
You might have noticed that your Amazon account has so many options that it’s somewhat difficult to know what does what, which is why we want to explain today how to manage your Kindles and their content.


Managing your Kindles and their content from the Amazon website allows you to do many things you may not have known you can do. For example, you can deregister devices, you can redownload content, you can add narrations, and many other valuable options.

通过Amazon网站管理Kindle及其内容,您可以做很多您可能不知道可以做的事情。 例如,您可以注销设备,可以重新下载内容,可以添加旁白以及许多其他有价值的选项。

To manage your Kindles and their content, first click on the dropdown menu next to “Your Account” and then click “Manage Your Content and Devices” from the list.


You may need to log in on the next page.


The “Manage Your Content and Devices” page is divided into three categories: “Your Content”, “Your Devices”, and “Settings”.


Of the three, “Your Content” has the stuff you’re going to most want to use. For example, if you click a title, you can deliver that title to another device or delete it. You can also sort your content by books, music, documents, and more.

在这三个中,“您的内容”具有您最想使用的内容。 例如,如果您单击标题,则可以将该标题传送到另一台设备或将其删除。 您还可以按书籍,音乐,文档等对内容进行排序。

Select a title, in this case a book, and then click the “Actions” button and a pop-out menu will display further options beyond the aforementioned deliver and delete.


You can download the title and transfer it via USB, clear the furthest page read, and even add narration.


If you add narration, then you’re essentially buying an audio book. Narration will cost you further beyond the cost of actually owning the book, and is provided by Audible.

如果添加旁白,则实际上是在购买有声读物。 旁白将使您付出的成本远远超出实际拥有这本书的成本,这是由Audible提供的。

On the “Your Devices” tab, you can manage you various Amazon devices, that is to say Kindle(s) and Kindle mobile apps.


One item to note is that you can deregister a device, which is important such as if you donate or regift one of your Kindles to someone else, or it is lost or stolen.


Finally, on the “Settings” page you will find a plethora of various options to sort through. Of these, you can edit your payment method meaning that you can change your default 1-click payment method, as well as your country settings.

最后,在“设置”页面上,您会找到大量可供选择的各种选项。 其中,您可以修改付款方式,这意味着您可以更改默认的一键式付款方式以及您的国家/地区设置。

You can also create an Amazon Household, which allows up to two adults to manage content and share membership benefits. You can also create up to four profiles for your children.

您还可以创建一个亚马逊家庭,最多允许两个成年人管理内容并分享会员权益。 您还可以为孩子创建最多四个配置文件。

If you have any subscriptions, you can manage them from the Settings page, and you can also turn on/off the device synchronization, or Whispersync settings. This last item should be disabled only if you have several Kindles registered on the same account and you and someone else are reading the same book.

如果有任何订阅,则可以从“设置”页面进行管理,也可以打开/关闭设备同步或Whispersync设置。 仅当您在同一帐户上注册了多个Kindle,并且您和其他人正在阅读同一本书时,才应禁用此最后一项。

The reason for this is simple, each time you access a title, it syncs the device to the furthest page read. If you’re reading the same book as someone else on the same account, then it will sync across all devices, effectively causing you or others to lose their place.

原因很简单,每次访问标题时,它将设备同步到读取的最远页面。 如果您与其他人使用同一帐户阅读同一本书,那么该书将在所有设备上同步,从而有效地导致您或其他人失去位置。

You might have noticed in an earlier screenshot that some books had updates available. If you want to turn on automatic book updates, then any titles you own that receive new versions, will get their updates automatically.

您可能已经在早期的屏幕截图中注意到某些书有可用的更新。 如果您要打开自动图书更新,那么您拥有的任何收到新版本的书名都将自动获取其更新。

If you want to view your Kindle in your native language, you can change it using the “Language Optimized Storefront” option.


Finally, if you want to send documents to your Kindle email, then you will need to add them to the “Approved Personal Document Email List.” For example, say a colleague wants to mail you a document that you want read on your Kindle. You would first need to add their address to this list in order to receive it on your device.

最后,如果要将文档发送到Kindle电子邮件,则需要将其添加到“批准的个人文档电子邮件列表”。 例如,假设某位同事想向您发送您想在Kindle上阅读的文档。 您首先需要将其地址添加到此列表中,以便在设备上接收它。

If you own one or more Kindles, then it’s an excellent idea to know how to manage them and their content. While you can do so from the actual device, as we have demonstrated throughout this article, the Amazon website has a great deal of configuration settings, which gives you ultimate control over your devices and content.

如果您拥有一个或多个Kindle,那么知道如何管理它们及其内容是一个好主意。 尽管您可以从实际设备上进行操作,但是正如我们在本文中已演示的那样,Amazon网站具有大量配置设置,使您可以最终控制设备和内容。

If you want to contribute something to this article, such as a comment or a question, then please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.





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