
<em>标签 (<em> Tag)

<em> tag in HTML is used to display the text in emphasized form. <em> tag add semantic meaning to the text, text inside it is treated as emphasized text.

HTML中的<em>标记用于以强调形式显示文本。 <em>标记为文本添加语义,其中的文本被视为强调文本。



<em>emphasized Text</em>

Technical insights of <em> tag


  • It supports global attributes and attributes that handle events of HTML5.


  • Supported by all browsers.




<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML Tutorial at IncludeHelp</title>
<h1>HTML tutorial</h1>
<p><em>"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"</em> is a sentence that contains all alphabets</p>
<p>IncludeHelp provides tutorials on all <em>programming languages</em>.</p>



See the above HTML code, we made "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" and programming languages emphasized using <em> Tag.

参见上面HTML代码,我们制作了“快速的狐狸跳过懒惰的狗”,并使用<em> Tag强调了编程语言

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/html/em-tag-with-examples.aspx



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