
  • Word Preparation
    • talented: 有天赋的,有才能的
    • world-famous: 世界文明的
    • veteran actress: 经验丰富的女演员,资深女演员
    • the red carpet: 红地毯
    • play a character: 饰演 ... 角色
    • leading lady: 女主角
  • Grammar
    • talented vs able

Word Preparation

talented: 有天赋的,有才能的

with talent; able or skillful

There are many talented singers in my school.

We are looking for a talented dancer to perform at our film festival.

world-famous: 世界文明的

famous throughout the world

He is a world-famous basketball player that many people admire.

Oprah Winfrey is a world-famous talk show host and author.
Oprah Winfrey (奥普拉 温弗瑞) 是一位世界文明的脱口秀主持人兼作家。

veteran actress: 经验丰富的女演员,资深女演员

an actress with a lot of experience

Polly Bergen, a veteran actress, died at the age of 84.
资深女演员 Polly Bergen (波莉 伯根)于84岁时去世。

She is a veteran actress whose career lasted over sixty years.

the red carpet: 红地毯

a red strip of carpet for known people to walk on during an event

It is my dream to walk down the red carpet with other celebrities.

Taylor Swift walked down the red carpet in her beautiful red dress.
Taylor Swift 穿着她漂亮的红色礼服走上了红地毯。

play a character: 饰演 … 角色

to act a role in a movie/play

Do you want to play a character in our school play?

She played a character quite different from her usual roles in the movie.

leading lady: 女主角

an actress with the most important role in a movie/play

Who is the leading lady in the movie The Avengers?

What did you think of the love scene between the actor and the leading lady?


talented vs able

  1. talented:有天赋的,有才华的 gifted
  2. able:能干的,有能力的
  • He is considered a talented artist.
  • She’s a talented musician and a writer as well.
  • Linda proved herself an able teacher.
  • His wife was an able woman and did all the housework.

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