
I'm sitting in a cab right now on the way to a large NW Bank (I'm using Verizon Wireless on my laptop, which is working quite nicely, BTW) and I am coveting the Sony Reader, or what I personal call "eBooks last chance." At least, until another generation of early adopters lives and dies and forgets (or at least chooses to) the sins of the father.

我现在正坐在出租车上,去往一家大型西北银行(我正在笔记本电脑上使用Verizon Wireless,它工作得很好,顺便说一句),而且我也渴望索尼阅读器,或者我个人称之为“电子书的最后机会。” 至少直到另一代早期采用者的生命死去,并忘记(或至少选择)父亲的罪过。

I remember reading eBooks on my Newton. I really wanted it to work. (In case you haven't heard, I may by an early adopter myself) back then and I struggle to read eBooks (funny thing about eBooks is that when there's no real modern content you find yourself reading Sherlock Holmes again because it's in the public domain and you're SUCH an early adopter that you convince yourself you're really interested in The Case of the Two Blue Shoes and not something with more meat.)

我记得在牛顿上阅读电子书。 我真的希望它能工作。 (以防万一,您可能还没有听说过,我可能是一个早期采用者)我当时很难阅读电子书(关于电子书的有趣之处在于,当没有真正的现代内容时,您会发现自己又在公共场合阅读《福尔摩斯》。领域,并且您是早期的使用者,您可以说服自己对“两个蓝色鞋子的案例”感兴趣,而不是吃更多肉的东西 )

Besides the expense, which is currently US$350, the real issue will be one of content. How many books are available? To quote the guy at Borders "Well, all of them. The whole store." I can't confirm that claim, but I did check out the Connect eBooks Sony Store and it does seem to have a lot of books.

除了目前为350美元的费用外,真正的问题将是其中之一。 有几本书? 引用Borders的家伙的话:“好吧,所有人。整个商店。” 我无法证实这一说法,但我确实查看了Connect eBooks Sony Store ,它似乎有很多书。

I wonder why Sony didn't just work a deal out with Amazon, who was already dipping their toes into the eBook pool, and may just jump in completely with the Amazon Kindle. The Kindle is looking pretty rough right now, but it's early.

我想知道为什么索尼不只是与亚马逊达成交易,亚马逊已经将脚趾伸入了电子书库,并且可能会完全加入亚马逊Kindle 。 Kindle现在看起来很粗糙,但还为时过早。

Aside: Kindle? Seriously, could the marketers at ordinarily-savvy Amazon come up with we a limper name? How about Amazon Not-Dead-Tree? Amazon Vue? Amazon Perspective? Amazon ePaperBack, for crying out loud. Amazon Kindle sparks (sorry) images of burning paper, not exactly the kind of environmentally friendly eBook perspective you'd want.

撇开: Kindle? 认真地说,通常精通亚马逊的营销人员能为我们想出一个更简单的名字吗? 亚马逊的死树怎么样? 亚马逊Vue? 亚马逊观点? Amazon ePaperBack,大声喊叫。 Amazon Kindle会产生(很抱歉)燃烧纸的图像,而不是您想要的那种环保的电子书透视图。

I played with the Sony Reader for 15 minutes at the Airport Borders, and here's my first impressions:

我在机场边界与Sony Reader一起玩了15分钟,这是我的第一印象:

  • It's very light and very comfortable. It has a nice flip around case and reminds me of a larger Palm V - to this day still Palm's most elegant PDA, IMHO. 很轻很舒服。 它有一个很好的翻盖外壳,让我想起了更大的Palm V-至今仍是Palm最优雅的PDA,恕我直言。
  • There's too many buttons. There's ten 0-9 buttons that are multi-purpose (multi-purpose buttons are mistake cop-out number one in good design, IMHO). They are used to access the internal menus by numbered item, but their primary function is to quick jump a percentage of the way into the book. So pressing 5 gets you 50% of the way into the book. There's no way to go directly to a page that I could see.

    按钮太多。 有十个0-9多功能按钮(多功能按钮是设计优良的 错误选择 ,恕我直言)。 它们用于按编号项目访问内部菜单,但它们的主要功能是快速跳入书中的某个百分比。 因此,按5可使您进入书本的50%。 无法直接转到我可以看到的页面。

  • There's multiple ways to turn the page, and they are both on the left side of the reader. The two buttons on the left bezel while oriented up/down, are actually left/right page turning buttons. I think it'd have been more thoughtful and innovative to just touch a long line on the far left or far right bezel to turn the page. 翻页有多种方法,它们都位于阅读器的左侧。 向上/向下定向时,左挡板上的两个按钮实际上是左/右翻页按钮。 我认为触摸一下最左或最右边框上的长线来翻页会更加周到和创新。
  • The memory card slot supports both Memory Sticks and SD Cards - choice is good. 存储卡插槽同时支持Memory Stick和SD卡-选择不错。
  • The lower right corner features a joystick-like, sigh, multifunction, nubbin. It's a little confusing because I assumed that the page-turning interface would double as the main interaction element for the utility UI. 右下角具有类似操纵杆的,叹气的,多功能纽扣。 这有点令人困惑,因为我认为翻页界面将作为实用程序UI的主要交互元素。
  • The screen, the screen. It's all about the screen. It's eInk. It's not an LED - that's important to note. It's 170 DPI with four levels of gray, versus 96 DPI (or possibly 120 DPI) on a laptop or PDA screen. The battery is used only to change the configuration of the screen i.e. you only use power when turning the page.

    屏幕,屏幕。 这一切都与屏幕有关。 是eInk 。 它不是LED-需要特别注意。 它是170 DPI,具有四个灰度等级,而在笔记本电脑或PDA屏幕上为96 DPI(或可能是120 DPI)。 电池仅用于更改屏幕的配置,即,仅在翻动页面时使用电源。

  • You can apparently read RSS feeds on it as well, downloadable via USB. Interestingly, RSS might be the killer app for this Reader, rather than books. 您显然也可以阅读其中的RSS feed,可以通过USB下载。 有趣的是,RSS可能是该阅读器的杀手级应用,而不是书籍。
  • It also has volume buttons and headphones so you can use it as an audiobook reader or MP3 Player. This also allows you to read while listening to background music. 它还具有音量按钮和耳机,因此您可以将其用作有声读物或MP3播放器。 这也使您可以一边听背景音乐一边阅读。
  • The guy at Borders said they haven't had to change the batteries on the demo model ever. They say 7500 page turns on a single battery. Borders的那个家伙说,他们从来没有必要在演示模型上更换电池。 他们说7500页可以打开一个电池。
  • There's 3 font sizes...each is comfortable, even the smallest, but I'm a big font guy so I think I'd have trouble committing to a size. 共有3种字体大小...每个字体都很舒适,即使最小,也很舒服,但是我是一个大字体人,所以我认为在确定字体大小方面会遇到麻烦。

If it were US$99 or US$150, sold. $199, eh...getting dangerously out of the WAF range. Considering that I carried 3 books with me on my last three business trips and they were a hassle in my backpack, I could totally see using this little gadget, but it's really expensive at $350, although you do get $50 in free books.

如果是99美元或150美元,则将其出售。 199美元,...危险地超出了WAF范围。 考虑到我在最近的三个商务旅行中随身携带了三本书,而且它们在我的背包里很麻烦,我完全可以看到使用这个小工具,但它的确很昂贵,为350美元,尽管您可以得到50美元的免费书籍。




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