics_window_context_menu’
  List of values: ‘graphics_window_context_menu’, ‘graphics_window_mouse_wheel’, ‘graphics_window_tool_tip’, ‘suppress_handled_exception_dlg’

PreferenceValues (input_control) attribute.value-array → (string)
  New values for the selected preferences.
  Default value: ‘false’
  List of values: ‘false’, ‘true’


median_interactive.hdev Interactively smooth an image
get_mposition.hdev Query mouse position and button status
3d_matching_clamps.hdev Recognize 3D objects in images using a 3D DXF model


06. 结果

07. 附录

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