

【编码 - x264】










x264源代码简单分析:熵编码(Entropy Encoding)部分


【解码 - libavcodec H.264 解码器】







FFmpeg的H.264解码器源代码简单分析:环路滤波(Loop Filter)部分


本文记录x264的 x264_slice_write()函数中调用的x264_macroblock_analyse()的源代码。x264_macroblock_analyse()对应着x264中的分析模块。分析模块主要完成了下面2个方面的功能:










上一篇文章已经分析了帧内宏块(Intra宏块)的分析函数x264_mb_analyse_intra()。本文重点分析帧间宏块(Inter宏块)的分析函数x264_mb_analyse_inter_p16x16 ()。并简单对比分析x264_mb_analyse_inter_p8x8(),x264_mb_analyse_inter_p16x8()等几个针对不同尺寸帧间宏块的预测函数。


x264_slice_write()是x264项目的核心,它完成了编码了一个Slice的工作。有关该函数的分析可以参考文章《 x264源代码简单分析:x264_slice_write()》。



/***************************************************************************** 分析-帧内预测模式选择、帧间运动估计等** 注释和处理:雷霄骅* http://blog.csdn.net/leixiaohua1020* leixiaohua1020@126.com****************************************************************************/
void x264_macroblock_analyse( x264_t *h )
{x264_mb_analysis_t analysis;int i_cost = COST_MAX;//通过码率控制方法,获取本宏块QPh->mb.i_qp = x264_ratecontrol_mb_qp( h );/* If the QP of this MB is within 1 of the previous MB, code the same QP as the previous MB,* to lower the bit cost of the qp_delta.  Don't do this if QPRD is enabled. */if( h->param.rc.i_aq_mode && h->param.analyse.i_subpel_refine < 10 )h->mb.i_qp = abs(h->mb.i_qp - h->mb.i_last_qp) == 1 ? h->mb.i_last_qp : h->mb.i_qp;if( h->param.analyse.b_mb_info )h->fdec->effective_qp[h->mb.i_mb_xy] = h->mb.i_qp; /* Store the real analysis QP. *///初始化x264_mb_analyse_init( h, &analysis, h->mb.i_qp );/*--------------------------- Do the analysis ---------------------------*///I帧:只使用帧内预测,分别计算亮度16x16(4种)和4x4(9种)所有模式的代价值,选出代价最小的模式//P帧:计算帧内模式和帧间模式( P Slice允许有Intra宏块和P宏块;同理B帧也支持Intra宏块)。//对P帧的每一种分割进行帧间预测,得到最佳的运动矢量及最佳匹配块。//帧间预测过程:选出最佳矢量——>找到最佳的整像素点——>找到最佳的二分之一像素点——>找到最佳的1/4像素点//然后取代价最小的为最佳MV和分割方式//最后从帧内模式和帧间模式中选择代价比较小的方式(有可能没有找到很好的匹配块,这时候就直接使用帧内预测而不是帧间预测)。if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_I ){//I slice//通过一系列帧内预测模式(16x16的4种,4x4的9种)代价的计算得出代价最小的最优模式
intra_analysis:if( analysis.i_mbrd )x264_mb_init_fenc_cache( h, analysis.i_mbrd >= 2 );//帧内预测分析//从16×16的SAD,4个8×8的SAD和,16个4×4SAD中选出最优方式x264_mb_analyse_intra( h, &analysis, COST_MAX );if( analysis.i_mbrd )x264_intra_rd( h, &analysis, COST_MAX );//分析结果都存储在analysis结构体中//开销i_cost = analysis.i_satd_i16x16;h->mb.i_type = I_16x16;//如果I4x4或者I8x8开销更小的话就拷贝//copy if littleCOPY2_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_satd_i4x4, h->mb.i_type, I_4x4 );COPY2_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_satd_i8x8, h->mb.i_type, I_8x8 );//画面极其特殊的时候,才有可能用到PCMif( analysis.i_satd_pcm < i_cost )h->mb.i_type = I_PCM;else if( analysis.i_mbrd >= 2 )x264_intra_rd_refine( h, &analysis );}else if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_P ){//P sliceint b_skip = 0;h->mc.prefetch_ref( h->mb.pic.p_fref[0][0][h->mb.i_mb_x&3], h->mb.pic.i_stride[0], 0 );analysis.b_try_skip = 0;if( analysis.b_force_intra ){if( !h->param.analyse.b_psy ){x264_mb_analyse_init_qp( h, &analysis, X264_MAX( h->mb.i_qp - h->mb.ip_offset, h->param.rc.i_qp_min ) );goto intra_analysis;}}else{/* Special fast-skip logic using information from mb_info. */if( h->fdec->mb_info && (h->fdec->mb_info[h->mb.i_mb_xy]&X264_MBINFO_CONSTANT) ){if( !SLICE_MBAFF && (h->fdec->i_frame - h->fref[0][0]->i_frame) == 1 && !h->sh.b_weighted_pred &&h->fref[0][0]->effective_qp[h->mb.i_mb_xy] <= h->mb.i_qp ){h->mb.i_partition = D_16x16;/* Use the P-SKIP MV if we can... */if( !M32(h->mb.cache.pskip_mv) ){b_skip = 1;h->mb.i_type = P_SKIP;}/* Otherwise, just force a 16x16 block. */else{h->mb.i_type = P_L0;analysis.l0.me16x16.i_ref = 0;M32( analysis.l0.me16x16.mv ) = 0;}goto skip_analysis;}/* Reset the information accordingly */else if( h->param.analyse.b_mb_info_update )h->fdec->mb_info[h->mb.i_mb_xy] &= ~X264_MBINFO_CONSTANT;}int skip_invalid = h->i_thread_frames > 1 && h->mb.cache.pskip_mv[1] > h->mb.mv_max_spel[1];/* If the current macroblock is off the frame, just skip it. */if( HAVE_INTERLACED && !MB_INTERLACED && h->mb.i_mb_y * 16 >= h->param.i_height && !skip_invalid )b_skip = 1;/* Fast P_SKIP detection */else if( h->param.analyse.b_fast_pskip ){if( skip_invalid )// FIXME don't need to check this if the reference frame is done{}else if( h->param.analyse.i_subpel_refine >= 3 )analysis.b_try_skip = 1;else if( h->mb.i_mb_type_left[0] == P_SKIP ||h->mb.i_mb_type_top == P_SKIP ||h->mb.i_mb_type_topleft == P_SKIP ||h->mb.i_mb_type_topright == P_SKIP )b_skip = x264_macroblock_probe_pskip( h );//检查是否是Skip类型}}h->mc.prefetch_ref( h->mb.pic.p_fref[0][0][h->mb.i_mb_x&3], h->mb.pic.i_stride[0], 1 );if( b_skip ){h->mb.i_type = P_SKIP;h->mb.i_partition = D_16x16;assert( h->mb.cache.pskip_mv[1] <= h->mb.mv_max_spel[1] || h->i_thread_frames == 1 );
skip_analysis:/* Set up MVs for future predictors */for( int i = 0; i < h->mb.pic.i_fref[0]; i++ )M32( h->mb.mvr[0][i][h->mb.i_mb_xy] ) = 0;}else{const unsigned int flags = h->param.analyse.inter;int i_type;int i_partition;int i_satd_inter, i_satd_intra;x264_mb_analyse_load_costs( h, &analysis );/** 16x16 帧间预测宏块分析-P** +--------+--------+* |                 |* |                 |* |                 |* +        +        +* |                 |* |                 |* |                 |* +--------+--------+**/x264_mb_analyse_inter_p16x16( h, &analysis );if( h->mb.i_type == P_SKIP ){for( int i = 1; i < h->mb.pic.i_fref[0]; i++ )M32( h->mb.mvr[0][i][h->mb.i_mb_xy] ) = 0;return;}if( flags & X264_ANALYSE_PSUB16x16 ){if( h->param.analyse.b_mixed_references )x264_mb_analyse_inter_p8x8_mixed_ref( h, &analysis );else{/** 8x8帧间预测宏块分析-P* +--------+* |        |* |        |* |        |* +--------+*/x264_mb_analyse_inter_p8x8( h, &analysis );}}/* Select best inter mode */i_type = P_L0;i_partition = D_16x16;i_cost = analysis.l0.me16x16.cost;//如果8x8的代价值小于16x16//则进行8x8子块分割的处理//处理的数据源自于l0if( ( flags & X264_ANALYSE_PSUB16x16 ) && (!analysis.b_early_terminate ||analysis.l0.i_cost8x8 < analysis.l0.me16x16.cost) ){i_type = P_8x8;i_partition = D_8x8;i_cost = analysis.l0.i_cost8x8;/* Do sub 8x8 */if( flags & X264_ANALYSE_PSUB8x8 ){for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ){//8x8块的子块的分析/** 4x4* +----+----+* |    |    |* +----+----+* |    |    |* +----+----+**/x264_mb_analyse_inter_p4x4( h, &analysis, i );int i_thresh8x4 = analysis.l0.me4x4[i][1].cost_mv + analysis.l0.me4x4[i][2].cost_mv;//如果4x4小于8x8//则再分析8x4,4x8的代价if( !analysis.b_early_terminate || analysis.l0.i_cost4x4[i] < analysis.l0.me8x8[i].cost + i_thresh8x4 ){int i_cost8x8 = analysis.l0.i_cost4x4[i];h->mb.i_sub_partition[i] = D_L0_4x4;/** 8x4* +----+----+* |         |* +----+----+* |         |* +----+----+**///如果8x4小于8x8x264_mb_analyse_inter_p8x4( h, &analysis, i );COPY2_IF_LT( i_cost8x8, analysis.l0.i_cost8x4[i],h->mb.i_sub_partition[i], D_L0_8x4 );/** 4x8* +----+----+* |    |    |* +    +    +* |    |    |* +----+----+**///如果4x8小于8x8x264_mb_analyse_inter_p4x8( h, &analysis, i );COPY2_IF_LT( i_cost8x8, analysis.l0.i_cost4x8[i],h->mb.i_sub_partition[i], D_L0_4x8 );i_cost += i_cost8x8 - analysis.l0.me8x8[i].cost;}x264_mb_cache_mv_p8x8( h, &analysis, i );}analysis.l0.i_cost8x8 = i_cost;}}/* Now do 16x8/8x16 */int i_thresh16x8 = analysis.l0.me8x8[1].cost_mv + analysis.l0.me8x8[2].cost_mv;//前提要求8x8的代价值小于16x16if( ( flags & X264_ANALYSE_PSUB16x16 ) && (!analysis.b_early_terminate ||analysis.l0.i_cost8x8 < analysis.l0.me16x16.cost + i_thresh16x8) ){int i_avg_mv_ref_cost = (analysis.l0.me8x8[2].cost_mv + analysis.l0.me8x8[2].i_ref_cost+ analysis.l0.me8x8[3].cost_mv + analysis.l0.me8x8[3].i_ref_cost + 1) >> 1;analysis.i_cost_est16x8[1] = analysis.i_satd8x8[0][2] + analysis.i_satd8x8[0][3] + i_avg_mv_ref_cost;/** 16x8 宏块划分** +--------+--------+* |        |        |* |        |        |* |        |        |* +--------+--------+**/x264_mb_analyse_inter_p16x8( h, &analysis, i_cost );COPY3_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.l0.i_cost16x8, i_type, P_L0, i_partition, D_16x8 );i_avg_mv_ref_cost = (analysis.l0.me8x8[1].cost_mv + analysis.l0.me8x8[1].i_ref_cost+ analysis.l0.me8x8[3].cost_mv + analysis.l0.me8x8[3].i_ref_cost + 1) >> 1;analysis.i_cost_est8x16[1] = analysis.i_satd8x8[0][1] + analysis.i_satd8x8[0][3] + i_avg_mv_ref_cost;/** 8x16 宏块划分** +--------+* |        |* |        |* |        |* +--------+* |        |* |        |* |        |* +--------+**/x264_mb_analyse_inter_p8x16( h, &analysis, i_cost );COPY3_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.l0.i_cost8x16, i_type, P_L0, i_partition, D_8x16 );}h->mb.i_partition = i_partition;/* refine qpel *///亚像素精度搜索//FIXME mb_type costs?if( analysis.i_mbrd || !h->mb.i_subpel_refine ){/* refine later */}else if( i_partition == D_16x16 ){x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l0.me16x16 );i_cost = analysis.l0.me16x16.cost;}else if( i_partition == D_16x8 ){x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l0.me16x8[0] );x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l0.me16x8[1] );i_cost = analysis.l0.me16x8[0].cost + analysis.l0.me16x8[1].cost;}else if( i_partition == D_8x16 ){x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l0.me8x16[0] );x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l0.me8x16[1] );i_cost = analysis.l0.me8x16[0].cost + analysis.l0.me8x16[1].cost;}else if( i_partition == D_8x8 ){i_cost = 0;for( int i8x8 = 0; i8x8 < 4; i8x8++ ){switch( h->mb.i_sub_partition[i8x8] ){case D_L0_8x8:x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l0.me8x8[i8x8] );i_cost += analysis.l0.me8x8[i8x8].cost;break;case D_L0_8x4:x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l0.me8x4[i8x8][0] );x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l0.me8x4[i8x8][1] );i_cost += analysis.l0.me8x4[i8x8][0].cost +analysis.l0.me8x4[i8x8][1].cost;break;case D_L0_4x8:x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l0.me4x8[i8x8][0] );x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l0.me4x8[i8x8][1] );i_cost += analysis.l0.me4x8[i8x8][0].cost +analysis.l0.me4x8[i8x8][1].cost;break;case D_L0_4x4:x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l0.me4x4[i8x8][0] );x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l0.me4x4[i8x8][1] );x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l0.me4x4[i8x8][2] );x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l0.me4x4[i8x8][3] );i_cost += analysis.l0.me4x4[i8x8][0].cost +analysis.l0.me4x4[i8x8][1].cost +analysis.l0.me4x4[i8x8][2].cost +analysis.l0.me4x4[i8x8][3].cost;break;default:x264_log( h, X264_LOG_ERROR, "internal error (!8x8 && !4x4)\n" );break;}}}if( h->mb.b_chroma_me ){if( CHROMA444 ){x264_mb_analyse_intra( h, &analysis, i_cost );x264_mb_analyse_intra_chroma( h, &analysis );}else{x264_mb_analyse_intra_chroma( h, &analysis );x264_mb_analyse_intra( h, &analysis, i_cost - analysis.i_satd_chroma );}analysis.i_satd_i16x16 += analysis.i_satd_chroma;analysis.i_satd_i8x8   += analysis.i_satd_chroma;analysis.i_satd_i4x4   += analysis.i_satd_chroma;}elsex264_mb_analyse_intra( h, &analysis, i_cost );//P Slice中也允许有Intra宏块,所以也要进行分析i_satd_inter = i_cost;i_satd_intra = X264_MIN3( analysis.i_satd_i16x16,analysis.i_satd_i8x8,analysis.i_satd_i4x4 );if( analysis.i_mbrd ){x264_mb_analyse_p_rd( h, &analysis, X264_MIN(i_satd_inter, i_satd_intra) );i_type = P_L0;i_partition = D_16x16;i_cost = analysis.l0.i_rd16x16;COPY2_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.l0.i_cost16x8, i_partition, D_16x8 );COPY2_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.l0.i_cost8x16, i_partition, D_8x16 );COPY3_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.l0.i_cost8x8, i_partition, D_8x8, i_type, P_8x8 );h->mb.i_type = i_type;h->mb.i_partition = i_partition;if( i_cost < COST_MAX )x264_mb_analyse_transform_rd( h, &analysis, &i_satd_inter, &i_cost );x264_intra_rd( h, &analysis, i_satd_inter * 5/4 + 1 );}//获取最小的代价COPY2_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_satd_i16x16, i_type, I_16x16 );COPY2_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_satd_i8x8, i_type, I_8x8 );COPY2_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_satd_i4x4, i_type, I_4x4 );COPY2_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_satd_pcm, i_type, I_PCM );h->mb.i_type = i_type;if( analysis.b_force_intra && !IS_INTRA(i_type) ){/* Intra masking: copy fdec to fenc and re-encode the block as intra in order to make it appear as if* it was an inter block. */x264_analyse_update_cache( h, &analysis );x264_macroblock_encode( h );for( int p = 0; p < (CHROMA444 ? 3 : 1); p++ )h->mc.copy[PIXEL_16x16]( h->mb.pic.p_fenc[p], FENC_STRIDE, h->mb.pic.p_fdec[p], FDEC_STRIDE, 16 );if( !CHROMA444 ){int height = 16 >> CHROMA_V_SHIFT;h->mc.copy[PIXEL_8x8]  ( h->mb.pic.p_fenc[1], FENC_STRIDE, h->mb.pic.p_fdec[1], FDEC_STRIDE, height );h->mc.copy[PIXEL_8x8]  ( h->mb.pic.p_fenc[2], FENC_STRIDE, h->mb.pic.p_fdec[2], FDEC_STRIDE, height );}x264_mb_analyse_init_qp( h, &analysis, X264_MAX( h->mb.i_qp - h->mb.ip_offset, h->param.rc.i_qp_min ) );goto intra_analysis;}if( analysis.i_mbrd >= 2 && h->mb.i_type != I_PCM ){if( IS_INTRA( h->mb.i_type ) ){x264_intra_rd_refine( h, &analysis );}else if( i_partition == D_16x16 ){x264_macroblock_cache_ref( h, 0, 0, 4, 4, 0, analysis.l0.me16x16.i_ref );analysis.l0.me16x16.cost = i_cost;x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me16x16, analysis.i_lambda2, 0, 0 );}else if( i_partition == D_16x8 ){h->mb.i_sub_partition[0] = h->mb.i_sub_partition[1] =h->mb.i_sub_partition[2] = h->mb.i_sub_partition[3] = D_L0_8x8;x264_macroblock_cache_ref( h, 0, 0, 4, 2, 0, analysis.l0.me16x8[0].i_ref );x264_macroblock_cache_ref( h, 0, 2, 4, 2, 0, analysis.l0.me16x8[1].i_ref );x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me16x8[0], analysis.i_lambda2, 0, 0 );x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me16x8[1], analysis.i_lambda2, 8, 0 );}else if( i_partition == D_8x16 ){h->mb.i_sub_partition[0] = h->mb.i_sub_partition[1] =h->mb.i_sub_partition[2] = h->mb.i_sub_partition[3] = D_L0_8x8;x264_macroblock_cache_ref( h, 0, 0, 2, 4, 0, analysis.l0.me8x16[0].i_ref );x264_macroblock_cache_ref( h, 2, 0, 2, 4, 0, analysis.l0.me8x16[1].i_ref );x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me8x16[0], analysis.i_lambda2, 0, 0 );x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me8x16[1], analysis.i_lambda2, 4, 0 );}else if( i_partition == D_8x8 ){x264_analyse_update_cache( h, &analysis );for( int i8x8 = 0; i8x8 < 4; i8x8++ ){if( h->mb.i_sub_partition[i8x8] == D_L0_8x8 ){x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me8x8[i8x8], analysis.i_lambda2, i8x8*4, 0 );}else if( h->mb.i_sub_partition[i8x8] == D_L0_8x4 ){x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me8x4[i8x8][0], analysis.i_lambda2, i8x8*4+0, 0 );x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me8x4[i8x8][1], analysis.i_lambda2, i8x8*4+2, 0 );}else if( h->mb.i_sub_partition[i8x8] == D_L0_4x8 ){x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me4x8[i8x8][0], analysis.i_lambda2, i8x8*4+0, 0 );x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me4x8[i8x8][1], analysis.i_lambda2, i8x8*4+1, 0 );}else if( h->mb.i_sub_partition[i8x8] == D_L0_4x4 ){x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me4x4[i8x8][0], analysis.i_lambda2, i8x8*4+0, 0 );x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me4x4[i8x8][1], analysis.i_lambda2, i8x8*4+1, 0 );x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me4x4[i8x8][2], analysis.i_lambda2, i8x8*4+2, 0 );x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me4x4[i8x8][3], analysis.i_lambda2, i8x8*4+3, 0 );}}}}}}else if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_B )//B Slice的时候{int i_bskip_cost = COST_MAX;int b_skip = 0;if( analysis.i_mbrd )x264_mb_init_fenc_cache( h, analysis.i_mbrd >= 2 );h->mb.i_type = B_SKIP;if( h->mb.b_direct_auto_write ){/* direct=auto heuristic: prefer whichever mode allows more Skip macroblocks */for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ){int b_changed = 1;h->sh.b_direct_spatial_mv_pred ^= 1;analysis.b_direct_available = x264_mb_predict_mv_direct16x16( h, i && analysis.b_direct_available ? &b_changed : NULL );if( analysis.b_direct_available ){if( b_changed ){x264_mb_mc( h );b_skip = x264_macroblock_probe_bskip( h );}h->stat.frame.i_direct_score[ h->sh.b_direct_spatial_mv_pred ] += b_skip;}elseb_skip = 0;}}elseanalysis.b_direct_available = x264_mb_predict_mv_direct16x16( h, NULL );analysis.b_try_skip = 0;if( analysis.b_direct_available ){if( !h->mb.b_direct_auto_write )x264_mb_mc( h );/* If the current macroblock is off the frame, just skip it. */if( HAVE_INTERLACED && !MB_INTERLACED && h->mb.i_mb_y * 16 >= h->param.i_height )b_skip = 1;else if( analysis.i_mbrd ){i_bskip_cost = ssd_mb( h );/* 6 = minimum cavlc cost of a non-skipped MB */b_skip = h->mb.b_skip_mc = i_bskip_cost <= ((6 * analysis.i_lambda2 + 128) >> 8);}else if( !h->mb.b_direct_auto_write ){/* Conditioning the probe on neighboring block types* doesn't seem to help speed or quality. */analysis.b_try_skip = x264_macroblock_probe_bskip( h );if( h->param.analyse.i_subpel_refine < 3 )b_skip = analysis.b_try_skip;}/* Set up MVs for future predictors */if( b_skip ){for( int i = 0; i < h->mb.pic.i_fref[0]; i++ )M32( h->mb.mvr[0][i][h->mb.i_mb_xy] ) = 0;for( int i = 0; i < h->mb.pic.i_fref[1]; i++ )M32( h->mb.mvr[1][i][h->mb.i_mb_xy] ) = 0;}}if( !b_skip ){const unsigned int flags = h->param.analyse.inter;int i_type;int i_partition;int i_satd_inter;h->mb.b_skip_mc = 0;h->mb.i_type = B_DIRECT;x264_mb_analyse_load_costs( h, &analysis );/* select best inter mode *//* direct must be first */if( analysis.b_direct_available )x264_mb_analyse_inter_direct( h, &analysis );/** 16x16 帧间预测宏块分析-B** +--------+--------+* |                 |* |                 |* |                 |* +        +        +* |                 |* |                 |* |                 |* +--------+--------+**/x264_mb_analyse_inter_b16x16( h, &analysis );if( h->mb.i_type == B_SKIP ){for( int i = 1; i < h->mb.pic.i_fref[0]; i++ )M32( h->mb.mvr[0][i][h->mb.i_mb_xy] ) = 0;for( int i = 1; i < h->mb.pic.i_fref[1]; i++ )M32( h->mb.mvr[1][i][h->mb.i_mb_xy] ) = 0;return;}i_type = B_L0_L0;i_partition = D_16x16;i_cost = analysis.l0.me16x16.cost;COPY2_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.l1.me16x16.cost, i_type, B_L1_L1 );COPY2_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_cost16x16bi, i_type, B_BI_BI );COPY2_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_cost16x16direct, i_type, B_DIRECT );if( analysis.i_mbrd && analysis.b_early_terminate && analysis.i_cost16x16direct <= i_cost * 33/32 ){x264_mb_analyse_b_rd( h, &analysis, i_cost );if( i_bskip_cost < analysis.i_rd16x16direct &&i_bskip_cost < analysis.i_rd16x16bi &&i_bskip_cost < analysis.l0.i_rd16x16 &&i_bskip_cost < analysis.l1.i_rd16x16 ){h->mb.i_type = B_SKIP;x264_analyse_update_cache( h, &analysis );return;}}if( flags & X264_ANALYSE_BSUB16x16 ){/** 8x8 帧间预测宏块分析-B* +--------+* |        |* |        |* |        |* +--------+**/if( h->param.analyse.b_mixed_references )x264_mb_analyse_inter_b8x8_mixed_ref( h, &analysis );elsex264_mb_analyse_inter_b8x8( h, &analysis );COPY3_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_cost8x8bi, i_type, B_8x8, i_partition, D_8x8 );/* Try to estimate the cost of b16x8/b8x16 based on the satd scores of the b8x8 modes */int i_cost_est16x8bi_total = 0, i_cost_est8x16bi_total = 0;int i_mb_type, i_partition16x8[2], i_partition8x16[2];for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ){int avg_l0_mv_ref_cost, avg_l1_mv_ref_cost;int i_l0_satd, i_l1_satd, i_bi_satd, i_best_cost;// 16x8i_best_cost = COST_MAX;i_l0_satd = analysis.i_satd8x8[0][i*2] + analysis.i_satd8x8[0][i*2+1];i_l1_satd = analysis.i_satd8x8[1][i*2] + analysis.i_satd8x8[1][i*2+1];i_bi_satd = analysis.i_satd8x8[2][i*2] + analysis.i_satd8x8[2][i*2+1];avg_l0_mv_ref_cost = ( analysis.l0.me8x8[i*2].cost_mv + analysis.l0.me8x8[i*2].i_ref_cost+ analysis.l0.me8x8[i*2+1].cost_mv + analysis.l0.me8x8[i*2+1].i_ref_cost + 1 ) >> 1;avg_l1_mv_ref_cost = ( analysis.l1.me8x8[i*2].cost_mv + analysis.l1.me8x8[i*2].i_ref_cost+ analysis.l1.me8x8[i*2+1].cost_mv + analysis.l1.me8x8[i*2+1].i_ref_cost + 1 ) >> 1;COPY2_IF_LT( i_best_cost, i_l0_satd + avg_l0_mv_ref_cost, i_partition16x8[i], D_L0_8x8 );COPY2_IF_LT( i_best_cost, i_l1_satd + avg_l1_mv_ref_cost, i_partition16x8[i], D_L1_8x8 );COPY2_IF_LT( i_best_cost, i_bi_satd + avg_l0_mv_ref_cost + avg_l1_mv_ref_cost, i_partition16x8[i], D_BI_8x8 );analysis.i_cost_est16x8[i] = i_best_cost;// 8x16i_best_cost = COST_MAX;i_l0_satd = analysis.i_satd8x8[0][i] + analysis.i_satd8x8[0][i+2];i_l1_satd = analysis.i_satd8x8[1][i] + analysis.i_satd8x8[1][i+2];i_bi_satd = analysis.i_satd8x8[2][i] + analysis.i_satd8x8[2][i+2];avg_l0_mv_ref_cost = ( analysis.l0.me8x8[i].cost_mv + analysis.l0.me8x8[i].i_ref_cost+ analysis.l0.me8x8[i+2].cost_mv + analysis.l0.me8x8[i+2].i_ref_cost + 1 ) >> 1;avg_l1_mv_ref_cost = ( analysis.l1.me8x8[i].cost_mv + analysis.l1.me8x8[i].i_ref_cost+ analysis.l1.me8x8[i+2].cost_mv + analysis.l1.me8x8[i+2].i_ref_cost + 1 ) >> 1;COPY2_IF_LT( i_best_cost, i_l0_satd + avg_l0_mv_ref_cost, i_partition8x16[i], D_L0_8x8 );COPY2_IF_LT( i_best_cost, i_l1_satd + avg_l1_mv_ref_cost, i_partition8x16[i], D_L1_8x8 );COPY2_IF_LT( i_best_cost, i_bi_satd + avg_l0_mv_ref_cost + avg_l1_mv_ref_cost, i_partition8x16[i], D_BI_8x8 );analysis.i_cost_est8x16[i] = i_best_cost;}i_mb_type = B_L0_L0 + (i_partition16x8[0]>>2) * 3 + (i_partition16x8[1]>>2);analysis.i_cost_est16x8[1] += analysis.i_lambda * i_mb_b16x8_cost_table[i_mb_type];i_cost_est16x8bi_total = analysis.i_cost_est16x8[0] + analysis.i_cost_est16x8[1];i_mb_type = B_L0_L0 + (i_partition8x16[0]>>2) * 3 + (i_partition8x16[1]>>2);analysis.i_cost_est8x16[1] += analysis.i_lambda * i_mb_b16x8_cost_table[i_mb_type];i_cost_est8x16bi_total = analysis.i_cost_est8x16[0] + analysis.i_cost_est8x16[1];/* We can gain a little speed by checking the mode with the lowest estimated cost first */int try_16x8_first = i_cost_est16x8bi_total < i_cost_est8x16bi_total;if( try_16x8_first && (!analysis.b_early_terminate || i_cost_est16x8bi_total < i_cost) ){x264_mb_analyse_inter_b16x8( h, &analysis, i_cost );COPY3_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_cost16x8bi, i_type, analysis.i_mb_type16x8, i_partition, D_16x8 );}if( !analysis.b_early_terminate || i_cost_est8x16bi_total < i_cost ){x264_mb_analyse_inter_b8x16( h, &analysis, i_cost );COPY3_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_cost8x16bi, i_type, analysis.i_mb_type8x16, i_partition, D_8x16 );}if( !try_16x8_first && (!analysis.b_early_terminate || i_cost_est16x8bi_total < i_cost) ){x264_mb_analyse_inter_b16x8( h, &analysis, i_cost );COPY3_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_cost16x8bi, i_type, analysis.i_mb_type16x8, i_partition, D_16x8 );}}if( analysis.i_mbrd || !h->mb.i_subpel_refine ){/* refine later */}/* refine qpel */else if( i_partition == D_16x16 ){analysis.l0.me16x16.cost -= analysis.i_lambda * i_mb_b_cost_table[B_L0_L0];analysis.l1.me16x16.cost -= analysis.i_lambda * i_mb_b_cost_table[B_L1_L1];if( i_type == B_L0_L0 ){x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l0.me16x16 );i_cost = analysis.l0.me16x16.cost+ analysis.i_lambda * i_mb_b_cost_table[B_L0_L0];}else if( i_type == B_L1_L1 ){x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l1.me16x16 );i_cost = analysis.l1.me16x16.cost+ analysis.i_lambda * i_mb_b_cost_table[B_L1_L1];}else if( i_type == B_BI_BI ){x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l0.bi16x16 );x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l1.bi16x16 );}}else if( i_partition == D_16x8 ){for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ){if( analysis.i_mb_partition16x8[i] != D_L1_8x8 )x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l0.me16x8[i] );if( analysis.i_mb_partition16x8[i] != D_L0_8x8 )x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l1.me16x8[i] );}}else if( i_partition == D_8x16 ){for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ){if( analysis.i_mb_partition8x16[i] != D_L1_8x8 )x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l0.me8x16[i] );if( analysis.i_mb_partition8x16[i] != D_L0_8x8 )x264_me_refine_qpel( h, &analysis.l1.me8x16[i] );}}else if( i_partition == D_8x8 ){for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ){x264_me_t *m;int i_part_cost_old;int i_type_cost;int i_part_type = h->mb.i_sub_partition[i];int b_bidir = (i_part_type == D_BI_8x8);if( i_part_type == D_DIRECT_8x8 )continue;if( x264_mb_partition_listX_table[0][i_part_type] ){m = &analysis.l0.me8x8[i];i_part_cost_old = m->cost;i_type_cost = analysis.i_lambda * i_sub_mb_b_cost_table[D_L0_8x8];m->cost -= i_type_cost;x264_me_refine_qpel( h, m );if( !b_bidir )analysis.i_cost8x8bi += m->cost + i_type_cost - i_part_cost_old;}if( x264_mb_partition_listX_table[1][i_part_type] ){m = &analysis.l1.me8x8[i];i_part_cost_old = m->cost;i_type_cost = analysis.i_lambda * i_sub_mb_b_cost_table[D_L1_8x8];m->cost -= i_type_cost;x264_me_refine_qpel( h, m );if( !b_bidir )analysis.i_cost8x8bi += m->cost + i_type_cost - i_part_cost_old;}/* TODO: update mvp? */}}i_satd_inter = i_cost;if( analysis.i_mbrd ){x264_mb_analyse_b_rd( h, &analysis, i_satd_inter );i_type = B_SKIP;i_cost = i_bskip_cost;i_partition = D_16x16;COPY2_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.l0.i_rd16x16, i_type, B_L0_L0 );COPY2_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.l1.i_rd16x16, i_type, B_L1_L1 );COPY2_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_rd16x16bi, i_type, B_BI_BI );COPY2_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_rd16x16direct, i_type, B_DIRECT );COPY3_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_rd16x8bi, i_type, analysis.i_mb_type16x8, i_partition, D_16x8 );COPY3_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_rd8x16bi, i_type, analysis.i_mb_type8x16, i_partition, D_8x16 );COPY3_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_rd8x8bi, i_type, B_8x8, i_partition, D_8x8 );h->mb.i_type = i_type;h->mb.i_partition = i_partition;}if( h->mb.b_chroma_me ){if( CHROMA444 ){x264_mb_analyse_intra( h, &analysis, i_satd_inter );x264_mb_analyse_intra_chroma( h, &analysis );}else{x264_mb_analyse_intra_chroma( h, &analysis );x264_mb_analyse_intra( h, &analysis, i_satd_inter - analysis.i_satd_chroma );}analysis.i_satd_i16x16 += analysis.i_satd_chroma;analysis.i_satd_i8x8   += analysis.i_satd_chroma;analysis.i_satd_i4x4   += analysis.i_satd_chroma;}elsex264_mb_analyse_intra( h, &analysis, i_satd_inter );if( analysis.i_mbrd ){x264_mb_analyse_transform_rd( h, &analysis, &i_satd_inter, &i_cost );x264_intra_rd( h, &analysis, i_satd_inter * 17/16 + 1 );}COPY2_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_satd_i16x16, i_type, I_16x16 );COPY2_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_satd_i8x8, i_type, I_8x8 );COPY2_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_satd_i4x4, i_type, I_4x4 );COPY2_IF_LT( i_cost, analysis.i_satd_pcm, i_type, I_PCM );h->mb.i_type = i_type;h->mb.i_partition = i_partition;if( analysis.i_mbrd >= 2 && IS_INTRA( i_type ) && i_type != I_PCM )x264_intra_rd_refine( h, &analysis );if( h->mb.i_subpel_refine >= 5 )x264_refine_bidir( h, &analysis );if( analysis.i_mbrd >= 2 && i_type > B_DIRECT && i_type < B_SKIP ){int i_biweight;x264_analyse_update_cache( h, &analysis );if( i_partition == D_16x16 ){if( i_type == B_L0_L0 ){analysis.l0.me16x16.cost = i_cost;x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me16x16, analysis.i_lambda2, 0, 0 );}else if( i_type == B_L1_L1 ){analysis.l1.me16x16.cost = i_cost;x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l1.me16x16, analysis.i_lambda2, 0, 1 );}else if( i_type == B_BI_BI ){i_biweight = h->mb.bipred_weight[analysis.l0.bi16x16.i_ref][analysis.l1.bi16x16.i_ref];x264_me_refine_bidir_rd( h, &analysis.l0.bi16x16, &analysis.l1.bi16x16, i_biweight, 0, analysis.i_lambda2 );}}else if( i_partition == D_16x8 ){for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ){h->mb.i_sub_partition[i*2] = h->mb.i_sub_partition[i*2+1] = analysis.i_mb_partition16x8[i];if( analysis.i_mb_partition16x8[i] == D_L0_8x8 )x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me16x8[i], analysis.i_lambda2, i*8, 0 );else if( analysis.i_mb_partition16x8[i] == D_L1_8x8 )x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l1.me16x8[i], analysis.i_lambda2, i*8, 1 );else if( analysis.i_mb_partition16x8[i] == D_BI_8x8 ){i_biweight = h->mb.bipred_weight[analysis.l0.me16x8[i].i_ref][analysis.l1.me16x8[i].i_ref];x264_me_refine_bidir_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me16x8[i], &analysis.l1.me16x8[i], i_biweight, i*2, analysis.i_lambda2 );}}}else if( i_partition == D_8x16 ){for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ){h->mb.i_sub_partition[i] = h->mb.i_sub_partition[i+2] = analysis.i_mb_partition8x16[i];if( analysis.i_mb_partition8x16[i] == D_L0_8x8 )x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me8x16[i], analysis.i_lambda2, i*4, 0 );else if( analysis.i_mb_partition8x16[i] == D_L1_8x8 )x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l1.me8x16[i], analysis.i_lambda2, i*4, 1 );else if( analysis.i_mb_partition8x16[i] == D_BI_8x8 ){i_biweight = h->mb.bipred_weight[analysis.l0.me8x16[i].i_ref][analysis.l1.me8x16[i].i_ref];x264_me_refine_bidir_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me8x16[i], &analysis.l1.me8x16[i], i_biweight, i, analysis.i_lambda2 );}}}else if( i_partition == D_8x8 ){for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ){if( h->mb.i_sub_partition[i] == D_L0_8x8 )x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me8x8[i], analysis.i_lambda2, i*4, 0 );else if( h->mb.i_sub_partition[i] == D_L1_8x8 )x264_me_refine_qpel_rd( h, &analysis.l1.me8x8[i], analysis.i_lambda2, i*4, 1 );else if( h->mb.i_sub_partition[i] == D_BI_8x8 ){i_biweight = h->mb.bipred_weight[analysis.l0.me8x8[i].i_ref][analysis.l1.me8x8[i].i_ref];x264_me_refine_bidir_rd( h, &analysis.l0.me8x8[i], &analysis.l1.me8x8[i], i_biweight, i, analysis.i_lambda2 );}}}}}}x264_analyse_update_cache( h, &analysis );/* In rare cases we can end up qpel-RDing our way back to a larger partition size* without realizing it.  Check for this and account for it if necessary. */if( analysis.i_mbrd >= 2 ){/* Don't bother with bipred or 8x8-and-below, the odds are incredibly low. */static const uint8_t check_mv_lists[X264_MBTYPE_MAX] = {[P_L0]=1, [B_L0_L0]=1, [B_L1_L1]=2};int list = check_mv_lists[h->mb.i_type] - 1;if( list >= 0 && h->mb.i_partition != D_16x16 &&M32( &h->mb.cache.mv[list][x264_scan8[0]] ) == M32( &h->mb.cache.mv[list][x264_scan8[12]] ) &&h->mb.cache.ref[list][x264_scan8[0]] == h->mb.cache.ref[list][x264_scan8[12]] )h->mb.i_partition = D_16x16;}if( !analysis.i_mbrd )x264_mb_analyse_transform( h );if( analysis.i_mbrd == 3 && !IS_SKIP(h->mb.i_type) )x264_mb_analyse_qp_rd( h, &analysis );h->mb.b_trellis = h->param.analyse.i_trellis;h->mb.b_noise_reduction = h->mb.b_noise_reduction || (!!h->param.analyse.i_noise_reduction && !IS_INTRA( h->mb.i_type ));if( !IS_SKIP(h->mb.i_type) && h->mb.i_psy_trellis && h->param.analyse.i_trellis == 1 )x264_psy_trellis_init( h, 0 );if( h->mb.b_trellis == 1 || h->mb.b_noise_reduction )h->mb.i_skip_intra = 0;


(1)如果当前是I Slice,调用x264_mb_analyse_intra()进行Intra宏块的帧内预测模式分析。
(2)如果当前是P Slice,则进行下面流程的分析:






ii.如果P4x4代价值小于P8x8,则调用 x264_mb_analyse_inter_p8x4()和x264_mb_analyse_inter_p4x8()分析P8x4和P4x8帧间预测的代价。


f)此外还要调用x264_mb_analyse_intra(),检查当前宏块作为Intra宏块编码的代价是否小于作为P宏块编码的代价(P Slice中也允许有Intra宏块)。

(3)如果当前是B Slice,则进行和P Slice类似的处理。






/** 16x16 帧间预测宏块分析** +--------+--------+* |                 |* |                 |* |                 |* +        +        +* |                 |* |                 |* |                 |* +--------+--------+**/
static void x264_mb_analyse_inter_p16x16( x264_t *h, x264_mb_analysis_t *a )
{//运动估计相关的信息//后面的初始化工作主要是对该结构体赋值x264_me_t m;int i_mvc;ALIGNED_4( int16_t mvc[8][2] );int i_halfpel_thresh = INT_MAX;int *p_halfpel_thresh = (a->b_early_terminate && h->mb.pic.i_fref[0]>1) ? &i_halfpel_thresh : NULL;/* 16x16 Search on all ref frame *///设定像素分块大小m.i_pixel = PIXEL_16x16;LOAD_FENC( &m, h->mb.pic.p_fenc, 0, 0 );a->l0.me16x16.cost = INT_MAX;//循环搜索所有的参考帧//i_ref//mb.pic.i_fref[0]存储了参考帧的个数for( int i_ref = 0; i_ref < h->mb.pic.i_fref[0]; i_ref++ ){m.i_ref_cost = REF_COST( 0, i_ref );i_halfpel_thresh -= m.i_ref_cost;/* search with ref *///加载半像素点的列表//参考列表的4个分量列表,包括yN(整点像素),yH(1/2水平内插),yV(1/2垂直内插), yHV(1/2斜对角内插)LOAD_HPELS( &m, h->mb.pic.p_fref[0][i_ref], 0, i_ref, 0, 0 );LOAD_WPELS( &m, h->mb.pic.p_fref_w[i_ref], 0, i_ref, 0, 0 );//获得预测的运动矢量MV(通过取中值)x264_mb_predict_mv_16x16( h, 0, i_ref, m.mvp );if( h->mb.ref_blind_dupe == i_ref ){CP32( m.mv, a->l0.mvc[0][0] );x264_me_refine_qpel_refdupe( h, &m, p_halfpel_thresh );}else{x264_mb_predict_mv_ref16x16( h, 0, i_ref, mvc, &i_mvc );//关键:运动估计(搜索参考帧)x264_me_search_ref( h, &m, mvc, i_mvc, p_halfpel_thresh );}/* save mv for predicting neighbors */CP32( h->mb.mvr[0][i_ref][h->mb.i_mb_xy], m.mv );CP32( a->l0.mvc[i_ref][0], m.mv );/* early termination* SSD threshold would probably be better than SATD */if( i_ref == 0&& a->b_try_skip&& m.cost-m.cost_mv < 300*a->i_lambda&&  abs(m.mv[0]-h->mb.cache.pskip_mv[0])+ abs(m.mv[1]-h->mb.cache.pskip_mv[1]) <= 1&& x264_macroblock_probe_pskip( h ) ){h->mb.i_type = P_SKIP;x264_analyse_update_cache( h, a );assert( h->mb.cache.pskip_mv[1] <= h->mb.mv_max_spel[1] || h->i_thread_frames == 1 );return;}m.cost += m.i_ref_cost;i_halfpel_thresh += m.i_ref_cost;if( m.cost < a->l0.me16x16.cost )h->mc.memcpy_aligned( &a->l0.me16x16, &m, sizeof(x264_me_t) );}x264_macroblock_cache_ref( h, 0, 0, 4, 4, 0, a->l0.me16x16.i_ref );assert( a->l0.me16x16.mv[1] <= h->mb.mv_max_spel[1] || h->i_thread_frames == 1 );h->mb.i_type = P_L0;if( a->i_mbrd ){x264_mb_init_fenc_cache( h, a->i_mbrd >= 2 || h->param.analyse.inter & X264_ANALYSE_PSUB8x8 );if( a->l0.me16x16.i_ref == 0 && M32( a->l0.me16x16.mv ) == M32( h->mb.cache.pskip_mv ) && !a->b_force_intra ){h->mb.i_partition = D_16x16;x264_macroblock_cache_mv_ptr( h, 0, 0, 4, 4, 0, a->l0.me16x16.mv );a->l0.i_rd16x16 = x264_rd_cost_mb( h, a->i_lambda2 );if( !(h->mb.i_cbp_luma|h->mb.i_cbp_chroma) )h->mb.i_type = P_SKIP;}}







以搜索起点为中心,采用下图所示的小菱形模板(模板半径为1)搜索。计算各点的匹配误差,得到MBD(最小误差)点。如果MBD点在模板中心,则搜索结束,此时的MBD 点就是最优匹配点,对应的像素块就是最佳匹配块;如果MBD点不在模板中心位置,则以现在MBD点为中心点,继续进行小菱形搜索,直至MBD点落在中心点为止。


步骤1:以搜索起点为中心,采用图中左边的六边形模板进行搜索。计算区域中心及周围6个点处的匹配误差并比较,如最小MBD 点位于模板中心点,则转至步骤2;否则以上一次的MBD 点作为中心点,以六边形模板为模板进行反复搜索。
步骤2:以上一次的MBD 点为中心点,采用小菱形模板搜索,计算各点的匹配误差,找到MBD 点。然后以MBD点为中心点,采用小正方形模板搜索,得到的MBD点就是最优匹配点。









#define BITS_MVD( mx, my )\(p_cost_mvx[(mx)<<2] + p_cost_mvy[(my)<<2])#define COST_MV( mx, my )\
{\int cost = h->pixf.fpelcmp[i_pixel]( p_fenc, FENC_STRIDE,\&p_fref_w[(my)*stride+(mx)], stride )\+ BITS_MVD(mx,my);\COPY3_IF_LT( bcost, cost, bmx, mx, bmy, my );\
} while(0)#define COST_MV_HPEL( mx, my, cost )\
{\intptr_t stride2 = 16;\pixel *src = h->mc.get_ref( pix, &stride2, m->p_fref, stride, mx, my, bw, bh, &m->weight[0] );\cost = h->pixf.fpelcmp[i_pixel]( p_fenc, FENC_STRIDE, src, stride2 )\+ p_cost_mvx[ mx ] + p_cost_mvy[ my ];\
} while(0)#define COST_MV_X3_DIR( m0x, m0y, m1x, m1y, m2x, m2y, costs )\
{\pixel *pix_base = p_fref_w + bmx + bmy*stride;\h->pixf.fpelcmp_x3[i_pixel]( p_fenc,\pix_base + (m0x) + (m0y)*stride,\pix_base + (m1x) + (m1y)*stride,\pix_base + (m2x) + (m2y)*stride,\stride, costs );\(costs)[0] += BITS_MVD( bmx+(m0x), bmy+(m0y) );\(costs)[1] += BITS_MVD( bmx+(m1x), bmy+(m1y) );\(costs)[2] += BITS_MVD( bmx+(m2x), bmy+(m2y) );\
}#define COST_MV_X4_DIR( m0x, m0y, m1x, m1y, m2x, m2y, m3x, m3y, costs )\
{\pixel *pix_base = p_fref_w + bmx + bmy*stride;\h->pixf.fpelcmp_x4[i_pixel]( p_fenc,\pix_base + (m0x) + (m0y)*stride,\pix_base + (m1x) + (m1y)*stride,\pix_base + (m2x) + (m2y)*stride,\pix_base + (m3x) + (m3y)*stride,\stride, costs );\(costs)[0] += BITS_MVD( bmx+(m0x), bmy+(m0y) );\(costs)[1] += BITS_MVD( bmx+(m1x), bmy+(m1y) );\(costs)[2] += BITS_MVD( bmx+(m2x), bmy+(m2y) );\(costs)[3] += BITS_MVD( bmx+(m3x), bmy+(m3y) );\
}#define COST_MV_X4( m0x, m0y, m1x, m1y, m2x, m2y, m3x, m3y )\
{\pixel *pix_base = p_fref_w + omx + omy*stride;\h->pixf.fpelcmp_x4[i_pixel]( p_fenc,\pix_base + (m0x) + (m0y)*stride,\pix_base + (m1x) + (m1y)*stride,\pix_base + (m2x) + (m2y)*stride,\pix_base + (m3x) + (m3y)*stride,\stride, costs );\costs[0] += BITS_MVD( omx+(m0x), omy+(m0y) );\costs[1] += BITS_MVD( omx+(m1x), omy+(m1y) );\costs[2] += BITS_MVD( omx+(m2x), omy+(m2y) );\costs[3] += BITS_MVD( omx+(m3x), omy+(m3y) );\COPY3_IF_LT( bcost, costs[0], bmx, omx+(m0x), bmy, omy+(m0y) );\COPY3_IF_LT( bcost, costs[1], bmx, omx+(m1x), bmy, omy+(m1y) );\COPY3_IF_LT( bcost, costs[2], bmx, omx+(m2x), bmy, omy+(m2y) );\COPY3_IF_LT( bcost, costs[3], bmx, omx+(m3x), bmy, omy+(m3y) );\
}#define COST_MV_X3_ABS( m0x, m0y, m1x, m1y, m2x, m2y )\
{\h->pixf.fpelcmp_x3[i_pixel]( p_fenc,\p_fref_w + (m0x) + (m0y)*stride,\p_fref_w + (m1x) + (m1y)*stride,\p_fref_w + (m2x) + (m2y)*stride,\stride, costs );\costs[0] += p_cost_mvx[(m0x)<<2]; /* no cost_mvy */\costs[1] += p_cost_mvx[(m1x)<<2];\costs[2] += p_cost_mvx[(m2x)<<2];\COPY3_IF_LT( bcost, costs[0], bmx, m0x, bmy, m0y );\COPY3_IF_LT( bcost, costs[1], bmx, m1x, bmy, m1y );\COPY3_IF_LT( bcost, costs[2], bmx, m2x, bmy, m2y );\
}/*  1  */
/* 101 */
/*  1  */
#define DIA1_ITER( mx, my )\
{\omx = mx; omy = my;\COST_MV_X4( 0,-1, 0,1, -1,0, 1,0 );\
}#define CROSS( start, x_max, y_max )\
{\int i = start;\if( (x_max) <= X264_MIN(mv_x_max-omx, omx-mv_x_min) )\for( ; i < (x_max)-2; i+=4 )\COST_MV_X4( i,0, -i,0, i+2,0, -i-2,0 );\for( ; i < (x_max); i+=2 )\{\if( omx+i <= mv_x_max )\COST_MV( omx+i, omy );\if( omx-i >= mv_x_min )\COST_MV( omx-i, omy );\}\i = start;\if( (y_max) <= X264_MIN(mv_y_max-omy, omy-mv_y_min) )\for( ; i < (y_max)-2; i+=4 )\COST_MV_X4( 0,i, 0,-i, 0,i+2, 0,-i-2 );\for( ; i < (y_max); i+=2 )\{\if( omy+i <= mv_y_max )\COST_MV( omx, omy+i );\if( omy-i >= mv_y_min )\COST_MV( omx, omy-i );\}\
}#define FPEL(mv) (((mv)+2)>>2) /* Convert subpel MV to fullpel with rounding... */
#define SPEL(mv) ((mv)<<2)     /* ... and the reverse. */
#define SPELx2(mv) (SPEL(mv)&0xFFFCFFFC) /* for two packed MVs *///关键:运动估计(搜索参考帧)
void x264_me_search_ref( x264_t *h, x264_me_t *m, int16_t (*mvc)[2], int i_mvc, int *p_halfpel_thresh )
{const int bw = x264_pixel_size[m->i_pixel].w;const int bh = x264_pixel_size[m->i_pixel].h;const int i_pixel = m->i_pixel;const int stride = m->i_stride[0];int i_me_range = h->param.analyse.i_me_range;int bmx, bmy, bcost = COST_MAX;int bpred_cost = COST_MAX;int omx, omy, pmx, pmy;pixel *p_fenc = m->p_fenc[0];pixel *p_fref_w = m->p_fref_w;ALIGNED_ARRAY_N( pixel, pix,[16*16] );ALIGNED_ARRAY_8( int16_t, mvc_temp,[16],[2] );ALIGNED_ARRAY_16( int, costs,[16] );int mv_x_min = h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[0][0];int mv_y_min = h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[0][1];int mv_x_max = h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[1][0];int mv_y_max = h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[1][1];
/* Special version of pack to allow shortcuts in CHECK_MVRANGE */
#define pack16to32_mask2(mx,my) ((mx<<16)|(my&0x7FFF))uint32_t mv_min = pack16to32_mask2( -mv_x_min, -mv_y_min );uint32_t mv_max = pack16to32_mask2( mv_x_max, mv_y_max )|0x8000;uint32_t pmv, bpred_mv = 0;#define CHECK_MVRANGE(mx,my) (!(((pack16to32_mask2(mx,my) + mv_min) | (mv_max - pack16to32_mask2(mx,my))) & 0x80004000))const uint16_t *p_cost_mvx = m->p_cost_mv - m->mvp[0];const uint16_t *p_cost_mvy = m->p_cost_mv - m->mvp[1];/* Try extra predictors if provided.  If subme >= 3, check subpel predictors,* otherwise round them to fullpel. */if( h->mb.i_subpel_refine >= 3 )//如果精度为1/4{/* Calculate and check the MVP first */int bpred_mx = x264_clip3( m->mvp[0], SPEL(mv_x_min), SPEL(mv_x_max) );int bpred_my = x264_clip3( m->mvp[1], SPEL(mv_y_min), SPEL(mv_y_max) );pmv = pack16to32_mask( bpred_mx, bpred_my );pmx = FPEL( bpred_mx );pmy = FPEL( bpred_my );COST_MV_HPEL( bpred_mx, bpred_my, bpred_cost );int pmv_cost = bpred_cost;if( i_mvc > 0 ){/* Clip MV candidates and eliminate those equal to zero and pmv. */int valid_mvcs = x264_predictor_clip( mvc_temp+2, mvc, i_mvc, h->mb.mv_limit_fpel, pmv );if( valid_mvcs > 0 ){int i = 1, cost;/* We stuff pmv here to branchlessly pick between pmv and the various* MV candidates. [0] gets skipped in order to maintain alignment for* x264_predictor_clip. */M32( mvc_temp[1] ) = pmv;bpred_cost <<= 4;do{int mx = mvc_temp[i+1][0];int my = mvc_temp[i+1][1];COST_MV_HPEL( mx, my, cost );COPY1_IF_LT( bpred_cost, (cost << 4) + i );} while( ++i <= valid_mvcs );bpred_mx = mvc_temp[(bpred_cost&15)+1][0];bpred_my = mvc_temp[(bpred_cost&15)+1][1];bpred_cost >>= 4;}}/* Round the best predictor back to fullpel and get the cost, since this is where* we'll be starting the fullpel motion search. *///FPEL()宏定义如下//#define FPEL(mv) (((mv)+2)>>2)//即把以1/4像素为基本单位的运动矢量转换为以整像素为基本单位(加2是为了四舍五入)bmx = FPEL( bpred_mx );bmy = FPEL( bpred_my );bpred_mv = pack16to32_mask(bpred_mx, bpred_my);if( bpred_mv&0x00030003 ) /* Only test if the tested predictor is actually subpel... */COST_MV( bmx, bmy );else                          /* Otherwise just copy the cost (we already know it) */bcost = bpred_cost;/* Test the zero vector if it hasn't been tested yet. */if( pmv ){if( bmx|bmy ) COST_MV( 0, 0 );}/* If a subpel mv candidate was better than the zero vector, the previous* fullpel check won't have gotten it even if the pmv was zero. So handle* that possibility here. */else{COPY3_IF_LT( bcost, pmv_cost, bmx, 0, bmy, 0 );}}else{/* Calculate and check the fullpel MVP first *///像素点的坐标(bmx,bmy)//FPEL()从四分之一像素MV转换为整像素MVbmx = pmx = x264_clip3( FPEL(m->mvp[0]), mv_x_min, mv_x_max );bmy = pmy = x264_clip3( FPEL(m->mvp[1]), mv_y_min, mv_y_max );pmv = pack16to32_mask( bmx, bmy );/* Because we are rounding the predicted motion vector to fullpel, there will be* an extra MV cost in 15 out of 16 cases.  However, when the predicted MV is* chosen as the best predictor, it is often the case that the subpel search will* result in a vector at or next to the predicted motion vector.  Therefore, we omit* the cost of the MV from the rounded MVP to avoid unfairly biasing against use of* the predicted motion vector.** Disclaimer: this is a post-hoc rationalization for why this hack works. */bcost = h->pixf.fpelcmp[i_pixel]( p_fenc, FENC_STRIDE, &p_fref_w[bmy*stride+bmx], stride );if( i_mvc > 0 ){/* Like in subme>=3, except we also round the candidates to fullpel. */int valid_mvcs = x264_predictor_roundclip( mvc_temp+2, mvc, i_mvc, h->mb.mv_limit_fpel, pmv );if( valid_mvcs > 0 ){int i = 1, cost;M32( mvc_temp[1] ) = pmv;bcost <<= 4;do{int mx = mvc_temp[i+1][0];int my = mvc_temp[i+1][1];cost = h->pixf.fpelcmp[i_pixel]( p_fenc, FENC_STRIDE, &p_fref_w[my*stride+mx], stride ) + BITS_MVD( mx, my );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (cost << 4) + i );} while( ++i <= valid_mvcs );bmx = mvc_temp[(bcost&15)+1][0];bmy = mvc_temp[(bcost&15)+1][1];bcost >>= 4;}}/* Same as above, except the condition is simpler. */if( pmv )COST_MV( 0, 0 );}//不同的运动估计算法作不同的处理switch( h->mb.i_me_method ){//钻石(Diamond)搜索//注意这里是“小钻石”,实际上还有“大钻石”/**   x* x x x*   x*/case X264_ME_DIA:{/* diamond search, radius 1 */bcost <<= 4;//i每次循环减1,//运动搜索的半径int i = i_me_range;//循环do{//COST_MV_X4_DIR()计算4个点的MV开销//在这里以bmx,bmy为基点在周围进行其四点的cost计算//周围4个点为(0,-1),(0,1),(-1,0),(1,0)//每个点的结果存储于costs[]数组////在这里像素比较函数可能是SAD或者SATD,参考mbcmp_init()函数////COST_MV_X4_DIR( 0,-1, 0,1, -1,0, 1,0, costs )宏展开后代码如下所示/**   {pixel *pix_base = p_fref_w + bmx + bmy*stride;//调用像素比较函数h->pixf.fpelcmp_x4[i_pixel]( p_fenc,pix_base + (0) + (-1)*stride,   //上pix_base + (0) + (1)*stride,    //下pix_base + (-1) + (0)*stride,   //左pix_base + (1) + (0)*stride,    //右stride, costs );//得到4个点的开销,存储到costs[]数组(costs)[0] += (p_cost_mvx[(bmx+(0))<<2] + p_cost_mvy[(bmy+(-1))<<2]);(costs)[1] += (p_cost_mvx[(bmx+(0))<<2] + p_cost_mvy[(bmy+(1))<<2]);(costs)[2] += (p_cost_mvx[(bmx+(-1))<<2] + p_cost_mvy[(bmy+(0))<<2]);(costs)[3] += (p_cost_mvx[(bmx+(1))<<2] + p_cost_mvy[(bmy+(0))<<2]);}*//** 顺序*   1* 3 x 4*   2*/COST_MV_X4_DIR( 0,-1, 0,1, -1,0, 1,0, costs );//如果小的话,就拷贝至bcost//COPY1_IF_LT()宏定义如下//#define COPY1_IF_LT(x,y)\//if((y)<(x))\//     (x)=(y);////这里左移了4位,加上1个数,可以理解为用于记录哪一个点开销小COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[0]<<4)+1 ); // 1二进制为0001,单看1-2位,“ 1”,对应“上”像素COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[1]<<4)+3 ); // 3二进制为0011,单看1-2位,“-1”,对应“下”像素COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[2]<<4)+4 ); // 4二进制为0100,单看3-4位,“ 1”,对应“左”像素COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[3]<<4)+12 );//12二进制为1100,单看3-4位,“-1”,对应“右”像素if( !(bcost&15) )//后4位进行检测,如果后4位是0,就是证明所进行比较的4点开销比原点要大,所以不需要继续搜索了break;       //提前结束//注意右移的时候是区分符号位的//改变bmx,bmy的值-决定了x和y是加1还是减1bmx -= (bcost<<28)>>30;//注意不等同于除以4。左移28位后,只剩最后4位。右移30位,只剩3-4位bmy -= (bcost<<30)>>30;//思路同上,只剩1-2位bcost &= ~15;//检查运动搜索范围:mv_min和mv_max//以及i} while( --i && CHECK_MVRANGE(bmx, bmy) ); //检查是否越界//这里右移了4位(之前左移4位)bcost >>= 4;break;}//六边形(Hexagon)搜索/**    x   x**  x   x   x**    x   x*/case X264_ME_HEX:{me_hex2:/* hexagon search, radius 2 */#if 0for( int i = 0; i < i_me_range/2; i++ ){omx = bmx; omy = bmy;COST_MV( omx-2, omy   );COST_MV( omx-1, omy+2 );COST_MV( omx+1, omy+2 );COST_MV( omx+2, omy   );COST_MV( omx+1, omy-2 );COST_MV( omx-1, omy-2 );if( bmx == omx && bmy == omy )break;if( !CHECK_MVRANGE(bmx, bmy) )break;}#else/* equivalent to the above, but eliminates duplicate candidates *//* hexagon *///一共计算呈六边形分布的6个点//COST_MV_X3_DIR()计算3个点的MV开销//3个点为(-2,0),(-1,2),(1,2)//开销存入costs[]COST_MV_X3_DIR( -2,0, -1, 2,  1, 2, costs   );//再计算3个点为(2,0),(1,-2),(-1,-2)COST_MV_X3_DIR(  2,0,  1,-2, -1,-2, costs+4 ); /* +4 for 16-byte alignment *//** 顺序*    2   3**  1   x   4**    6   5*///这里左移了3位,加上1个数,可以理解为用于记录哪一个点开销小bcost <<= 3;COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[0]<<3)+2 );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[1]<<3)+3 );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[2]<<3)+4 );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[4]<<3)+5 );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[5]<<3)+6 );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[6]<<3)+7 );if( bcost&7 )  //后3位进行检测,如果后3位是0,就是证明所进行比较的6点开销比原点要大,就跳过这一步{//int8_t hex2[8][2] = {{-1,-2}, {-2,0}, {-1,2}, {1,2}, {2,0}, {1,-2}, {-1,-2}, {-2,0}};int dir = (bcost&7)-2;bmx += hex2[dir+1][0];bmy += hex2[dir+1][1];/* half hexagon, not overlapping the previous iteration */for( int i = (i_me_range>>1) - 1; i > 0 && CHECK_MVRANGE(bmx, bmy); i-- ){COST_MV_X3_DIR( hex2[dir+0][0], hex2[dir+0][1],hex2[dir+1][0], hex2[dir+1][1],hex2[dir+2][0], hex2[dir+2][1],costs );bcost &= ~7;COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[0]<<3)+1 );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[1]<<3)+2 );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[2]<<3)+3 );if( !(bcost&7) )break;dir += (bcost&7)-2;dir = mod6m1[dir+1];bmx += hex2[dir+1][0];bmy += hex2[dir+1][1];}}bcost >>= 3;#endif/* square refine *///正方形细化//六边形搜索之后,再进行正方形细化bcost <<= 4;/** 分两步,标号如下所示:* 2 1 2* 1 x 1* 2 1 2*/COST_MV_X4_DIR(  0,-1,  0,1, -1,0, 1,0, costs );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[0]<<4)+1 );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[1]<<4)+2 );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[2]<<4)+3 );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[3]<<4)+4 );COST_MV_X4_DIR( -1,-1, -1,1, 1,-1, 1,1, costs );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[0]<<4)+5 );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[1]<<4)+6 );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[2]<<4)+7 );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[3]<<4)+8 );bmx += square1[bcost&15][0];bmy += square1[bcost&15][1];bcost >>= 4;break;}//非对称十字多六边形网格(Uneven Multi-Hex)搜索case X264_ME_UMH:{/** 主要包含3个步骤* 第1步:进行混合搜索,包括如下:* A,非对称十字搜索。* B,5×5 全搜索。* C,扩展的多层次六边形(六角形)格点搜索。* 第2步:以当前最优点为中心,用六边形(六角形)进行搜索,直至最优点在六边型的中点为止。* 第3步:以当前最优点为中心,用小菱形进行搜索,直至最优点在小菱形的中点为止。*//* Uneven-cross Multi-Hexagon-grid Search* as in JM, except with different early termination */static const uint8_t x264_pixel_size_shift[7] = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4 };int ucost1, ucost2;int cross_start = 1;/* refine predictors */ucost1 = bcost;DIA1_ITER( pmx, pmy );if( pmx | pmy )DIA1_ITER( 0, 0 );if( i_pixel == PIXEL_4x4 )goto me_hex2;ucost2 = bcost;if( (bmx | bmy) && ((bmx-pmx) | (bmy-pmy)) )DIA1_ITER( bmx, bmy );if( bcost == ucost2 )cross_start = 3;omx = bmx; omy = bmy;/* early termination */
#define SAD_THRESH(v) ( bcost < ( v >> x264_pixel_size_shift[i_pixel] ) )if( bcost == ucost2 && SAD_THRESH(2000) ){COST_MV_X4( 0,-2, -1,-1, 1,-1, -2,0 );COST_MV_X4( 2, 0, -1, 1, 1, 1,  0,2 );if( bcost == ucost1 && SAD_THRESH(500) )break;if( bcost == ucost2 ){int range = (i_me_range>>1) | 1;CROSS( 3, range, range );COST_MV_X4( -1,-2, 1,-2, -2,-1, 2,-1 );COST_MV_X4( -2, 1, 2, 1, -1, 2, 1, 2 );if( bcost == ucost2 )break;cross_start = range + 2;}}/* adaptive search range */if( i_mvc ){/* range multipliers based on casual inspection of some statistics of* average distance between current predictor and final mv found by ESA.* these have not been tuned much by actual encoding. */static const uint8_t range_mul[4][4] ={{ 3, 3, 4, 4 },{ 3, 4, 4, 4 },{ 4, 4, 4, 5 },{ 4, 4, 5, 6 },};int mvd;int sad_ctx, mvd_ctx;int denom = 1;if( i_mvc == 1 ){if( i_pixel == PIXEL_16x16 )/* mvc is probably the same as mvp, so the difference isn't meaningful.* but prediction usually isn't too bad, so just use medium range */mvd = 25;elsemvd = abs( m->mvp[0] - mvc[0][0] )+ abs( m->mvp[1] - mvc[0][1] );}else{/* calculate the degree of agreement between predictors. *//* in 16x16, mvc includes all the neighbors used to make mvp,* so don't count mvp separately. */denom = i_mvc - 1;mvd = 0;if( i_pixel != PIXEL_16x16 ){mvd = abs( m->mvp[0] - mvc[0][0] )+ abs( m->mvp[1] - mvc[0][1] );denom++;}mvd += x264_predictor_difference( mvc, i_mvc );}sad_ctx = SAD_THRESH(1000) ? 0: SAD_THRESH(2000) ? 1: SAD_THRESH(4000) ? 2 : 3;mvd_ctx = mvd < 10*denom ? 0: mvd < 20*denom ? 1: mvd < 40*denom ? 2 : 3;i_me_range = i_me_range * range_mul[mvd_ctx][sad_ctx] >> 2;}/* FIXME if the above DIA2/OCT2/CROSS found a new mv, it has not updated omx/omy.* we are still centered on the same place as the DIA2. is this desirable? */CROSS( cross_start, i_me_range, i_me_range>>1 );COST_MV_X4( -2,-2, -2,2, 2,-2, 2,2 );/* hexagon grid */omx = bmx; omy = bmy;const uint16_t *p_cost_omvx = p_cost_mvx + omx*4;const uint16_t *p_cost_omvy = p_cost_mvy + omy*4;int i = 1;do{static const int8_t hex4[16][2] = {{ 0,-4}, { 0, 4}, {-2,-3}, { 2,-3},{-4,-2}, { 4,-2}, {-4,-1}, { 4,-1},{-4, 0}, { 4, 0}, {-4, 1}, { 4, 1},{-4, 2}, { 4, 2}, {-2, 3}, { 2, 3},};if( 4*i > X264_MIN4( mv_x_max-omx, omx-mv_x_min,mv_y_max-omy, omy-mv_y_min ) ){for( int j = 0; j < 16; j++ ){int mx = omx + hex4[j][0]*i;int my = omy + hex4[j][1]*i;if( CHECK_MVRANGE(mx, my) )COST_MV( mx, my );}}else{int dir = 0;pixel *pix_base = p_fref_w + omx + (omy-4*i)*stride;int dy = i*stride;
#define SADS(k,x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3)\h->pixf.fpelcmp_x4[i_pixel]( p_fenc,\pix_base x0*i+(y0-2*k+4)*dy,\pix_base x1*i+(y1-2*k+4)*dy,\pix_base x2*i+(y2-2*k+4)*dy,\pix_base x3*i+(y3-2*k+4)*dy,\stride, costs+4*k );\pix_base += 2*dy;
#define ADD_MVCOST(k,x,y) costs[k] += p_cost_omvx[x*4*i] + p_cost_omvy[y*4*i]
#define MIN_MV(k,x,y)     COPY2_IF_LT( bcost, costs[k], dir, x*16+(y&15) )SADS( 0, +0,-4, +0,+4, -2,-3, +2,-3 );SADS( 1, -4,-2, +4,-2, -4,-1, +4,-1 );SADS( 2, -4,+0, +4,+0, -4,+1, +4,+1 );SADS( 3, -4,+2, +4,+2, -2,+3, +2,+3 );ADD_MVCOST(  0, 0,-4 );ADD_MVCOST(  1, 0, 4 );ADD_MVCOST(  2,-2,-3 );ADD_MVCOST(  3, 2,-3 );ADD_MVCOST(  4,-4,-2 );ADD_MVCOST(  5, 4,-2 );ADD_MVCOST(  6,-4,-1 );ADD_MVCOST(  7, 4,-1 );ADD_MVCOST(  8,-4, 0 );ADD_MVCOST(  9, 4, 0 );ADD_MVCOST( 10,-4, 1 );ADD_MVCOST( 11, 4, 1 );ADD_MVCOST( 12,-4, 2 );ADD_MVCOST( 13, 4, 2 );ADD_MVCOST( 14,-2, 3 );ADD_MVCOST( 15, 2, 3 );MIN_MV(  0, 0,-4 );MIN_MV(  1, 0, 4 );MIN_MV(  2,-2,-3 );MIN_MV(  3, 2,-3 );MIN_MV(  4,-4,-2 );MIN_MV(  5, 4,-2 );MIN_MV(  6,-4,-1 );MIN_MV(  7, 4,-1 );MIN_MV(  8,-4, 0 );MIN_MV(  9, 4, 0 );MIN_MV( 10,-4, 1 );MIN_MV( 11, 4, 1 );MIN_MV( 12,-4, 2 );MIN_MV( 13, 4, 2 );MIN_MV( 14,-2, 3 );MIN_MV( 15, 2, 3 );
#undef SADS
#undef MIN_MVif(dir){bmx = omx + i*(dir>>4);bmy = omy + i*((dir<<28)>>28);}}} while( ++i <= i_me_range>>2 );if( bmy <= mv_y_max && bmy >= mv_y_min && bmx <= mv_x_max && bmx >= mv_x_min )goto me_hex2;break;}//穷尽搜索法(Exhaustive),x264已经取消了这种古老的全搜索法,而是采用下面改进的搜索法case X264_ME_ESA://hadamard全搜索法(Transformed Exhaustive),这个算法和ESA相比主要是在搜索范围上的变化case X264_ME_TESA:{//范围:最小值和最大值const int min_x = X264_MAX( bmx - i_me_range, mv_x_min );const int min_y = X264_MAX( bmy - i_me_range, mv_y_min );const int max_x = X264_MIN( bmx + i_me_range, mv_x_max );const int max_y = X264_MIN( bmy + i_me_range, mv_y_max );/* SEA is fastest in multiples of 4 */const int width = (max_x - min_x + 3) & ~3;
#if 0/* plain old exhaustive search */for( int my = min_y; my <= max_y; my++ )for( int mx = min_x; mx < min_x + width; mx++ )COST_MV( mx, my );
#else/* successive elimination by comparing DC before a full SAD,* because sum(abs(diff)) >= abs(diff(sum)). */uint16_t *sums_base = m->integral;ALIGNED_16( static pixel zero[8*FENC_STRIDE] ) = {0};ALIGNED_ARRAY_16( int, enc_dc,[4] );int sad_size = i_pixel <= PIXEL_8x8 ? PIXEL_8x8 : PIXEL_4x4;int delta = x264_pixel_size[sad_size].w;int16_t *xs = h->scratch_buffer;int xn;uint16_t *cost_fpel_mvx = h->cost_mv_fpel[h->mb.i_qp][-m->mvp[0]&3] + (-m->mvp[0]>>2);h->pixf.sad_x4[sad_size]( zero, p_fenc, p_fenc+delta,p_fenc+delta*FENC_STRIDE, p_fenc+delta+delta*FENC_STRIDE,FENC_STRIDE, enc_dc );if( delta == 4 )sums_base += stride * (h->fenc->i_lines[0] + PADV*2);if( i_pixel == PIXEL_16x16 || i_pixel == PIXEL_8x16 || i_pixel == PIXEL_4x8 )delta *= stride;if( i_pixel == PIXEL_8x16 || i_pixel == PIXEL_4x8 )enc_dc[1] = enc_dc[2];if( h->mb.i_me_method == X264_ME_TESA ){// ADS threshold, then SAD threshold, then keep the best few SADs, then SATDmvsad_t *mvsads = (mvsad_t *)(xs + ((width+31)&~31) + 4);int nmvsad = 0, limit;int sad_thresh = i_me_range <= 16 ? 10 : i_me_range <= 24 ? 11 : 12;int bsad = h->pixf.sad[i_pixel]( p_fenc, FENC_STRIDE, p_fref_w+bmy*stride+bmx, stride )+ BITS_MVD( bmx, bmy );for( int my = min_y; my <= max_y; my++ ){int i;int ycost = p_cost_mvy[my<<2];if( bsad <= ycost )continue;bsad -= ycost;xn = h->pixf.ads[i_pixel]( enc_dc, sums_base + min_x + my * stride, delta,cost_fpel_mvx+min_x, xs, width, bsad * 17 >> 4 );for( i = 0; i < xn-2; i += 3 ){pixel *ref = p_fref_w+min_x+my*stride;ALIGNED_ARRAY_16( int, sads,[4] ); /* padded to [4] for asm */h->pixf.sad_x3[i_pixel]( p_fenc, ref+xs[i], ref+xs[i+1], ref+xs[i+2], stride, sads );for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ){int sad = sads[j] + cost_fpel_mvx[xs[i+j]];if( sad < bsad*sad_thresh>>3 ){COPY1_IF_LT( bsad, sad );mvsads[nmvsad].sad = sad + ycost;mvsads[nmvsad].mv[0] = min_x+xs[i+j];mvsads[nmvsad].mv[1] = my;nmvsad++;}}}for( ; i < xn; i++ ){int mx = min_x+xs[i];int sad = h->pixf.sad[i_pixel]( p_fenc, FENC_STRIDE, p_fref_w+mx+my*stride, stride )+ cost_fpel_mvx[xs[i]];if( sad < bsad*sad_thresh>>3 ){COPY1_IF_LT( bsad, sad );mvsads[nmvsad].sad = sad + ycost;mvsads[nmvsad].mv[0] = mx;mvsads[nmvsad].mv[1] = my;nmvsad++;}}bsad += ycost;}limit = i_me_range >> 1;sad_thresh = bsad*sad_thresh>>3;while( nmvsad > limit*2 && sad_thresh > bsad ){int i;// halve the range if the domain is too large... eh, close enoughsad_thresh = (sad_thresh + bsad) >> 1;for( i = 0; i < nmvsad && mvsads[i].sad <= sad_thresh; i++ );for( int j = i; j < nmvsad; j++ ){uint32_t sad;if( WORD_SIZE == 8 && sizeof(mvsad_t) == 8 ){uint64_t mvsad = M64( &mvsads[i] ) = M64( &mvsads[j] );
#if WORDS_BIGENDIANmvsad >>= 32;
#endifsad = mvsad;}else{sad = mvsads[j].sad;CP32( mvsads[i].mv, mvsads[j].mv );mvsads[i].sad = sad;}i += (sad - (sad_thresh+1)) >> 31;}nmvsad = i;}while( nmvsad > limit ){int bi = 0;for( int i = 1; i < nmvsad; i++ )if( mvsads[i].sad > mvsads[bi].sad )bi = i;nmvsad--;if( sizeof( mvsad_t ) == sizeof( uint64_t ) )CP64( &mvsads[bi], &mvsads[nmvsad] );elsemvsads[bi] = mvsads[nmvsad];}for( int i = 0; i < nmvsad; i++ )COST_MV( mvsads[i].mv[0], mvsads[i].mv[1] );}else{// just ADS and SADfor( int my = min_y; my <= max_y; my++ ){int i;int ycost = p_cost_mvy[my<<2];if( bcost <= ycost )continue;bcost -= ycost;xn = h->pixf.ads[i_pixel]( enc_dc, sums_base + min_x + my * stride, delta,cost_fpel_mvx+min_x, xs, width, bcost );for( i = 0; i < xn-2; i += 3 )COST_MV_X3_ABS( min_x+xs[i],my, min_x+xs[i+1],my, min_x+xs[i+2],my );bcost += ycost;for( ; i < xn; i++ )COST_MV( min_x+xs[i], my );}}
#endif}break;}////后面的代码与子像素精度的运动搜索有关///* -> qpel mv */uint32_t bmv = pack16to32_mask(bmx,bmy);//用于获得子像素精度的运动矢量的值uint32_t bmv_spel = SPELx2(bmv);if( h->mb.i_subpel_refine < 3 ){m->cost_mv = p_cost_mvx[bmx<<2] + p_cost_mvy[bmy<<2];m->cost = bcost;/* compute the real cost */if( bmv == pmv ) m->cost += m->cost_mv;M32( m->mv ) = bmv_spel;}else{M32(m->mv) = bpred_cost < bcost ? bpred_mv : bmv_spel;m->cost = X264_MIN( bpred_cost, bcost );}/* subpel refine *///子像素精度(1/2,1/4)搜索if( h->mb.i_subpel_refine >= 2 ){int hpel = subpel_iterations[h->mb.i_subpel_refine][2];int qpel = subpel_iterations[h->mb.i_subpel_refine][3];refine_subpel( h, m, hpel, qpel, p_halfpel_thresh, 0 );}
#undef COST_MV


switch( h->mb.i_me_method )
{case X264_ME_DIA:{//...break;}case X264_ME_HEX:{//...break;}case X264_ME_UMH:{//...break;}case X264_ME_ESA:case X264_ME_TESA:{//...break;}

在具体的搜索算法中,包含了一些宏例如“COST_MV_X4_DIR()”,“COST_MV_X3_DIR()”用于完成像素比较。上述宏可以一次性完成多个位置的像素块的比较,其中“X3”代表可以1次完成3个位置的像素块的比较;而“X4” 代表可以1次完成4个位置的像素块的比较。在钻石模板搜索的过程中调用1次COST_MV_X4_DIR()完成了比较,而在六边形搜索的过程中调用2次COST_MV_X3_DIR()完成了比较。







图中半像素内插点为b、m、h、s、j五个点。半像素内插方法是对整像素点进行6 抽头滤波得出,滤波器的权重为(1/32, -5/32, 5/8, 5/8, -5/32, 1/32)。例如b的计算公式为:

b=round( (E - 5F + 20G + 20H - 5I + J ) / 32)




A=round( (G+b)/2 )








//hpel_iters 半像素搜索次数 ,qpel_iters 1/4像素搜索次数
static void refine_subpel( x264_t *h, x264_me_t *m, int hpel_iters, int qpel_iters, int *p_halfpel_thresh, int b_refine_qpel )
{const int bw = x264_pixel_size[m->i_pixel].w;const int bh = x264_pixel_size[m->i_pixel].h;const uint16_t *p_cost_mvx = m->p_cost_mv - m->mvp[0];const uint16_t *p_cost_mvy = m->p_cost_mv - m->mvp[1];const int i_pixel = m->i_pixel;const int b_chroma_me = h->mb.b_chroma_me && (i_pixel <= PIXEL_8x8 || CHROMA444);int chromapix = h->luma2chroma_pixel[i_pixel];int chroma_v_shift = CHROMA_V_SHIFT;int mvy_offset = chroma_v_shift & MB_INTERLACED & m->i_ref ? (h->mb.i_mb_y & 1)*4 - 2 : 0;ALIGNED_ARRAY_N( pixel, pix,[64*18] ); // really 17x17x2, but round up for alignmentALIGNED_ARRAY_16( int, costs,[4] );//做完整像素运动搜索之后预测的运动矢量int bmx = m->mv[0];int bmy = m->mv[1];int bcost = m->cost;int odir = -1, bdir;/* halfpel diamond search *///子像素搜索使用钻石法if( hpel_iters ){/* try the subpel component of the predicted mv */if( h->mb.i_subpel_refine < 3 ){int mx = x264_clip3( m->mvp[0], h->mb.mv_min_spel[0]+2, h->mb.mv_max_spel[0]-2 );int my = x264_clip3( m->mvp[1], h->mb.mv_min_spel[1]+2, h->mb.mv_max_spel[1]-2 );if( (mx-bmx)|(my-bmy) )COST_MV_SAD( mx, my );}bcost <<= 6;/** 半像素的diamond搜索* 数字为src{n}中的n**         X**         0** X   2   X   3   X**         1**         X*/for( int i = hpel_iters; i > 0; i-- ){int omx = bmx, omy = bmy;intptr_t stride = 64; // candidates are either all hpel or all qpel, so one stride is enoughpixel *src0, *src1, *src2, *src3;//得到 omx,omy周围的半像素4个点的地址//omx和omy以1/4像素为基本单位,+2或者-2取的就是半像素点src0 = h->mc.get_ref( pix,    &stride, m->p_fref, m->i_stride[0], omx, omy-2, bw, bh+1, &m->weight[0] );src2 = h->mc.get_ref( pix+32, &stride, m->p_fref, m->i_stride[0], omx-2, omy, bw+4, bh, &m->weight[0] );//src0下面的点src1 = src0 + stride;//src0为中心点的上方点,src1为中心点的下方点//src2右边的点src3 = src2 + 1;//src2为中心点的左侧点,src3为中心点的右侧点//计算cost//同时计算4个点,结果存入cost[]h->pixf.fpelcmp_x4[i_pixel]( m->p_fenc[0], src0, src1, src2, src3, stride, costs );costs[0] += p_cost_mvx[omx  ] + p_cost_mvy[omy-2];costs[1] += p_cost_mvx[omx  ] + p_cost_mvy[omy+2];costs[2] += p_cost_mvx[omx-2] + p_cost_mvy[omy  ];costs[3] += p_cost_mvx[omx+2] + p_cost_mvy[omy  ];COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[0]<<6)+2 );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[1]<<6)+6 );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[2]<<6)+16 );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[3]<<6)+48 );if( !(bcost&63) )break;bmx -= (bcost<<26)>>29;bmy -= (bcost<<29)>>29;bcost &= ~63;}bcost >>= 6;}if( !b_refine_qpel && (h->pixf.mbcmp_unaligned[0] != h->pixf.fpelcmp[0] || b_chroma_me) ){bcost = COST_MAX;COST_MV_SATD( bmx, bmy, -1 );}/* early termination when examining multiple reference frames */if( p_halfpel_thresh ){if( (bcost*7)>>3 > *p_halfpel_thresh ){m->cost = bcost;m->mv[0] = bmx;m->mv[1] = bmy;// don't need cost_mvreturn;}else if( bcost < *p_halfpel_thresh )*p_halfpel_thresh = bcost;}/* quarterpel diamond search *//** 1/4像素的搜索**         X**         0*     q* X q 2 q X   3   X*     q*         1**         X*/if( h->mb.i_subpel_refine != 1 ){bdir = -1;for( int i = qpel_iters; i > 0; i-- ){//判断边界if( bmy <= h->mb.mv_min_spel[1] || bmy >= h->mb.mv_max_spel[1] || bmx <= h->mb.mv_min_spel[0] || bmx >= h->mb.mv_max_spel[0] )break;odir = bdir;int omx = bmx, omy = bmy;//依然是Diamond搜索COST_MV_SATD( omx, omy - 1, 0 );COST_MV_SATD( omx, omy + 1, 1 );COST_MV_SATD( omx - 1, omy, 2 );COST_MV_SATD( omx + 1, omy, 3 );if( (bmx == omx) & (bmy == omy) )break;}}/* Special simplified case for subme=1 *///subme=1的特殊算法?据说效果不好else if( bmy > h->mb.mv_min_spel[1] && bmy < h->mb.mv_max_spel[1] && bmx > h->mb.mv_min_spel[0] && bmx < h->mb.mv_max_spel[0] ){int omx = bmx, omy = bmy;/* We have to use mc_luma because all strides must be the same to use fpelcmp_x4 */h->mc.mc_luma( pix   , 64, m->p_fref, m->i_stride[0], omx, omy-1, bw, bh, &m->weight[0] );h->mc.mc_luma( pix+16, 64, m->p_fref, m->i_stride[0], omx, omy+1, bw, bh, &m->weight[0] );h->mc.mc_luma( pix+32, 64, m->p_fref, m->i_stride[0], omx-1, omy, bw, bh, &m->weight[0] );h->mc.mc_luma( pix+48, 64, m->p_fref, m->i_stride[0], omx+1, omy, bw, bh, &m->weight[0] );h->pixf.fpelcmp_x4[i_pixel]( m->p_fenc[0], pix, pix+16, pix+32, pix+48, 64, costs );costs[0] += p_cost_mvx[omx  ] + p_cost_mvy[omy-1];costs[1] += p_cost_mvx[omx  ] + p_cost_mvy[omy+1];costs[2] += p_cost_mvx[omx-1] + p_cost_mvy[omy  ];costs[3] += p_cost_mvx[omx+1] + p_cost_mvy[omy  ];bcost <<= 4;COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[0]<<4)+1 );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[1]<<4)+3 );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[2]<<4)+4 );COPY1_IF_LT( bcost, (costs[3]<<4)+12 );bmx -= (bcost<<28)>>30;bmy -= (bcost<<30)>>30;bcost >>= 4;}m->cost = bcost;m->mv[0] = bmx;m->mv[1] = bmy;m->cost_mv = p_cost_mvx[bmx] + p_cost_mvy[bmy];






void x264_mc_init( int cpu, x264_mc_functions_t *pf, int cpu_independent )
{//亮度运动补偿pf->mc_luma   = mc_luma;//获得匹配块pf->get_ref   = get_ref;pf->mc_chroma = mc_chroma;//求平均pf->avg[PIXEL_16x16]= pixel_avg_16x16;pf->avg[PIXEL_16x8] = pixel_avg_16x8;pf->avg[PIXEL_8x16] = pixel_avg_8x16;pf->avg[PIXEL_8x8]  = pixel_avg_8x8;pf->avg[PIXEL_8x4]  = pixel_avg_8x4;pf->avg[PIXEL_4x16] = pixel_avg_4x16;pf->avg[PIXEL_4x8]  = pixel_avg_4x8;pf->avg[PIXEL_4x4]  = pixel_avg_4x4;pf->avg[PIXEL_4x2]  = pixel_avg_4x2;pf->avg[PIXEL_2x8]  = pixel_avg_2x8;pf->avg[PIXEL_2x4]  = pixel_avg_2x4;pf->avg[PIXEL_2x2]  = pixel_avg_2x2;//加权相关pf->weight    = x264_mc_weight_wtab;pf->offsetadd = x264_mc_weight_wtab;pf->offsetsub = x264_mc_weight_wtab;pf->weight_cache = x264_weight_cache;//赋值-只包含了方形的pf->copy_16x16_unaligned = mc_copy_w16;pf->copy[PIXEL_16x16] = mc_copy_w16;pf->copy[PIXEL_8x8]   = mc_copy_w8;pf->copy[PIXEL_4x4]   = mc_copy_w4;pf->store_interleave_chroma       = store_interleave_chroma;pf->load_deinterleave_chroma_fenc = load_deinterleave_chroma_fenc;pf->load_deinterleave_chroma_fdec = load_deinterleave_chroma_fdec;//拷贝像素-不论像素块大小pf->plane_copy = x264_plane_copy_c;pf->plane_copy_interleave = x264_plane_copy_interleave_c;pf->plane_copy_deinterleave = x264_plane_copy_deinterleave_c;pf->plane_copy_deinterleave_rgb = x264_plane_copy_deinterleave_rgb_c;pf->plane_copy_deinterleave_v210 = x264_plane_copy_deinterleave_v210_c;//关键:半像素内插pf->hpel_filter = hpel_filter;//几个空函数pf->prefetch_fenc_420 = prefetch_fenc_null;pf->prefetch_fenc_422 = prefetch_fenc_null;pf->prefetch_ref  = prefetch_ref_null;pf->memcpy_aligned = memcpy;pf->memzero_aligned = memzero_aligned;//降低分辨率-线性内插(不是半像素内插)pf->frame_init_lowres_core = frame_init_lowres_core;pf->integral_init4h = integral_init4h;pf->integral_init8h = integral_init8h;pf->integral_init4v = integral_init4v;pf->integral_init8v = integral_init8v;pf->mbtree_propagate_cost = mbtree_propagate_cost;pf->mbtree_propagate_list = mbtree_propagate_list;//各种汇编版本
#if HAVE_MMXx264_mc_init_mmx( cpu, pf );
#if HAVE_ALTIVECif( cpu&X264_CPU_ALTIVEC )x264_mc_altivec_init( pf );
#if HAVE_ARMV6x264_mc_init_arm( cpu, pf );
#if ARCH_AARCH64x264_mc_init_aarch64( cpu, pf );
#endifif( cpu_independent ){pf->mbtree_propagate_cost = mbtree_propagate_cost;pf->mbtree_propagate_list = mbtree_propagate_list;}


typedef struct
{void (*mc_luma)( pixel *dst, intptr_t i_dst, pixel **src, intptr_t i_src,int mvx, int mvy, int i_width, int i_height, const x264_weight_t *weight );/* may round up the dimensions if they're not a power of 2 */pixel* (*get_ref)( pixel *dst, intptr_t *i_dst, pixel **src, intptr_t i_src,int mvx, int mvy, int i_width, int i_height, const x264_weight_t *weight );/* mc_chroma may write up to 2 bytes of garbage to the right of dst,* so it must be run from left to right. */void (*mc_chroma)( pixel *dstu, pixel *dstv, intptr_t i_dst, pixel *src, intptr_t i_src,int mvx, int mvy, int i_width, int i_height );void (*avg[12])( pixel *dst,  intptr_t dst_stride, pixel *src1, intptr_t src1_stride,pixel *src2, intptr_t src2_stride, int i_weight );/* only 16x16, 8x8, and 4x4 defined */void (*copy[7])( pixel *dst, intptr_t dst_stride, pixel *src, intptr_t src_stride, int i_height );void (*copy_16x16_unaligned)( pixel *dst, intptr_t dst_stride, pixel *src, intptr_t src_stride, int i_height );void (*store_interleave_chroma)( pixel *dst, intptr_t i_dst, pixel *srcu, pixel *srcv, int height );void (*load_deinterleave_chroma_fenc)( pixel *dst, pixel *src, intptr_t i_src, int height );void (*load_deinterleave_chroma_fdec)( pixel *dst, pixel *src, intptr_t i_src, int height );void (*plane_copy)( pixel *dst, intptr_t i_dst, pixel *src, intptr_t i_src, int w, int h );void (*plane_copy_interleave)( pixel *dst,  intptr_t i_dst, pixel *srcu, intptr_t i_srcu,pixel *srcv, intptr_t i_srcv, int w, int h );/* may write up to 15 pixels off the end of each plane */void (*plane_copy_deinterleave)( pixel *dstu, intptr_t i_dstu, pixel *dstv, intptr_t i_dstv,pixel *src,  intptr_t i_src, int w, int h );void (*plane_copy_deinterleave_rgb)( pixel *dsta, intptr_t i_dsta, pixel *dstb, intptr_t i_dstb,pixel *dstc, intptr_t i_dstc, pixel *src,  intptr_t i_src, int pw, int w, int h );void (*plane_copy_deinterleave_v210)( pixel *dsty, intptr_t i_dsty,pixel *dstc, intptr_t i_dstc,uint32_t *src, intptr_t i_src, int w, int h );void (*hpel_filter)( pixel *dsth, pixel *dstv, pixel *dstc, pixel *src,intptr_t i_stride, int i_width, int i_height, int16_t *buf );/* prefetch the next few macroblocks of fenc or fdec */void (*prefetch_fenc)    ( pixel *pix_y, intptr_t stride_y, pixel *pix_uv, intptr_t stride_uv, int mb_x );void (*prefetch_fenc_420)( pixel *pix_y, intptr_t stride_y, pixel *pix_uv, intptr_t stride_uv, int mb_x );void (*prefetch_fenc_422)( pixel *pix_y, intptr_t stride_y, pixel *pix_uv, intptr_t stride_uv, int mb_x );/* prefetch the next few macroblocks of a hpel reference frame */void (*prefetch_ref)( pixel *pix, intptr_t stride, int parity );void *(*memcpy_aligned)( void *dst, const void *src, size_t n );void (*memzero_aligned)( void *dst, size_t n );/* successive elimination prefilter */void (*integral_init4h)( uint16_t *sum, pixel *pix, intptr_t stride );void (*integral_init8h)( uint16_t *sum, pixel *pix, intptr_t stride );void (*integral_init4v)( uint16_t *sum8, uint16_t *sum4, intptr_t stride );void (*integral_init8v)( uint16_t *sum8, intptr_t stride );void (*frame_init_lowres_core)( pixel *src0, pixel *dst0, pixel *dsth, pixel *dstv, pixel *dstc,intptr_t src_stride, intptr_t dst_stride, int width, int height );weight_fn_t *weight;weight_fn_t *offsetadd;weight_fn_t *offsetsub;void (*weight_cache)( x264_t *, x264_weight_t * );void (*mbtree_propagate_cost)( int16_t *dst, uint16_t *propagate_in, uint16_t *intra_costs,uint16_t *inter_costs, uint16_t *inv_qscales, float *fps_factor, int len );void (*mbtree_propagate_list)( x264_t *h, uint16_t *ref_costs, int16_t (*mvs)[2],int16_t *propagate_amount, uint16_t *lowres_costs,int bipred_weight, int mb_y, int len, int list );
} x264_mc_functions_t;




//b= (E - 5F + 20G + 20H - 5I + J)/32
//              x
#define TAPFILTER(pix, d) ((pix)[x-2*d] + (pix)[x+3*d] - 5*((pix)[x-d] + (pix)[x+2*d]) + 20*((pix)[x] + (pix)[x+d]))/** 半像素插值* dsth:水平滤波得到的半像素点(aa,bb,b,s,gg,hh)* dstv:垂直滤波的到的半像素点(cc,dd,h,m,ee,ff)* dstc:“水平+垂直”滤波得到的位于4个像素中间的半像素点(j)** 半像素插值示意图如下:**         A aa B**         C bb D** E   F   G  b H   I   J** cc  dd  h  j m  ee  ff** K   L   M  s N   P   Q**         R gg S**         T hh U** 计算公式如下:* b=round( (E - 5F + 20G + 20H - 5I + J ) / 32)** 剩下几个半像素点的计算关系如下:* m:由B、D、H、N、S、U计算* h:由A、C、G、M、R、T计算* s:由K、L、M、N、P、Q计算* j:由cc、dd、h、m、ee、ff计算。需要注意j点的运算量比较大,因为cc、dd、ee、ff都需要通过半像素内插方法进行计算。**/
static void hpel_filter( pixel *dsth, pixel *dstv, pixel *dstc, pixel *src,intptr_t stride, int width, int height, int16_t *buf )
{const int pad = (BIT_DEPTH > 9) ? (-10 * PIXEL_MAX) : 0;/** 几种半像素点之间的位置关系** X: 像素点* H:水平滤波半像素点* V:垂直滤波半像素点* C: 中间位置半像素点** X   H   X       X       X** V   C** X       X       X       X**** X       X       X       X**///一行一行处理for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ ){//一个一个点处理//每个整像素点都对应h,v,c三个半像素点//vfor( int x = -2; x < width+3; x++ )//(aa,bb,b,s,gg,hh),结果存入buf{//垂直滤波半像素点int v = TAPFILTER(src,stride);dstv[x] = x264_clip_pixel( (v + 16) >> 5 );/* transform v for storage in a 16-bit integer *///这应该是给dstc计算使用的?buf[x+2] = v + pad;}//cfor( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )dstc[x] = x264_clip_pixel( (TAPFILTER(buf+2,1) - 32*pad + 512) >> 10 );//四个相邻像素中间的半像素点//hfor( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )dsth[x] = x264_clip_pixel( (TAPFILTER(src,1) + 16) >> 5 );//水平滤波半像素点dsth += stride;dstv += stride;dstc += stride;src += stride;}





/** hpel_ref0[]记录了亚像素点依赖于哪些点。数组元素共有四个取值:0,1,2,3。这四个值分别代表整数像素,水平半像素,垂直半像素,对角线半像素。* hpel_ref1[]功能是类似的。* 1/4内插点依赖于2个半像素点,所以才存在这2个数组** 注意对最下1行像素和最右1行像素是需要特殊处理的** hpel_ref0[qpel_idx]表示了第1次半像素内插使用的滤波器。示意如下(矩阵4个角代表4个整像素点)** 0 1 1 1* 0 1 1 1* 2 3 3 3* 0 1 1 1** hpel_ref1[qpel_idx]表示了第2次半像素内插使用的滤波器(只有1/4内插点才需要)。示意如下(矩阵4个角代表4个整像素点)* 0 0 0 0* 2 2 3 2* 2 2 3 2* 2 2 3 2** 例如* qpel_idx=5的时候* hpel_ref0[5]=1,需要进行水平半像素滤波* hpel_ref1[5]=2,需要进行垂直半像素滤波* 顺序如下(X代表像素点,数字代表顺序)* X   1   X*   3* 2** X       X** qpel_idx=1的时候* hpel_ref0[5]=1,需要进行水平半像素滤波* hpel_ref1[5]=0,即直接使用整像素点* 顺序如下(X代表像素点,数字代表顺序)* 2 3 1   X**** X       X** qpel_idx=4的时候* hpel_ref0[5]=0,即直接使用整像素点* hpel_ref1[5]=2,需要进行垂直半像素滤波* 顺序如下(X代表像素点,数字代表顺序)* 1       X* 3* 2** X       X*/
static const uint8_t hpel_ref0[16] = {0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,2,3,3,3,0,1,1,1};
static const uint8_t hpel_ref1[16] = {0,0,0,0,2,2,3,2,2,2,3,2,2,2,3,2};
static pixel *get_ref( pixel *dst,   intptr_t *i_dst_stride,pixel *src[4], intptr_t i_src_stride,int mvx, int mvy,int i_width, int i_height, const x264_weight_t *weight )
{/** qpel_idx为hpel_ref0[],hpel_ref1[]的索引值** 运动矢量(mvy,mvx)位置和qpel_idx对应关系如下*  0pixel |   0p   | 1/4p   | 1/2p   | 3/4p   | 1pixel |* --------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+*        0p | 0<<2+0 | 0<<2+1 | 0<<2+2 | 0<<2+3 |        |* --------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+*    1/4p | 1<<2+0 | 1<<2+1 | 1<<2+2 | 1<<2+3 |        |* --------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+*    1/2p | 2<<2+0 | 2<<2+1 | 2<<2+2 | 2<<2+3 |        |* --------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+*    3/4p | 3<<2+0 | 3<<2+1 | 3<<2+2 | 3<<2+3 |        |* --------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+*  1pixel |* --------+* 计算出来后*  0pixel |   0p   | 1/4p   | 1/2p   | 3/4p   | 1pixel |* --------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+*      0p |      0 |      1 |      2 |      3 |        |* --------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+*    1/4p |      4 |      5 |      6 |      7 |        |* --------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+*    1/2p |      8 |      9 |     10 |     11 |        |* --------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+*    3/4p |     12 |     13 |     14 |     15 |        |* --------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+*  1pixel |* --------+**/int qpel_idx = ((mvy&3)<<2) + (mvx&3);//offset是匹配块相对当前宏块的整数偏移量。int offset = (mvy>>2)*i_src_stride + (mvx>>2);//src[4]中有4个分量,分别代表:整像素点Full,水平半像素点H,垂直半像素点V,对角线半像素点C的取值(几种半像素点的值已经提前计算出来,而1/4像素点的值则是临时计算)//注意上述几种半像素点是按照“分量”的方式存储的//src1[]为选择后的半像素数据//选择了Full,H,V,C几种“分量”中的1种pixel *src1 = src[hpel_ref0[qpel_idx]] + offset + ((mvy&3) == 3) * i_src_stride;//qpel_idx & 5,5是0101, 代表qpel_idx最后1位(对应x分量)为1或者倒数第3位为1(对应y分量)。//即x或者y中有1/4或者3/4像素点(此时需要1/4像素内插)。//只有需要1/4内插的点才会qpel_idx & 5!=0。这时候需要通过线性内插获得1/4像素点的值if( qpel_idx & 5 ) /* qpel interpolation needed */{//src2[]为用于内插的数据另一组数据pixel *src2 = src[hpel_ref1[qpel_idx]] + offset + ((mvx&3) == 3);//进行1/4像素线性内插pixel_avg( dst, *i_dst_stride, src1, i_src_stride,src2, i_src_stride, i_width, i_height );if( weight->weightfn )mc_weight( dst, *i_dst_stride, dst, *i_dst_stride, weight, i_width, i_height );return dst;}else if( weight->weightfn ){mc_weight( dst, *i_dst_stride, src1, i_src_stride, weight, i_width, i_height );return dst;}else{//只需要半像素滤波*i_dst_stride = i_src_stride;return src1;}


x point





x+1 point





















x+stride point

get_ref()函数通过“qpel_idx & 5”来断定当前运动矢量是否是1/4像素内插点,如果需要的话才会根据hpel_ref1[]加载另一个半像素点的数据并且调用pixel_avg()函数通过线性内插的方式获取该内插点。




static inline void pixel_avg( pixel *dst,  intptr_t i_dst_stride,pixel *src1, intptr_t i_src1_stride,pixel *src2, intptr_t i_src2_stride, int i_width, int i_height )
{for( int y = 0; y < i_height; y++ ){for( int x = 0; x < i_width; x++ )dst[x] = ( src1[x] + src2[x] + 1 ) >> 1;dst  += i_dst_stride;src1 += i_src1_stride;src2 += i_src2_stride;}




P8x8宏块帧间预测函数为x264_mb_analyse_inter_p8x8();P16x8 宏块帧间预测函数为x264_mb_analyse_inter_p16x8();P8x16宏块帧间预测函数为x264_mb_analyse_inter_p8x16()。下面简单扫一眼它们的源代码。



/** 8x8帧间预测宏块分析* +--------+* |        |* |        |* |        |* +--------+*/
static void x264_mb_analyse_inter_p8x8( x264_t *h, x264_mb_analysis_t *a )
{/* Duplicate refs are rarely useful in p8x8 due to the high cost of the* reference frame flags.  Thus, if we're not doing mixedrefs, just* don't bother analysing the dupes. */const int i_ref = h->mb.ref_blind_dupe == a->l0.me16x16.i_ref ? 0 : a->l0.me16x16.i_ref;const int i_ref_cost = h->param.b_cabac || i_ref ? REF_COST( 0, i_ref ) : 0;pixel **p_fenc = h->mb.pic.p_fenc;int i_mvc;int16_t (*mvc)[2] = a->l0.mvc[i_ref];/* XXX Needed for x264_mb_predict_mv */h->mb.i_partition = D_8x8;i_mvc = 1;CP32( mvc[0], a->l0.me16x16.mv );//处理4个8x8块for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ){x264_me_t *m = &a->l0.me8x8[i];int x8 = i&1;int y8 = i>>1;//设定像素分块大小m->i_pixel = PIXEL_8x8;m->i_ref_cost = i_ref_cost;LOAD_FENC( m, p_fenc, 8*x8, 8*y8 );LOAD_HPELS( m, h->mb.pic.p_fref[0][i_ref], 0, i_ref, 8*x8, 8*y8 );LOAD_WPELS( m, h->mb.pic.p_fref_w[i_ref], 0, i_ref, 8*x8, 8*y8 );x264_mb_predict_mv( h, 0, 4*i, 2, m->mvp );//调用x264_me_search_ref()//进行运动估计x264_me_search( h, m, mvc, i_mvc );x264_macroblock_cache_mv_ptr( h, 2*x8, 2*y8, 2, 2, 0, m->mv );CP32( mvc[i_mvc], m->mv );i_mvc++;a->i_satd8x8[0][i] = m->cost - m->cost_mv;/* mb type cost */m->cost += i_ref_cost;if( !h->param.b_cabac || (h->param.analyse.inter & X264_ANALYSE_PSUB8x8) )m->cost += a->i_lambda * i_sub_mb_p_cost_table[D_L0_8x8];}//保存开销。4个8x8块开销累加a->l0.i_cost8x8 = a->l0.me8x8[0].cost + a->l0.me8x8[1].cost +a->l0.me8x8[2].cost + a->l0.me8x8[3].cost;/* theoretically this should include 4*ref_cost,* but 3 seems a better approximation of cabac. */if( h->param.b_cabac )a->l0.i_cost8x8 -= i_ref_cost;h->mb.i_sub_partition[0] = h->mb.i_sub_partition[1] =h->mb.i_sub_partition[2] = h->mb.i_sub_partition[3] = D_L0_8x8;




/** 16x8 宏块划分** +--------+--------+* |        |        |* |        |        |* |        |        |* +--------+--------+**/
static void x264_mb_analyse_inter_p16x8( x264_t *h, x264_mb_analysis_t *a, int i_best_satd )
{x264_me_t m;pixel **p_fenc = h->mb.pic.p_fenc;ALIGNED_4( int16_t mvc[3][2] );/* XXX Needed for x264_mb_predict_mv */h->mb.i_partition = D_16x8;//轮流处理上下2个块for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ){x264_me_t *l0m = &a->l0.me16x8[i];const int minref = X264_MIN( a->l0.me8x8[2*i].i_ref, a->l0.me8x8[2*i+1].i_ref );const int maxref = X264_MAX( a->l0.me8x8[2*i].i_ref, a->l0.me8x8[2*i+1].i_ref );const int ref8[2] = { minref, maxref };const int i_ref8s = ( ref8[0] == ref8[1] ) ? 1 : 2;m.i_pixel = PIXEL_16x8;LOAD_FENC( &m, p_fenc, 0, 8*i );l0m->cost = INT_MAX;for( int j = 0; j < i_ref8s; j++ ){const int i_ref = ref8[j];m.i_ref_cost = REF_COST( 0, i_ref );/* if we skipped the 16x16 predictor, we wouldn't have to copy anything... */CP32( mvc[0], a->l0.mvc[i_ref][0] );CP32( mvc[1], a->l0.mvc[i_ref][2*i+1] );CP32( mvc[2], a->l0.mvc[i_ref][2*i+2] );LOAD_HPELS( &m, h->mb.pic.p_fref[0][i_ref], 0, i_ref, 0, 8*i );LOAD_WPELS( &m, h->mb.pic.p_fref_w[i_ref], 0, i_ref, 0, 8*i );x264_macroblock_cache_ref( h, 0, 2*i, 4, 2, 0, i_ref );x264_mb_predict_mv( h, 0, 8*i, 4, m.mvp );/* We can only take this shortcut if the first search was performed on ref0. */if( h->mb.ref_blind_dupe == i_ref && !ref8[0] ){/* We can just leave the MV from the previous ref search. */x264_me_refine_qpel_refdupe( h, &m, NULL );}elsex264_me_search( h, &m, mvc, 3 );//运动搜索m.cost += m.i_ref_cost;if( m.cost < l0m->cost )h->mc.memcpy_aligned( l0m, &m, sizeof(x264_me_t) );}/* Early termination based on the current SATD score of partition[0]plus the estimated SATD score of partition[1] */if( a->b_early_terminate && (!i && l0m->cost + a->i_cost_est16x8[1] > i_best_satd * (4 + !!a->i_mbrd) / 4) ){a->l0.i_cost16x8 = COST_MAX;return;}x264_macroblock_cache_mv_ptr( h, 0, 2*i, 4, 2, 0, l0m->mv );x264_macroblock_cache_ref( h, 0, 2*i, 4, 2, 0, l0m->i_ref );}//2个块的开销相加a->l0.i_cost16x8 = a->l0.me16x8[0].cost + a->l0.me16x8[1].cost;

从源代码可以看出,x264_mb_analyse_inter_p16x8 ()中包含一个2次的for()循环,用于分别处理2个16x8的块。在函数的结尾将2个16x8块的开销累加起来作为该宏块的开销。



/** 8x16 宏块划分** +--------+* |        |* |        |* |        |* +--------+* |        |* |        |* |        |* +--------+**/
static void x264_mb_analyse_inter_p8x16( x264_t *h, x264_mb_analysis_t *a, int i_best_satd )
{x264_me_t m;pixel **p_fenc = h->mb.pic.p_fenc;ALIGNED_4( int16_t mvc[3][2] );/* XXX Needed for x264_mb_predict_mv */h->mb.i_partition = D_8x16;//轮流处理左右2个块for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ){x264_me_t *l0m = &a->l0.me8x16[i];const int minref = X264_MIN( a->l0.me8x8[i].i_ref, a->l0.me8x8[i+2].i_ref );const int maxref = X264_MAX( a->l0.me8x8[i].i_ref, a->l0.me8x8[i+2].i_ref );const int ref8[2] = { minref, maxref };const int i_ref8s = ( ref8[0] == ref8[1] ) ? 1 : 2;m.i_pixel = PIXEL_8x16;LOAD_FENC( &m, p_fenc, 8*i, 0 );l0m->cost = INT_MAX;for( int j = 0; j < i_ref8s; j++ ){const int i_ref = ref8[j];m.i_ref_cost = REF_COST( 0, i_ref );CP32( mvc[0], a->l0.mvc[i_ref][0] );CP32( mvc[1], a->l0.mvc[i_ref][i+1] );CP32( mvc[2], a->l0.mvc[i_ref][i+3] );LOAD_HPELS( &m, h->mb.pic.p_fref[0][i_ref], 0, i_ref, 8*i, 0 );LOAD_WPELS( &m, h->mb.pic.p_fref_w[i_ref], 0, i_ref, 8*i, 0 );x264_macroblock_cache_ref( h, 2*i, 0, 2, 4, 0, i_ref );x264_mb_predict_mv( h, 0, 4*i, 2, m.mvp );/* We can only take this shortcut if the first search was performed on ref0. */if( h->mb.ref_blind_dupe == i_ref && !ref8[0] ){/* We can just leave the MV from the previous ref search. */x264_me_refine_qpel_refdupe( h, &m, NULL );}elsex264_me_search( h, &m, mvc, 3 );m.cost += m.i_ref_cost;if( m.cost < l0m->cost )h->mc.memcpy_aligned( l0m, &m, sizeof(x264_me_t) );}/* Early termination based on the current SATD score of partition[0]plus the estimated SATD score of partition[1] */if( a->b_early_terminate && (!i && l0m->cost + a->i_cost_est8x16[1] > i_best_satd * (4 + !!a->i_mbrd) / 4) ){a->l0.i_cost8x16 = COST_MAX;return;}x264_macroblock_cache_mv_ptr( h, 2*i, 0, 2, 4, 0, l0m->mv );x264_macroblock_cache_ref( h, 2*i, 0, 2, 4, 0, l0m->i_ref );}//2个块的开销相加a->l0.i_cost8x16 = a->l0.me8x16[0].cost + a->l0.me8x16[1].cost;

从源代码可以看出,x264_mb_analyse_inter_p8x16 ()中包含一个2次的for()循环,用于分别处理2个8x16的块。在函数的结尾将2个8x16块的开销累加起来作为该宏块的开销。



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