
SUV:越野车 (SUV: Sport Utility Vehicle)

SUV is an abbreviation of Sport Utility Vehicle. It is a particular type of four-wheeled vehicles which unite fundamentals of road-going passenger cars with features from off-road vehicles and can be run on all types of roads like Highways, City Roads, forest Roads, Countryside and farmland. It is created and structured in a manner to offer a very spacious interior and well-built exterior.

SUV是运动型多功能车的缩写 。 它是一种特殊类型的四轮车,将公路客车的基本原理与越野车的特点结合在一起,可以在各种类型的道路上行驶,例如高速公路,城市道路,林道,乡村和农田。 它的创建和结构使其具有非常宽敞的内部空间和精心打造的外观。

The huge vehicle with raised ground clearance created and structured to be used on rough surfaces but also frequently in highways and City Roads is known as Sports Utility Vehicle.


  • SUVs are one of the most excellent choices for on and off-road driving.


  • These are known for their high ground clearance, upright, boxy body, and high H point.


  • The models which are coming the latest of SUVs are highly aerodynamic, but the complete size and weight of the vehicle make their fuel efficiency meager.


Image source: https://www.vectorstock.com/royalty-free-vector/suv-car-icon-logo-design-vector-9533222


According to the interior space and size of SUVs, they can be classified into five types:


  • Mini SUVs


  • Compact SUVs


  • Mid-sized SUVs


  • Full-sized SUVs


  • Extended-length SUVs


  • Crossover SUVs


竞争 (Competition)

SUVs have competed in a variety of off-road racing competitions, which comprise:


  • The Dakar Rally.


  • Baja 1000.


  • FIA Cross-Country Rally World Cup.


  • King of the Hammers.


  • Australasian Safari.


  • Trophee Andros ice-racing series.

    Trophee Andros赛车系列。

历史 (History)

  • In the beginning, the first forerunner to the design of modern SUVs, was the 1940 Humber Heavy Utility, a four-wheel-drive off-road vehicle manufactured on the framework of the Humber Super Snipe passenger car.

    最初,现代SUV设计的第一个先驱是1940 Humber Heavy Utility,这是一种在Humber Super Snipe乘用车框架上制造的四轮驱动越野汽车。

  • The initial usage of the term, in the beginning, was the 1947 Crosley CC Four Sport Utility model, which used a changeable wagon body style and is as a consequence not linked to the design of presently SUVs.

    该术语的最初用法是1947年的Crosley CC Four Sport Utility模型,该模型使用了可变的旅行车车身样式,因此与当前的SUV设计无关。

  • In 1979, the AMC Eagle is launched which well thought-out to be the first mass-market "crossover", even though that term had not been made up at that time.

    1979年,AMC Eagle上市,这是当时广为人知的第一个大众市场“跨界车”,尽管当时还没有这个名词。

  • SUVs improved in popularity when the U.S. sales of SUVs and light trucks right through the 1990s and by 1999 for the first time surpassed sales of normal passenger cars.


  • From the mid-2000s until 2010, U.S. sales of SUVs and other light trucks experienced a plunge, due to raising in fuel prices and a deteriorating economy.


  • In 2019, the International Energy Agency (IEA) stated that the worldwide number of SUVs and crossovers on the road multiplied by six since 2010 from 35 million to 200 million vehicles.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/suv-full-form.aspx



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