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CCC:催化剂控制中心 (CCC: Catalyst Control Center)

CCC is an abbreviation of the "AMD Catalyst Control Center".

CCC是“ AMD催化剂控制中心”的缩写

It is an elemental part of the AMD Catalyst software engine. It makes use of Qt, which is a free and open-source widget toolkit, as a component of its set of programming tools, for producing graphical user interfaces in addition to cross-platform applications. This AMD Catalyst Control Center application makes available video customization preferences to regulate display setting, set out display profiles and production and performances of video and plays an extremely fundamental role in working of the video card.

它是AMD Catalyst软件引擎的基本组成部分。 它使用Qt(它是一个免费的开源小部件工具包)作为其编程工具集的组成部分,用于生成除跨平台应用程序之外的图形用户界面。 该AMD Catalyst Control Center应用程序提供了可用的视频自定义首选项,以调节显示设置,显示显示配置文件以及视频的制作和性能,并且在视频卡的工作中发挥着极其重要的作用。

历史 (History)

  • In June 2002, ATI Technologies, which is pre-eminently famous for its computer processors, designed and created the Catalyst Control Center (CCC) with version 02.1 to set off its procession of Radeon video cards.

    在2002年6月,以其计算机处理器而闻名的ATI Technologies设计并创建了版本02.1的Catalyst Control Center(CCC) ,以启动其Radeon视频卡的生产。

  • AMD Catalyst Control Center first turned out to be accessible in the form of a device driver and utility software package after the launch of the Radeon 8500 GPU in October 2001.

    在2001年10月推出Radeon 8500 GPU之后,首次证明可以通过设备驱动程序和实用程序软件包的形式访问AMD Catalyst Control Center

  • In the beginning, the launched software package of ATI Technologies Radeon family of graphics product incorporated Hydra-vision, unified driver, a multimedia center; Remote Wonder software, and other display components.

    最初,ATI Technologies Radeon图形产品系列的已发布软件包包含Hydra-vision,统一驱动程序和多媒体中心。 Remote Wonder软件和其他显示组件。

  • In contrast to all the components, the AMD Catalyst Control Center turned out to be a well-accepted addition to any computer. The utility software package turned out to be recognized as AMD Catalyst Control Center, after the acquirement of ATI by Advanced Micro Devices (AMD).

    与所有组件相比, AMD Catalyst Control Center被证明是对任何计算机的良好接受。 在Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)收购ATI之后,该实用程序软件包被公认为是AMD Catalyst Control Center。

  • At present, in the form of an elemental part of the AMD Catalyst software package, it is available for download.

    目前,以AMD Catalyst软件包的基本组成部分的形式可以下载。

催化剂控制中心的功能 (Features in Catalyst Control Center)

  • Management of Display feature: It enables an individual to administer and control a variety of displays, screen resolutions.

    显示功能管理 :它使个人可以管理和控制各种显示,屏幕分辨率。

  • Control and administer of Digital feature: It involves the management and operation of image scaling, enabling for enhanced display of resolutions.

    数字功能的控制和管理 :它涉及图像缩放的管理和操作,从而可以增强分辨率的显示。

    Allowing 3D feature: It alludes to the settings of graphics for operating video games.


  • Adjustment of the color feature: It involves varying display elements such as brightness, color, scale and layout, resolution, contrast, and more.

    颜色功能的调整 :它涉及变化的显示元素,例如亮度,颜色,比例和布局,分辨率,对比度等等。

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