
Today I'll connect my computer to a remote server by using Remote Desktop Service because the configuration of the computer in the classroom is too low. The low configuration prevents me from installing some useful and big software for further learning.

1. Remote Desktop Connection to a Remote Server

In the Run textbox, input the command mstsc and press Enter.

The Remote Desktop Connection dialogbox will pop up.

Enter the IP Address of the remote computer:

Click the Connect button, enter your username and password:

Click OK button, then you will see the desktop of the remote computer.

We need to install some common tool applications on the remote computer,

such as QQ, 360 Secure Browser, Sougou Input Method.

2. Install QQ2019

Step 1. Search (by keyword)

Step 2. Download (to the local disk)

Step 3. Install

Step 4. Run

Step 5. Login (username, password)

3. Install 360 Secure Browser

Search --> Download --> Install --> Run (Open)

4. Use English to Express Big Numbers

Let’s do some exercises.

(1) Give the English for 234,567,328

two hundred thirty four million five hundred sixty seven thousand three hundred and twenty eight


(2) Give the English for 34,784,342,129

thirty four billion seven hundred eight four million three hundred forty two thousand one hundred and twenty nine


(3) Give the English for 56,798,127,567,236

ffty six trillion seven hundred ninty eight billion one hundred twenty seven million five hundred sixty seven thousand two hundred and thirty six


5. The Configuration of the Current Computer

6. Two Purposes of the Computer

(1) Numerical Computations

(2) Data Processing

We can use computer to help us do a lot of numerical compuations and data processing work to get the information we want.

There are some famous software to do data analysis, such as Excel, R and Python.

7. Install Anaconda for Python

(1) Download Anaconda


(2) Install Anaconda

Double click the Anaconda installer and follow the wizard to complete the installation.

(3)  Anaconda Start Menu

(4) Start Anaconda Prompt

Start Python:

Now we can input Python statement after the >>> prompt:

After we input the statement print("Welcome to Python World~"), we press Enter to execute the statement.

Now I will demonstrate how to do addition by writing several statements.

Type the exit() function and press Enter to exit from Python environment.

Start IPython:

Let's write a python program to calculate the sum of 1, 2, 3, ....., and 100.

(5) Start Spyder

We can either write Python programs in the Editor and execute them or execute Python statements in an interactive manner in the IPython console.


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