

【编码 - x264】










x264源代码简单分析:熵编码(Entropy Encoding)部分


【解码 - libavcodec H.264 解码器】







FFmpeg的H.264解码器源代码简单分析:环路滤波(Loop Filter)部分








从图中可以看出,X264命令行工具调用了libx264的几个API完成了H.264编码工作。使用libx264的API进行编码可以参考《 最简单的视频编码器:基于libx264(编码YUV为H.264)》,这个流程中最关键的API包括:





int main( int argc, char **argv )
{//参数集x264_param_t param;cli_opt_t opt = {0};int ret = 0;FAIL_IF_ERROR( x264_threading_init(), "unable to initialize threading\n" )#ifdef _WIN32FAIL_IF_ERROR( !get_argv_utf8( &argc, &argv ), "unable to convert command line to UTF-8\n" )GetConsoleTitleW( org_console_title, CONSOLE_TITLE_SIZE );_setmode( _fileno( stdin ),  _O_BINARY );_setmode( _fileno( stdout ), _O_BINARY );_setmode( _fileno( stderr ), _O_BINARY );
#endif/* Parse command line *///解析命令行输入if( parse( argc, argv, ¶m, &opt ) < 0 )ret = -1;#ifdef _WIN32/* Restore title; it can be changed by input modules */SetConsoleTitleW( org_console_title );
#endif/* Control-C handler */signal( SIGINT, sigint_handler );//编码if( !ret )ret = encode( ¶m, &opt );/* clean up handles */if( filter.free )filter.free( opt.hin );else if( opt.hin )cli_input.close_file( opt.hin );if( opt.hout )cli_output.close_file( opt.hout, 0, 0 );if( opt.tcfile_out )fclose( opt.tcfile_out );if( opt.qpfile )fclose( opt.qpfile );#ifdef _WIN32SetConsoleTitleW( org_console_title );free( argv );
#endifreturn ret;




static int parse( int argc, char **argv, x264_param_t *param, cli_opt_t *opt )
{char *input_filename = NULL;const char *demuxer = demuxer_names[0];char *output_filename = NULL;const char *muxer = muxer_names[0];char *tcfile_name = NULL;x264_param_t defaults;char *profile = NULL;char *vid_filters = NULL;int b_thread_input = 0;int b_turbo = 1;int b_user_ref = 0;int b_user_fps = 0;int b_user_interlaced = 0;cli_input_opt_t input_opt;cli_output_opt_t output_opt;char *preset = NULL;char *tune = NULL;//初始化参数默认值x264_param_default( &defaults );cli_log_level = defaults.i_log_level;memset( &input_opt, 0, sizeof(cli_input_opt_t) );memset( &output_opt, 0, sizeof(cli_output_opt_t) );input_opt.bit_depth = 8;input_opt.input_range = input_opt.output_range = param->vui.b_fullrange = RANGE_AUTO;int output_csp = defaults.i_csp;opt->b_progress = 1;/* Presets are applied before all other options. */for( optind = 0;; ){int c = getopt_long( argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL );if( c == -1 )break;if( c == OPT_PRESET )preset = optarg;if( c == OPT_TUNE )tune = optarg;else if( c == '?' )return -1;}if( preset && !strcasecmp( preset, "placebo" ) )b_turbo = 0;//设置preset,tuneif( x264_param_default_preset( param, preset, tune ) < 0 )return -1;/* Parse command line options *///解析命令行选项for( optind = 0;; ){int b_error = 0;int long_options_index = -1;int c = getopt_long( argc, argv, short_options, long_options, &long_options_index );if( c == -1 ){break;}//不同的选项做不同的处理switch( c ){case 'h':help( &defaults, 0 );//"-h"帮助菜单exit(0);case OPT_LONGHELP:help( &defaults, 1 );exit(0);case OPT_FULLHELP:help( &defaults, 2 );exit(0);case 'V':print_version_info();//打印版本信息exit(0);case OPT_FRAMES:param->i_frame_total = X264_MAX( atoi( optarg ), 0 );break;case OPT_SEEK:opt->i_seek = X264_MAX( atoi( optarg ), 0 );break;case 'o':output_filename = optarg;//输出文件路径break;case OPT_MUXER:FAIL_IF_ERROR( parse_enum_name( optarg, muxer_names, &muxer ), "Unknown muxer `%s'\n", optarg )break;case OPT_DEMUXER:FAIL_IF_ERROR( parse_enum_name( optarg, demuxer_names, &demuxer ), "Unknown demuxer `%s'\n", optarg )break;case OPT_INDEX:input_opt.index_file = optarg;break;case OPT_QPFILE:opt->qpfile = x264_fopen( optarg, "rb" );FAIL_IF_ERROR( !opt->qpfile, "can't open qpfile `%s'\n", optarg )if( !x264_is_regular_file( opt->qpfile ) ){x264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_ERROR, "qpfile incompatible with non-regular file `%s'\n", optarg );fclose( opt->qpfile );return -1;}break;case OPT_THREAD_INPUT:b_thread_input = 1;break;case OPT_QUIET:cli_log_level = param->i_log_level = X264_LOG_NONE;//设置log级别break;case 'v':cli_log_level = param->i_log_level = X264_LOG_DEBUG;//设置log级别break;case OPT_LOG_LEVEL:if( !parse_enum_value( optarg, log_level_names, &cli_log_level ) )cli_log_level += X264_LOG_NONE;elsecli_log_level = atoi( optarg );param->i_log_level = cli_log_level;//设置log级别break;case OPT_NOPROGRESS:opt->b_progress = 0;break;case OPT_TUNE:case OPT_PRESET:break;case OPT_PROFILE:profile = optarg;break;case OPT_SLOWFIRSTPASS:b_turbo = 0;break;case 'r':b_user_ref = 1;goto generic_option;case OPT_FPS:b_user_fps = 1;param->b_vfr_input = 0;goto generic_option;case OPT_INTERLACED:b_user_interlaced = 1;goto generic_option;case OPT_TCFILE_IN:tcfile_name = optarg;break;case OPT_TCFILE_OUT:opt->tcfile_out = x264_fopen( optarg, "wb" );FAIL_IF_ERROR( !opt->tcfile_out, "can't open `%s'\n", optarg )break;case OPT_TIMEBASE:input_opt.timebase = optarg;break;case OPT_PULLDOWN:FAIL_IF_ERROR( parse_enum_value( optarg, pulldown_names, &opt->i_pulldown ), "Unknown pulldown `%s'\n", optarg )break;case OPT_VIDEO_FILTER:vid_filters = optarg;break;case OPT_INPUT_FMT:input_opt.format = optarg;//输入文件格式break;case OPT_INPUT_RES:input_opt.resolution = optarg;//输入分辨率break;case OPT_INPUT_CSP:input_opt.colorspace = optarg;//输入色域break;case OPT_INPUT_DEPTH:input_opt.bit_depth = atoi( optarg );//输入颜色位深break;case OPT_DTS_COMPRESSION:output_opt.use_dts_compress = 1;break;case OPT_OUTPUT_CSP:FAIL_IF_ERROR( parse_enum_value( optarg, output_csp_names, &output_csp ), "Unknown output csp `%s'\n", optarg )// correct the parsed value to the libx264 csp value
#if X264_CHROMA_FORMATstatic const uint8_t output_csp_fix[] = { X264_CHROMA_FORMAT, X264_CSP_RGB };
#elsestatic const uint8_t output_csp_fix[] = { X264_CSP_I420, X264_CSP_I422, X264_CSP_I444, X264_CSP_RGB };
#endifparam->i_csp = output_csp = output_csp_fix[output_csp];break;case OPT_INPUT_RANGE:FAIL_IF_ERROR( parse_enum_value( optarg, range_names, &input_opt.input_range ), "Unknown input range `%s'\n", optarg )input_opt.input_range += RANGE_AUTO;break;case OPT_RANGE:FAIL_IF_ERROR( parse_enum_value( optarg, range_names, ¶m->vui.b_fullrange ), "Unknown range `%s'\n", optarg );input_opt.output_range = param->vui.b_fullrange += RANGE_AUTO;break;default:
generic_option:{if( long_options_index < 0 ){for( int i = 0; long_options[i].name; i++ )if( long_options[i].val == c ){long_options_index = i;break;}if( long_options_index < 0 ){/* getopt_long already printed an error message */return -1;}}//解析以字符串方式输入的参数//即选项名称和选项值都是字符串b_error |= x264_param_parse( param, long_options[long_options_index].name, optarg );}}if( b_error ){const char *name = long_options_index > 0 ? long_options[long_options_index].name : argv[optind-2];x264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_ERROR, "invalid argument: %s = %s\n", name, optarg );return -1;}}/* If first pass mode is used, apply faster settings. */if( b_turbo )x264_param_apply_fastfirstpass( param );/* Apply profile restrictions. *///设置profileif( x264_param_apply_profile( param, profile ) < 0 )return -1;/* Get the file name */FAIL_IF_ERROR( optind > argc - 1 || !output_filename, "No %s file. Run x264 --help for a list of options.\n",optind > argc - 1 ? "input" : "output" )//根据文件名的后缀确定输出的文件格式(raw H264,flv,mp4...)if( select_output( muxer, output_filename, param ) )return -1;FAIL_IF_ERROR( cli_output.open_file( output_filename, &opt->hout, &output_opt ), "could not open output file `%s'\n", output_filename )//输入文件路径input_filename = argv[optind++];video_info_t info = {0};char demuxername[5];/* set info flags to be overwritten by demuxer as necessary. *///设置info结构体info.csp        = param->i_csp;info.fps_num    = param->i_fps_num;info.fps_den    = param->i_fps_den;info.fullrange  = input_opt.input_range == RANGE_PC;info.interlaced = param->b_interlaced;if( param->vui.i_sar_width > 0 && param->vui.i_sar_height > 0 ){info.sar_width  = param->vui.i_sar_width;info.sar_height = param->vui.i_sar_height;}info.tff        = param->b_tff;info.vfr        = param->b_vfr_input;input_opt.seek = opt->i_seek;input_opt.progress = opt->b_progress;input_opt.output_csp = output_csp;//设置输入文件的格式(yuv,y4m...)if( select_input( demuxer, demuxername, input_filename, &opt->hin, &info, &input_opt ) )return -1;FAIL_IF_ERROR( !opt->hin && cli_input.open_file( input_filename, &opt->hin, &info, &input_opt ),"could not open input file `%s'\n", input_filename )x264_reduce_fraction( &info.sar_width, &info.sar_height );x264_reduce_fraction( &info.fps_num, &info.fps_den );x264_cli_log( demuxername, X264_LOG_INFO, "%dx%d%c %u:%u @ %u/%u fps (%cfr)\n", info.width,info.height, info.interlaced ? 'i' : 'p', info.sar_width, info.sar_height,info.fps_num, info.fps_den, info.vfr ? 'v' : 'c' );if( tcfile_name ){FAIL_IF_ERROR( b_user_fps, "--fps + --tcfile-in is incompatible.\n" )FAIL_IF_ERROR( timecode_input.open_file( tcfile_name, &opt->hin, &info, &input_opt ), "timecode input failed\n" )cli_input = timecode_input;}else FAIL_IF_ERROR( !info.vfr && input_opt.timebase, "--timebase is incompatible with cfr input\n" )/* init threaded input while the information about the input video is unaltered by filtering */
#if HAVE_THREADif( info.thread_safe && (b_thread_input || param->i_threads > 1|| (param->i_threads == X264_THREADS_AUTO && x264_cpu_num_processors() > 1)) ){if( thread_input.open_file( NULL, &opt->hin, &info, NULL ) ){fprintf( stderr, "x264 [error]: threaded input failed\n" );return -1;}cli_input = thread_input;}
#endif/* override detected values by those specified by the user */if( param->vui.i_sar_width > 0 && param->vui.i_sar_height > 0 ){info.sar_width  = param->vui.i_sar_width;info.sar_height = param->vui.i_sar_height;}if( b_user_fps ){info.fps_num = param->i_fps_num;info.fps_den = param->i_fps_den;}if( !info.vfr ){info.timebase_num = info.fps_den;info.timebase_den = info.fps_num;}if( !tcfile_name && input_opt.timebase ){uint64_t i_user_timebase_num;uint64_t i_user_timebase_den;int ret = sscanf( input_opt.timebase, "%"SCNu64"/%"SCNu64, &i_user_timebase_num, &i_user_timebase_den );FAIL_IF_ERROR( !ret, "invalid argument: timebase = %s\n", input_opt.timebase )else if( ret == 1 ){i_user_timebase_num = info.timebase_num;i_user_timebase_den = strtoul( input_opt.timebase, NULL, 10 );}FAIL_IF_ERROR( i_user_timebase_num > UINT32_MAX || i_user_timebase_den > UINT32_MAX,"timebase you specified exceeds H.264 maximum\n" )opt->timebase_convert_multiplier = ((double)i_user_timebase_den / info.timebase_den)* ((double)info.timebase_num / i_user_timebase_num);info.timebase_num = i_user_timebase_num;info.timebase_den = i_user_timebase_den;info.vfr = 1;}if( b_user_interlaced ){info.interlaced = param->b_interlaced;info.tff = param->b_tff;}if( input_opt.input_range != RANGE_AUTO )info.fullrange = input_opt.input_range;//初始化滤镜filter//filter可以认为是一种“扩展”了的输入源if( init_vid_filters( vid_filters, &opt->hin, &info, param, output_csp ) )return -1;/* set param flags from the post-filtered video */param->b_vfr_input = info.vfr;param->i_fps_num = info.fps_num;param->i_fps_den = info.fps_den;param->i_timebase_num = info.timebase_num;param->i_timebase_den = info.timebase_den;param->vui.i_sar_width  = info.sar_width;param->vui.i_sar_height = info.sar_height;info.num_frames = X264_MAX( info.num_frames - opt->i_seek, 0 );if( (!info.num_frames || param->i_frame_total < info.num_frames)&& param->i_frame_total > 0 )info.num_frames = param->i_frame_total;param->i_frame_total = info.num_frames;if( !b_user_interlaced && info.interlaced ){
#if HAVE_INTERLACEDx264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_WARNING, "input appears to be interlaced, enabling %cff interlaced mode.\n""                If you want otherwise, use --no-interlaced or --%cff\n",info.tff ? 't' : 'b', info.tff ? 'b' : 't' );param->b_interlaced = 1;param->b_tff = !!info.tff;
#elsex264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_WARNING, "input appears to be interlaced, but not compiled with interlaced support\n" );
#endif}/* if the user never specified the output range and the input is now rgb, default it to pc */int csp = param->i_csp & X264_CSP_MASK;if( csp >= X264_CSP_BGR && csp <= X264_CSP_RGB ){if( input_opt.output_range == RANGE_AUTO )param->vui.b_fullrange = RANGE_PC;/* otherwise fail if they specified tv */FAIL_IF_ERROR( !param->vui.b_fullrange, "RGB must be PC range" )}/* Automatically reduce reference frame count to match the user's target level* if the user didn't explicitly set a reference frame count. */if( !b_user_ref ){int mbs = (((param->i_width)+15)>>4) * (((param->i_height)+15)>>4);for( int i = 0; x264_levels[i].level_idc != 0; i++ )if( param->i_level_idc == x264_levels[i].level_idc ){while( mbs * param->i_frame_reference > x264_levels[i].dpb && param->i_frame_reference > 1 )param->i_frame_reference--;break;}}return 0;











/* x264_param_default:*      fill x264_param_t with default values and do CPU detection */
void    x264_param_default( x264_param_t * );


/***************************************************************************** x264_param_default:****************************************************************************/
void x264_param_default( x264_param_t *param )
{/* */memset( param, 0, sizeof( x264_param_t ) );/* CPU autodetect */param->cpu = x264_cpu_detect();param->i_threads = X264_THREADS_AUTO;param->i_lookahead_threads = X264_THREADS_AUTO;param->b_deterministic = 1;param->i_sync_lookahead = X264_SYNC_LOOKAHEAD_AUTO;/* Video properties */param->i_csp           = X264_CHROMA_FORMAT ? X264_CHROMA_FORMAT : X264_CSP_I420;param->i_width         = 0;param->i_height        = 0;param->vui.i_sar_width = 0;param->vui.i_sar_height= 0;param->vui.i_overscan  = 0;  /* undef */param->vui.i_vidformat = 5;  /* undef */param->vui.b_fullrange = -1; /* default depends on input */param->vui.i_colorprim = 2;  /* undef */param->vui.i_transfer  = 2;  /* undef */param->vui.i_colmatrix = -1; /* default depends on input */param->vui.i_chroma_loc= 0;  /* left center */param->i_fps_num       = 25;param->i_fps_den       = 1;param->i_level_idc     = -1;param->i_slice_max_size = 0;param->i_slice_max_mbs = 0;param->i_slice_count = 0;/* Encoder parameters *///编码参数--最常见param->i_frame_reference = 3;param->i_keyint_max = 250;param->i_keyint_min = X264_KEYINT_MIN_AUTO;param->i_bframe = 3;param->i_scenecut_threshold = 40;param->i_bframe_adaptive = X264_B_ADAPT_FAST;param->i_bframe_bias = 0;param->i_bframe_pyramid = X264_B_PYRAMID_NORMAL;param->b_interlaced = 0;param->b_constrained_intra = 0;param->b_deblocking_filter = 1;param->i_deblocking_filter_alphac0 = 0;param->i_deblocking_filter_beta = 0;param->b_cabac = 1;param->i_cabac_init_idc = 0;//码率控制模块 Rate Controlparam->rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_CRF;param->rc.i_bitrate = 0;param->rc.f_rate_tolerance = 1.0;param->rc.i_vbv_max_bitrate = 0;param->rc.i_vbv_buffer_size = 0;param->rc.f_vbv_buffer_init = 0.9;param->rc.i_qp_constant = 23 + QP_BD_OFFSET;param->rc.f_rf_constant = 23;param->rc.i_qp_min = 0;param->rc.i_qp_max = QP_MAX;param->rc.i_qp_step = 4;param->rc.f_ip_factor = 1.4;param->rc.f_pb_factor = 1.3;param->rc.i_aq_mode = X264_AQ_VARIANCE;param->rc.f_aq_strength = 1.0;param->rc.i_lookahead = 40;param->rc.b_stat_write = 0;param->rc.psz_stat_out = "x264_2pass.log";param->rc.b_stat_read = 0;param->rc.psz_stat_in = "x264_2pass.log";param->rc.f_qcompress = 0.6;param->rc.f_qblur = 0.5;param->rc.f_complexity_blur = 20;param->rc.i_zones = 0;param->rc.b_mb_tree = 1;/* Log *///日志模块param->pf_log = x264_log_default;param->p_log_private = NULL;param->i_log_level = X264_LOG_INFO;/* *///分析模块 Analysisparam->analyse.intra = X264_ANALYSE_I4x4 | X264_ANALYSE_I8x8;param->analyse.inter = X264_ANALYSE_I4x4 | X264_ANALYSE_I8x8| X264_ANALYSE_PSUB16x16 | X264_ANALYSE_BSUB16x16;param->analyse.i_direct_mv_pred = X264_DIRECT_PRED_SPATIAL;param->analyse.i_me_method = X264_ME_HEX;param->analyse.f_psy_rd = 1.0;param->analyse.b_psy = 1;param->analyse.f_psy_trellis = 0;param->analyse.i_me_range = 16;param->analyse.i_subpel_refine = 7;param->analyse.b_mixed_references = 1;param->analyse.b_chroma_me = 1;param->analyse.i_mv_range_thread = -1;param->analyse.i_mv_range = -1; // set from level_idcparam->analyse.i_chroma_qp_offset = 0;param->analyse.b_fast_pskip = 1;param->analyse.b_weighted_bipred = 1;param->analyse.i_weighted_pred = X264_WEIGHTP_SMART;param->analyse.b_dct_decimate = 1;param->analyse.b_transform_8x8 = 1;param->analyse.i_trellis = 1;param->analyse.i_luma_deadzone[0] = 21;param->analyse.i_luma_deadzone[1] = 11;param->analyse.b_psnr = 0;param->analyse.b_ssim = 0;param->i_cqm_preset = X264_CQM_FLAT;memset( param->cqm_4iy, 16, sizeof( param->cqm_4iy ) );memset( param->cqm_4py, 16, sizeof( param->cqm_4py ) );memset( param->cqm_4ic, 16, sizeof( param->cqm_4ic ) );memset( param->cqm_4pc, 16, sizeof( param->cqm_4pc ) );memset( param->cqm_8iy, 16, sizeof( param->cqm_8iy ) );memset( param->cqm_8py, 16, sizeof( param->cqm_8py ) );memset( param->cqm_8ic, 16, sizeof( param->cqm_8ic ) );memset( param->cqm_8pc, 16, sizeof( param->cqm_8pc ) );param->b_repeat_headers = 1;param->b_annexb = 1;param->b_aud = 0;param->b_vfr_input = 1;param->i_nal_hrd = X264_NAL_HRD_NONE;param->b_tff = 1;param->b_pic_struct = 0;param->b_fake_interlaced = 0;param->i_frame_packing = -1;param->b_opencl = 0;param->i_opencl_device = 0;param->opencl_device_id = NULL;param->psz_clbin_file = NULL;




/*      Multiple tunings can be used if separated by a delimiter in ",./-+",*      however multiple psy tunings cannot be used.*      film, animation, grain, stillimage, psnr, and ssim are psy tunings.**      returns 0 on success, negative on failure (e.g. invalid preset/tune name). */
int     x264_param_default_preset( x264_param_t *, const char *preset, const char *tune );


int x264_param_default_preset( x264_param_t *param, const char *preset, const char *tune )
{x264_param_default( param );//设置presetif( preset && x264_param_apply_preset( param, preset ) < 0 )return -1;//设置tuneif( tune && x264_param_apply_tune( param, tune ) < 0 )return -1;return 0;



static int x264_param_apply_preset( x264_param_t *param, const char *preset )
{char *end;int i = strtol( preset, &end, 10 );if( *end == 0 && i >= 0 && i < sizeof(x264_preset_names)/sizeof(*x264_preset_names)-1 )preset = x264_preset_names[i];//几种不同的preset设置不同的参数if( !strcasecmp( preset, "ultrafast" ) ){param->i_frame_reference = 1;param->i_scenecut_threshold = 0;param->b_deblocking_filter = 0;//不使用去块滤波param->b_cabac = 0;//不使用CABACparam->i_bframe = 0;//不使用B帧param->analyse.intra = 0;param->analyse.inter = 0;param->analyse.b_transform_8x8 = 0;//不使用8x8DCTparam->analyse.i_me_method = X264_ME_DIA;//运动搜索方法使用“Diamond”param->analyse.i_subpel_refine = 0;param->rc.i_aq_mode = 0;param->analyse.b_mixed_references = 0;param->analyse.i_trellis = 0;param->i_bframe_adaptive = X264_B_ADAPT_NONE;param->rc.b_mb_tree = 0;param->analyse.i_weighted_pred = X264_WEIGHTP_NONE;//不使用加权param->analyse.b_weighted_bipred = 0;param->rc.i_lookahead = 0;}else if( !strcasecmp( preset, "superfast" ) ){param->analyse.inter = X264_ANALYSE_I8x8|X264_ANALYSE_I4x4;param->analyse.i_me_method = X264_ME_DIA;//钻石模板param->analyse.i_subpel_refine = 1;//亚像素运动估计质量为1param->i_frame_reference = 1;param->analyse.b_mixed_references = 0;param->analyse.i_trellis = 0;param->rc.b_mb_tree = 0;param->analyse.i_weighted_pred = X264_WEIGHTP_SIMPLE;param->rc.i_lookahead = 0;}else if( !strcasecmp( preset, "veryfast" ) ){param->analyse.i_me_method = X264_ME_HEX;//六边形模板param->analyse.i_subpel_refine = 2;param->i_frame_reference = 1;param->analyse.b_mixed_references = 0;param->analyse.i_trellis = 0;param->analyse.i_weighted_pred = X264_WEIGHTP_SIMPLE;param->rc.i_lookahead = 10;}else if( !strcasecmp( preset, "faster" ) ){param->analyse.b_mixed_references = 0;param->i_frame_reference = 2;param->analyse.i_subpel_refine = 4;param->analyse.i_weighted_pred = X264_WEIGHTP_SIMPLE;param->rc.i_lookahead = 20;}else if( !strcasecmp( preset, "fast" ) ){param->i_frame_reference = 2;param->analyse.i_subpel_refine = 6;param->analyse.i_weighted_pred = X264_WEIGHTP_SIMPLE;param->rc.i_lookahead = 30;}else if( !strcasecmp( preset, "medium" ) ){/* Default is medium */}else if( !strcasecmp( preset, "slow" ) ){param->analyse.i_me_method = X264_ME_UMH;//UMH相对复杂param->analyse.i_subpel_refine = 8;//亚像素运动估计质量为8param->i_frame_reference = 5;param->i_bframe_adaptive = X264_B_ADAPT_TRELLIS;param->analyse.i_direct_mv_pred = X264_DIRECT_PRED_AUTO;param->rc.i_lookahead = 50;}else if( !strcasecmp( preset, "slower" ) ){param->analyse.i_me_method = X264_ME_UMH;param->analyse.i_subpel_refine = 9;param->i_frame_reference = 8;param->i_bframe_adaptive = X264_B_ADAPT_TRELLIS;param->analyse.i_direct_mv_pred = X264_DIRECT_PRED_AUTO;param->analyse.inter |= X264_ANALYSE_PSUB8x8;param->analyse.i_trellis = 2;param->rc.i_lookahead = 60;}else if( !strcasecmp( preset, "veryslow" ) ){param->analyse.i_me_method = X264_ME_UMH;param->analyse.i_subpel_refine = 10;param->analyse.i_me_range = 24;param->i_frame_reference = 16;param->i_bframe_adaptive = X264_B_ADAPT_TRELLIS;param->analyse.i_direct_mv_pred = X264_DIRECT_PRED_AUTO;param->analyse.inter |= X264_ANALYSE_PSUB8x8;param->analyse.i_trellis = 2;param->i_bframe = 8;param->rc.i_lookahead = 60;}else if( !strcasecmp( preset, "placebo" ) ){param->analyse.i_me_method = X264_ME_TESA;//TESA很慢param->analyse.i_subpel_refine = 11;param->analyse.i_me_range = 24;param->i_frame_reference = 16;param->i_bframe_adaptive = X264_B_ADAPT_TRELLIS;param->analyse.i_direct_mv_pred = X264_DIRECT_PRED_AUTO;param->analyse.inter |= X264_ANALYSE_PSUB8x8;param->analyse.b_fast_pskip = 0;param->analyse.i_trellis = 2;param->i_bframe = 16;param->rc.i_lookahead = 60;}else{x264_log( NULL, X264_LOG_ERROR, "invalid preset '%s'\n", preset );return -1;}return 0;

可以看出x264_param_apply_preset()通过strcasecmp()比较字符串的方法得到输入的preset类型;然后根据preset类型,设定 x264_param_t中相应的参数。


static int x264_param_apply_tune( x264_param_t *param, const char *tune )
{char *tmp = x264_malloc( strlen( tune ) + 1 );if( !tmp )return -1;tmp = strcpy( tmp, tune );//分解一个字符串为一个字符串数组。第2个参数为分隔符char *s = strtok( tmp, ",./-+" );int psy_tuning_used = 0;//设置//这里是循环的,可以设置多次while( s ){if( !strncasecmp( s, "film", 4 ) ){if( psy_tuning_used++ ) goto psy_failure;param->i_deblocking_filter_alphac0 = -1;param->i_deblocking_filter_beta = -1;param->analyse.f_psy_trellis = 0.15;}else if( !strncasecmp( s, "animation", 9 ) ){if( psy_tuning_used++ ) goto psy_failure;param->i_frame_reference = param->i_frame_reference > 1 ? param->i_frame_reference*2 : 1;param->i_deblocking_filter_alphac0 = 1;param->i_deblocking_filter_beta = 1;param->analyse.f_psy_rd = 0.4;param->rc.f_aq_strength = 0.6;param->i_bframe += 2;}else if( !strncasecmp( s, "grain", 5 ) ){if( psy_tuning_used++ ) goto psy_failure;param->i_deblocking_filter_alphac0 = -2;param->i_deblocking_filter_beta = -2;param->analyse.f_psy_trellis = 0.25;param->analyse.b_dct_decimate = 0;param->rc.f_pb_factor = 1.1;param->rc.f_ip_factor = 1.1;param->rc.f_aq_strength = 0.5;param->analyse.i_luma_deadzone[0] = 6;param->analyse.i_luma_deadzone[1] = 6;param->rc.f_qcompress = 0.8;}else if( !strncasecmp( s, "stillimage", 10 ) ){if( psy_tuning_used++ ) goto psy_failure;param->i_deblocking_filter_alphac0 = -3;param->i_deblocking_filter_beta = -3;param->analyse.f_psy_rd = 2.0;param->analyse.f_psy_trellis = 0.7;param->rc.f_aq_strength = 1.2;}else if( !strncasecmp( s, "psnr", 4 ) ){if( psy_tuning_used++ ) goto psy_failure;param->rc.i_aq_mode = X264_AQ_NONE;param->analyse.b_psy = 0;}else if( !strncasecmp( s, "ssim", 4 ) ){if( psy_tuning_used++ ) goto psy_failure;param->rc.i_aq_mode = X264_AQ_AUTOVARIANCE;param->analyse.b_psy = 0;}else if( !strncasecmp( s, "fastdecode", 10 ) ){param->b_deblocking_filter = 0;param->b_cabac = 0;param->analyse.b_weighted_bipred = 0;param->analyse.i_weighted_pred = X264_WEIGHTP_NONE;}else if( !strncasecmp( s, "zerolatency", 11 ) ){//zerolatency速度快param->rc.i_lookahead = 0;param->i_sync_lookahead = 0;param->i_bframe = 0;//不使用B帧param->b_sliced_threads = 1;param->b_vfr_input = 0;param->rc.b_mb_tree = 0;}else if( !strncasecmp( s, "touhou", 6 ) ){if( psy_tuning_used++ ) goto psy_failure;param->i_frame_reference = param->i_frame_reference > 1 ? param->i_frame_reference*2 : 1;param->i_deblocking_filter_alphac0 = -1;param->i_deblocking_filter_beta = -1;param->analyse.f_psy_trellis = 0.2;param->rc.f_aq_strength = 1.3;if( param->analyse.inter & X264_ANALYSE_PSUB16x16 )param->analyse.inter |= X264_ANALYSE_PSUB8x8;}else{x264_log( NULL, X264_LOG_ERROR, "invalid tune '%s'\n", s );x264_free( tmp );return -1;}if( 0 ){psy_failure:x264_log( NULL, X264_LOG_WARNING, "only 1 psy tuning can be used: ignoring tune %s\n", s );}s = strtok( NULL, ",./-+" );}x264_free( tmp );return 0;

可以看出x264_param_apply_tune()首先通过strtok()得到存储tune[]数组;然后通过strncasecmp()比较字符串的方法判断当前的tune类型;最后根据tune类型,设定 x264_param_t中相应的参数。



static void help( x264_param_t *defaults, int longhelp )
{char buf[50];//H0(),H1(),H2()都是printf()//H1(),H2()只有“长帮助菜单”的情况下才会调用printf()
#define H0 printf
#define H1 if(longhelp>=1) printf
#define H2 if(longhelp==2) printfH0( "x264 core:%d%s\n""Syntax: x264 [options] -o outfile infile\n""\n""Infile can be raw (in which case resolution is required),\n""  or YUV4MPEG (*.y4m),\n""  or Avisynth if compiled with support (%s).\n""  or libav* formats if compiled with lavf support (%s) or ffms support (%s).\n""Outfile type is selected by filename:\n"" .264 -> Raw bytestream\n"" .mkv -> Matroska\n"" .flv -> Flash Video\n"" .mp4 -> MP4 if compiled with GPAC or L-SMASH support (%s)\n""Output bit depth: %d (configured at compile time)\n""\n""Options:\n""\n""  -h, --help                  List basic options\n""      --longhelp              List more options\n""      --fullhelp              List all options\n""\n",X264_BUILD, X264_VERSION,
#if HAVE_AVS"yes",
#if HAVE_LAVF"yes",
#if HAVE_FFMS"yes",
#if HAVE_GPAC"gpac",
#elif HAVE_LSMASH"lsmash",
#endifx264_bit_depth);H0( "Example usage:\n" );H0( "\n" );H0( "      Constant quality mode:\n" );H0( "            x264 --crf 24 -o <output> <input>\n" );H0( "\n" );H0( "      Two-pass with a bitrate of 1000kbps:\n" );H0( "            x264 --pass 1 --bitrate 1000 -o <output> <input>\n" );H0( "            x264 --pass 2 --bitrate 1000 -o <output> <input>\n" );H0( "\n" );H0( "      Lossless:\n" );H0( "            x264 --qp 0 -o <output> <input>\n" );H0( "\n" );H0( "      Maximum PSNR at the cost of speed and visual quality:\n" );H0( "            x264 --preset placebo --tune psnr -o <output> <input>\n" );H0( "\n" );H0( "      Constant bitrate at 1000kbps with a 2 second-buffer:\n");H0( "            x264 --vbv-bufsize 2000 --bitrate 1000 -o <output> <input>\n" );H0( "\n" );H0( "Presets:\n" );H0( "\n" );H0( "      --profile <string>      Force the limits of an H.264 profile\n""                                  Overrides all settings.\n" );H2(
#if X264_CHROMA_FORMAT <= X264_CSP_I420
#if BIT_DEPTH==8"                                  - baseline:\n""                                    --no-8x8dct --bframes 0 --no-cabac\n""                                    --cqm flat --weightp 0\n""                                    No interlaced.\n""                                    No lossless.\n""                                  - main:\n""                                    --no-8x8dct --cqm flat\n""                                    No lossless.\n""                                  - high:\n""                                    No lossless.\n"
#endif"                                  - high10:\n""                                    No lossless.\n""                                    Support for bit depth 8-10.\n"
#if X264_CHROMA_FORMAT <= X264_CSP_I422"                                  - high422:\n""                                    No lossless.\n""                                    Support for bit depth 8-10.\n""                                    Support for 4:2:0/4:2:2 chroma subsampling.\n"
#endif"                                  - high444:\n""                                    Support for bit depth 8-10.\n""                                    Support for 4:2:0/4:2:2/4:4:4 chroma subsampling.\n" );else H0("                                  - "
#if X264_CHROMA_FORMAT <= X264_CSP_I420
#if BIT_DEPTH==8"baseline,main,high,"
#if X264_CHROMA_FORMAT <= X264_CSP_I422"high422,"
#endif"high444\n");H0( "      --preset <string>       Use a preset to select encoding settings [medium]\n""                                  Overridden by user settings.\n" );H2( "                                  - ultrafast:\n""                                    --no-8x8dct --aq-mode 0 --b-adapt 0\n""                                    --bframes 0 --no-cabac --no-deblock\n""                                    --no-mbtree --me dia --no-mixed-refs\n""                                    --partitions none --rc-lookahead 0 --ref 1\n""                                    --scenecut 0 --subme 0 --trellis 0\n""                                    --no-weightb --weightp 0\n""                                  - superfast:\n""                                    --no-mbtree --me dia --no-mixed-refs\n""                                    --partitions i8x8,i4x4 --rc-lookahead 0\n""                                    --ref 1 --subme 1 --trellis 0 --weightp 1\n""                                  - veryfast:\n""                                    --no-mixed-refs --rc-lookahead 10\n""                                    --ref 1 --subme 2 --trellis 0 --weightp 1\n""                                  - faster:\n""                                    --no-mixed-refs --rc-lookahead 20\n""                                    --ref 2 --subme 4 --weightp 1\n""                                  - fast:\n""                                    --rc-lookahead 30 --ref 2 --subme 6\n""                                    --weightp 1\n""                                  - medium:\n""                                    Default settings apply.\n""                                  - slow:\n""                                    --b-adapt 2 --direct auto --me umh\n""                                    --rc-lookahead 50 --ref 5 --subme 8\n""                                  - slower:\n""                                    --b-adapt 2 --direct auto --me umh\n""                                    --partitions all --rc-lookahead 60\n""                                    --ref 8 --subme 9 --trellis 2\n""                                  - veryslow:\n""                                    --b-adapt 2 --bframes 8 --direct auto\n""                                    --me umh --merange 24 --partitions all\n""                                    --ref 16 --subme 10 --trellis 2\n""                                    --rc-lookahead 60\n""                                  - placebo:\n""                                    --bframes 16 --b-adapt 2 --direct auto\n""                                    --slow-firstpass --no-fast-pskip\n""                                    --me tesa --merange 24 --partitions all\n""                                    --rc-lookahead 60 --ref 16 --subme 11\n""                                    --trellis 2\n" );else H0( "                                  - ultrafast,superfast,veryfast,faster,fast\n""                                  - medium,slow,slower,veryslow,placebo\n" );H0( "      --tune <string>         Tune the settings for a particular type of source\n""                              or situation\n""                                  Overridden by user settings.\n""                                  Multiple tunings are separated by commas.\n""                                  Only one psy tuning can be used at a time.\n" );H2( "                                  - film (psy tuning):\n""                                    --deblock -1:-1 --psy-rd <unset>:0.15\n""                                  - animation (psy tuning):\n""                                    --bframes {+2} --deblock 1:1\n""                                    --psy-rd 0.4:<unset> --aq-strength 0.6\n""                                    --ref {Double if >1 else 1}\n""                                  - grain (psy tuning):\n""                                    --aq-strength 0.5 --no-dct-decimate\n""                                    --deadzone-inter 6 --deadzone-intra 6\n""                                    --deblock -2:-2 --ipratio 1.1 \n""                                    --pbratio 1.1 --psy-rd <unset>:0.25\n""                                    --qcomp 0.8\n""                                  - stillimage (psy tuning):\n""                                    --aq-strength 1.2 --deblock -3:-3\n""                                    --psy-rd 2.0:0.7\n""                                  - psnr (psy tuning):\n""                                    --aq-mode 0 --no-psy\n""                                  - ssim (psy tuning):\n""                                    --aq-mode 2 --no-psy\n""                                  - fastdecode:\n""                                    --no-cabac --no-deblock --no-weightb\n""                                    --weightp 0\n""                                  - zerolatency:\n""                                    --bframes 0 --force-cfr --no-mbtree\n""                                    --sync-lookahead 0 --sliced-threads\n""                                    --rc-lookahead 0\n" );else H0( "                                  - psy tunings: film,animation,grain,\n""                                                 stillimage,psnr,ssim\n""                                  - other tunings: fastdecode,zerolatency\n" );H2( "      --slow-firstpass        Don't force these faster settings with --pass 1:\n""                                  --no-8x8dct --me dia --partitions none\n""                                  --ref 1 --subme {2 if >2 else unchanged}\n""                                  --trellis 0 --fast-pskip\n" );else H1( "      --slow-firstpass        Don't force faster settings with --pass 1\n" );H0( "\n" );H0( "Frame-type options:\n" );H0( "\n" );H0( "  -I, --keyint <integer or \"infinite\"> Maximum GOP size [%d]\n", defaults->i_keyint_max );H2( "  -i, --min-keyint <integer>  Minimum GOP size [auto]\n" );H2( "      --no-scenecut           Disable adaptive I-frame decision\n" );H2( "      --scenecut <integer>    How aggressively to insert extra I-frames [%d]\n", defaults->i_scenecut_threshold );H2( "      --intra-refresh         Use Periodic Intra Refresh instead of IDR frames\n" );H1( "  -b, --bframes <integer>     Number of B-frames between I and P [%d]\n", defaults->i_bframe );H1( "      --b-adapt <integer>     Adaptive B-frame decision method [%d]\n""                                  Higher values may lower threading efficiency.\n""                                  - 0: Disabled\n""                                  - 1: Fast\n""                                  - 2: Optimal (slow with high --bframes)\n", defaults->i_bframe_adaptive );H2( "      --b-bias <integer>      Influences how often B-frames are used [%d]\n", defaults->i_bframe_bias );H1( "      --b-pyramid <string>    Keep some B-frames as references [%s]\n""                                  - none: Disabled\n""                                  - strict: Strictly hierarchical pyramid\n""                                  - normal: Non-strict (not Blu-ray compatible)\n",strtable_lookup( x264_b_pyramid_names, defaults->i_bframe_pyramid ) );H1( "      --open-gop              Use recovery points to close GOPs\n""                              Only available with b-frames\n" );H1( "      --no-cabac              Disable CABAC\n" );H1( "  -r, --ref <integer>         Number of reference frames [%d]\n", defaults->i_frame_reference );H1( "      --no-deblock            Disable loop filter\n" );H1( "  -f, --deblock <alpha:beta>  Loop filter parameters [%d:%d]\n",defaults->i_deblocking_filter_alphac0, defaults->i_deblocking_filter_beta );H2( "      --slices <integer>      Number of slices per frame; forces rectangular\n""                              slices and is overridden by other slicing options\n" );else H1( "      --slices <integer>      Number of slices per frame\n" );H2( "      --slices-max <integer>  Absolute maximum slices per frame; overrides\n""                              slice-max-size/slice-max-mbs when necessary\n" );H2( "      --slice-max-size <integer> Limit the size of each slice in bytes\n");H2( "      --slice-max-mbs <integer> Limit the size of each slice in macroblocks (max)\n");H2( "      --slice-min-mbs <integer> Limit the size of each slice in macroblocks (min)\n");H0( "      --tff                   Enable interlaced mode (top field first)\n" );H0( "      --bff                   Enable interlaced mode (bottom field first)\n" );H2( "      --constrained-intra     Enable constrained intra prediction.\n" );H0( "      --pulldown <string>     Use soft pulldown to change frame rate\n""                                  - none, 22, 32, 64, double, triple, euro (requires cfr input)\n" );H2( "      --fake-interlaced       Flag stream as interlaced but encode progressive.\n""                              Makes it possible to encode 25p and 30p Blu-Ray\n""                              streams. Ignored in interlaced mode.\n" );H2( "      --frame-packing <integer> For stereoscopic videos define frame arrangement\n""                                  - 0: checkerboard - pixels are alternatively from L and R\n""                                  - 1: column alternation - L and R are interlaced by column\n""                                  - 2: row alternation - L and R are interlaced by row\n""                                  - 3: side by side - L is on the left, R on the right\n""                                  - 4: top bottom - L is on top, R on bottom\n""                                  - 5: frame alternation - one view per frame\n" );H0( "\n" );H0( "Ratecontrol:\n" );H0( "\n" );H1( "  -q, --qp <integer>          Force constant QP (0-%d, 0=lossless)\n", QP_MAX );H0( "  -B, --bitrate <integer>     Set bitrate (kbit/s)\n" );H0( "      --crf <float>           Quality-based VBR (%d-51) [%.1f]\n", 51 - QP_MAX_SPEC, defaults->rc.f_rf_constant );H1( "      --rc-lookahead <integer> Number of frames for frametype lookahead [%d]\n", defaults->rc.i_lookahead );H0( "      --vbv-maxrate <integer> Max local bitrate (kbit/s) [%d]\n", defaults->rc.i_vbv_max_bitrate );H0( "      --vbv-bufsize <integer> Set size of the VBV buffer (kbit) [%d]\n", defaults->rc.i_vbv_buffer_size );H2( "      --vbv-init <float>      Initial VBV buffer occupancy [%.1f]\n", defaults->rc.f_vbv_buffer_init );H2( "      --crf-max <float>       With CRF+VBV, limit RF to this value\n""                                  May cause VBV underflows!\n" );H2( "      --qpmin <integer>       Set min QP [%d]\n", defaults->rc.i_qp_min );H2( "      --qpmax <integer>       Set max QP [%d]\n", defaults->rc.i_qp_max );H2( "      --qpstep <integer>      Set max QP step [%d]\n", defaults->rc.i_qp_step );H2( "      --ratetol <float>       Tolerance of ABR ratecontrol and VBV [%.1f]\n", defaults->rc.f_rate_tolerance );H2( "      --ipratio <float>       QP factor between I and P [%.2f]\n", defaults->rc.f_ip_factor );H2( "      --pbratio <float>       QP factor between P and B [%.2f]\n", defaults->rc.f_pb_factor );H2( "      --chroma-qp-offset <integer>  QP difference between chroma and luma [%d]\n", defaults->analyse.i_chroma_qp_offset );H2( "      --aq-mode <integer>     AQ method [%d]\n""                                  - 0: Disabled\n""                                  - 1: Variance AQ (complexity mask)\n""                                  - 2: Auto-variance AQ (experimental)\n", defaults->rc.i_aq_mode );H1( "      --aq-strength <float>   Reduces blocking and blurring in flat and\n""                              textured areas. [%.1f]\n", defaults->rc.f_aq_strength );H1( "\n" );H0( "  -p, --pass <integer>        Enable multipass ratecontrol\n""                                  - 1: First pass, creates stats file\n""                                  - 2: Last pass, does not overwrite stats file\n" );H2( "                                  - 3: Nth pass, overwrites stats file\n" );H1( "      --stats <string>        Filename for 2 pass stats [\"%s\"]\n", defaults->rc.psz_stat_out );H2( "      --no-mbtree             Disable mb-tree ratecontrol.\n");H2( "      --qcomp <float>         QP curve compression [%.2f]\n", defaults->rc.f_qcompress );H2( "      --cplxblur <float>      Reduce fluctuations in QP (before curve compression) [%.1f]\n", defaults->rc.f_complexity_blur );H2( "      --qblur <float>         Reduce fluctuations in QP (after curve compression) [%.1f]\n", defaults->rc.f_qblur );H2( "      --zones <zone0>/<zone1>/...  Tweak the bitrate of regions of the video\n" );H2( "                              Each zone is of the form\n""                                  <start frame>,<end frame>,<option>\n""                                  where <option> is either\n""                                      q=<integer> (force QP)\n""                                  or  b=<float> (bitrate multiplier)\n" );H2( "      --qpfile <string>       Force frametypes and QPs for some or all frames\n""                              Format of each line: framenumber frametype QP\n""                              QP is optional (none lets x264 choose). Frametypes: I,i,K,P,B,b.\n""                                  K=<I or i> depending on open-gop setting\n""                              QPs are restricted by qpmin/qpmax.\n" );H1( "\n" );H1( "Analysis:\n" );H1( "\n" );H1( "  -A, --partitions <string>   Partitions to consider [\"p8x8,b8x8,i8x8,i4x4\"]\n""                                  - p8x8, p4x4, b8x8, i8x8, i4x4\n""                                  - none, all\n""                                  (p4x4 requires p8x8. i8x8 requires --8x8dct.)\n" );H1( "      --direct <string>       Direct MV prediction mode [\"%s\"]\n""                                  - none, spatial, temporal, auto\n",strtable_lookup( x264_direct_pred_names, defaults->analyse.i_direct_mv_pred ) );H2( "      --no-weightb            Disable weighted prediction for B-frames\n" );H1( "      --weightp <integer>     Weighted prediction for P-frames [%d]\n""                                  - 0: Disabled\n""                                  - 1: Weighted refs\n""                                  - 2: Weighted refs + Duplicates\n", defaults->analyse.i_weighted_pred );H1( "      --me <string>           Integer pixel motion estimation method [\"%s\"]\n",strtable_lookup( x264_motion_est_names, defaults->analyse.i_me_method ) );H2( "                                  - dia: diamond search, radius 1 (fast)\n""                                  - hex: hexagonal search, radius 2\n""                                  - umh: uneven multi-hexagon search\n""                                  - esa: exhaustive search\n""                                  - tesa: hadamard exhaustive search (slow)\n" );else H1( "                                  - dia, hex, umh\n" );H2( "      --merange <integer>     Maximum motion vector search range [%d]\n", defaults->analyse.i_me_range );H2( "      --mvrange <integer>     Maximum motion vector length [-1 (auto)]\n" );H2( "      --mvrange-thread <int>  Minimum buffer between threads [-1 (auto)]\n" );H1( "  -m, --subme <integer>       Subpixel motion estimation and mode decision [%d]\n", defaults->analyse.i_subpel_refine );H2( "                                  - 0: fullpel only (not recommended)\n""                                  - 1: SAD mode decision, one qpel iteration\n""                                  - 2: SATD mode decision\n""                                  - 3-5: Progressively more qpel\n""                                  - 6: RD mode decision for I/P-frames\n""                                  - 7: RD mode decision for all frames\n""                                  - 8: RD refinement for I/P-frames\n""                                  - 9: RD refinement for all frames\n""                                  - 10: QP-RD - requires trellis=2, aq-mode>0\n""                                  - 11: Full RD: disable all early terminations\n" );else H1( "                                  decision quality: 1=fast, 11=best\n" );H1( "      --psy-rd <float:float>  Strength of psychovisual optimization [\"%.1f:%.1f\"]\n""                                  #1: RD (requires subme>=6)\n""                                  #2: Trellis (requires trellis, experimental)\n",defaults->analyse.f_psy_rd, defaults->analyse.f_psy_trellis );H2( "      --no-psy                Disable all visual optimizations that worsen\n""                              both PSNR and SSIM.\n" );H2( "      --no-mixed-refs         Don't decide references on a per partition basis\n" );H2( "      --no-chroma-me          Ignore chroma in motion estimation\n" );H1( "      --no-8x8dct             Disable adaptive spatial transform size\n" );H1( "  -t, --trellis <integer>     Trellis RD quantization. [%d]\n""                                  - 0: disabled\n""                                  - 1: enabled only on the final encode of a MB\n""                                  - 2: enabled on all mode decisions\n", defaults->analyse.i_trellis );H2( "      --no-fast-pskip         Disables early SKIP detection on P-frames\n" );H2( "      --no-dct-decimate       Disables coefficient thresholding on P-frames\n" );H1( "      --nr <integer>          Noise reduction [%d]\n", defaults->analyse.i_noise_reduction );H2( "\n" );H2( "      --deadzone-inter <int>  Set the size of the inter luma quantization deadzone [%d]\n", defaults->analyse.i_luma_deadzone[0] );H2( "      --deadzone-intra <int>  Set the size of the intra luma quantization deadzone [%d]\n", defaults->analyse.i_luma_deadzone[1] );H2( "                                  Deadzones should be in the range 0 - 32.\n" );H2( "      --cqm <string>          Preset quant matrices [\"flat\"]\n""                                  - jvt, flat\n" );H1( "      --cqmfile <string>      Read custom quant matrices from a JM-compatible file\n" );H2( "                                  Overrides any other --cqm* options.\n" );H2( "      --cqm4 <list>           Set all 4x4 quant matrices\n""                                  Takes a comma-separated list of 16 integers.\n" );H2( "      --cqm8 <list>           Set all 8x8 quant matrices\n""                                  Takes a comma-separated list of 64 integers.\n" );H2( "      --cqm4i, --cqm4p, --cqm8i, --cqm8p <list>\n""                              Set both luma and chroma quant matrices\n" );H2( "      --cqm4iy, --cqm4ic, --cqm4py, --cqm4pc <list>\n""                              Set individual quant matrices\n" );H2( "\n" );H2( "Video Usability Info (Annex E):\n" );H2( "The VUI settings are not used by the encoder but are merely suggestions to\n" );H2( "the playback equipment. See doc/vui.txt for details. Use at your own risk.\n" );H2( "\n" );H2( "      --overscan <string>     Specify crop overscan setting [\"%s\"]\n""                                  - undef, show, crop\n",strtable_lookup( x264_overscan_names, defaults->vui.i_overscan ) );H2( "      --videoformat <string>  Specify video format [\"%s\"]\n""                                  - component, pal, ntsc, secam, mac, undef\n",strtable_lookup( x264_vidformat_names, defaults->vui.i_vidformat ) );H2( "      --range <string>        Specify color range [\"%s\"]\n""                                  - %s\n", range_names[0], stringify_names( buf, range_names ) );H2( "      --colorprim <string>    Specify color primaries [\"%s\"]\n""                                  - undef, bt709, bt470m, bt470bg, smpte170m,\n""                                    smpte240m, film, bt2020\n",strtable_lookup( x264_colorprim_names, defaults->vui.i_colorprim ) );H2( "      --transfer <string>     Specify transfer characteristics [\"%s\"]\n""                                  - undef, bt709, bt470m, bt470bg, smpte170m,\n""                                    smpte240m, linear, log100, log316,\n""                                    iec61966-2-4, bt1361e, iec61966-2-1,\n""                                    bt2020-10, bt2020-12\n",strtable_lookup( x264_transfer_names, defaults->vui.i_transfer ) );H2( "      --colormatrix <string>  Specify color matrix setting [\"%s\"]\n""                                  - undef, bt709, fcc, bt470bg, smpte170m,\n""                                    smpte240m, GBR, YCgCo, bt2020nc, bt2020c\n",strtable_lookup( x264_colmatrix_names, defaults->vui.i_colmatrix ) );H2( "      --chromaloc <integer>   Specify chroma sample location (0 to 5) [%d]\n",defaults->vui.i_chroma_loc );H2( "      --nal-hrd <string>      Signal HRD information (requires vbv-bufsize)\n""                                  - none, vbr, cbr (cbr not allowed in .mp4)\n" );H2( "      --filler                Force hard-CBR and generate filler (implied by\n""                              --nal-hrd cbr)\n" );H2( "      --pic-struct            Force pic_struct in Picture Timing SEI\n" );H2( "      --crop-rect <string>    Add 'left,top,right,bottom' to the bitstream-level\n""                              cropping rectangle\n" );H0( "\n" );H0( "Input/Output:\n" );H0( "\n" );H0( "  -o, --output <string>       Specify output file\n" );H1( "      --muxer <string>        Specify output container format [\"%s\"]\n""                                  - %s\n", muxer_names[0], stringify_names( buf, muxer_names ) );H1( "      --demuxer <string>      Specify input container format [\"%s\"]\n""                                  - %s\n", demuxer_names[0], stringify_names( buf, demuxer_names ) );H1( "      --input-fmt <string>    Specify input file format (requires lavf support)\n" );H1( "      --input-csp <string>    Specify input colorspace format for raw input\n" );print_csp_names( longhelp );H1( "      --output-csp <string>   Specify output colorspace [\"%s\"]\n""                                  - %s\n", output_csp_names[0], stringify_names( buf, output_csp_names ) );H1( "      --input-depth <integer> Specify input bit depth for raw input\n" );H1( "      --input-range <string>  Specify input color range [\"%s\"]\n""                                  - %s\n", range_names[0], stringify_names( buf, range_names ) );H1( "      --input-res <intxint>   Specify input resolution (width x height)\n" );H1( "      --index <string>        Filename for input index file\n" );H0( "      --sar width:height      Specify Sample Aspect Ratio\n" );H0( "      --fps <float|rational>  Specify framerate\n" );H0( "      --seek <integer>        First frame to encode\n" );H0( "      --frames <integer>      Maximum number of frames to encode\n" );H0( "      --level <string>        Specify level (as defined by Annex A)\n" );H1( "      --bluray-compat         Enable compatibility hacks for Blu-ray support\n" );H1( "      --avcintra-class <integer> Use compatibility hacks for AVC-Intra class\n""                                  - 50, 100, 200\n" );H1( "      --stitchable            Don't optimize headers based on video content\n""                              Ensures ability to recombine a segmented encode\n" );H1( "\n" );H1( "  -v, --verbose               Print stats for each frame\n" );H1( "      --no-progress           Don't show the progress indicator while encoding\n" );H0( "      --quiet                 Quiet Mode\n" );H1( "      --log-level <string>    Specify the maximum level of logging [\"%s\"]\n""                                  - %s\n", strtable_lookup( log_level_names, cli_log_level - X264_LOG_NONE ),stringify_names( buf, log_level_names ) );H1( "      --psnr                  Enable PSNR computation\n" );H1( "      --ssim                  Enable SSIM computation\n" );H1( "      --threads <integer>     Force a specific number of threads\n" );H2( "      --lookahead-threads <integer> Force a specific number of lookahead threads\n" );H2( "      --sliced-threads        Low-latency but lower-efficiency threading\n" );H2( "      --thread-input          Run Avisynth in its own thread\n" );H2( "      --sync-lookahead <integer> Number of buffer frames for threaded lookahead\n" );H2( "      --non-deterministic     Slightly improve quality of SMP, at the cost of repeatability\n" );H2( "      --cpu-independent       Ensure exact reproducibility across different cpus,\n""                                  as opposed to letting them select different algorithms\n" );H2( "      --asm <integer>         Override CPU detection\n" );H2( "      --no-asm                Disable all CPU optimizations\n" );H2( "      --opencl                Enable use of OpenCL\n" );H2( "      --opencl-clbin <string> Specify path of compiled OpenCL kernel cache\n" );H2( "      --opencl-device <integer> Specify OpenCL device ordinal\n" );H2( "      --dump-yuv <string>     Save reconstructed frames\n" );H2( "      --sps-id <integer>      Set SPS and PPS id numbers [%d]\n", defaults->i_sps_id );H2( "      --aud                   Use access unit delimiters\n" );H2( "      --force-cfr             Force constant framerate timestamp generation\n" );H2( "      --tcfile-in <string>    Force timestamp generation with timecode file\n" );H2( "      --tcfile-out <string>   Output timecode v2 file from input timestamps\n" );H2( "      --timebase <int/int>    Specify timebase numerator and denominator\n""                 <integer>    Specify timebase numerator for input timecode file\n""                              or specify timebase denominator for other input\n" );H2( "      --dts-compress          Eliminate initial delay with container DTS hack\n" );H0( "\n" );H0( "Filtering:\n" );H0( "\n" );H0( "      --vf, --video-filter <filter0>/<filter1>/... Apply video filtering to the input file\n" );H0( "\n" );H0( "      Filter options may be specified in <filter>:<option>=<value> format.\n" );H0( "\n" );H0( "      Available filters:\n" );x264_register_vid_filters();x264_vid_filter_help( longhelp );H0( "\n" );




static void print_version_info( void )
#ifdef X264_POINTVERprintf( "x264 "X264_POINTVER"\n" );
#elseprintf( "x264 0.%d.X\n", X264_BUILD );
#if HAVE_FFMSprintf( "(ffmpegsource %d.%d.%d.%d)\n", FFMS_VERSION >> 24, (FFMS_VERSION & 0xff0000) >> 16, (FFMS_VERSION & 0xff00) >> 8, FFMS_VERSION & 0xff );
#endifprintf( "built on " __DATE__ ", " );
#ifdef __INTEL_COMPILERprintf( "intel: %.2f (%d)\n", __INTEL_COMPILER / 100.f, __INTEL_COMPILER_BUILD_DATE );
#elif defined(__GNUC__)printf( "gcc: " __VERSION__ "\n" );
#elif defined(_MSC_FULL_VER)printf( "msvc: %.2f (%u)\n", _MSC_VER / 100.f, _MSC_FULL_VER );
#elseprintf( "using an unknown compiler\n" );
#endifprintf( "configuration: --bit-depth=%d --chroma-format=%s\n", x264_bit_depth, X264_CHROMA_FORMAT ? (output_csp_names[0]+1) : "all" );printf( "x264 license: " );
#if HAVE_GPLprintf( "GPL version 2 or later\n" );
#elseprintf( "Non-GPL commercial\n" );
#if HAVE_SWSCALEconst char *license = swscale_license();printf( "libswscale%s%s license: %s\n", HAVE_LAVF ? "/libavformat" : "", HAVE_FFMS ? "/ffmpegsource" : "" , license );if( !strcmp( license, "nonfree and unredistributable" ) ||(!HAVE_GPL && (!strcmp( license, "GPL version 2 or later" )||  !strcmp( license, "GPL version 3 or later" ))))printf( "WARNING: This binary is unredistributable!\n" );




/* x264_param_parse:*  set one parameter by name.*  returns 0 on success, or returns one of the following errors.*  note: BAD_VALUE occurs only if it can't even parse the value,*  numerical range is not checked until x264_encoder_open() or*  x264_encoder_reconfig().*  value=NULL means "true" for boolean options, but is a BAD_VALUE for non-booleans. */
int x264_param_parse( x264_param_t *, const char *name, const char *value );


int x264_param_parse( x264_param_t *p, const char *name, const char *value )
{char *name_buf = NULL;int b_error = 0;int name_was_bool;int value_was_null = !value;int i;if( !name )return X264_PARAM_BAD_NAME;if( !value )value = "true";if( value[0] == '=' )value++;if( strchr( name, '_' ) ) // s/_/-/g{char *c;name_buf = strdup(name);while( (c = strchr( name_buf, '_' )) )*c = '-';name = name_buf;}if( (!strncmp( name, "no-", 3 ) && (i = 3)) ||(!strncmp( name, "no", 2 ) && (i = 2)) ){name += i;value = atobool(value) ? "false" : "true";}name_was_bool = 0;#define OPT(STR) else if( !strcmp( name, STR ) )
#define OPT2(STR0, STR1) else if( !strcmp( name, STR0 ) || !strcmp( name, STR1 ) )if(0);//OPT()实际上就是strcmp()OPT("asm"){p->cpu = isdigit(value[0]) ? atoi(value) :!strcasecmp(value, "auto") || atobool(value) ? x264_cpu_detect() : 0;if( b_error ){char *buf = strdup(value);char *tok, UNUSED *saveptr=NULL, *init;b_error = 0;p->cpu = 0;for( init=buf; (tok=strtok_r(init, ",", &saveptr)); init=NULL ){for( i=0; x264_cpu_names[i].flags && strcasecmp(tok, x264_cpu_names[i].name); i++ );p->cpu |= x264_cpu_names[i].flags;if( !x264_cpu_names[i].flags )b_error = 1;}free( buf );if( (p->cpu&X264_CPU_SSSE3) && !(p->cpu&X264_CPU_SSE2_IS_SLOW) )p->cpu |= X264_CPU_SSE2_IS_FAST;}}OPT("threads"){if( !strcasecmp(value, "auto") )p->i_threads = X264_THREADS_AUTO;elsep->i_threads = atoi(value);}OPT("lookahead-threads"){if( !strcasecmp(value, "auto") )p->i_lookahead_threads = X264_THREADS_AUTO;elsep->i_lookahead_threads = atoi(value);}OPT("sliced-threads")p->b_sliced_threads = atobool(value);OPT("sync-lookahead"){if( !strcasecmp(value, "auto") )p->i_sync_lookahead = X264_SYNC_LOOKAHEAD_AUTO;elsep->i_sync_lookahead = atoi(value);}OPT2("deterministic", "n-deterministic")p->b_deterministic = atobool(value);OPT("cpu-independent")p->b_cpu_independent = atobool(value);OPT2("level", "level-idc"){if( !strcmp(value, "1b") )p->i_level_idc = 9;else if( atof(value) < 6 )p->i_level_idc = (int)(10*atof(value)+.5);elsep->i_level_idc = atoi(value);}OPT("bluray-compat")p->b_bluray_compat = atobool(value);OPT("avcintra-class")p->i_avcintra_class = atoi(value);OPT("sar"){b_error = ( 2 != sscanf( value, "%d:%d", &p->vui.i_sar_width, &p->vui.i_sar_height ) &&2 != sscanf( value, "%d/%d", &p->vui.i_sar_width, &p->vui.i_sar_height ) );}OPT("overscan")b_error |= parse_enum( value, x264_overscan_names, &p->vui.i_overscan );OPT("videoformat")b_error |= parse_enum( value, x264_vidformat_names, &p->vui.i_vidformat );OPT("fullrange")b_error |= parse_enum( value, x264_fullrange_names, &p->vui.b_fullrange );OPT("colorprim")b_error |= parse_enum( value, x264_colorprim_names, &p->vui.i_colorprim );OPT("transfer")b_error |= parse_enum( value, x264_transfer_names, &p->vui.i_transfer );OPT("colormatrix")b_error |= parse_enum( value, x264_colmatrix_names, &p->vui.i_colmatrix );OPT("chromaloc"){p->vui.i_chroma_loc = atoi(value);b_error = ( p->vui.i_chroma_loc < 0 || p->vui.i_chroma_loc > 5 );}OPT("fps"){if( sscanf( value, "%u/%u", &p->i_fps_num, &p->i_fps_den ) == 2 );else{float fps = atof(value);if( fps > 0 && fps <= INT_MAX/1000 ){p->i_fps_num = (int)(fps * 1000 + .5);p->i_fps_den = 1000;}else{p->i_fps_num = atoi(value);p->i_fps_den = 1;}}}OPT2("ref", "frameref")p->i_frame_reference = atoi(value);OPT("dpb-size")p->i_dpb_size = atoi(value);OPT("keyint"){if( strstr( value, "infinite" ) )p->i_keyint_max = X264_KEYINT_MAX_INFINITE;elsep->i_keyint_max = atoi(value);}OPT2("min-keyint", "keyint-min"){p->i_keyint_min = atoi(value);if( p->i_keyint_max < p->i_keyint_min )p->i_keyint_max = p->i_keyint_min;}OPT("scenecut"){p->i_scenecut_threshold = atobool(value);if( b_error || p->i_scenecut_threshold ){b_error = 0;p->i_scenecut_threshold = atoi(value);}}OPT("intra-refresh")p->b_intra_refresh = atobool(value);OPT("bframes")p->i_bframe = atoi(value);OPT("b-adapt"){p->i_bframe_adaptive = atobool(value);if( b_error ){b_error = 0;p->i_bframe_adaptive = atoi(value);}}OPT("b-bias")p->i_bframe_bias = atoi(value);OPT("b-pyramid"){b_error |= parse_enum( value, x264_b_pyramid_names, &p->i_bframe_pyramid );if( b_error ){b_error = 0;p->i_bframe_pyramid = atoi(value);}}OPT("open-gop")p->b_open_gop = atobool(value);OPT("nf")p->b_deblocking_filter = !atobool(value);OPT2("filter", "deblock"){if( 2 == sscanf( value, "%d:%d", &p->i_deblocking_filter_alphac0, &p->i_deblocking_filter_beta ) ||2 == sscanf( value, "%d,%d", &p->i_deblocking_filter_alphac0, &p->i_deblocking_filter_beta ) ){p->b_deblocking_filter = 1;}else if( sscanf( value, "%d", &p->i_deblocking_filter_alphac0 ) ){p->b_deblocking_filter = 1;p->i_deblocking_filter_beta = p->i_deblocking_filter_alphac0;}elsep->b_deblocking_filter = atobool(value);}OPT("slice-max-size")p->i_slice_max_size = atoi(value);OPT("slice-max-mbs")p->i_slice_max_mbs = atoi(value);OPT("slice-min-mbs")p->i_slice_min_mbs = atoi(value);OPT("slices")p->i_slice_count = atoi(value);OPT("slices-max")p->i_slice_count_max = atoi(value);OPT("cabac")p->b_cabac = atobool(value);OPT("cabac-idc")p->i_cabac_init_idc = atoi(value);OPT("interlaced")p->b_interlaced = atobool(value);OPT("tff")p->b_interlaced = p->b_tff = atobool(value);OPT("bff"){p->b_interlaced = atobool(value);p->b_tff = !p->b_interlaced;}OPT("constrained-intra")p->b_constrained_intra = atobool(value);OPT("cqm"){if( strstr( value, "flat" ) )p->i_cqm_preset = X264_CQM_FLAT;else if( strstr( value, "jvt" ) )p->i_cqm_preset = X264_CQM_JVT;elsep->psz_cqm_file = strdup(value);}OPT("cqmfile")p->psz_cqm_file = strdup(value);OPT("cqm4"){p->i_cqm_preset = X264_CQM_CUSTOM;b_error |= parse_cqm( value, p->cqm_4iy, 16 );b_error |= parse_cqm( value, p->cqm_4py, 16 );b_error |= parse_cqm( value, p->cqm_4ic, 16 );b_error |= parse_cqm( value, p->cqm_4pc, 16 );}OPT("cqm8"){p->i_cqm_preset = X264_CQM_CUSTOM;b_error |= parse_cqm( value, p->cqm_8iy, 64 );b_error |= parse_cqm( value, p->cqm_8py, 64 );b_error |= parse_cqm( value, p->cqm_8ic, 64 );b_error |= parse_cqm( value, p->cqm_8pc, 64 );}OPT("cqm4i"){p->i_cqm_preset = X264_CQM_CUSTOM;b_error |= parse_cqm( value, p->cqm_4iy, 16 );b_error |= parse_cqm( value, p->cqm_4ic, 16 );}OPT("cqm4p"){p->i_cqm_preset = X264_CQM_CUSTOM;b_error |= parse_cqm( value, p->cqm_4py, 16 );b_error |= parse_cqm( value, p->cqm_4pc, 16 );}OPT("cqm4iy"){p->i_cqm_preset = X264_CQM_CUSTOM;b_error |= parse_cqm( value, p->cqm_4iy, 16 );}OPT("cqm4ic"){p->i_cqm_preset = X264_CQM_CUSTOM;b_error |= parse_cqm( value, p->cqm_4ic, 16 );}OPT("cqm4py"){p->i_cqm_preset = X264_CQM_CUSTOM;b_error |= parse_cqm( value, p->cqm_4py, 16 );}OPT("cqm4pc"){p->i_cqm_preset = X264_CQM_CUSTOM;b_error |= parse_cqm( value, p->cqm_4pc, 16 );}OPT("cqm8i"){p->i_cqm_preset = X264_CQM_CUSTOM;b_error |= parse_cqm( value, p->cqm_8iy, 64 );b_error |= parse_cqm( value, p->cqm_8ic, 64 );}OPT("cqm8p"){p->i_cqm_preset = X264_CQM_CUSTOM;b_error |= parse_cqm( value, p->cqm_8py, 64 );b_error |= parse_cqm( value, p->cqm_8pc, 64 );}OPT("log")p->i_log_level = atoi(value);OPT("dump-yuv")p->psz_dump_yuv = strdup(value);OPT2("analyse", "partitions"){p->analyse.inter = 0;if( strstr( value, "none" ) )  p->analyse.inter =  0;if( strstr( value, "all" ) )   p->analyse.inter = ~0;if( strstr( value, "i4x4" ) )  p->analyse.inter |= X264_ANALYSE_I4x4;if( strstr( value, "i8x8" ) )  p->analyse.inter |= X264_ANALYSE_I8x8;if( strstr( value, "p8x8" ) )  p->analyse.inter |= X264_ANALYSE_PSUB16x16;if( strstr( value, "p4x4" ) )  p->analyse.inter |= X264_ANALYSE_PSUB8x8;if( strstr( value, "b8x8" ) )  p->analyse.inter |= X264_ANALYSE_BSUB16x16;}OPT("8x8dct")p->analyse.b_transform_8x8 = atobool(value);OPT2("weightb", "weight-b")p->analyse.b_weighted_bipred = atobool(value);OPT("weightp")p->analyse.i_weighted_pred = atoi(value);OPT2("direct", "direct-pred")b_error |= parse_enum( value, x264_direct_pred_names, &p->analyse.i_direct_mv_pred );OPT("chroma-qp-offset")p->analyse.i_chroma_qp_offset = atoi(value);OPT("me")b_error |= parse_enum( value, x264_motion_est_names, &p->analyse.i_me_method );OPT2("merange", "me-range")p->analyse.i_me_range = atoi(value);OPT2("mvrange", "mv-range")p->analyse.i_mv_range = atoi(value);OPT2("mvrange-thread", "mv-range-thread")p->analyse.i_mv_range_thread = atoi(value);OPT2("subme", "subq")p->analyse.i_subpel_refine = atoi(value);OPT("psy-rd"){if( 2 == sscanf( value, "%f:%f", &p->analyse.f_psy_rd, &p->analyse.f_psy_trellis ) ||2 == sscanf( value, "%f,%f", &p->analyse.f_psy_rd, &p->analyse.f_psy_trellis ) ||2 == sscanf( value, "%f|%f", &p->analyse.f_psy_rd, &p->analyse.f_psy_trellis )){ }else if( sscanf( value, "%f", &p->analyse.f_psy_rd ) ){p->analyse.f_psy_trellis = 0;}else{p->analyse.f_psy_rd = 0;p->analyse.f_psy_trellis = 0;}}OPT("psy")p->analyse.b_psy = atobool(value);OPT("chroma-me")p->analyse.b_chroma_me = atobool(value);OPT("mixed-refs")p->analyse.b_mixed_references = atobool(value);OPT("trellis")p->analyse.i_trellis = atoi(value);OPT("fast-pskip")p->analyse.b_fast_pskip = atobool(value);OPT("dct-decimate")p->analyse.b_dct_decimate = atobool(value);OPT("deadzone-inter")p->analyse.i_luma_deadzone[0] = atoi(value);OPT("deadzone-intra")p->analyse.i_luma_deadzone[1] = atoi(value);OPT("nr")p->analyse.i_noise_reduction = atoi(value);OPT("bitrate"){p->rc.i_bitrate = atoi(value);p->rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_ABR;}OPT2("qp", "qp_constant"){p->rc.i_qp_constant = atoi(value);p->rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_CQP;}OPT("crf"){p->rc.f_rf_constant = atof(value);p->rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_CRF;}OPT("crf-max")p->rc.f_rf_constant_max = atof(value);OPT("rc-lookahead")p->rc.i_lookahead = atoi(value);OPT2("qpmin", "qp-min")p->rc.i_qp_min = atoi(value);OPT2("qpmax", "qp-max")p->rc.i_qp_max = atoi(value);OPT2("qpstep", "qp-step")p->rc.i_qp_step = atoi(value);OPT("ratetol")p->rc.f_rate_tolerance = !strncmp("inf", value, 3) ? 1e9 : atof(value);OPT("vbv-maxrate")p->rc.i_vbv_max_bitrate = atoi(value);OPT("vbv-bufsize")p->rc.i_vbv_buffer_size = atoi(value);OPT("vbv-init")p->rc.f_vbv_buffer_init = atof(value);OPT2("ipratio", "ip-factor")p->rc.f_ip_factor = atof(value);OPT2("pbratio", "pb-factor")p->rc.f_pb_factor = atof(value);OPT("aq-mode")p->rc.i_aq_mode = atoi(value);OPT("aq-strength")p->rc.f_aq_strength = atof(value);OPT("pass"){int pass = x264_clip3( atoi(value), 0, 3 );p->rc.b_stat_write = pass & 1;p->rc.b_stat_read = pass & 2;}OPT("stats"){p->rc.psz_stat_in = strdup(value);p->rc.psz_stat_out = strdup(value);}OPT("qcomp")p->rc.f_qcompress = atof(value);OPT("mbtree")p->rc.b_mb_tree = atobool(value);OPT("qblur")p->rc.f_qblur = atof(value);OPT2("cplxblur", "cplx-blur")p->rc.f_complexity_blur = atof(value);OPT("zones")p->rc.psz_zones = strdup(value);OPT("crop-rect")b_error |= sscanf( value, "%u,%u,%u,%u", &p->crop_rect.i_left, &p->crop_rect.i_top,&p->crop_rect.i_right, &p->crop_rect.i_bottom ) != 4;OPT("psnr")p->analyse.b_psnr = atobool(value);OPT("ssim")p->analyse.b_ssim = atobool(value);OPT("aud")p->b_aud = atobool(value);OPT("sps-id")p->i_sps_id = atoi(value);OPT("global-header")p->b_repeat_headers = !atobool(value);OPT("repeat-headers")p->b_repeat_headers = atobool(value);OPT("annexb")p->b_annexb = atobool(value);OPT("force-cfr")p->b_vfr_input = !atobool(value);OPT("nal-hrd")b_error |= parse_enum( value, x264_nal_hrd_names, &p->i_nal_hrd );OPT("filler")p->rc.b_filler = atobool(value);OPT("pic-struct")p->b_pic_struct = atobool(value);OPT("fake-interlaced")p->b_fake_interlaced = atobool(value);OPT("frame-packing")p->i_frame_packing = atoi(value);OPT("stitchable")p->b_stitchable = atobool(value);OPT("opencl")p->b_opencl = atobool( value );OPT("opencl-clbin")p->psz_clbin_file = strdup( value );OPT("opencl-device")p->i_opencl_device = atoi( value );elsereturn X264_PARAM_BAD_NAME;
#undef OPT
#undef OPT2
#undef atobool
#undef atoi
#undef atofif( name_buf )free( name_buf );b_error |= value_was_null && !name_was_bool;return b_error ? X264_PARAM_BAD_VALUE : 0;




/*      (can be NULL, in which case the function will do nothing)**      Does NOT guarantee that the given profile will be used: if the restrictions*      of "High" are applied to settings that are already Baseline-compatible, the*      stream will remain baseline.  In short, it does not increase settings, only*      decrease them.**      returns 0 on success, negative on failure (e.g. invalid profile name). */
int     x264_param_apply_profile( x264_param_t *, const char *profile );


int x264_param_apply_profile( x264_param_t *param, const char *profile )
{if( !profile )return 0;//字符串到整型int p = profile_string_to_int( profile );//检查profile设置是否正确if( p < 0 ){x264_log( NULL, X264_LOG_ERROR, "invalid profile: %s\n", profile );return -1;}if( p < PROFILE_HIGH444_PREDICTIVE && ((param->rc.i_rc_method == X264_RC_CQP && param->rc.i_qp_constant <= 0) ||(param->rc.i_rc_method == X264_RC_CRF && (int)(param->rc.f_rf_constant + QP_BD_OFFSET) <= 0)) ){x264_log( NULL, X264_LOG_ERROR, "%s profile doesn't support lossless\n", profile );return -1;}if( p < PROFILE_HIGH444_PREDICTIVE && (param->i_csp & X264_CSP_MASK) >= X264_CSP_I444 ){x264_log( NULL, X264_LOG_ERROR, "%s profile doesn't support 4:4:4\n", profile );return -1;}if( p < PROFILE_HIGH422 && (param->i_csp & X264_CSP_MASK) >= X264_CSP_I422 ){x264_log( NULL, X264_LOG_ERROR, "%s profile doesn't support 4:2:2\n", profile );return -1;}if( p < PROFILE_HIGH10 && BIT_DEPTH > 8 ){x264_log( NULL, X264_LOG_ERROR, "%s profile doesn't support a bit depth of %d\n", profile, BIT_DEPTH );return -1;}//根据不同的Profile做设置//Baseline基本型if( p == PROFILE_BASELINE ){//不支持DCT8x8param->analyse.b_transform_8x8 = 0;//不使用CABACparam->b_cabac = 0;param->i_cqm_preset = X264_CQM_FLAT;param->psz_cqm_file = NULL;//没有B帧param->i_bframe = 0;//没有加权param->analyse.i_weighted_pred = X264_WEIGHTP_NONE;//不支持隔行扫描if( param->b_interlaced ){x264_log( NULL, X264_LOG_ERROR, "baseline profile doesn't support interlacing\n" );return -1;}if( param->b_fake_interlaced ){x264_log( NULL, X264_LOG_ERROR, "baseline profile doesn't support fake interlacing\n" );return -1;}}//Main主型else if( p == PROFILE_MAIN ){//不支持DCT8x8param->analyse.b_transform_8x8 = 0;param->i_cqm_preset = X264_CQM_FLAT;param->psz_cqm_file = NULL;}return 0;


static int profile_string_to_int( const char *str )
{if( !strcasecmp( str, "baseline" ) )return PROFILE_BASELINE;if( !strcasecmp( str, "main" ) )return PROFILE_MAIN;if( !strcasecmp( str, "high" ) )return PROFILE_HIGH;if( !strcasecmp( str, "high10" ) )return PROFILE_HIGH10;if( !strcasecmp( str, "high422" ) )return PROFILE_HIGH422;if( !strcasecmp( str, "high444" ) )return PROFILE_HIGH444_PREDICTIVE;return -1;




//根据文件名的后缀确定输出的文件格式(raw H264,flv,mp4...)
static int select_output( const char *muxer, char *filename, x264_param_t *param )
{//从文件路径字符串中解析出扩展名,存入ext//解析的方式就是反向搜索字符“.”const char *ext = get_filename_extension( filename );//strcasecmp(char *s1, char *s2)用于忽略大小写比较字符串.//参数s1和s2字符串相等则返回0。s1大于s2则返回大于0 的值,s1 小于s2 则返回小于0的值。if( !strcmp( filename, "-" ) || strcasecmp( muxer, "auto" ) )ext = muxer;//后缀为“mp4”if( !strcasecmp( ext, "mp4" ) ){
#if HAVE_GPAC || HAVE_LSMASHcli_output = mp4_output;param->b_annexb = 0;param->b_repeat_headers = 0;if( param->i_nal_hrd == X264_NAL_HRD_CBR ){x264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_WARNING, "cbr nal-hrd is not compatible with mp4\n" );param->i_nal_hrd = X264_NAL_HRD_VBR;}
#elsex264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_ERROR, "not compiled with MP4 output support\n" );return -1;
#endif}else if( !strcasecmp( ext, "mkv" ) ){//设定cli_output_tcli_output = mkv_output;//不加起始码0x00000001param->b_annexb = 0;//不再每个Keyframe前面加SPS和PPSparam->b_repeat_headers = 0;}else if( !strcasecmp( ext, "flv" ) ){cli_output = flv_output;param->b_annexb = 0;param->b_repeat_headers = 0;}elsecli_output = raw_output;//不符合上述后缀,则输出裸流return 0;


static inline char *get_filename_extension( char *filename )
{char *ext = filename + strlen( filename );while( *ext != '.' && ext > filename )ext--;ext += *ext == '.';return ext;




static int select_input( const char *demuxer, char *used_demuxer, char *filename,hnd_t *p_handle, video_info_t *info, cli_input_opt_t *opt )
{int b_auto = !strcasecmp( demuxer, "auto" );//从文件路径字符串中解析出扩展名,存入ext//解析的方式就是反向搜索字符“.”const char *ext = b_auto ? get_filename_extension( filename ) : "";int b_regular = strcmp( filename, "-" );if( !b_regular && b_auto )ext = "raw";b_regular = b_regular && x264_is_regular_file_path( filename );if( b_regular ){FILE *f = x264_fopen( filename, "r" );if( f ){b_regular = x264_is_regular_file( f );fclose( f );}}const char *module = b_auto ? ext : demuxer;//strcasecmp(char *s1, char *s2)用于忽略大小写比较字符串.//参数s1和s2字符串相等则返回0。s1大于s2则返回大于0 的值,s1 小于s2 则返回小于0的值。if( !strcasecmp( module, "avs" ) || !strcasecmp( ext, "d2v" ) || !strcasecmp( ext, "dga" ) ){
#if HAVE_AVScli_input = avs_input;module = "avs";
#elsex264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_ERROR, "not compiled with AVS input support\n" );return -1;
#endif}else if( !strcasecmp( module, "y4m" ) )cli_input = y4m_input;else if( !strcasecmp( module, "raw" ) || !strcasecmp( ext, "yuv" ) )cli_input = raw_input;else{
#if HAVE_FFMSif( b_regular && (b_auto || !strcasecmp( demuxer, "ffms" )) &&!ffms_input.open_file( filename, p_handle, info, opt ) ){module = "ffms";b_auto = 0;cli_input = ffms_input;}
#if HAVE_LAVFif( (b_auto || !strcasecmp( demuxer, "lavf" )) &&!lavf_input.open_file( filename, p_handle, info, opt ) ){module = "lavf";b_auto = 0;cli_input = lavf_input;}
#if HAVE_AVSif( b_regular && (b_auto || !strcasecmp( demuxer, "avs" )) &&!avs_input.open_file( filename, p_handle, info, opt ) ){module = "avs";b_auto = 0;cli_input = avs_input;}
#endifif( b_auto && !raw_input.open_file( filename, p_handle, info, opt ) ){module = "raw";b_auto = 0;cli_input = raw_input;}FAIL_IF_ERROR( !(*p_handle), "could not open input file `%s' via any method!\n", filename )}strcpy( used_demuxer, module );return 0;





static int encode( x264_param_t *param, cli_opt_t *opt )
{x264_t *h = NULL;x264_picture_t pic;cli_pic_t cli_pic;const cli_pulldown_t *pulldown = NULL; // shut up gccint     i_frame = 0;int     i_frame_output = 0;int64_t i_end, i_previous = 0, i_start = 0;int64_t i_file = 0;int     i_frame_size;int64_t last_dts = 0;int64_t prev_dts = 0;int64_t first_dts = 0;
#   define  MAX_PTS_WARNING 3 /* arbitrary */int     pts_warning_cnt = 0;int64_t largest_pts = -1;int64_t second_largest_pts = -1;int64_t ticks_per_frame;double  duration;double  pulldown_pts = 0;int     retval = 0;opt->b_progress &= param->i_log_level < X264_LOG_DEBUG;/* set up pulldown */if( opt->i_pulldown && !param->b_vfr_input ){param->b_pulldown = 1;param->b_pic_struct = 1;pulldown = &pulldown_values[opt->i_pulldown];param->i_timebase_num = param->i_fps_den;FAIL_IF_ERROR2( fmod( param->i_fps_num * pulldown->fps_factor, 1 ),"unsupported framerate for chosen pulldown\n" )param->i_timebase_den = param->i_fps_num * pulldown->fps_factor;}//打开编码器h = x264_encoder_open( param );FAIL_IF_ERROR2( !h, "x264_encoder_open failed\n" );//获得参数x264_encoder_parameters( h, param );//一些不是裸流的封转格式(FLV,MP4等)需要一些参数,例如宽高等等//cli_output_t是代表输出媒体文件的结构体FAIL_IF_ERROR2( cli_output.set_param( opt->hout, param ), "can't set outfile param\n" );//计时i_start = x264_mdate();/* ticks/frame = ticks/second / frames/second */ticks_per_frame = (int64_t)param->i_timebase_den * param->i_fps_den / param->i_timebase_num / param->i_fps_num;FAIL_IF_ERROR2( ticks_per_frame < 1 && !param->b_vfr_input, "ticks_per_frame invalid: %"PRId64"\n", ticks_per_frame )ticks_per_frame = X264_MAX( ticks_per_frame, 1 );//如果不是在每个keyframe前面都增加SPS/PPS/SEI的话,就在整个码流前面加SPS/PPS/SEI//Header指的就是SPS/PPS/SEIif( !param->b_repeat_headers ){// Write SPS/PPS/SEIx264_nal_t *headers;int i_nal;//获得文件头(SPS、PPS、SEI)FAIL_IF_ERROR2( x264_encoder_headers( h, &headers, &i_nal ) < 0, "x264_encoder_headers failed\n" )//把文件头写入输出文件FAIL_IF_ERROR2( (i_file = cli_output.write_headers( opt->hout, headers )) < 0, "error writing headers to output file\n" );}if( opt->tcfile_out )fprintf( opt->tcfile_out, "# timecode format v2\n" );/* Encode frames *///循环进行编码for( ; !b_ctrl_c && (i_frame < param->i_frame_total || !param->i_frame_total); i_frame++ ){//从输入源中获取1帧YUV数据,存于cli_pic//cli_vid_filter_t可以认为是x264一种“扩展”后的输入源,可以在像素域对图像进行拉伸裁剪等工作。//原本代表输入源的结构体是cli_input_tif( filter.get_frame( opt->hin, &cli_pic, i_frame + opt->i_seek ) )break;//初始化x264_picture_t结构体picx264_picture_init( &pic );//cli_pic到picconvert_cli_to_lib_pic( &pic, &cli_pic );if( !param->b_vfr_input )pic.i_pts = i_frame;if( opt->i_pulldown && !param->b_vfr_input ){pic.i_pic_struct = pulldown->pattern[ i_frame % pulldown->mod ];pic.i_pts = (int64_t)( pulldown_pts + 0.5 );pulldown_pts += pulldown_frame_duration[pic.i_pic_struct];}else if( opt->timebase_convert_multiplier )pic.i_pts = (int64_t)( pic.i_pts * opt->timebase_convert_multiplier + 0.5 );if( pic.i_pts <= largest_pts ){if( cli_log_level >= X264_LOG_DEBUG || pts_warning_cnt < MAX_PTS_WARNING )x264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_WARNING, "non-strictly-monotonic pts at frame %d (%"PRId64" <= %"PRId64")\n",i_frame, pic.i_pts, largest_pts );else if( pts_warning_cnt == MAX_PTS_WARNING )x264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_WARNING, "too many nonmonotonic pts warnings, suppressing further ones\n" );pts_warning_cnt++;pic.i_pts = largest_pts + ticks_per_frame;}second_largest_pts = largest_pts;largest_pts = pic.i_pts;if( opt->tcfile_out )fprintf( opt->tcfile_out, "%.6f\n", pic.i_pts * ((double)param->i_timebase_num / param->i_timebase_den) * 1e3 );if( opt->qpfile )parse_qpfile( opt, &pic, i_frame + opt->i_seek );prev_dts = last_dts;//编码pic中存储的1帧YUV数据i_frame_size = encode_frame( h, opt->hout, &pic, &last_dts );if( i_frame_size < 0 ){b_ctrl_c = 1; /* lie to exit the loop */retval = -1;}else if( i_frame_size ){i_file += i_frame_size;i_frame_output++;if( i_frame_output == 1 )first_dts = prev_dts = last_dts;}//释放处理完的YUV数据if( filter.release_frame( opt->hin, &cli_pic, i_frame + opt->i_seek ) )break;/* update status line (up to 1000 times per input file) */if( opt->b_progress && i_frame_output )i_previous = print_status( i_start, i_previous, i_frame_output, param->i_frame_total, i_file, param, 2 * last_dts - prev_dts - first_dts );}/* Flush delayed frames *///输出编码器中剩余的帧//x264_encoder_delayed_frames()返回剩余的帧的个数while( !b_ctrl_c && x264_encoder_delayed_frames( h ) ){prev_dts = last_dts;//编码//注意第3个参数为NULLi_frame_size = encode_frame( h, opt->hout, NULL, &last_dts );if( i_frame_size < 0 ){b_ctrl_c = 1; /* lie to exit the loop */retval = -1;}else if( i_frame_size ){i_file += i_frame_size;i_frame_output++;if( i_frame_output == 1 )first_dts = prev_dts = last_dts;}//输出一些统计信息if( opt->b_progress && i_frame_output )i_previous = print_status( i_start, i_previous, i_frame_output, param->i_frame_total, i_file, param, 2 * last_dts - prev_dts - first_dts );}
fail:if( pts_warning_cnt >= MAX_PTS_WARNING && cli_log_level < X264_LOG_DEBUG )x264_cli_log( "x264", X264_LOG_WARNING, "%d suppressed nonmonotonic pts warnings\n", pts_warning_cnt-MAX_PTS_WARNING );/* duration algorithm fails when only 1 frame is output */if( i_frame_output == 1 )duration = (double)param->i_fps_den / param->i_fps_num;else if( b_ctrl_c )duration = (double)(2 * last_dts - prev_dts - first_dts) * param->i_timebase_num / param->i_timebase_den;elseduration = (double)(2 * largest_pts - second_largest_pts) * param->i_timebase_num / param->i_timebase_den;//计时i_end = x264_mdate();/* Erase progress indicator before printing encoding stats. */if( opt->b_progress )fprintf( stderr, "                                                                               \r" );//关闭编码器if( h )x264_encoder_close( h );fprintf( stderr, "\n" );if( b_ctrl_c )fprintf( stderr, "aborted at input frame %d, output frame %d\n", opt->i_seek + i_frame, i_frame_output );//关闭输出文件cli_output.close_file( opt->hout, largest_pts, second_largest_pts );opt->hout = NULL;if( i_frame_output > 0 ){double fps = (double)i_frame_output * (double)1000000 /(double)( i_end - i_start );fprintf( stderr, "encoded %d frames, %.2f fps, %.2f kb/s\n", i_frame_output, fps,(double) i_file * 8 / ( 1000 * duration ) );}return retval;
















static int encode_frame( x264_t *h, hnd_t hout, x264_picture_t *pic, int64_t *last_dts )
{x264_picture_t pic_out;x264_nal_t *nal;int i_nal;int i_frame_size = 0;//编码API//编码x264_picture_t为x264_nal_ti_frame_size = x264_encoder_encode( h, &nal, &i_nal, pic, &pic_out );FAIL_IF_ERROR( i_frame_size < 0, "x264_encoder_encode failed\n" );if( i_frame_size ){//通过cli_output_t中的方法输出//输出raw H.264流的话,等同于直接fwrite()//其他封装格式,则还需进行一定的封装i_frame_size = cli_output.write_frame( hout, nal[0].p_payload, i_frame_size, &pic_out );*last_dts = pic_out.i_dts;}return i_frame_size;




static int64_t print_status( int64_t i_start, int64_t i_previous, int i_frame, int i_frame_total, int64_t i_file, x264_param_t *param, int64_t last_ts )
{char buf[200];int64_t i_time = x264_mdate();if( i_previous && i_time - i_previous < UPDATE_INTERVAL )return i_previous;int64_t i_elapsed = i_time - i_start;double fps = i_elapsed > 0 ? i_frame * 1000000. / i_elapsed : 0;double bitrate;if( last_ts )bitrate = (double) i_file * 8 / ( (double) last_ts * 1000 * param->i_timebase_num / param->i_timebase_den );elsebitrate = (double) i_file * 8 / ( (double) 1000 * param->i_fps_den / param->i_fps_num );if( i_frame_total ){//形成输出的字符串int eta = i_elapsed * (i_frame_total - i_frame) / ((int64_t)i_frame * 1000000);sprintf( buf, "x264 [%.1f%%] %d/%d frames, %.2f fps, %.2f kb/s, eta %d:%02d:%02d",100. * i_frame / i_frame_total, i_frame, i_frame_total, fps, bitrate,eta/3600, (eta/60)%60, eta%60 );}elsesprintf( buf, "x264 %d frames: %.2f fps, %.2f kb/s", i_frame, fps, bitrate );//输出到stderrfprintf( stderr, "%s  \r", buf+5 );//设置到标题栏?x264_cli_set_console_title( buf );fflush( stderr ); // needed in windowsreturn i_time;








typedef struct
{int (*open_file)( char *psz_filename, hnd_t *p_handle, cli_output_opt_t *opt );int (*set_param)( hnd_t handle, x264_param_t *p_param );int (*write_headers)( hnd_t handle, x264_nal_t *p_nal );int (*write_frame)( hnd_t handle, uint8_t *p_nal, int i_size, x264_picture_t *p_picture );int (*close_file)( hnd_t handle, int64_t largest_pts, int64_t second_largest_pts );
} cli_output_t;extern const cli_output_t raw_output;
extern const cli_output_t mkv_output;
extern const cli_output_t mp4_output;
extern const cli_output_t flv_output;



#include "output.h"static int open_file( char *psz_filename, hnd_t *p_handle, cli_output_opt_t *opt )
{if( !strcmp( psz_filename, "-" ) )*p_handle = stdout;else if( !(*p_handle = x264_fopen( psz_filename, "w+b" )) )return -1;return 0;
}static int set_param( hnd_t handle, x264_param_t *p_param )
{return 0;
}static int write_headers( hnd_t handle, x264_nal_t *p_nal )
{int size = p_nal[0].i_payload + p_nal[1].i_payload + p_nal[2].i_payload;if( fwrite( p_nal[0].p_payload, size, 1, (FILE*)handle ) )return size;return -1;
}static int write_frame( hnd_t handle, uint8_t *p_nalu, int i_size, x264_picture_t *p_picture )
{if( fwrite( p_nalu, i_size, 1, (FILE*)handle ) )return i_size;return -1;
}static int close_file( hnd_t handle, int64_t largest_pts, int64_t second_largest_pts )
{if( !handle || handle == stdout )return 0;return fclose( (FILE*)handle );
}const cli_output_t raw_output = { open_file, set_param, write_headers, write_frame, close_file };



const cli_output_t flv_output = { open_file, set_param, write_headers, write_frame, close_file };


flv_output 中的open_file()的定义如下所示。

static int write_header( flv_buffer *c )
{flv_put_tag( c, "FLV" ); // Signatureflv_put_byte( c, 1 );    // Versionflv_put_byte( c, 1 );    // Video Onlyflv_put_be32( c, 9 );    // DataOffsetflv_put_be32( c, 0 );    // PreviousTagSize0return flv_flush_data( c );
}static int open_file( char *psz_filename, hnd_t *p_handle, cli_output_opt_t *opt )
{*p_handle = NULL;flv_hnd_t *p_flv = calloc( 1, sizeof(flv_hnd_t) );if( !p_flv )return -1;p_flv->b_dts_compress = opt->use_dts_compress;p_flv->c = flv_create_writer( psz_filename );if( !p_flv->c )return -1;CHECK( write_header( p_flv->c ) );*p_handle = p_flv;return 0;

可以看出flv_output 中的open_file()中完成了FLV封装格式文件头的创建。

flv_output 中的write_frame()的定义如下所示。

static int write_frame( hnd_t handle, uint8_t *p_nalu, int i_size, x264_picture_t *p_picture )
{flv_hnd_t *p_flv = handle;flv_buffer *c = p_flv->c;#define convert_timebase_ms( timestamp, timebase ) (int64_t)((timestamp) * (timebase) * 1000 + 0.5)if( !p_flv->i_framenum ){p_flv->i_delay_time = p_picture->i_dts * -1;if( !p_flv->b_dts_compress && p_flv->i_delay_time )x264_cli_log( "flv", X264_LOG_INFO, "initial delay %"PRId64" ms\n",convert_timebase_ms( p_picture->i_pts + p_flv->i_delay_time, p_flv->d_timebase ) );}int64_t dts;int64_t cts;int64_t offset;if( p_flv->b_dts_compress ){if( p_flv->i_framenum == 1 )p_flv->i_init_delta = convert_timebase_ms( p_picture->i_dts + p_flv->i_delay_time, p_flv->d_timebase );dts = p_flv->i_framenum > p_flv->i_delay_frames? convert_timebase_ms( p_picture->i_dts, p_flv->d_timebase ): p_flv->i_framenum * p_flv->i_init_delta / (p_flv->i_delay_frames + 1);cts = convert_timebase_ms( p_picture->i_pts, p_flv->d_timebase );}else{dts = convert_timebase_ms( p_picture->i_dts + p_flv->i_delay_time, p_flv->d_timebase );cts = convert_timebase_ms( p_picture->i_pts + p_flv->i_delay_time, p_flv->d_timebase );}offset = cts - dts;if( p_flv->i_framenum ){if( p_flv->i_prev_dts == dts )x264_cli_log( "flv", X264_LOG_WARNING, "duplicate DTS %"PRId64" generated by rounding\n""               decoding framerate cannot exceed 1000fps\n", dts );if( p_flv->i_prev_cts == cts )x264_cli_log( "flv", X264_LOG_WARNING, "duplicate CTS %"PRId64" generated by rounding\n""               composition framerate cannot exceed 1000fps\n", cts );}p_flv->i_prev_dts = dts;p_flv->i_prev_cts = cts;// A new frame - write packet headerflv_put_byte( c, FLV_TAG_TYPE_VIDEO );flv_put_be24( c, 0 ); // calculated laterflv_put_be24( c, dts );flv_put_byte( c, dts >> 24 );flv_put_be24( c, 0 );p_flv->start = c->d_cur;flv_put_byte( c, p_picture->b_keyframe ? FLV_FRAME_KEY : FLV_FRAME_INTER );flv_put_byte( c, 1 ); // AVC NALUflv_put_be24( c, offset );if( p_flv->sei ){flv_append_data( c, p_flv->sei, p_flv->sei_len );free( p_flv->sei );p_flv->sei = NULL;}flv_append_data( c, p_nalu, i_size );unsigned length = c->d_cur - p_flv->start;flv_rewrite_amf_be24( c, length, p_flv->start - 10 );flv_put_be32( c, 11 + length ); // Last tag sizeCHECK( flv_flush_data( c ) );p_flv->i_framenum++;return i_size;

flv_output 中的可以看出write_frame()中完成了FLV封装格式中一个Tag单元的创建。



typedef struct
{int (*open_file)( char *psz_filename, hnd_t *p_handle, video_info_t *info, cli_input_opt_t *opt );int (*picture_alloc)( cli_pic_t *pic, int csp, int width, int height );int (*read_frame)( cli_pic_t *pic, hnd_t handle, int i_frame );int (*release_frame)( cli_pic_t *pic, hnd_t handle );void (*picture_clean)( cli_pic_t *pic );int (*close_file)( hnd_t handle );
} cli_input_t;extern const cli_input_t raw_input;
extern const cli_input_t y4m_input;
extern const cli_input_t avs_input;
extern const cli_input_t lavf_input;
extern const cli_input_t ffms_input;



#include "input.h"
#define FAIL_IF_ERROR( cond, ... ) FAIL_IF_ERR( cond, "raw", __VA_ARGS__ )typedef struct
{FILE *fh;int next_frame;uint64_t plane_size[4];uint64_t frame_size;int bit_depth;
} raw_hnd_t;//打开raw YUV格式文件
static int open_file( char *psz_filename, hnd_t *p_handle, video_info_t *info, cli_input_opt_t *opt )
{raw_hnd_t *h = calloc( 1, sizeof(raw_hnd_t) );if( !h )return -1;if( !opt->resolution ){//如果没有设置分辨率//尝试从文件名中解析分辨率/* try to parse the file name */for( char *p = psz_filename; *p; p++ )if( *p >= '0' && *p <= '9' && sscanf( p, "%dx%d", &info->width, &info->height ) == 2 )break;}elsesscanf( opt->resolution, "%dx%d", &info->width, &info->height );//没有分辨率信息的话,会弹出错误信息FAIL_IF_ERROR( !info->width || !info->height, "raw input requires a resolution.\n" )//设置颜色空间if( opt->colorspace ){for( info->csp = X264_CSP_CLI_MAX-1; info->csp > X264_CSP_NONE; info->csp-- ){if( x264_cli_csps[info->csp].name && !strcasecmp( x264_cli_csps[info->csp].name, opt->colorspace ) )break;}FAIL_IF_ERROR( info->csp == X264_CSP_NONE, "unsupported colorspace `%s'\n", opt->colorspace );}else /* default */info->csp = X264_CSP_I420;//默认为YUV420P//颜色位深h->bit_depth = opt->bit_depth;FAIL_IF_ERROR( h->bit_depth < 8 || h->bit_depth > 16, "unsupported bit depth `%d'\n", h->bit_depth );if( h->bit_depth > 8 )info->csp |= X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH;if( !strcmp( psz_filename, "-" ) )h->fh = stdin;  //从管道输入elseh->fh = x264_fopen( psz_filename, "rb" );  //打开文件if( h->fh == NULL )return -1;info->thread_safe = 1;info->num_frames  = 0;info->vfr         = 0;const x264_cli_csp_t *csp = x264_cli_get_csp( info->csp );for( int i = 0; i < csp->planes; i++ ){h->plane_size[i] = x264_cli_pic_plane_size( info->csp, info->width, info->height, i );h->frame_size += h->plane_size[i];/* x264_cli_pic_plane_size returns the size in bytes, we need the value in pixels from here on */h->plane_size[i] /= x264_cli_csp_depth_factor( info->csp );}if( x264_is_regular_file( h->fh ) ){fseek( h->fh, 0, SEEK_END );uint64_t size = ftell( h->fh );fseek( h->fh, 0, SEEK_SET );info->num_frames = size / h->frame_size;}*p_handle = h;return 0;
static int read_frame_internal( cli_pic_t *pic, raw_hnd_t *h, int bit_depth_uc )
{int error = 0;int pixel_depth = x264_cli_csp_depth_factor( pic->img.csp );//一个分量一个分量读for( int i = 0; i < pic->img.planes && !error; i++ ){//fread()读取error |= fread( pic->img.plane[i], pixel_depth, h->plane_size[i], h->fh ) != h->plane_size[i];if( bit_depth_uc ){/* upconvert non 16bit high depth planes to 16bit using the same* algorithm as used in the depth filter. */uint16_t *plane = (uint16_t*)pic->img.plane[i];uint64_t pixel_count = h->plane_size[i];int lshift = 16 - h->bit_depth;for( uint64_t j = 0; j < pixel_count; j++ )plane[j] = plane[j] << lshift;}}return error;
static int read_frame( cli_pic_t *pic, hnd_t handle, int i_frame )
{raw_hnd_t *h = handle;if( i_frame > h->next_frame ){if( x264_is_regular_file( h->fh ) )fseek( h->fh, i_frame * h->frame_size, SEEK_SET );  //fseek()。偏移量=帧序号*帧大小。elsewhile( i_frame > h->next_frame ){//读取一帧数据-内部if( read_frame_internal( pic, h, 0 ) )return -1;h->next_frame++;}}if( read_frame_internal( pic, h, h->bit_depth & 7 ) )return -1;h->next_frame = i_frame+1;return 0;
static int close_file( hnd_t handle )
{raw_hnd_t *h = handle;if( !h || !h->fh )return 0;//fclose()关闭文件fclose( h->fh );free( h );return 0;
const cli_input_t raw_input = { open_file, x264_cli_pic_alloc, read_frame, NULL, x264_cli_pic_clean, close_file };

从源代码中可以看出,raw_input 中的open_file()函数在打开YUV像素数据的时候,会首先判断是否设置了宽和高(YUV是纯像素数据,没有宽和高信息),如果没有设置,则会尝试从文件路径中解析宽和高信息。如果成功完成上述步骤,open_file()就会调用x264_fopen()打开输入文件。其他的函数在源代码中都写了注释,就不再重复记录了。


const cli_input_t y4m_input = { open_file, x264_cli_pic_alloc, read_frame, NULL, x264_cli_pic_clean, close_file };


typedef struct
{FILE *fh;int next_frame;int seq_header_len;int frame_header_len;uint64_t frame_size;uint64_t plane_size[3];int bit_depth;
} y4m_hnd_t;#define Y4M_MAGIC "YUV4MPEG2"
#define MAX_YUV4_HEADER 80
#define MAX_FRAME_HEADER 80static int parse_csp_and_depth( char *csp_name, int *bit_depth )
{int csp    = X264_CSP_MAX;/* Set colorspace from known variants */if( !strncmp( "420", csp_name, 3 ) )csp = X264_CSP_I420;else if( !strncmp( "422", csp_name, 3 ) )csp = X264_CSP_I422;else if( !strncmp( "444", csp_name, 3 ) && strncmp( "444alpha", csp_name, 8 ) ) // only accept alphaless 4:4:4csp = X264_CSP_I444;/* Set high bit depth from known extensions */if( sscanf( csp_name, "%*d%*[pP]%d", bit_depth ) != 1 )*bit_depth = 8;return csp;
}static int open_file( char *psz_filename, hnd_t *p_handle, video_info_t *info, cli_input_opt_t *opt )
{y4m_hnd_t *h = malloc( sizeof(y4m_hnd_t) );int i;uint32_t n, d;char header[MAX_YUV4_HEADER+10];char *tokend, *header_end;int colorspace = X264_CSP_NONE;int alt_colorspace = X264_CSP_NONE;int alt_bit_depth  = 8;if( !h )return -1;h->next_frame = 0;info->vfr = 0;if( !strcmp( psz_filename, "-" ) )h->fh = stdin;elseh->fh = x264_fopen(psz_filename, "rb");if( h->fh == NULL )return -1;h->frame_header_len = strlen( Y4M_FRAME_MAGIC )+1;/* Read header *///解析Y4M格式的文件头for( i = 0; i < MAX_YUV4_HEADER; i++ ){header[i] = fgetc( h->fh );if( header[i] == '\n' ){/* Add a space after last option. Makes parsing "444" vs"444alpha" easier. */header[i+1] = 0x20;header[i+2] = 0;break;}}if( i == MAX_YUV4_HEADER || strncmp( header, Y4M_MAGIC, strlen( Y4M_MAGIC ) ) )return -1;/* Scan properties */header_end = &header[i+1]; /* Include space */h->seq_header_len = i+1;for( char *tokstart = &header[strlen( Y4M_MAGIC )+1]; tokstart < header_end; tokstart++ ){if( *tokstart == 0x20 )continue;switch( *tokstart++ ){case 'W': /* Width. Required. */info->width = strtol( tokstart, &tokend, 10 );tokstart=tokend;break;case 'H': /* Height. Required. */info->height = strtol( tokstart, &tokend, 10 );tokstart=tokend;break;case 'C': /* Color space */colorspace = parse_csp_and_depth( tokstart, &h->bit_depth );tokstart = strchr( tokstart, 0x20 );break;case 'I': /* Interlace type */switch( *tokstart++ ){case 't':info->interlaced = 1;info->tff = 1;break;case 'b':info->interlaced = 1;info->tff = 0;break;case 'm':info->interlaced = 1;break;//case '?'://case 'p':default:break;}break;case 'F': /* Frame rate - 0:0 if unknown */if( sscanf( tokstart, "%u:%u", &n, &d ) == 2 && n && d ){x264_reduce_fraction( &n, &d );info->fps_num = n;info->fps_den = d;}tokstart = strchr( tokstart, 0x20 );break;case 'A': /* Pixel aspect - 0:0 if unknown *//* Don't override the aspect ratio if sar has been explicitly set on the commandline. */if( sscanf( tokstart, "%u:%u", &n, &d ) == 2 && n && d ){x264_reduce_fraction( &n, &d );info->sar_width  = n;info->sar_height = d;}tokstart = strchr( tokstart, 0x20 );break;case 'X': /* Vendor extensions */if( !strncmp( "YSCSS=", tokstart, 6 ) ){/* Older nonstandard pixel format representation */tokstart += 6;alt_colorspace = parse_csp_and_depth( tokstart, &alt_bit_depth );}tokstart = strchr( tokstart, 0x20 );break;}}if( colorspace == X264_CSP_NONE ){colorspace   = alt_colorspace;h->bit_depth = alt_bit_depth;}// default to 8bit 4:2:0 if nothing is specifiedif( colorspace == X264_CSP_NONE ){colorspace    = X264_CSP_I420;h->bit_depth  = 8;}FAIL_IF_ERROR( colorspace <= X264_CSP_NONE || colorspace >= X264_CSP_MAX, "colorspace unhandled\n" )FAIL_IF_ERROR( h->bit_depth < 8 || h->bit_depth > 16, "unsupported bit depth `%d'\n", h->bit_depth );info->thread_safe = 1;info->num_frames  = 0;info->csp         = colorspace;h->frame_size     = h->frame_header_len;if( h->bit_depth > 8 )info->csp |= X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH;const x264_cli_csp_t *csp = x264_cli_get_csp( info->csp );for( i = 0; i < csp->planes; i++ ){h->plane_size[i] = x264_cli_pic_plane_size( info->csp, info->width, info->height, i );h->frame_size += h->plane_size[i];/* x264_cli_pic_plane_size returns the size in bytes, we need the value in pixels from here on */h->plane_size[i] /= x264_cli_csp_depth_factor( info->csp );}/* Most common case: frame_header = "FRAME" */if( x264_is_regular_file( h->fh ) ){uint64_t init_pos = ftell( h->fh );fseek( h->fh, 0, SEEK_END );uint64_t i_size = ftell( h->fh );fseek( h->fh, init_pos, SEEK_SET );info->num_frames = (i_size - h->seq_header_len) / h->frame_size;}*p_handle = h;return 0;




struct cli_vid_filter_t
{/* name of the filter */const char *name;/* help: a short message on what the filter does and how to use it.* this should only be implemented by filters directly accessible by the user */void (*help)( int longhelp );/* init: initializes the filter given the input clip properties and parameter to adjust them as necessary* with the given options provided by the user.* returns 0 on success, nonzero on error. */int (*init)( hnd_t *handle, cli_vid_filter_t *filter, video_info_t *info, x264_param_t *param, char *opt_string );/* get_frame: given the storage for the output frame and desired frame number, generate the frame accordingly.* the image data returned by get_frame should be treated as const and not be altered.* returns 0 on success, nonzero on error. */int (*get_frame)( hnd_t handle, cli_pic_t *output, int frame );/* release_frame: frame is done being used and is signaled for cleanup.* returns 0 on succeess, nonzero on error. */int (*release_frame)( hnd_t handle, cli_pic_t *pic, int frame );/* free: run filter cleanup procedures. */void (*free)( hnd_t handle );/* next registered filter, unused by filters themselves */cli_vid_filter_t *next;




#include "video.h"/* This filter converts the demuxer API into the filtering API for video frames.* Backseeking is prohibited here as not all demuxers are capable of doing so. */typedef struct
{cli_pic_t pic;hnd_t hin;int cur_frame;
} source_hnd_t;cli_vid_filter_t source_filter;static int init( hnd_t *handle, cli_vid_filter_t *filter, video_info_t *info, x264_param_t *param, char *opt_string )
{source_hnd_t *h = calloc( 1, sizeof(source_hnd_t) );if( !h )return -1;h->cur_frame = -1;if( cli_input.picture_alloc( &h->pic, info->csp, info->width, info->height ) )return -1;h->hin = *handle;*handle = h;*filter = source_filter;return 0;
}static int get_frame( hnd_t handle, cli_pic_t *output, int frame )
{source_hnd_t *h = handle;/* do not allow requesting of frames from before the current position */if( frame <= h->cur_frame || cli_input.read_frame( &h->pic, h->hin, frame ) )return -1;h->cur_frame = frame;*output = h->pic;return 0;
}static int release_frame( hnd_t handle, cli_pic_t *pic, int frame )
{source_hnd_t *h = handle;if( cli_input.release_frame && cli_input.release_frame( &h->pic, h->hin ) )return -1;return 0;
}static void free_filter( hnd_t handle )
{source_hnd_t *h = handle;cli_input.picture_clean( &h->pic );cli_input.close_file( h->hin );free( h );
}cli_vid_filter_t source_filter = { "source", NULL, init, get_frame, release_frame, free_filter, NULL };



cli_vid_filter_t resize_filter = { NAME, help, init, get_frame, release_frame, free_filter, NULL };


static int get_frame( hnd_t handle, cli_pic_t *output, int frame )
{resizer_hnd_t *h = handle;if( h->prev_filter.get_frame( h->prev_hnd, output, frame ) )return -1;if( h->variable_input && check_resizer( h, output ) )return -1;h->working = 1;if( h->pre_swap_chroma )XCHG( uint8_t*, output->img.plane[1], output->img.plane[2] );if( h->ctx ){sws_scale( h->ctx, (const uint8_t* const*)output->img.plane, output->img.stride,0, output->img.height, h->buffer.img.plane, h->buffer.img.stride );output->img = h->buffer.img; /* copy img data */}elseoutput->img.csp = h->dst_csp;if( h->post_swap_chroma )XCHG( uint8_t*, output->img.plane[1], output->img.plane[2] );return 0;





  1. x264源代码简单分析:熵编码(Entropy Encoding)部分

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