python 示例

字典popitem()方法 (Dictionary popitem() Method)

popitem() method is used to remove random/last inserted item from the dictionary.


Before the Python version 3.7, it removes random item and from version 3.7, it removes last inserted item.

在Python 3.7之前的版本中,它会删除随机项,而在3.7版中,它会删除最后插入的项。






  • It does not accept any parameter.


Return value:


The return type of this method is <class 'tuple'>, it returns the removed item as a tuple (key, value).

此方法的返回类型为<class'tuple'> ,它以元组(键,值)的形式返回已删除的项目。

Example 1:


# Python Dictionary popitem() Method with Example
# dictionary declaration
student = {"roll_no": 101,
"name": "Shivang",
"course": "B.Tech",
"perc" : 98.5
# printing dictionary
print("data of student dictionary...")
# removing item
x = student.popitem()
print(x, ' is removed.')
# removing item
x = student.popitem()
print(x, ' is removed.')

Output (On Python version 3)


data of student dictionary...
{'name': 'Shivang', 'course': 'B.Tech', 'perc': 98.5, 'roll_no': 101}
('name', 'Shivang')  is removed.
('course', 'B.Tech')  is removed.

Output (On Python version 3.7.4)


data of student dictionary...
{'roll_no': 101, 'name': 'Shivang', 'course': 'B.Tech', 'perc': 98.5}
('perc', 98.5)  is removed.
('course', 'B.Tech')  is removed.

Demonstrate the example, if no more item exists then it returns an error.


Example 2:


# Python Dictionary popitem() Method with Example
# dictionary declaration
temp = {"key1": 1,
"key2": 2
# printing dictionary
print("data of temp dictionary...")
# popping item
x = temp.popitem()
print(x, 'is removed.')
# popping item
x = temp.popitem()
print(x, 'is removed.')
# popping item
x = temp.popitem()
print(x, 'is removed.')



data of temp dictionary...
{'key2': 2, 'key1': 1}
('key2', 2) is removed.
('key1', 1) is removed.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 22, in <module>
x = temp.popitem()
KeyError: 'popitem(): dictionary is empty'


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