python 示例

文件write()方法 (File write() Method)

write() method is an inbuilt method in Python, it is used to write the content in the file.







  • text/bytes – Specifies the text to be written in the file.

    文本/字节 –指定要写入文件的文本。

Return value:


The return type of this method is <class 'int'>, it returns the total number of the written in the file.

此方法的返回类型为<class'int'> ,它返回文件中写入的总数。



# Python File write() Method with Example
# creating a file
myfile = open("hello.txt", "w")
# writing to the file
res = myfile.write("Hello friends, how are you?")
print(res, "bytes written to the file.")
# closing the file
# reading content from the file
myfile = open("hello.txt", "r")
print("file content is...")
# writing more content to the file
# opening file in append mode
myfile = open("hello.txt", "a")
# writing to the file
res = myfile.write("Hey, I am good!")
print(res, "bytes written to the file.")
# closing the file
# reading content from the file again
myfile = open("hello.txt", "r")
print("file content is...")



27 bytes written to the file.
file content is...
Hello friends, how are you?
15 bytes written to the file.file content is...
Hello friends, how are you?Hey, I am good!


python 示例

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