Hybrid Error Correction approach and DeNovo Assembly for MinIon Sequencing Long Reads

混合纠错方法和从头组装的MinIon 测序长read

 A track to solve the problem of errors caused by the third generation of sequencing technology is to use the high coverage of the high quality of short reads generated by the second-generation sequencing technology. This paper presents a new approach for error correction and de novo assembly for long reads. We present MiRCA a hybrid approach based on the sequences alignments that detects and corrects errors for MinIon long reads using Illumina short reads. With this new error correction approach, we were able to make an effective and quick de novo assembly. Experiments on Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the Escherichia coli genomes show that MiRCA is much better than the available tools. MiRCA is tested on Linux platforms and freely available at https://github.com/Mkchouk/MiRCA.



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