
In iOS 11, Apple has introduced a new Emergency SOS feature to the iPhone. Let’s look at what it does.

在iOS 11中,苹果为iPhone引入了新的紧急SOS功能。 让我们看看它的作用。

To use Emergency SOS on an iPhone 7 or earlier, press the power button five times quickly. To use it on an iPhone 8, 8 Plus, or X, press and hold both the power button and one of the volume buttons.

要在iPhone 7或更早版本的iPhone上使用紧急SOS,请快速按五次电源按钮。 要在iPhone 8、8 Plus或X上使用它,请同时按住电源按钮和音量按钮之一。

Emergency SOS does a couple of things. First, it locks your phone and disables Touch ID and Face ID. To unlock your phone again, you need to enter your password. We’ve talked about this feature before, and it’s a big deal, because under US law, the police can force you to unlock your phone with your fingerprint or face, but they can’t force you to enter your password. This, however, is just one aspect of Emergency SOS.

紧急SOS有几件事情。 首先,它会锁定您的手机并禁用Touch ID和Face ID。 要再次解锁手机,您需要输入密码。 之前我们已经讨论过此功能 ,这很重要,因为根据美国法律,警察可以强迫您用指纹或脸部来解锁手机,但不能强迫您输入密码。 但是,这只是紧急SOS的一方面。

Emergency SOS also brings up a screen with three swipe bars: one to power off the iPhone, one to access your Medical ID, and one to call the local emergency services; in some areas such as China, you’ll be prompted to select which service you want, for example, whether you want to call the police or an ambulance. Swiping on any of them does exactly what you’d expect.

紧急SOS还会显示一个带有三个滑动条的屏幕:一个用于关闭iPhone的电源,一个用于访问您的Medical ID的电话以及一个用于致电当地紧急服务的电话。 在某些地区(例如中国),系统会提示您选择所需的服务,例如,您要打电话给警察还是救护车。 轻扫它们中的任何一个,完全符合您的期望。

To configure Emergency SOS, go to Settings > Emergency SOS.


To have your iPhone start calling the emergency services as soon as you trigger Emergency SOS turn on Auto Call. This is on by default on the iPhone 8, 8 Plus, and X.

若要使iPhone在触发紧急SOS后立即开始呼叫紧急服务,请打开“自动呼叫”。 在iPhone 8、8 Plus和X上默认情况下处于启用状态。

Now, as soon as you trigger Emergency SOS, your iPhone will display a three second countdown and play a loud noise. Once the countdown ends, the iPhone will dial emergency services. You can cancel the call before the countdown ends by tapping Stop and then End Call.

现在,一旦您触发紧急SOS,您的iPhone就会显示三秒钟的倒计时并发出很大的声音。 倒计时结束后,iPhone将拨打紧急服务电话。 您可以在倒数计时结束之前取消通话,方法是:点击停止,然后点击结束通话。

You can also turn the countdown sound off in the Settings menu.


Emergency SOS pulls your Emergency Contact details from your Medical ID in the Health app. To add an Emergency Contact, either head to the Health app yourself or tap Edit Emergency Contacts in Health. Check out our full guide to setting up an Emergency Medical ID for more.

紧急SOS从“健康”应用程序中的“医疗ID”中提取您的“紧急联系人”详细信息。 要添加紧急联系人,请自己前往“健康”应用程序,或在“健康”中点击“编辑紧急联系人”。 查看我们的完整指南,以了解更多有关设置紧急医疗ID的信息。

Emergency SOS is a handy feature with a few uses. It makes it easy for you to call the emergency services without knowing the exact number from anyone’s iPhone. It also stops people forcing you to unlock your phone with Touch ID or Face ID.

紧急SOS是一种方便使用的功能,具有一些用途。 它使您无需知道任何人的iPhone的确切号码即可轻松拨打紧急服务电话。 它还可以阻止人们强迫您使用Touch ID或Face ID解锁手机。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/328247/how-to-enable-emergency-sos-services-on-your-iphone/



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