
RSS:真正简单的联合 (RSS: Really Simple Syndication)

RSS is an abbreviation of Really Simple Syndication. It is also called Rich Site Summary. It is quality attainment for the syndication of collection of web content and used to dispense and share informative updates of the web contents like news feeds headlines, website, blog entries, a summary of events and forum updates in the standard XML based file format. It enables a user to keep updated with the content information on many different websites in a solitary news aggregator. Spontaneously, the news aggregator will examine the RSS feed for new and unique content, enabling the content to be passed automatically from one website to the other website or from one website to the user. This process of passing of content from one website to another is called web syndication.

RSS是Really Simple Syndication的缩写 。 也称为“丰富站点摘要”。 它是用于收集Web内容的组织的质量成就,可用于分发和共享Web内容的信息更新,例如新闻提要标题,网站,博客条目,事件摘要和论坛更新(基于XML的标准文件格式)。 它使用户可以在单独的新闻聚合器中的许多不同网站上保持内容信息的更新。 自发地,新闻聚合者将检查RSS提要中是否有新的独特内容,从而使内容可以自动从一个网站传递到另一个网站,或从一个网站传递给用户。 内容从一个网站传递到另一个网站的过程称为网络联合。

RSS documents generally carry complete or encapsulated text data, metadata, author and publishing information. RSS provides advantages to both publishers and subscribers because they spontaneously syndicate work in a format of arrangement that can be simply and easily accessed, acquired and viewed by different types of applications.

RSS文档通常包含完整或封装的文本数据,元数据,作者和发布信息。 RSS为发布者和订阅者提供了优势,因为它们以一种安排的形式自发地联合工作,可以通过不同类型的应用程序简单方便地对其进行访问,获取和查看。

历史 (History)

At the beginning of 1995, the fundamental idea of RSS of reorganizing information about websites was evolved when the Meta Content Framework was developed by Ramanathan V. Guha and others in Apple Computer's Advanced Technology Group.

1995年初,当Ramanathan V. Guha和Apple Computer Advanced Technology Group的其他人开发了Meta Content Framework时,就重新定义了RSS重组网站信息的基本思想。

RSS的工作 (Working of RSS)

RSS in the process of making available for using the advantages for both publishers and readers, it syndicates web content automatically. It enables and makes easier for a reader to subscribe to their preferred website and without again going to check the website to read the latest updates.

RSS在为发布者和阅读者提供使用优势的过程中,会自动联合Web内容。 它使读者能够订阅他们喜欢的网站,并使他们更容易订阅,而无需再次检查该网站以阅读最新更新。

订户的优势 (Advantages for subscribers)

  • A subscriber can subscribe to more than one forum of newsgroups and then a subscriber can modify his news feed to have all the news on a single page. It will help subscribers in saving a lot of time in checking the specific preferred news.

    订阅者可以订阅多个新闻组论坛,然后订阅者可以修改其新闻提要,以将所有新闻放在单个页面上。 这将帮助订户节省大量时间检查特定的首选新闻。

  • A subscriber can simply examine the headlines because the RSS feed comes in the form of the organized structure of headlines and a short description so that a subscriber can click on only those news or contents that comes under his interest.


出版商的优势 (Advantages for Publishers)

  • A publisher doesn't have to maintain a database of subscribers to send his information to them; rather they will check his feed by using a reader and they will get updated automatically either news or some other content. The RSS process of publishing is really very simple.

    发布者不必维护订户数据库即可将其信息发送给他们。 相反,他们将使用阅读器检查他的供稿,并会自动更新新闻或其他内容。 RSS的发布过程确实非常简单。

  • A publisher only required writing in the form of titles and brief descriptions of an RSS feed and put his link in the background of his website, If a publisher has a new content published on his website.





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