
It’s near the end of 2010, and we’ve put together a list of the 20 best “Explainer” articles of the year—where we answer a question and teach you a little more about the topic. Enjoy!

快到2010年底了,我们整理了年度20篇最佳“解释者”文章的列表,在这些文章中我们回答了一个问题,并向您详细介绍了该主题。 请享用!

Image by sfxeric


为什么这么多极客讨厌Internet Explorer? (Why Do So Many Geeks Hate Internet Explorer?)

It’s common knowledge that almost every single geek hates Internet Explorer with a passion, but have you ever wondered why? Let’s take a fair look at the history and where it all began… for posterity, if nothing else.

众所周知,几乎每个人都讨厌Internet Explorer,但是您是否想过为什么? 让我们看一看历史以及它的起源……为了后代,如果没有别的话。

HTG Explains: Why Do So Many Geeks Hate Internet Explorer?

HTG解释:为什么这么多极客讨厌Internet Explorer?

揭穿神话:隐藏您的无线SSID真的更安全吗? (Debunking Myths: Is Hiding Your Wireless SSID Really More Secure?)

Seems like every guide to securing your wireless network tells you to keep your SSID from broadcasting to make your network more secure, but is that really worthwhile? Let’s take a look at one of the silliest myths out there.

似乎每本保护无线网络的指南都告诉您不要广播SSID,以使网络更安全,但这真的值得吗? 让我们看一下其中最荒谬的神话之一。

Debunking Myths: Is Hiding Your Wireless SSID Really More Secure?


什么是云计算?这个愚蠢的流行词是什么意思? (What is Cloud Computing and What Does This Stupid Buzzword Mean?)

The other day a reader wrote in asking if cloud computing could help save his hard drive space, which made me realize that it’s time to talk about exactly what this moronic buzzword really means.


What is Cloud Computing and What Does This Stupid Buzzword Mean?


写下密码有什么问题? (What’s Wrong With Writing Down Your Password?)

Recently a reader asked me why she wasn’t supposed to write down her passwords—which is a very good question. Ignoring all the geeky password manager talk, why can’t a home user write down passwords? Let’s examine this topic more closely.

最近,一位读者问我为什么不应该写下她的密码-这是一个很好的问题。 忽略所有令人讨厌的密码管理器话题,为什么家庭用户无法写下密码? 让我们更仔细地研究这个主题。

Ask How-To Geek: What’s Wrong With Writing Down Your Password?


为什么安装应用程序会使您重新启动并关闭其他应用程序? (Why Do Application Installs Make You Reboot and Close Other Apps?)

It’s happened to everybody at some point—you go to install a new application, and Windows tells you to reboot first. Or reboot after. Or it asks you to close out of every other application first. Why does it do that?

每个人在某个时候都发生了这种情况-您去安装一个新的应用程序,而Windows告诉您先重新启动。 或重启后。 或者它要求您先关闭所有其他应用程序。 为什么这样做呢?

Why Do Application Installs Make You Reboot and Close Other Apps?


JPG,PNG和GIF有什么区别? (What’s the Difference Between JPG, PNG, and GIF?)

As we keep building on old image technology, types of file formats keep piling up, each with their own nuances and uses. JPG, PNG, and GIF have become the most common, but what sets them apart from each other?

随着我们继续使用旧的图像技术,文件格式的类型不断堆积,每种格式都有自己的细微差别和用途。 JPG,PNG和GIF已成为最常见的,但是什么使它们彼此区分开?

What’s the Difference Between JPG, PNG, and GIF?


您的台式打印机比打印服务贵吗? (Is Your Desktop Printer More Expensive Than Printing Services?)

While many users see desktop printers as the best way to print photos, compared to cheap printing services, they may be more expensive. In this simple How-To, learn how to compare the cost per print to commercial options.

尽管许多用户将台式打印机视为打印照片的最佳方法,但与廉价打印服务相比,它们可能更昂贵。 在此简单的方法指南中,学习如何将单张打印成本与商业选项进行比较。

Is Your Desktop Printer More Expensive Than Printing Services?


LCD? 发光二极管? 等离子体? HDTV技术入门指南 (LCD? LED? Plasma? The How-To Geek Guide to HDTV Technology)

With image technology progressing faster than ever, High-Def has become the standard, giving TV buyers more options at cheaper prices. But what’s different in all these confusing TVs, and what should you know before buying one?

随着图像技术的发展比以往更快,高清晰度已成为标准,以较低的价格为电视购买者提供了更多选择。 但是,在所有这些令人困惑的电视中,有什么不同?在购买电视之前,您应该了解什么?

LCD? LED? Plasma? The How-To Geek Guide to HDTV Technology

LCD? 发光二极管? 等离子体? HDTV技术入门指南

您应该选择哪个Linux文件系统? (Which Linux File System Should You Choose?)

File systems are one of the layers beneath your operating system that you don’t think about—unless you’re faced with the plethora of options in Linux. Here’s how to make an educated decision on which file system to use.

文件系统是您不会想到的操作系统之下的层之一,除非您面临Linux中众多的选项。 这是对使用哪个文件系统做出有根据的决定的方法。

HTG解释:您应该选择哪个Linux文件系统? (HTG Explains: Which Linux File System Should You Choose?)

为什么相纸可以提高打印质量? (Why Does Photo Paper Improve Print Quality?)

So you’ve shelled out the money for a fancy inkjet photo printer, only you’re not impressed with the images you’re getting out of your standard office paper. Have you ever wondered why that photo paper works so much better?

因此,您花了钱买了一台高档喷墨照片打印机,只是您对从标准办公用纸中取出的图像没有印象。 您是否曾经想过,为什么相纸效果更好?

HTG Explains: Why Does Photo Paper Improve Print Quality?


适用于iPhone或iPod Touch的最佳Office应用程序是什么? (What is the Best Office App for my iPhone or iPod Touch?)

Want to see what all of the major Office apps for iPhone and iPod Touch offer without wasting money purchasing them all?  Here’s our definitive guide to the best iOS Office apps, so you can learn before you buy.

是否想在不浪费金钱的情况下查看iPhone和iPod Touch的所有主要Office应用程序提供什么? 这是有关最佳iOS Office应用程序的权威指南,因此您可以在购买前学习。

What is the Best Office App for my iPhone or iPod Touch?

适用于iPhone或iPod Touch的最佳Office应用程序是什么?

台式打印机和专业打印机之间有什么区别? (What’s the Difference Between Desktop and Professional Printers?)

The device you use to print your mapquest directions has more going on inside it that you’d give it credit for—in fact, it’s practically a miracle. What goes on inside one, and what’s different about professional printers?

您用来打印mapquest路线的设备内部有许多值得您赞扬的功能-实际上,这实际上是一个奇迹。 里面发生了什么,专业打印机又有什么不同?

What’s the Difference Between Desktop and Professional Printers?


什么是Linux内核,它做什么? (What is the Linux Kernel and What Does It Do?)

With over 13 million lines of code, the Linux kernel is one of the largest open source projects in the world, but what is a kernel and what is it used for?


What is the Linux Kernel and What Does It Do?


像素和向量有什么区别? (What’s the Difference Between Pixels and Vectors?)

As the basis of nearly every image format worth using, Pixels and Vectors are the broad categories of modern 2D image files. But what are they exactly, and how are they different?

作为几乎每种值得使用的图像格式的基础,像素和矢量是现代2D图像文件的大类。 但是它们到底是什么?它们有什么不同?

What’s the Difference Between Pixels and Vectors?


HDMI和DVI有什么区别? 哪个更好? (What’s the Difference Between HDMI and DVI? Which is Better?)

Are you confused by the barrage of video cables available today?  Let’s take a look at the most important video cables today, HDMI and DVI, and see what’s the differences between the two.

您对今天可用的视频电缆的数量感到困惑吗? 让我们看一下当今最重要的视频电缆,HDMI和DVI,看看两者之间的区别是什么。

What’s the Difference Between HDMI and DVI? Which is Better?

HDMI和DVI有什么区别? 哪个更好?

您如何制作上下颠倒的文字? (How Do You Make Upside Down Text?)

Have you ever seen somebody use upside down text on the web? Ever wonder how to do it? Let’s take a quick look at how the characters are actually put together, and show you an easy generator that will do it for you.

您是否见过有人在网络上使用颠倒的文字? 有没有想过怎么做? 让我们快速看一下字符是如何实际组合在一起的,并向您展示一个简单的生成器,它将为您完成这些工作。

Ask How-To Geek: How Do You Make Upside Down Text?


如何像专业设计师一样理解排版 (How to Understand Typography Like a Professional Designer)

Typography is so overwhelmingly ever-present we hardly notice it there anymore. As elemental as it is to our culture, it’s actually bizarre to think it has a history at all. This article will serve as a condensed education on the basics of typography, including typographic terms, proper usage of fonts, unusual characters, and history.

印刷术是如此压倒性永远存在的,我们难以察觉它的存在了。 尽管它对我们的文化至关重要,但实际上认为它具有悠久的历史却很奇怪。 本文将作为印刷基础知识的简要介绍,包括印刷术语,正确使用字体,不寻常字符和历史记录。

How to Understand Typography Like a Professional Designer


您应该在Windows PC上备份哪些文件? (What Files Should You Backup On Your Windows PC?)

Everybody always tells you to make sure that you are backing up your PC, but what does that really mean? And what files do you actually need to backup? Today we’ll walk you through the basics of backing up your PC, what you should back up, and why.

所有人总是告诉您确保备份PC,但这到底意味着什么? 您实际上需要备份哪些文件? 今天,我们将带您了解备份PC的基础知识,应备份的内容以及原因。

What Files Should You Backup On Your Windows PC?

您应该在Windows PC上备份哪些文件?

电脑麦克风入门指南 (The How-To Geek Guide to Computer Microphones)

With Gmail adding the ability to make free calls within the US and Canada, now is a great time to invest in a quality computer microphone. We’ll take some of the guesswork out of that process, and give you some tips on setting up your microphone once you get it.

Gmail新增了在美国和加拿大境内拨打免费电话的功能,现在是投资购买优质电脑麦克风的绝佳时机。 我们将排除该过程中的一些猜测,并为您提供一些有关设置麦克风的提示。

The How-To Geek Guide to Computer Microphones


如何知道Windows中的TCP / IP端口上正在侦听的内容? (How Can I Tell What is Listening on a TCP/IP Port in Windows?)

Whenever an application wants to make itself accessible over the network, it claims a TCP/IP port, which means that port can’t be used by anything else. So if you need to use an in-use port, how do you tell what application is holding it?

每当应用程序想要使其自身可以通过网络访问时,它都会声明一个TCP / IP端口,这意味着该端口不能被任何其他端口使用。 因此,如果您需要使用使用中的端口,该如何判断持有该端口的应用程序是什么?

How Can I Tell What is Listening on a TCP/IP Port in Windows?

如何知道Windows中的TCP / IP端口上正在侦听的内容?

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/39436/the-20-best-how-to-geek-explainer-topics-for-2010/



  1. 深度解析K-L变换 及其 在特征识别中的应用

    1.K-L变换定义.意义  K-L变换也常称为主成分变换(PCA),是一种基于图像统计特性的变换,它的协方差矩阵除对角线以外的元素都是零(所以大家也叫它最佳变换),消除了数据之间的相关性,从而在信息压 ...

  2. 常见的变换总结与代码:DCT,STFT,K-L变换等

    文章目录 前言 一.从DFT到DCT 二.从CTFT到STFT 三.K-L变换与降维思想 四.K-L变换实例:人脸识别(含代码和详细注释) 五.参考资料 前言   之前学信号和DSP的时候,除了常见的 ...

  3. 离散KL变换原理、实例以及matlab实现

    从nnn维特征中选取m" role="presentation">mmm维特征,如何在信息损失最小的情况下选取特征(因为必然会删去n-m维特征),使得剩下的特征更加 ...

  4. 关于PCA主成分分析与KL变换

    最近看了PCA主成分分析,其中KL变化是其中的一种方法 具体的原理我转载了以下文章 http://blog.csdn.net/kingskyleader/article/details/7734710 ...

  5. KL变换生成人脸特征图

    近来课程上做了一个PCA生成特征脸的小工程,刚好实验室科研做不下去了就放松下写个博客梳理下吧,由于是用了KL变换,所以撒呼呼地去找背景知识科普时翻查了些KL散度的知识点,后来发现好像和KL变换关系不大 ...

  6. 【12月学习进度12/31——特征提取】离散KL变换原理、实例以及matlab实现(转载)

    转载自:离散KL变换原理.实例以及matlab实现 从n维特征中选取m维特征,如何在信息损失最小的情况下选取特征(因为必然会删去n-m维特征),使得剩下的特征更加有利于分类,离散K-L变换(Karhu ...

  7. 【模式识别与机器学习】——4.3离散K-L变换

    全称:Karhunen-Loeve变换(卡洛南-洛伊变换) 前面讨论的特征选择是在一定准则下,从n个特征中选出k个来反映原有模式. 这种简单删掉某n-k个特征的做法并不十分理想,因为一般来说,原来的n ...

  8. KL变换+PCA+关系

    KL变换+PCA+关系 KL变换和KL散度的关系? In mathematical statistics, the Kullback–Leibler divergence (also called r ...

  9. 主成分分析(PCA)算法,K-L变换 角度

    主成分分析(PCA)是多元统计分析中用来分析数据的一种方法,它是用一种较少数 量的特征对样本进行描述以达到降低特征空间维数的方法,它的本质实际上是K-L变换.PCA方法最著名的应用应该是在人脸识别中特 ...


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