lock_sh 示例

Python date .__ str __()方法 (Python date.__str__() Method)

date.__str__() method is used to manipulate objects of date class of module datetime.

date .__ str __()方法用于操作模块datetime的date类的对象。

It uses a date class object and returns a string representation of the object. For a date object d, str(d) is equivalent to d.isoformat(). str() is an instance method as it uses an instance of the class.

它使用日期类对象,并返回该对象的字符串表示形式。 对于日期对象d , str(d)等效于d.isoformat() 。 str()是一个实例方法,因为它使用类的实例。



    import datetime



    from datetime import date




Return value:


The return type of this method is a string representing the original date.




## importing date class
from datetime import date
## Creating an instance
x = date.today()
d = str(x)
print("Original object:",x)
print("Date String:", d)
## str function also uses the ISO format
x = date(2020,10,1)
print("Date string of date 2020/10/1:", str(x))
## str(x) is equivalent to x.isoformat() function
x = date(200,10,12)
print("Date 200/10/12 in ISO 8601 format using isoformat() function:", x.isoformat())
print("Date string 200/10/12  using str() function:", str(x))
print( x.isoformat() == str(x))



Original object: 2020-04-29
Date String: 2020-04-29
Date string of date 2020/10/1: 2020-10-01
Date 200/10/12 in ISO 8601 format using isoformat() function: 0200-10-12
Date string 200/10/12  using str() function: 0200-10-12

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/python/date-__str__-method-with-example.aspx

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