Comparative assessment of long-read error correction software applied to Nanopore RNA-sequencing data

应用于Nanopore  RNA测序数据的长读误差校正软件的比较评估

Motivation: Nanopore long-read sequencing technology offers promising alternatives to high-throughput short read
sequencing, especially in the context of RNA-sequencing. However this technology is currently hindered by high error rates
in the output data that affect analyses such as the identification of isoforms, exon boundaries, open reading frames and
creation of gene catalogues. Due to the novelty of such data, computational methods are still actively being developed and
options for the error correction of Nanopore RNA-sequencing long reads remain limited.
Results: In this article, we evaluate the extent to which existing long-read DNA error correction methods are capable of
correcting cDNA Nanopore reads.We provide an automatic and extensive benchmark tool that not only reports classical
error correction metrics but also the effect of correction on gene families, isoform diversity, bias toward the major isoform
and splice site detection.We find that long read error correction tools that were originally developed for DNA are also
suitable for the correction of Nanopore RNA-sequencing data, especially in terms of increasing base pair accuracy. Yet
investigators should be warned that the correction process perturbs gene family sizes and isoform diversity. This work
provides guidelines on which (or whether) error correction tools should be used, depending on the application type.
Benchmarking software:





有几种用于纠正长读错误的工具,包括ONT reads。即使Nanopore和PacBio读取的错误概况不同,错误率也非常相似,我们有理由认为,最初为PacBio数据设计的工具在最近的Nanopore数据上也表现良好。据我们所知,以前很少有专门针对RNA-seq长读的错误校正的工作。值得注意的例外包括:(i) LSC[25],其设计错误更正PacBio RNA-seq长读使用Illumina RNAseq短读;(ii) PBcR[26]和(iii) HALC[27],它们主要针对基因组设计,但也根据转录组数据进行评估。在这里,我们将站在评价RNA-seq数据的长读错误纠正工具的立场上,其中大多数设计用于处理DNA测序数据。

我们评估了以下DNA混合校正工具:HALC[27]、LoRDEC[28]、NaS[29]、PBcR[26]和proovread [30];

DNA自校正工具:Canu [31], daccord [32], LoRMA [33], MECAT [34], pbdagcon[35]。

我们还评估了一个额外的混合工具,LSC[25],这是唯一一个专门用于纠正(PacBio) RNA-seq长读的工具。

大多数混合校正方法采用映射策略,将短片段放置在长读上,并使用相关的短读序列对长读区域进行校正。但是他们中的一些人依靠图表来建立一个共识,用于修正。这些图要么是k-mer图(de Bruijn图),要么是由多个序列比对(部分序列比对)产生的核苷酸图。对于自校正方法,使用上述图的策略是最常见的。我们也考虑过评估nanocorrect[36]、nanopolish[36]、Falcon_sense[37]和LSCPlus[38],但有些工具是不推荐的,不适合校正或不可用。我们的详细理据见补充资料第S1.12节。我们选择了我们认为具有代表性的一套工具,但也有其他工具没有被考虑在这项研究中,如HG-Color [39], HECIL [40], MIRCA [41], Jabba [42], nanocorr[43]和Racon[44]。

其他的工作已经在DNA测序的背景下评估了错误校正工具。LRCstats[45]和最近的ELECTOR[46]使用模拟框架提供了基因组长读校正的自动评估。[47]的一份技术报告对PacBio/Nanopore的误差校正工具进行了广泛的评估。该分析是在[48]中混合校正方法的最新结果中完成的。也许最接近我们的工作是AlignQC软件[21],它提供了一组用于评估rna测序长读数据集质量的指标。在[21]中,对Nanopore和PacBio RNAsequencing数据集在错误模式、亚型鉴定和定量方面进行了比较。虽然[21]没有比较错误纠正工具,我们将使用和扩展AlignQCmetrics为此目的

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