Every week we open up the tips box and highlight some handy reader tips and tricks. This week we’re looking at a no-fuss way to boot Android on your Nook Color, customizing your YouTube experience, and tracking laptop battery usage.

每周我们都会打开提示框,并突出显示一些方便的读者提示和技巧。 本周,我们正在寻找一种简便的方法来在您的Nook Color上启动Android,自定义YouTube体验并跟踪笔记本电脑的电池使用情况。

Nook颜色上没有麻烦的Android启动 (No Fuss Android Booting on the Nook Color)

Stewart writes in with a tip for those interested in turning their Nook Color into a full Android device:

斯图尔特为有兴趣将Nook Color变成完整的Android设备的用户提供了提示:

I saw your post a few months ago regarding how you can turn a Nook Color into a true Android tablet. While I didn’t mind messing around with the guide and eventually creating my own bootable microSD card I figured some readers might be interested to hear about Nook2Android. It’s a website that sells microSD cards already set up. All you have to do it buy it, pop it in your Nook, and boom, you’ve got an Android tablet. They cost $35 which is like a 60% markup over a blank 8GB microSD card but if you don’t want to much around making your own and you do want to play with your Nook like it’s a full on tablet, it’s worth it.

几个月前,我看到了您的帖子,内容涉及如何将Nook Color变成真正的Android平板电脑。 虽然我不介意弄乱指南并最终创建了自己的可引导microSD卡,但我认为有些读者可能有兴趣了解Nook2Android 。 这是一个出售已设置的microSD卡的网站。 购买它所需要做的所有事情,将其放入您的Nook中,然后蓬勃发展,您就拥有了Android平板电脑。 他们花费$ 35就像是一个60%的标记在空白8GB的microSD卡,但如果你不想多周围使自己和想与你的Nook玩像它是一个完整的平板电脑,这是值得的。

Thanks Stewart! We’re big fans of geeking out and DIYing but if you’re looking for an instant fix without mucking about with your Nook it looks like a good solution.

谢谢斯图尔特! 我们是极客和DIYing的忠实拥护者,但是如果您想要即时解决方案而又不厌烦您的Nook,那么它似乎是一个不错的解决方案。

Google Chrome的YouTube选项使自定义变得容易 (YouTube Options for Google Chrome Makes Customization Easy)

Eric writes in to rave about his favorite YouTube tool:


I love watching stuff on YouTube but increasingly the interface has gotten uglier and more cluttered… and don’t even get me started on all the ads everywhere. I started using YouTube Options for Chrome… it lets me hide ads, annoying annotations, disable auto-play (I don’t like being surprised when I click on a video), and make all sorts of layout tweaks (like hiding comments… because most YouTube comments are as dumb as you’d expect).

我喜欢在YouTube上观看节目,但界面越来越难看,变得更加混乱……甚至连我都没有开始在所有地方投放广告。 我开始使用适用于Chrome的YouTube选项 ... ...它使我可以隐藏广告,烦人的注释,禁用自动播放功能(我不喜欢在单击视频时感到惊讶)以及进行各种布局调整(例如隐藏评论)……因为大多数YouTube评论都像您期望的那样愚蠢)。

Ditching the comments and tweaking the interface is as good a reason as any to install the extension. Thanks for writing in.

放弃注释并调整界面与安装扩展程序一样是一个很好的理由。 感谢您的来信。

监视Windows笔记本电脑电池 (Monitoring Your Windows Laptop Battery)

Jerry writes in with an application tip for monitoring your Windows laptop battery usage:


Ever since I started keeping an eye on my Android battery life after reading your Android battery guide I’ve also been keeping tabs on my laptop. I use a program called BatteryInfoView. Some people might think it’s information overload but I really like using it to gather data about battery life. It tells you just about everything: the power state, the capacity, the rate of discharge, etc. You can really see how different activities and applications impact your battery life!

自从在阅读了Android电池指南后开始关注Android电池寿命之后,我就一直在关注笔记本电脑。 我使用一个名为BatteryInfoView的程序。 有人可能会认为这是信息过载,但我真的很喜欢用它来收集有关电池寿命的数据。 它几乎告诉您所有信息:电源状态,容量,放电率等。您可以真正看到不同的活动和应用程序如何影响电池寿命!

You weren’t kidding about the buffet of information supplies by the application. If you’re curious about the nitty-gritty details of battery consumption, however, it has you covered.

您不是在开玩笑的应用程序的信息供应自助餐。 但是,如果您对电池消耗的细节感到好奇,那就可以解决。

Have a tip or trick to share? Send us an email at tips@howtogeek.com and you might just see it on the front page.

有提示或技巧可以分享吗? 给我们发送电子邮件至tips@howtogeek.com ,您可能只在首页上看到它。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/68166/from-the-tips-box-easy-nook-to-android-conversion-customizing-youtube-and-tracking-battery-usage/


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