Every week we crack open the tips box and share some of the best reader tips. This week we’re looking at android browser zooming, caffeine power naps, and customizing the boot screens on Android devices.

每周我们都会打开提示框,并分享一些最佳的读者提示。 本周,我们将探讨android浏览器缩放,咖啡因小睡和自定义Android设备上的启动屏幕。

双击以放大Android浏览器 (Double Tap to Zoom in the Android Browser)

Mike writes in with his fresh Android find:


This might be old news for Android veterans but I just discovered this trick: When browsing on the Android web browser you can double tap to immediately zoom in to 100% view on the spot you double tapped. It’s super handy for a quick swoop in on a webpage that has rendered too small on the mobile screen. Double tap again and it zooms right back out to the original (full screen) size.

这对于Android退伍军人来说可能是个老新闻,但我刚刚发现了这个窍门:在Android网络浏览器上浏览时,您可以双击以立即放大两次以放大100%的视图。 快速浏览已经在移动屏幕上变得太小的网页非常方便。 再次双击,它会向右缩放回原始(全屏)大小。

You’re right Mike, while the tip may be old for Android veterans I think it’s safe to say that every Android user had their “Ah hah!” moment when they discovered this little gem of a maneuver. You’re paying it forward by sharing.

您说得对,迈克(Mike),尽管对于Android退伍军人来说,提示可能已经过时了,但我认为可以肯定地说,每个Android用户都有自己的“啊哈!” 当他们发现这种机动小宝石的那一刻。 您正在通过共享来付款。

浓咖啡小睡,可最大程度地提高机敏性 (Espresso Naps for Maximum Alertness)

Alex writes in with his tip for staying alert with a busy schedule:


OK guys, this isn’t exactly a software hack (more of a wet-ware hack really) but it’s really been helping me out lately so I figured I’d write in. Everybody knows that a little power nap can really help you get through the day but have you tried a caffeine-fueled power nap? It sounded crazy but a guy I work with (who also has a wild schedule like me) swore by it so I tried it. Here’s how it works. You slug back a cup or coffee or a shot of espresso and then immediately take a 20 minute power nap. When you wake up you feel crazy refreshed. At first I was sure I was just imagining the effect but when I Googled it I found research that supports “caffeine napping”.

好的,这不完全是一个软件黑客(实际上更多是湿软件黑客),但是最近它确实在帮助我,所以我认为我会写信。每个人都知道一点点小睡可以真正帮助您一天,但是您尝试过咖啡因助眠吗? 听起来很疯狂,但是我和一个与他一起工作的人(也像我一样疯狂的时间表)发誓,所以我尝试了一下。 运作方式如下。 您回杯子或咖啡或一杯意式浓缩咖啡,然后立即小睡20分钟。 当您醒来时,您会感到精神焕发。 起初,我确定我只是在想象这种效果,但是当我对它进行谷歌搜索时,我发现了支持“ 咖啡因打apping ”的研究。

Wetware tips are just as useful as software tips sometimes, Alex. We too have used the caffeine power nap trick before with positive results. There’s nothing like the double whammy of getting a boost from a power nap and a shot of caffeine to help perk you up.

有时,湿软件提示与软件提示一样有用,Alex。 之前,我们也使用过咖啡因小睡小技巧,因此获得了积极的结果。 没有什么比通过打na睡和喝咖啡因来振作起来的双重挫败感更好了。

如何更改您的Android启动画面 (How to Change Your Android Splash Screen)

Elyse writes in with a technique for swapping the splash screen on your Android phone:


I like customizing my Android phone and as much as I liked the Cyanogen splash screen that appeared after I rooted/upgraded my phone I wanted to tweak it. I found this video and guide and followed along and now I’ve got a custom splash screen. This was my first foray into doing any deep customization and it went really smoothly!

我喜欢自定义我的Android手机,就像我喜欢扎根/升级手机后出现的Cyanogen初始屏幕一样,我想对其进行调整。 我找到了该视频和指南,并进行了跟踪,现在我有了一个自定义的启动屏幕。 这是我第一次尝试进行任何深度定制,并且运行非常顺利!

Customizing the splash screen is fun; one of our first splash screen customizations was years and years ago on a Windows Mobile phone. We wanted to get rid of the annoying Sprint TV ad/logo that splashed every time the phone rebooted (which, in the early Windows mobiles days was a frequent occurrence). Thanks for writing in Elyse!

自定义启动屏幕很有趣; 多年来,我们的第一个初始屏幕自定义项之一是在Windows Mobile手机上。 我们希望摆脱每次重新启动手机时都会溅起的烦人的Sprint TV广告/徽标(在Windows Mobile早期,这种情况经常发生)。 感谢您在Elyse中撰写文章!

Have a tip or trick to share? Shoot us an email at tips@howtogeek.com and you just might see your tip on the front page.

有提示或技巧可以分享吗? 向我们发送电子邮件, 网址为tips@howtogeek.com ,您可能会在首页上看到提示。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/67208/from-the-tips-box-double-tap-browser-zooming-espresso-naps-and/


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