
If you’ve used Kindle devices or apps for a while, you know how easy it is for old devices to accumulate on your list. Why not make things easier on yourself by clearing out old devices and better organizing the ones you still use?

如果您使用Kindle设备或应用程序已有一段时间,那么您就会知道,将旧设备存储在列表中是多么容易。 为什么不清理旧设备并更好地组织仍在使用的设备,使事情变得更轻松呢?

It can get kind of old going to buy a new Kindle book and then trying to send it to your device, only to see a long list of devices with names like “4th iPhone,” “5th iPhone,” and so on. Fortunately, Amazon provides decent online tools for managing your devices and ebooks. Managing your device lists becomes especially important if you share books with your friends and family’s Kindles. But, fear not. It’s really not that hard to get your device list better organized.

买一本新的Kindle书本,然后尝试将其发送到您的设备时,它会变老了,只能看到一长串名称为“ 4th iPhone”,“ 5th iPhone”等设备。 幸运的是,亚马逊提供了不错的在线工具来管理您的设备和电子书。 如果您与朋友和家人的Kindle分享书籍,则管理设备列表就变得尤为重要。 但是,不要害怕。 更好地组织设备列表确实并不难。

To start, go to, log in, and then click “Your Account.”

首先,请访问 ,登录,然后单击“您的帐户”。

On the account menu, select “Manage Your Content and Devices.”


On the management page, click the “Your Devices” tab.


This tab shows all Kindle-related devices you have registered to the account, whether those are actual Kindles, kindle apps installed on other devices, or even the Kindle Cloud Reader. If you can’t tell which device is which, there’s no super easy way to identify them. Instead, note the email address listed under a device when you select it. Each device gets its own email address so you can send it certain types of documents–like Word documents, PDFs, some ebook formats, and image files. One way to determine which device is which is to send something simple, like a JPG or GIF image file, to the address and then see which device it shows up on.

此标签显示您已注册到该帐户的所有与Kindle相关的设备,无论是实际的Kindle,安装在其他设备上的Kindle应用程序,甚至是Kindle Cloud Reader。 如果您无法分辨是哪台设备,则没有超级简单的方法来识别它们。 相反,选择时请记下设备下方列出的电子邮件地址。 每个设备都有自己的电子邮件地址,因此您可以向其发送某些类型的文档,例如Word文档,PDF,某些电子书格式和图像文件。 确定哪种设备的一种方法是将简单的内容(例如JPG或GIF图像文件)发送到该地址,然后查看它显示在哪个设备上。

The first step to organizing your devices is to give them better names. You can rename actual Kindle devices from the device itself, so that may be a better option if you’re unsure which device is which. Kindle apps on your phone, tablet, and computer don’t have that ability, though, so you’ll have to use Amazon’s site. To rename a device, select the device and then click the “Edit” link to the right of the current device name.

整理设备的第一步是为它们命名。 您可以从设备本身重命名实际的Kindle设备,因此如果不确定哪个设备,那可能是一个更好的选择。 但是,手机,平板电脑和计算机上的Kindle应用程序不具备此功能,因此您必须使用亚马逊的网站。 要重命名设备,请选择该设备,然后单击当前设备名称右侧的“编辑”链接。

Type in a new name for the device and then click “Save.”


The next step in organizing your devices is clearing out the ones you don’t need. If you have old devices you don’t use anymore, a device you plan to sell, or you just installed an app and then decided you didn’t want it, you can remove it from your account by selecting the device and then clicking “Deregister.”

整理设备的下一步是清除不需要的设备。 如果您有不再使用的旧设备,打算出售的设备,或者刚安装了某个应用程序但又决定不想使用该设备,则可以通过选择该设备,然后单击“注销。”

Another little tip: if you have lots of devices and figuring out which is which is too much of a hassle, you can always go nuclear and just deregister all your devices. Then you can re-register just the devices and apps you actually use. When you register a device again, you’ll have to set it up and re-download your books.

另一个小技巧:如果您有很多设备,并且弄清楚哪一个太麻烦了,则可以随时进行核注册,然后注销所有设备。 然后,您可以仅重新注册实际使用的设备和应用程序。 再次注册设备时,您必须对其进行设置并重新下载您的图书。

You’ll get a confirmation window letting you know that content will be removed and you’ll have to register your device again to use it. Click “Deregister” to remove the device from your account.

您将看到一个确认窗口,通知您内容将被删除,并且您必须重新注册设备才能使用它。 单击“注销”以从您的帐户中删除该设备。

And now that you’ve cleaned things up, whenever you go to buy a new Kindle book, you’ll be rewarded with a nice clean device list that helps you make sure you’re sending books or samples to the right place.


Cleaning up your Kindle device list can take a little time and effort, but it’s well worth it in the end. Not only is it easier to figure out where to send books, you also get the security of knowing that only the devices you actually still use are registered to your account.

清理Kindle设备列表可能需要花费一些时间和精力,但最后还是值得的。 不仅更容易弄清楚将书发送到哪里,而且还知道只有真正仍在使用的设备才注册到您的帐户,因此安全性高。




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