
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Running out of data on your limited mobile plan? Want to stretch out the data for the last couple of days of the month? Try the new Low Data Mode to reduce data usage on your iPhone.

您有限的移动方案上的数据用完了吗? 是否想扩展该月最后几天的数据? 尝试新的低数据模式以减少iPhone上的数据使用量。

低数据模式如何工作 (How Low Data Mode Works)

Low data Mode in iOS 13 and beyond shuts off all background communication. It stops Background App Refresh for apps and requests apps to postpone all non-urgent sync tasks until you’re connected to a network that doesn’t have Low data mode enabled.

iOS 13及更高版本中的低数据模式会关闭所有后台通信。 它会为应用程序停止后台应用程序刷新,并请求应用程序推迟所有非紧急同步任务,直到您连接到未启用低数据模式的网络。

It also pauses all background sync tasks. So when Low Data Mode is enabled, the Photos app won’t back up your photos.

它还会暂停所有后台同步任务。 因此,启用低数据模式后,“照片”应用程序将不会备份您的照片。

You won’t see much of a difference using your iPhone on a day-to-day basis, but all the background processes that you usually don’t have control over will be paused. If needed, you can manually resume a syncing task.

您每天使用iPhone不会看到很大的不同,但是您通常无法控制的所有后台进程都将被暂停。 如果需要,您可以手动恢复同步任务。

This is just one of the little useful features that Apple added in the iOS 13 update. To know about the best features in this update, take a look at our best iOS 13 features list.

这只是Apple在iOS 13更新中添加的少量有用功能之一。 要了解此更新中的最佳功能,请查看我们的最佳iOS 13功能列表。

为蜂窝数据启用低数据模式 (Enable Low Data Mode for Cellular Data)

To enable Low Data Mode on your cellular data connection, open the iPhone’s Settings app, and select the “Cellular” option.


From here, tap on “Cellular Data Options.”


Tap on the toggle next to “Low Data Mode” to turn on the feature.


为Wi-Fi网络启用低数据模式 (Enable Low Data Mode for Wi-Fi Networks)

Low Data Mode also works for Wi-Fi networks, but not in an all-or-nothing nature. You can go through and enable the feature for specific Wi-Fi networks that might include low data caps.

低数据模式也适用于Wi-Fi网络,但不是全有或全无。 您可以针对可能包含低数据上限的特定Wi-Fi网络启用并启用该功能。

Open the Settings app and tap on “Wi-Fi.”

打开“设置”应用,然后点击“ Wi-Fi”。

Here, find the Wi-Fi network you want to enable the feature on and tap on the “i” button next to it.

在这里找到要启用该功能的Wi-Fi网络,然后点击其旁边的“ i”按钮。

From this screen, tap on the toggle next to “Low Data Mode” to enable it.


You can also enable low data mode in specific apps and services. For example, Instagram has an option for a low data mode. To save data usage in streaming apps, you can reduce the video or audio streaming quality.

您还可以在特定的应用和服务中启用低数据模式。 例如, Instagram可以选择低数据模式。 为了节省流应用程序中的数据使用量,可以降低视频或音频流质量。

You can also manually disable Background App Refresh and auto-downloads for apps to reduce data usage on your iPhone.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/440233/how-to-enable-low-data-mode-on-your-iphone/



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