
  • Word Preparation
  • marketing department: 市场部
  • make an adjustment / make some adjustments
  • business plan: 商业计划
  • schedule:安排;为...安排时间
  • document: 文件
  • Grammar
  • 名词做动词的用法

Word Preparation

marketing department: 市场部

Walter works in the marketing department at our company.

Some employees in the marketing department will work on the advertisements.

make an adjustment / make some adjustments

The bike seat was very uncomfortable so I had to make an adjustment.

There are some problems with the plan so we need to make some adjustments.

business plan: 商业计划

Our boss is going to talk about the company’s business plan at the meeting.

It seems like the company’s business plan is going very well.


to arrange that an event or activity will happen at a particular time

The meeting is scheduled to start at 8 a.m.

We were scheduled to leave this city tomorrow morning.

document: 文件

a paper or set of papers with written or printed information, especially of an official type

I will send you the document via email.

We can’t start the meeting until we have all the documents we need.



I’d like to book a table for two tonight.

  • Don’t forget to phone him tomorrow morning.
  • Please open the window and air the room!
  • You should email him first before the appointment.

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