


Step I Leading-in and Pre-reading

1. Asking some questions:

a) What is the most traditional holiday of China

Spring Festival

b) What is the most important holiday of America

2. Discussion

Let the students think over and discuss Halloween and celebrated time

and the interesting activities.

Step II Fast reading.

Let the students scan the text to get some information about the text and then

answer the following questions.

a) When is Halloween always celebrated

b) On that day, what did they use to decorate their doorsteps

Step III Intensive Reading

1. Let the students carefully read the text and accomplish Comprehension Exercises

Comprehension Exercise

1) Halloween is the most important holiday of _________.

A. India B. America C. Canada D. Japanese

2) At Halloween, Americans use _____to decorate their doorsteps.

A. watermelonB. fruit C. pumpkinsD. pumpkin pie

3) For Americans,the pumpkin is not only a food ,but also a ______.

A. symbol B. mean C. festival D. celebration

Step IV Discussion freely

Divide the students into a few groups, discuss the following questions

1. Who do you want to give thanks

2. How do you express your thanks What will you do?

Step V Summary and Homework


It can be concluded that the pumpkin is still useful and important today.

Homework (P78)II Vocabulary Exercise .

Step VI Blackboard design

1. Some relevant questions.

2. Some important words and phrases.


一 学情分析



1 教学内容

教学材料来源于高教出版社中职英语教材模块一第二单元第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking中的Dialogue A两部分,具体内容为:描述个人能力的词汇、询问和谈论能力的语句。学习本课时教学内容学生学会用can表述能力,进一步为整个单元的学习活动做语言和知识的准备。同时更好地让同学之间,师生之间相互了解自己的特长。增进友谊。

2 教学重点,难点


学会用can 表述个人和他人能力



三 教学目标

1. 知识目标

⑴ 掌握描述个人能力的词汇,

Speak Chinese, drive cars, repair computers, teach English, read in Chinese, serve customers. ⑵掌握询问和描述个人能力时所使用的.句型,

Can you say something about yourself

Can you sing English songs

Well, I can teach English and I can speak a little Chinese.

2. 能力目标

⑴ 听


(2) 说


3. 情感目标



四 学生分析

Each coin has two sides.

the students in class are all boys. they prefer learning major skills to language points,they dislike English grammar and speaking English. Many of them are weak at English . On the other hand they are active and energetic .they are interested in electronic products and internet .they are good at running programs in smart cell -phones and internet .it is easy for them to accept new ideas ,which is of great help to this period

五 教学过程

Step 1 lead-in

(1)Talk about abilities

Play PPT for the Ss

(2)Look and complete.

Activity 1 on page23

ask the students to describe each picture, using the sentence pattern “He/She/They can …” After that, the teacher may ask the students to listen to the tape and circle what Ben can do.

(设计意图:通过PPT快速展示名人的能力图片,引导学生学习can 的表述。为下面的教学服务。)

Step 2 talk about themselves

Ask what can we do?

The teacher divides the whole class into four groups and asks each group to write down what they can do .


Step 3 ( Activity 4,5,6,7 ) (12 min)

1. Activity 4. Read and tick. Are these abilities necessary for applying a job

a. I can drive a car.

b. I can swim.

c. I can use the computer.

d. I can play basketball.

e. I can serve visitors.

f. I can speak English.

2. Activity 5. Listen and circle. What abilities does Zhang Qing have

3. Activity 6.Read and underline. Read after the tape and underline the sentences about


Can you say something about yourself

Well, I can teach English and I can speak a little Chinese.

Can you sing English songs

Yes, I can.

4. Activity 7. Listen and repeat. And practice the dialogue with your partner.


Step 4 Teaching consolidation (12m)

Make a similar dialogue with your partner. Ask some group to act their dialogue.


Step 5 Homework

1. Remember and copy the following sentences twice.

I can speak Chinese.

I can drive cars.

I can repair computers.

I can teach English.

I can read in Chinese.

I can serve customers.

I can swim.

I can use the computer.

I can play basketball.

I can serve visitors.

I can speak English.


Step I Leading-in and Pre-reading

1. Asking some questions:

a) What is the most traditional holiday of China

Spring Festival

b) What is the most traditional holiday of America

Thanksgiving Day

2. Play the footage of the original of Thanksgiving.

Let the students think over and discuss the original of Thanksgiving and celebrated time.

Step II Fast reading.

Let the students scan the text to get some information about the text and then answer the following questions.

a) When is Thanksgiving Day always celebrated

It’s always celebrated on the fourth Thursday in Novemeber.

b) What are the Thanksgiving Day main dishes

The main dishes for Thanksgiving Day are turkey and pumpkin pie.

Step III Intensive Reading

1. Let the students carefully read the text and accomplish Comprehension Exercises Comprehension Exercise

1) Thanksgiving Day is the most traditional holiday of _________.

A. India B. America C. Canada D. Japanese

2) The first Thanksgiving Day was held in Massachusetts in ________.

A. 1820B.1683C. 1621 D. 1863

3) They invited their Indian friends to ______ a big feast.

A. take part in B. have C. cook D. celebrate

4) The main dishes for Thanksgiving Day are _______ and pumpkim pie.

A. fish B. chicken C. beef D. turkey

5) Thanksgiving Day was officially revived by ________ in 1863.

A. LincolnB. Marco PoloC. DianaD. Frankfurt

6) Thanksgiving Day is not only a day to give thanks to ______ but also a day for the family to get together.

A. Pilgrims B. farmer C. Indian D.God

Step IV Words Searching

Competition in groups

The purpose of this step is to revise and consolidate the knowledge they learn

Step V Discussion

Divide the students into a few groups, discuss the following questions

1. Who do you want to give thanks

2. How do you express your thanks What will you do?

Step VI Summary and Homework


We know that Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. And the main dishes are turkey, pumkim pie. It’s the day for family members to get together and give thanks to each other.


Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given below. 1. 2. Spring Festival is the most ________ holiday in China.

3. My friends __________ me to join them for dinner.

4. You will meet _______ problems in a new place.

5. A sports meeting will be ________ at the Saturday morning.

6. I’m a ______ of the class.

Step VII Blackboard design

celebrate V. 庆祝,称颂

celebration n. 庆祝活动 in celebration of , for the celebration of

为了庆祝…, 为了祝贺…

revive V. 复活 使苏醒

give thanks to 感谢…

invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事

join in 参加比赛或具体活动

take part in 参加活动 (强调主语参加该活动,并在活动中起积极作用)

attend参加会议 (强调发生这一动作本身,并不在于参加者起作用与否)

not only…but also… 不但… 而且…

1) 连接并列主语时,谓语动词按就近一致原则




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