
编程作业 5 - 偏差和方差


import numpy as np
import scipy.io as sio
import scipy.optimize as opt
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as snsdef load_data():"""for ex5d['X'] shape = (12, 1)pandas has trouble taking this 2d ndarray to construct a dataframe, so I ravelthe results"""d = sio.loadmat('ex5data1.mat')return map(np.ravel, [d['X'], d['y'], d['Xval'], d['yval'], d['Xtest'], d['ytest']])X, y, Xval, yval, Xtest, ytest = load_data()df = pd.DataFrame({'water_level':X, 'flow':y})sns.lmplot('water_level', 'flow', data=df, fit_reg=False, size=7)


X, Xval, Xtest = [np.insert(x.reshape(x.shape[0], 1), 0, np.ones(x.shape[0]), axis=1) for x in (X, Xval, Xtest)]


def cost(theta, X, y):
# INPUT:参数值theta,数据X,标签y
# OUTPUT:当前参数值下代价函数
# TODO:根据参数和输入的数据计算代价函数# STEP1:获取样本个数# your code here  (appro ~ 1 lines)m = X.shape[0]# STEP2:计算代价函数# your code here  (appro ~ 3 lines)inner = X @ theta - ysquare_sum = inner.T @ innercost = square_sum / (2 * m)return costtheta = np.ones(X.shape[1])
cost(theta, X, y




def gradient(theta, X, y):
# INPUT:参数值theta,数据X,标签y
# OUTPUT:当前参数值下梯度
# TODO:根据参数和输入的数据计算梯度  # STEP1:获取样本个数# your code here  (appro ~ 1 lines)m = X.shape[0]# STEP2:计算代价函数# your code here  (appro ~ 1 lines)grad=  (X.T @ (X @ theta - y))/mreturn gradgradient(theta, X, y)


array([ -15.30301567,  598.16741084])


def regularized_gradient(theta, X, y, l=1):
# INPUT:参数值theta,数据X,标签y
# OUTPUT:当前参数值下梯度
# TODO:根据参数和输入的数据计算梯度 # STEP1:获取样本个数# your code here  (appro ~ 1 lines)m = X.shape[0]# STEP2:计算正则化梯度regularized_term = theta.copy()  # same shape as thetaregularized_term[0] = 0  # don't regularize intercept theta# your code here  (appro ~ 1 lines)regularized_term = (l / m) * regularized_termreturn gradient(theta, X, y) + regularized_termdef regularized_cost(theta, X, y, l=1):m = X.shape[0]regularized_term = (l / (2 * m)) * np.power(theta[1:], 2).sum()return cost(theta, X, y) + regularized_term


正则化项 ?=0

def linear_regression_np(X, y, l=1):
# INPUT:数据X,标签y,正则化参数l
# OUTPUT:当前参数值下梯度
# TODO:根据参数和输入的数据计算梯度 # STEP1:初始化参数theta = np.ones(X.shape[1])# STEP2:调用优化算法拟合参数# your code here  (appro ~ 1 lines)res = opt.minimize(fun=regularized_cost,x0=theta,args=(X, y, l),method='TNC',jac=regularized_gradient,options={'disp': True})return restheta = np.ones(X.shape[0])final_theta = linear_regression_np(X, y, l=0).get('x')b = final_theta[0] # intercept
m = final_theta[1] # slopeplt.scatter(X[:,1], y, label="Training data")
plt.plot(X[:, 1], X[:, 1]*m + b, label="Prediction")


training_cost, cv_cost = [], []





# TODO:计算训练代价和交叉验证集代价
# STEP1:获取样本个数,遍历每个样本
m = X.shape[0]
for i in range(1, m+1):# STEP2:计算当前样本的代价res = linear_regression_np(X[:i, :], y[:i], l=0)# your code here  (appro ~ 2 lines)tc = regularized_cost(res.x, X[:i, :], y[:i], l=0)cv = regularized_cost(res.x, Xval, yval, l=0)# STEP3:把计算结果存储至预先定义的数组training_cost, cv_cost中# your code here  (appro ~ 2 lines)training_cost.append(tc)cv_cost.append(cv)plt.plot(np.arange(1, m+1), training_cost, label='training cost')
plt.plot(np.arange(1, m+1), cv_cost, label='cv cost')

这个模型拟合不太好, 欠拟合了


def prepare_poly_data(*args, power):"""args: keep feeding in X, Xval, or Xtestwill return in the same order"""def prepare(x):# 特征映射df = poly_features(x, power=power)# 归一化处理ndarr = normalize_feature(df).as_matrix()# 添加偏置项return np.insert(ndarr, 0, np.ones(ndarr.shape[0]), axis=1)return [prepare(x) for x in args]def poly_features(x, power, as_ndarray=False):  #特征映射data = {'f{}'.format(i): np.power(x, i) for i in range(1, power + 1)}df = pd.DataFrame(data)return df.as_matrix() if as_ndarray else dfX, y, Xval, yval, Xtest, ytest = load_data()
poly_features(X, power=3)


  1. 扩展特征到 8阶,或者你需要的阶数
  2. 使用 归一化 来合并 ??xn
  3. 不要忘记添加偏置项
def normalize_feature(df):"""Applies function along input axis(default 0) of DataFrame."""return df.apply(lambda column: (column - column.mean()) / column.std())X_poly, Xval_poly, Xtest_poly= prepare_poly_data(X, Xval, Xtest, power=8)
X_poly[:3, :]
array([[  1.00000000e+00,  -3.62140776e-01,  -7.55086688e-01,1.82225876e-01,  -7.06189908e-01,   3.06617917e-01,-5.90877673e-01,   3.44515797e-01,  -5.08481165e-01],[  1.00000000e+00,  -8.03204845e-01,   1.25825266e-03,-2.47936991e-01,  -3.27023420e-01,   9.33963187e-02,-4.35817606e-01,   2.55416116e-01,  -4.48912493e-01],[  1.00000000e+00,   1.37746700e+00,   5.84826715e-01,1.24976856e+00,   2.45311974e-01,   9.78359696e-01,-1.21556976e-02,   7.56568484e-01,  -1.70352114e-01]])


首先,我们没有使用正则化,所以 ?=0

def plot_learning_curve(X, y, Xval, yval, l=0):
# INPUT:训练数据集X,y,交叉验证集Xval,yval,正则化参数l
# OUTPUT:当前参数值下梯度
# TODO:根据参数和输入的数据计算梯度 # STEP1:初始化参数,获取样本个数,开始遍历training_cost, cv_cost = [], []m = X.shape[0]for i in range(1, m + 1):# STEP2:调用之前写好的拟合数据函数进行数据拟合# your code here  (appro ~ 1 lines)res = linear_regression_np(X[:i, :], y[:i], l=l)# STEP3:计算样本代价# your code here  (appro ~ 1 lines)tc = cost(res.x, X[:i, :], y[:i])cv = cost(res.x, Xval, yval)# STEP3:把计算结果存储至预先定义的数组training_cost, cv_cost中# your code here  (appro ~ 2 lines)training_cost.append(tc)cv_cost.append(cv)plt.plot(np.arange(1, m + 1), training_cost, label='training cost')plt.plot(np.arange(1, m + 1), cv_cost, label='cv cost')plt.legend(loc=1)plot_learning_curve(X_poly, y, Xval_poly, yval, l=0)

你可以看到训练的代价太低了,不真实. 这是 过拟合

try ?=1

plot_learning_curve(X_poly, y, Xval_poly, yval, l=1)

训练代价增加了些,不再是0了。 也就是说我们减轻过拟合

try ?=100

plot_learning_curve(X_poly, y, Xval_poly, yval, l=100)

变成 欠拟合状态

找到最佳的 ?

l_candidate = [0, 0.001, 0.003, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10]
training_cost, cv_cost = [], []for l in l_candidate:res = linear_regression_np(X_poly, y, l)tc = cost(res.x, X_poly, y)cv = cost(res.x, Xval_poly, yval)training_cost.append(tc)cv_cost.append(cv)plt.plot(l_candidate, training_cost, label='training')
plt.plot(l_candidate, cv_cost, label='cross validation')

# best cv I got from all those candidates


# use test data to compute the cost
for l in l_candidate:theta = linear_regression_np(X_poly, y, l).xprint('test cost(l={}) = {}'.format(l, cost(theta, Xtest_poly, ytest)))
test cost(l=0) = 10.122298845834932
test cost(l=0.001) = 10.989357236615056
test cost(l=0.003) = 11.26731092609127
test cost(l=0.01) = 10.881623900868235
test cost(l=0.03) = 10.02232745596236
test cost(l=0.1) = 8.632062332318977
test cost(l=0.3) = 7.336513212074589
test cost(l=1) = 7.466265914249742
test cost(l=3) = 11.643931713037912
test cost(l=10) = 27.7150802906621

调参后, ?=0.3λ=0.3 是最优选择,这个时候测试代价最小

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