
TL;DR: I've just spent several hours chasing a socially engineered (not password compromised) stolen Kindle through a series of phone calls, chats, virtual shipping addresses, UPS tracking numbers and more. The irony is that my wasted time is the real loss.

TL; DR:我刚刚花了几个小时,通过一系列电话,聊天,虚拟送货地址,UPS追踪号码等等,追踪了一个社会工程(未破坏密码)被盗的Kindle。 具有讽刺意味的是,我浪费的时间才是真正的损失。

NOTE: Amazon Kindle Support is, and continues to be truly amazing. However, in this instance, they have flawed policies that I have no doubt will be fixed.

注意: Amazon Kindle支持一直以来都非常出色。 但是,在这种情况下,他们的政策存在缺陷,我无疑会解决这些问题。

All this for the want of a $119 Kindle. Let me start over.

所有这些都是为了获得119美元的Kindle。 让我重新开始。

Yesterday I got an email from Amazon that said:


I'm writing to follow-up on our recent chat conversation.
I'm sorry to hear about the problem with your Kindle. I'm sending you a replacement Kindle via Two-Day shipping to get it to you as soon as possible.
Guaranteed Delivery Date: Tuesday, February 12, 2013.

我正在写信跟进我们最近的聊天对话。 得知您的Kindle问题,我们深感抱歉。 我将通过两日寄送给您替换的Kindle,以便尽快将其寄给您。 ... 保证的交货日期:2013年2月12日,星期二。

Hm? What? Is this a Phish? No, all the links are valid, email return path is correct, and I confirmed I've received emails like this before.

嗯? 什么? 这是网络钓鱼吗? 不,所有链接均有效,电子邮件返回路径正确,并且我确认我以前已经收到过这样的电子邮件。

I log into my Amazon account and I see:


Holy crap. I didn't order that. I click Cancel. Then I get this email a few minutes later:

哇靠。 我没有下令。 我单击取消。 几分钟后,我收到了这封电子邮件:

We weren't able to cancel the following item(s) from your order:
Kindle Paperwhite 3G, 6" High Resolution Display with Built-in Light, Free 3G + Wi-Fi

我们无法从您的订单中取消以下商品: Kindle Paperwhite 3G,6英寸高分辨率显示屏,带内置照明,免费3G + Wi-Fi

Looks like they are so efficient that they got the Kindle on the truck already. I check UPS. It's on the way to my house.

看起来他们是如此高效,以至于他们已经将Kindle装上了卡车。 我检查UPS。 在去我家的路上。

I login to Amazon's "Manage Your Kindle" page, and sure enough, there's already 'Scott's 2nd Kindle' sitting there, ready to go. I deregister it.

我登录到亚马逊的“管理您的Kindle”页面,果然,那里已经有“斯科特的第二台Kindle”可供使用。 我注销了它。

Hm? Why is this useful? Why do they want a Kindle sent to my house?

嗯? 为什么这有用? 他们为什么要把Kindle发送到我家

At this point I call Amazon and explain the situation to a human. Sue is SUPER nice, SUPER knowledgeable and immediately I can tell she gets it, so someone give Sue G. a raise. She says she's taking it to Fraud and I should hear from them soon. I want to point out here that I'm talking to a human on the phone here.

此时,我给亚马逊打电话,并向人类解释这种情况。 Sue超级友善,博学多才,我马上就能告诉她,所以有人给Sue G.加薪。 她说她正在把它带到欺诈中,我应该尽快收到他们的来信。 我想在这里指出,我正在和一个电话聊天。

Sue looks through their details and says there are a series of chats with "Scott" using their Live Chat system. So, this is a social engineering hack, not a "password compromised" hack. The person has reported that "Scott's" Kindle is broken and has asked for a replacement, but then later tried to redirect the delivery. The customer rep says they can't redirect it. However, it appears the bad guy tried multiple support folks until they finally got the package redirected. More on that in a second.

Sue仔细查看了他们的详细信息,并说使用他们的Live Chat系统与“ Scott”进行了一系列聊天。 因此,这是一种社会工程学黑客,而不是“密码泄露”黑客。 该人士报道说,“斯科特”的Kindle损坏了,并要求更换,但后来试图重新定向交付。 客户代表说他们不能重定向它。 但是,坏家伙似乎尝试了多个支持人员,直到他们最终将软件包重定向。 一秒钟内会更多。

Note that none of this required anything more than my address and my email. They were able to get the Amazon Customer Service to accept that they were me without my password or any additional verification.

请注意,除了我的地址和电子邮件,这些都不需要。 他们无需我的密码或任何其他验证即可让亚马逊客户服务接受他们是我。

I ask Sue to send me the chat logs. She talks to a supervisor and says she can't send them to me because the chat logs contain the address that the bad guy wants to redirect to. She does tell me the redirect address is in Portland, however.

我请苏将聊天记录发送给我。 她与主管交谈,并说不能将他们发送给我,因为聊天记录中包含了该坏人想要重定向到的地址。 她确实告诉我重定向地址在波特兰。

ASIDE: Amazon customer support also "brick" the Kindle for me. It's not just Deregistered (disassociated from my account) now, but it's remotely deactivated. However, I still don't want the bad guy to succeed.

旁白:亚马逊的客户支持对我来说也“使” Kindle变得“砖”了。 现在,它不仅已注销(从我的帐户取消关联),而且已远程停用。 但是,我仍然不希望坏人成功。

Sue also mentions that the bad guy asked that the customer representative "not bother to send a follow up email, as I never check my email anyway." The bad guy is consistent in this behavior, always asking to avoid the return emails so I won't see them. Of course, the automated system can't NOT send the follow up, which is why we're here now. If that automated email hadn't gone out I wouldn't have noticed this hack until I checked my Amazon Recent Orders at some point in the future.

苏还提到,坏人要求客户代表“不要费心发送后续电子邮件,因为我从不检查电子邮件”。 坏蛋在这种行为上是一致的,总是要求避免回信,所以我看不到它们。 当然,自动化系统无法发送后续信息,这就是我们现在在这里的原因。 如果该自动电子邮件没有发送出去,那么在将来某个时候检查我的“ Amazon最近订单”之前,我不会注意到此黑客攻击。

ASIDE: It's rather ironic that the bad guy's address has more privacy than I do.  RECOMMENDATION: I recommend that Amazon implement a policy wherein they email the complete customer chat transcripts after the chat completes. Additionally, my chat transcripts are mine and should be available to me online.

ASIDE:具有讽刺意味的是,坏人的地址比我拥有更多的隐私。 建议:我建议Amazon实施一项政策,在该政策中,他们在聊天结束后通过电子邮件发送完整的客户聊天记录。 此外,我的聊天记录是我的,应该可以在线获取。

I figure it's done and I go about my day. Next morning I wake up to see a bunch of mails like this, all from different people at Amazon:

我认为事情已经完成,我会继续努力。 第二天早上,我醒来时看到一堆这样的邮件,都是来自亚马逊不同人的:

Thank you for contacting about your inquiry. It was a pleasure to help you with your concern.
I can confirm that we still expect to ship your order in time to be delivered to you by February 12th, 2013.
We'll send you an e-mail when your order is shipped with your tracking number.  Your order could ship any time between now and right before the estimated delivery date.

感谢您就您的查询联系。 很高兴为您提供帮助。 我可以确认,我们仍然希望能在2013年2月12日之前将您的订单及时交付给您。 您的订单随附跟踪号后,我们会向您发送电子邮件。 您的订单可以在现在到预计的交付日期之间的任何时间发货。

Waa? What "concern?" I go to UPS and check the tracking number for the ill-gotten Kindle.

哇? 什么“担忧”? 我去UPS并检查了不正确的Kindle的跟踪号。

Note the times. Someone is doing this when Amazon phone support is overseas, or when they (the bad guy) is overseas, or at least, up late.

注意时间。 当Amazon电话支持在海外或他们(坏家伙)在海外或至少迟到时,有人在这样做。

They are still trying to redirect the Kindle to another address, again with the web chat system and multiple times. This sure is a lot of work for a Kindle.

他们仍在尝试通过网络聊天系统多次将Kindle重定向到另一个地址。 对于Kindle,这确实是很多工作。

I call Amazon again and re-explain what's up. I ask for the chat transcripts again but they won't send them. Simultaneous to this phone call I email Amazon Customer Support and ask for the chat transcripts (via email, just to be clear) and the chat transcripts show up quickly in my inbox. Doh.

我再次给亚马逊打电话,然后重新解释发生了什么。 我再次询问聊天记录,但他们不会发送。 在拨打此电话的同时,我通过电子邮件发送给Amazon客户支持,并要求提供聊天记录(通过电子邮件,只是为了清楚起见),并且聊天记录很快显示在我的收件箱中。 h

RECOMMENDATION: I'm reiterating here. Policies only work when everyone follows them. The phone folks at Amazon are very consistent, but the chat and email support is, in this case at least, demonstrably spotty.

建议:我在这里重申。 政策只有在所有人都遵循时才起作用。 亚马逊的电话服务人员非常一致,但是,至少在这种情况下,聊天和电子邮件支持显然参差不齐。

NOTE: The bad guy isn't "ordering" new stuff, but rather requesting a replacement of an existing product exploiting Amazon's liberal warranty replacement service, then redirecting the package.


OK, now I've got chat transcripts. Here's the annotated and edited transcript.

好的,现在我有聊天记录了。 这是带注释和编辑的成绩单。

In case it's not crystal clear here, that's not me chatting here.


Transfer Notes : May I check on my replacement Kindle shipment status that was placed earlier today? 10:11 PM Scott is off hold. 10:12 PM Scott : Hi [Name withheld] 10:12 PM Amazon Rep : Hello, Scott. 10:12 PM Amazon Rep : Could you please help me with the order number? 10:13 PM Scott : I do not have the order number with me right now. Could you please help look into my account? The order was placed earlier in the day. (ED: Note to Amazon, this is odd, as they are sitting at a computer) 10:13 PM Amazon Rep : Scott, I need the email address associated with your amazon account? 10:13 PM Scott : sure. 10:13 PM Scott : [my email address] 10:14 PM Amazon Rep : Please give me a minute to check that. 10:15 PM Amazon Rep : Before I can view your account I'll need to do a quick security check. Please confirm the email address, complete name, and billing address on your account. 10:16 PM Scott : [my address] 10:16 PM Scott : scott hanselman 10:17 PM Amazon Rep : Thank you for the information. 10:19 PM Amazon Rep : The kindle device which your referring to will be delivered to you by: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 10:19 PM Scott : do you have the tracking number for this shipment? 10:20 PM Amazon Rep : Yes, the tracking number is 1Z0ERxxxxxxxxxxxx 10:23 PM Scott : Thank you. 10:23 PM Amazon Rep : You’re welcome! 10:24 PM Scott : Please hold on. 10:24 PM Amazon Rep : Sure. 10:25 PM Scott : May I know how can I change the shipping address? 10:25 PM Scott : I just contacted UPS, and was told to contact the shipper, which is Amazon, to change the shipping address. 10:25 PM Amazon Rep : This is the shipping address: Scott Hanselman [my address] United States (ED: Note that they included "United States." This tells me this was copy pasted. No one writes that.) Primary Phone: [my phone] 10:26 PM Scott : Yes, but I would like to change the shipping address. 10:26 PM Amazon Rep : I am sorry, the shipping address cannot be changed now, since the item has been shipped. 10:27 PM Scott : I understand, but UPS told me that this is still possible, but only Amazon can contact UPS to do so. 10:27 PM Scott : Are you able to transfer me to someone who is able to help out? 10:27 PM Amazon Rep : Please give me a minute to check that. 10:29 PM Amazon Rep : Thank you for being on hold. 10:29 PM Amazon Rep : I've contacted UPS and asked them to hold this package for you. 10:29 PM Scott : ? 10:30 PM Scott : I do not need UPS to hold the package for me. 10:30 PM Scott : Please confirm with me first before making any changes. 10:30 PM Amazon Rep : I understand that you want to change the address, but that cannot be done now since the package has been shipped. 10:31 PM Scott : Could you please help me call UPS to enquire? 10:31 PM Amazon Rep : Sure. 10:32 PM Scott : If you are not able to make any outgoing calls, please transfer me to a colleague who may do so. 10:34 PM Amazon Rep : Please give me a minute to do that. 10:34 PM Scott : Sure. 10:35 PM Scott : 10:41 PM Amazon Rep : Scott, could you please help me with the address to which you want the package to be redirected to? 10:41 PM Scott : Sure. 10:42 PM Scott : [Address in Portland with "NUM99999" at the end of the street] (ED: This US address is a "Shipping Portal into another country. More on this soon.) 10:43 PM Amazon Rep : Thank you for the information. 10:43 PM Amazon Rep : Please be on hold while I contact UPS regarding it. 10:52 PM Amazon Rep : Thank you for being on hold. 10:52 PM Amazon Rep : Could you please help me with your phone number? 10:53 PM Scott : No worries. 10:53 PM Scott : Sure 10:53 PM Scott : 425-406-xxxx (ED: I called this. It's a disconnected VOIP number) 10:53 PM Amazon Rep : Please give me a minute. 10:55 PM Amazon Rep : Could you please help me with your country code? 10:56 PM Amazon Rep : Thank you. 11:01 PM Amazon Rep : I am sorry for the delay. 11:01 PM Scott : No worries. (ED: Conjecture: People comfortable with English say this. This isn't something you hear a lot of non-natives say.) 11:01 PM Amazon Rep : I have requested for a delivery change of the address to the UPS carrier. 11:02 PM Scott : Thank you. May I know when is the scheduled delivery date? 11:03 PM Amazon Rep : You're Welcome. Yes, it will be delivered as scheduled. 11:03 PM Amazon Rep : Here is the link, you may view the details: 11:04 PM Scott : Thank you so much. You do not need to follow up with an email to me as I hardly check my emails. Would that be okay? (ED: Seriously?) 11:05 PM Amazon Rep : You're Welcome. I am sorry, I'll need to send you an follow up email. 11:05 PM Scott : Oh. You do not have to do so actually. 11:06 PM Amazon Rep : I understand your concern, but as per our policy I'll need to send you an email. 11:06 PM Scott : An auto generated email to complete the survey is fine. 11:06 PM Amazon Rep : Okay, sure. 11:07 PM Scott : I will complete the survey when I have the time, but you don't have to include other details in the email. (ED: Not cool, Amazon.) 11:07 PM Amazon Rep : Sure, Scott. I'll do that.

转移说明:我可以检查今天早些时候放置的替换Kindle的发货状态吗? 晚上10:11,Scott被搁置。 斯科特(Scott):晚上10:12:您好[不显示姓名]亚马逊(Amazon)代表:您好,斯科特。 下午10:12亚马逊代表:您能帮我提供订单号吗? 斯科特(Scott)下午10:13:我现在没有订单号。 您能帮忙调查一下我的帐户吗? 该订单于当天早些时候下达。 (ED:请注意Amazon,这很奇怪,因为他们坐在一台计算机上) 。10:13 PM Amazon Rep:Scott,我需要与您的Amazon帐户关联的电子邮件地址吗? 斯科特(Scott):晚上10:13:可以。 斯科特(Scott):10:13 PM:[我的电子邮件地址]亚马逊(Amazon)代表10:14 PM:请花一点时间检查一下。 亚马逊代表10:15 PM:在查看您的帐户之前,我需要进行快速安全检查。 请确认您帐户中的电子邮件地址,全名和账单地址。 斯科特(Scott):10:16 PM:[我的地址]斯科特(Scott):斯科特·汉瑟尔曼(scott hanselman)下午10:17。亚马逊代表(Amazon Rep):谢谢您提供信息。 亚马逊代表:晚上10:19:您所指的点燃设备将在2013年2月12日,星期二之前交付给您。斯科特:您有此货件的追踪号吗? 亚马逊代表10:20 PM:是,跟踪号码为1Z0ERxxxxxxxxxxxx 10:23 PM Scott:谢谢。 晚上10:23 Amazon Rep:不客气! 斯科特:晚上10:24:请稍等。 晚上10:24 Amazon Rep:好的。 斯科特(Scott):晚上10:25:我可以更改送货地址吗? 斯科特(Scott):晚上10:25:我刚刚联系UPS,并被告知要联系托运人(Amazon)更改送货地址。 10:25 PM Amazon Rep:这是送货地址:Scott Hanselman [我的地址]美国(ED:请注意,其中包括“ United States”。这告诉我这是复制粘贴的,没有人写。)主要电话: [我的电话]晚上10:26斯科特:是的,但是我想更改送货地址。 亚马逊代表晚上10:26:很抱歉,由于该商品已经发货,所以现在无法更改送货地址。 斯科特(Scott):晚上10:27:我知道,但是UPS告诉我这仍然可行,但是只有Amazon可以联系UPS。 斯科特(Scott):晚上10:27:您可以将我转移给能够帮助您的人吗? 亚马逊代表10:27 PM:请给我一点时间检查一下。 晚上10:29 Amazon Rep:感谢您暂停使用。 晚上10:29 Amazon Rep:我已经联系UPS,并请他们为您保存此包裹。 斯科特:10:29 PM:? 斯科特:晚上10:30:我不需要UPS来为我托运包裹。 斯科特:晚上10:30:进行任何更改之前,请先与我确认。 亚马逊代表晚上10:30:我知道您想更改地址,但是由于包裹已经发货,因此现在无法更改。 斯科特:晚上10:31:您能帮我打电话给UPS进行咨询吗? 亚马逊代表晚上10:31:好的。 斯科特(Scott):晚上10:32:如果您无法拨打任何电话,请将我转接给可以这样做的同事。 亚马逊代表10:34 PM:请给我一点时间。 斯科特:好的,晚上10:34。 斯科特(Scott)晚上10:35:亚马逊10:41下午斯科特(Amazon Rep):斯科特,能否请您提供我想要的地址给我要重定向到的包? 斯科特:下午10:41:好的。 斯科特(Scott):晚上10:42:[在波特兰的地址,在大街的尽头有“ NUM99999”] (ED:此美国地址是“将门户运送到另一个国家/地区。稍后会详细介绍。”) 10:43 PM亚马逊代表:谢谢您获取信息10:43 PM Amazon Rep:请稍候,我与UPS联络时保持联系。10:52 PM Amazon Rep:谢谢您的保持状态10:52 PM Amazon Rep:能否请我帮忙您的电话号码吗?10:53 PM Scott:不用担心。10:53 PM Scott:当然10:53 PM Scott:425-406-xxxx (ED:我叫这个。这是一个断开的VOIP号码) 10:53 PM Amazon Rep :请给我一分钟。亚马逊代表10:55 PM:能帮我提供您的国家/地区代码吗?10:56 PM亚马逊代表:谢谢。11:01 PM亚马逊代表:对不起您的延迟。斯科特( Scott):下午1点:不用担心(ED:猜想:英语熟练的人这么说。这不是很多非本地人说的话。)下午11:01亚马逊代表:我已要求更改交货时间UPS承运商的地址。 tt:谢谢。 我可以知道预定的交货时间吗? 下午11:03 Amazon Rep:不客气。 是的,它将按计划交付。 晚上11:03 Amazon Rep:这是链接,您可以查看详细信息: 斯科特:下午11:04:非常感谢。 您不需要跟我发送电子邮件,因为我几乎不检查我的电子邮件。 可以吗? (ED:是认真的吗?)晚上11:05 Amazon Rep:不客气。 抱歉,我需要给您发送一封后续电子邮件。 斯科特:晚上11:05:哦。 您实际上不必这样做。 下午11:06 Amazon Rep:我了解您的担忧,但是根据我们的政策,我需要向您发送电子邮件。 晚上11:06 Scott:自动生成的电子邮件可以完成调查。 晚上11:06 Amazon Rep:好的,当然。 斯科特(Scott):晚上11:07:有时间我会完成调查,但是您不必在电子邮件中包含其他详细信息。 (ED:不酷,亚马逊。)晚上11:07 Amazon Rep:当然,Scott。 我会去做。

Amazon Fraud will handle the IP address tracking and deal with the bad guy, but now I have an address. I get a website and phone number from the address. It's a global shipping logistics company. The weird number at the end of their address is a Virtual Routing number.

Amazon Fraud将处理IP地址跟踪并与坏人打交道,但现在有一个地址。 我从地址中得到一个网站和电话号码。 这是一家全球航运物流公司。 地址末尾的怪异号码是虚拟路由号码。

An address with a number after it allows folks to have a package mailed to them in the US, then the package is transparently forwarded overseas. This number points to an account they have with a post office in a country in Southeast Asia. They received packages from all over, consolidate them, then ship them on masse. This allows governments and companies (and apparently bad guys) to order stuff from companies inside the US, then pay the international shipping and tariffs as a large shipment when it's sent overseas.

一个带有数字的地址,该地址允许人们在美国将包裹邮寄给他们,然后将该包裹透明地转发到海外。 此数字表示他们在东南亚某个国家/地区的邮局拥有的帐户。 他们收到了来自各地的包裹,将它们合并,然后批量运输。 这使政府和公司(显然是坏人)可以从美国境内的公司订购东西,然后在将其发送到海外时作为大批货物支付国际运费和关税。

I call UPS with Amazon and we initiate an irreversible Return to Shipper. Amazon Fraud is on it, police contacted. This event is done.

我通过亚马逊致电UPS,我们发起了不可逆转的托运人退货手续。 警方联系了亚马逊欺诈。 此事件已完成。

UPDATE: Looks like the use of a Domestic Remailer company also hit Chris Cardinal. Someone tried to have a product mailed to an address in Portland, to a different "logistics company" that forwards mail overseas.

更新:看起来像使用国内邮寄公司也打了克里斯·卡迪纳尔(Chris Cardinal) 。 有人想有一个产品邮寄到波特兰的地址,以不同的“物流公司”转发海外邮件。

买为什么? (Buy why?)

Why all this work for a Kindle? No rock solid idea. Perhaps:

为什么所有这些都适用于Kindle? 没有坚如磐石的主意。 也许:

  • Practice? If they can do one they can do 10, then 100? 实践? 如果他们能做一件事,他们能做十件事,那么一百件事呢?
  • Kindles, especially 3G Kindles, are preregistered to an account that may have One Click Ordering turned on.

    Kindle(特别是3G Kindle)已预先注册到可能启用了“一键订购”的帐户。

    • With a Kindle registered to me, someone might be able to use it to order a bunch of stuff before anyone is on to them. I've said before that a Kindle is "There's a single click between my Wallet and Jeff Bezo's Wallet." This is truer than ever in my mind now.

      将Kindle注册到我的手中,也许有人可以使用它来订购一堆东西,然后再有人使用。 我之前曾说过Kindle是“我的电子钱包和Jeff Bezo的电子钱包之间有一个单击。 ”现在,这比我现在想的要真实。

    Kindles, especially 3G Kindles, are preregistered to an account that may have One Click Ordering turned on.

    Kindle(特别是3G Kindle)已预先注册到可能启用了“一键订购”的帐户。

亚马逊如何解决这个问题? (How does Amazon fix this?)

Here's my recommendations to Amazon on how to fix this.


  • The IP address that the chat happened from was clearly not mine, nor was it likely in my neighborhood. 聊天发生的IP地址显然不是我的,也可能不在我附近。
    • Amazon, like a bank, should notice if a chat or request happens from an unknown location and enforce secondary protocols to check identity.像银行一样,亚马逊应注意聊天或请求是否发生在未知位置,并强制执行辅助协议以检查身份。
  • Everything was done over web chat without the user being logged in.一切都通过网络聊天完成,而无需用户登录。
    • No order change should EVER happen anonymously over web chat. Authenticate the user the way you already know how - by making them log in.不得通过网络聊天匿名进行任何订单更改。 通过使用户登录,以您已经知道的方式对用户进行身份验证。
  • The bad guy was saying clearly suspicious things. They asked the rep NOT to send emails. That behavior is not normal.坏家伙说的显然是可疑的话。 他们要求代表不要发送电子邮件。 这种行为是不正常的。
    • Train customer service reps to watch for obviously sneaky behavior, and re-authenticate.训练客户服务代表注意明显的偷偷摸摸的行为,然后重新进行身份验证。
  • The chat transcript wasn't emailed to me. I was notified about an interaction, but not given the context.聊天记录尚未发送给我。 我收到了有关互动的通知,但没有给出上下文。
    • All chat transcripts should be emailed to the account owner after they are concluded. Chat transcripts should be available to me from my account pages.结束后,所有聊天记录应通过电子邮件发送给帐户所有者。 我可以从我的帐户页面上获得聊天记录。
  • A half dozen attempts were made in a short period. 在短时间内进行了六次尝试。
    • It appears that the customer reps didn't read the previous interactions and notice that this person was effectively phishing the reps themselves, trying to get satisfaction.看来,客户代表没有阅读以前的互动,并注意到此人自己是在有效地诱骗他们,试图获得满意。
  • The UPS shipping redirect was allowed without authorization.未经授权允许UPS运送重定向。
    • Changing where something is shipped is a big deal. It should be done with significant authentication in place.更改运送物品的位置很重要。 应该在适当的位置进行重要认证。
  • The resulting destination address was a known international logistics package distributor.


    • There are three in Oregon, which means there are likely only a few hundred, maybe a thousand in the US. Scrutinize orders sent to these "mail launderers."俄勒冈州有3个,这意味着在美国可能只有几百个,也许是一千个。 检查发送给这些“邮件洗钱者”的订单。

What do you think?





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