A playlist is a group of songs or media files that are grouped together based on a theme. Today we’ll look at how to create your own custom playlists in Windows Media Player 12.

播放列表是根据主题分组在一起的一组歌曲或媒体文件。 今天,我们将研究如何在Windows Media Player 12中创建自己的自定义播放列表。

Create Custom Playlists


Open Windows Media Player and switch to the Library view. Click on the Play tab at the top right to reveal the List pane.

打开Windows Media Player,然后切换到“库”视图。 单击右上角的“播放”选项卡以显示“列表”窗格。

If you currently have songs listed on the List pane, you can remove them by clicking Clear list.


To add songs to your playlist, right-click on the song title, select Add to, and then click Play list.


You can also drag and drop the song title right onto the play list area. Hold down the Control [Ctrl] key while clicking to select more than one track at a time.

您也可以将歌曲标题直接拖放到播放列表区域。 按住Ctrl [Ctrl]键的同时单击以一次选择多个曲目。

Changing the Playlist Order


You can click and drag each item in your playlist to move it up or down.


You can also right click on the title and select Move up or Move down, or to completely remove a track from your playlist.


You have the option to shuffle your list by clicking the Options list icon and selecting Shuffle list from the dropdown list.


By selecting Sort list by you can sort by Title, Artist, Album, Release date, and more.


Saving and naming your playlist


To save your playlist, click on the Save list button.


You’ll be prompted to enter a name for your playlist in the text box. Click away when you are finished.

系统会提示您在文本框中输入播放列表的名称。 完成后单击“离开”。

Windows Media Player will display your most recent playlists in the Navigation panel.

Windows Media Player将在“导航”面板中显示您的最新播放列表。

Simply select the playlist anytime you want to listen to it.




Custom playlists are a great way to group your music by themes such as mood, genre, activity, season, and more.


If you are new to Windows Media Player 12, check out our post on managing your music in Windows Media Player.

如果您不熟悉Windows Media Player 12,请查看我们有关在Windows Media Player中管理音乐的文章。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17102/create-custom-playlists-in-windows-media-player-12/

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