本产品目前不支持 Mac, Linux 操作系统 以及32位 X-Plane/Windows 版本

Introducing HiFi’s first weather engine for the X-Plane platform……

Active Sky XP (ASXP) brings the popular award-winning Active Sky weather engine to the X-Plane platform for the first time. Using a hybrid weather depiction interface through X-Plane 11’s weather API, a realistic, high-performance and high-fidelity weather experience is realized.

Features Spotlight

Active Air Effects

Replaces internal X-Plane turbulence and air effects, providing enhanced turbulence, drafts, thermals, terrain-based wind effects, surface friction, gusts, variability, wake turbulence, microbursts and more

High-Performance Weather Depiction

Uses internal X-Plane 11.2x/11.3x cloud depiction for maximum performance and smoothness, with multiple weather depiction modes including theme cell “real weather” mode and global static mode – VR compatible and optimized!

Active Sky Weather Engine

An evolved version of the Active Sky platform brings the core features that made Active Sky the leading weather engine for other platforms: Advanced weather synthesis and interpolation, high-resolution global winds aloft, realistic air and atmosphere effects, a comprehensive weather data network, integrated visual mapping and planning, and much, much more

Voice Weather Delivery

Active Sky ATIS and Flightwatch are available at any time by listening on 122.00, 122.02 or 122.03 for closest station, actual/current interpolated conditions and destination weather reports, respectively

Surface Crosswind Attenuation

Optional, for better ground handling in crosswind conditions while preserving headwind/tailwind component for performance accuracy

Mobile Companion App

Use any device/browser to connect with Active Sky over your network and view and control the weather


Not a complete visual cloud rendering replacement

We have put our previous X-Plane visual cloud rendering replacement efforts on hold (until next year) due to performance considerations and changing API environment/tools that are not yet finalized

We expect our visual cloud rendering replacement technology to debut in Q4 2019, subject to change based on many factors

ASXP features high-performance cloud depiction with a focus on conditions accuracy, utilizing the X-Plane internal cloud rendering via a hybrid API approach, with two different modes available

ASXP also features an optional high-performance photo-realistic cloud texture replacement with a simple texture installation wizard

Windows 64-Bit (v7 or later) Only

Mac, Linux and 32-bit X-Plane/Windows versions are not supported

In a networked environment, the ASXP application/client may run on Windows 32-bit (7 or later), but X-Plane must be 64-bit on Windows 64-bit (7 or later)

We hope to bring additional OS/platform support in the future

X-Plane version 11.26 or later (64-bit for Windows) is required

专业模拟飞行11 linux,simMarket: HIFI TECH - ACTIVE SKY XP 模拟飞行天气软件 X-PLANE 11相关推荐

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