
Now there are only three majors in our Information Engineering School. They are Applied Computer Technologies, Software Technologies and Big Data Technologies. In the first year, the same courses are set for three majors. But since the second year, three majors have different courses.

In the third term/semester, what professional courses do you have?

  1. Network Technologies
  2. Server Technology -- Linux (RHEL -> CentOS)
  3. Web Interface Design
  4. PHP Development
  5. Web Script Design (JavaScript)
  6. Computer English

Professional Knowledge

Professional Skill

Professional Ability/Capability

Professional Service

-- Provide Solutions

Professional Quality

-- Build Your Personal Brand

Natural Process: Green Hand -> Skilled Person -> Proficient Person

Create Connections -- Build Mutual Trust

Communicate - communication - communicative

What should you pay attention in effective communication?

Class Two:

  1. Use Soft Words
  2. Be Concise
  3. Avoid Nonsense
  4. Respect Privacy
  5. Be a Good Listener
  6. Be Tactful (Yes, Yes, But...)
  7. Seek Common Points

Class One:

  1. Be Considerate
  2. Be Self-confident
  3. Be Polite
  4. Act with Propriety
  5. Be Consistent
  6. Be Occasion-Sensitive
  7. Be Dressed-up
  8. Seek Common Points
  9. Observe his/her response
  10. Be a Good Listener

Don't judge a book by its cover.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet

Today's Internet is arguably the largest engineered system ever created by mankind, with hundreds of millions of connected computers, communication links, and switches; with billions of users who connect via laptops, tablets, and smartphones; and with an array of new Internet-connected devices such as sensors, Web cams, game consoles, picture frames, and even washing machines. Given that the Internet is so large and has so many diverse components and uses, is there any hope of understanding how it works? Are there guiding principles and structure that can provide a foundation for understanding such an amazingly large and complex system?

And if so, is it possible that it actually could be both interesting and fun to learn about computer networks? Fortunately, the answers to all of these questions is a resounding YES! Indeed, it's our aim in this book to provide you with a modern introduction to the dynamic field of computer networking, giving you the principles and practical insights you'll need to understand not only today's networks, but tomorrow's as well.

This first chapter presents a broad overview of computer networking and the Internet. Our goal here is to paint a broad picture and set the context for the rest of this book, to see the forest through the trees. We'll cover a lot of ground in this introductory chapter and discuss a lot of the pieces of a computer network, without losing sight of the big picture.

Yearly Income: 500,000

20%, saving account -- bank

30%, living expenses

20%, investment

(1) insurance, (2) stock

30%, buy cars, houses....


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