Do you ever wish you could quickly preview a song without having to play it? Today we look at a quick and easy way to do that in Windows Media Player 12.

您是否曾经希望无需播放就可以快速预览歌曲? 今天,我们探讨一种在Windows Media Player 12中实现此目的的快速简便的方法。

Open Windows Media Player in Library Mode and select your Music library. Hover your cursor over the Title of the song and a Preview pop-up window will appear after a few seconds.

在库模式下打开Windows Media Player,然后选择您的音乐库。 将光标悬停在歌曲的标题上,几秒钟后将出现预览弹出窗口。

Click on the Preview in the pop-up window and the song will begin to play.


As the preview begins to play, you will see the Skip link and a song timer. Click on Skip to jump ahead 15 seconds in the song. When you are finished previewing the song, simply move your mouse away from the preview window to stop playback.

在预览开始播放时,您将看到“跳过”链接和一个歌曲计时器。 单击“跳过”以在歌曲中前进15秒。 完成歌曲预览后,只需将鼠标移离预览窗口即可停止播放。

Automatically Preview Songs


You can adjust settings in Windows Media Player to automatically preview songs when you hover your cursor over the title.

您可以调整Windows Media Player中的设置,以将光标悬停在标题上时自动预览歌曲。

Select Tools  from the menu and click Options.


On the Options window, select the Library tab and click on Automatically preview songs on title hover. Click OK.

在“选项”窗口上,选择“库”选项卡,然后单击“标题悬停时自动预览歌曲”。 单击确定。

Now when you simply hover your cursor over the song title the preview window will appear and playback will begin automatically.


This feature works just as well in Details view as it does in Expanded Tile view.


Would you like to stream your music to other computers on your network? Check out our article on how to stream media to other Windows 7 computers.

您想将音乐流传输到网络上的其他计算机吗? 查看我们有关如何将媒体流传输到其他Windows 7计算机的文章。


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